Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire III: A Storm of Swords

Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen Caitlin

It was Robb, and she knew it the moment the barn boiled. Her eldest son had returned to Riverrun with Gray Wind, and only the smell of the great gray direwolf could make the hounds bark so wildly.He'll come to see me, she thought, and Edmure never came after seeing her once, spending all his time with Marco Piper and Patrick Mallister, listening to the limerick Raymond Praise the Battle of Stone Mill.Robb is not Edmure, and Robb will come to see me. It had been raining for days, and it was cold and gray, which suited Caitlin's mood.As the days passed, my father grew weaker and more delirious, waking up only to murmur, "Tansy," and beg for forgiveness.Edmure avoided her, and Ser Desmond Greer forbade her to move about freely in the castle despite his reluctance, but Ser Robin Rigg's empty-handed return gave her a lot of comfort.When the soldiers returned to the city, they were tired and soaked, and they seemed to have walked back.Maester Wayman says their ship was sunk by the Kingslayer.Catelyn requests to speak to Sir Robin to learn more about the situation, but is refused.

Something is wrong.On the day of her brother's return, shortly after their argument, she climbed up to the top of the castle to have a look when there were angry shouts from the courtyard below.I saw a group of people gathered at the main gate of the castle, leading the well-saddled war horses, shouting and cursing loudly, Caitlin was too far away, and couldn't hear what they were saying.A white direwolf flag was placed on the ground, a knight flew forward, trampled on the flag, and rushed out of the city gate, and several others followed suit.These people had fought alongside Edmure at the Battle of the Ferry, she understood, why were they so angry now?Could it be that the younger brother neglected them and insulted them?Among the crowd she recognized Ser Perwyn Frey - who had escorted her to and from Bitterbridge and Storm's End - and his half-brother Martin Rivers.They were so far away that no one else could see clearly. Anyway, nearly forty people left Riverrun, and it was unknown where they were going.

They didn't come back.Sir Wayman would not say who they were, where they were going, or the reason for their anger. "I have come to take care of your father, that's all, madam," he said. "Your brother will soon be Duke of Riverrun, and he can tell you all the news himself." Now Robb has returned from the West in triumph.He will forgive me, Catelyn told herself, he must forgive me, I am his mother, and Arya and Sansa are not only my daughters but also his sisters.He'll let me out, and then I'll know what's going on out there. When Ser Desmond came to see her, she was bathed and dressed, and her bay hair was brushed back. "His Majesty has returned from his expedition, madam," said the knight, "and orders you to meet him in the Great Hall."

It was the moment she dreamed of, and the moment she dreaded.I lost two sons, or three?The answer will be revealed soon. When they entered, the hall was full of people, every eye was on the dais, but Catelyn could recognize the backs: Lady Mormont in patched mail, Greatjon taller than everyone present. Father and son, Jason Mallister with the white hair and the eagle helmet tucked under his tuck, Tytos Blackwood in the magnificent raven feather cloak... some of them wanted to hang me, some People pretend not to know me.Besides that, she also had an uneasy feeling that something was missing.

Robb stood on the dais.He wasn't a child anymore, she realized painfully, he was sixteen years old, coming of age, and the war had melted away the soft lines of his face and made him lean and strong.He shaved off his beard, but left his bay hair uncut, which fell down to his shoulders.The recent rain had rusted his mail, leaving brown spots on his white cloak and coat.Maybe it was blood.Robb wore his sword crown of bronze and black iron much more freely, like a king. Edmure stood under the crowded dais, bowing his head humbly, as Robb recognized his victory. "...the warriors who died at Stonemill will never be forgotten. It was because of the strength they showed in the North and Riverrun that Lord Tywin was so frustrated that he had to turn back to Stannis." There was laughter and approval at the words, and Robb held up his hand for silence. "But we can't relax our vigilance. Lannister will attack again. For the sake of the kingdom's safety, we must continue to fight."

"Long live the King of the North!" roared the Greatjon, raising a steel fist to the sky.The lords of the Sanhe Valley also shouted: "Long live the King of the Three Rivers!".The sound of punching and stomping thundered in the hall. In the hustle and bustle, few people paid attention to Catelyn and Sir Desmond at first, but people poked each other with their arms and gradually quieted down.She held her head high, not caring about other people's eyes.Whatever they think, I only care about Robb. The rough face of Brynden Tully on the dais reassured her.A boy she didn't know was serving as Robb's squire, and behind him stood a young knight in a sand-coloured coat with six seashells painted on it, and an older knight with three black pepper pots insignia on a background of Green and silver markings.Among them were a stately old woman and a pretty young girl, who seemed to be her daughter.Also, there was a girl about Sansa's age.Haibei is the coat of arms of a small prince in the western region, and Caitlin knows it, but she doesn't know the coat of arms of the old knight.Are they prisoners?Why did Robb let the captives stand on the ledge?

Sir Desmond stepped forward to protect her, and Usseles Wayne slammed the scepter on the ground to express his silence.What if Robb treats me like Edmure?But from her son's eyes, what she saw was not anger, but something else... fear?No, it's impossible, what has he to be afraid of?He is Lord Young Wolf, King of the Trident and of the North. Uncle greeted her first.This black fish never cared about other people's opinions, he jumped off the high platform, and took Caitlin into his arms, "It's good to see you back home, Kate." She had to struggle to keep calm. "You too," she whispered.

"Mother." Catelyn looked up at her imposing son. "Your Majesty, I have prayed for your safe return, and I heard that you were injured." "An arrow went through my arm during the attack on the Crag," he said, "but the wound healed well, for I was cared for best in the world." "Gods bless." Caitlin let out a long breath.Say it, there's no escaping it. "They must have reported my deeds to you, and have they explained my reasons?" "For the two girls." "I've had five kids, now I'm down to three."

"Yes, my lady." Lord Rickard Karstark stepped forward, pushing the Greatjon aside. His black mail and long thick gray beard made him look like a sullen ghost. Cold and painful. "I also had three sons, and now only one is left... You have deprived me of the right to revenge!" Caitlin faced him calmly. "Lord Rickard, the death of the kingslayer cannot be exchanged for your son's life, but letting him go back alive can guarantee my daughter's return." The earl was not convinced, "Jaime Lannister used you as a gunman and a fool! You got nothing more than a bunch of empty words, that's all! My Toren and Ed will never be buried like this."

"Forget it, Karstark," muttered the Greatjon, folding his thick arms over his chest, "it's mother's madness, women are born that way." "Mother's madness?" Lord Karstark turned to Lord Umber, "I call it betrayal!" "Enough." For a moment, Robb sounded more like Brandon than his father. "Don't call the Lady of Winterfell a traitor in my presence, Lord Rickard." He turned to Catelyn, his voice softening. "I want to bring the kingslayer back. You let him go without telling me, let alone asking for my consent... But I understand that everything you did was for love, for Arya and Sansa, mourning the loss of Bran and Rickon. From my own perspective, I have learned that love is not always wise, it often leads us to folly, but we are human and act according to our emotions... …regardless of the consequences. Right, Mother?"

Is it? "I sincerely apologize to you and Lord Karstark if my emotions have led me to folly." Lord Rickard was furious, "The Kingslayer killed my Torrhen and Eddard, and you just apologize?" He squeezed between Greatjon and Maggie Mormont, and left the hall. Robb didn't stop him. "Forgive him, Mother." "If you will forgive me." "I've forgiven you. I love you so much that you can't think about the rest." Caitlin looked down, "Thank you." At least I haven't lost the baby yet. "We've got to talk," continued Robb, "you and uncle, uncle, to stay and talk about this... and other things. Sir, call the meeting over." Utheres Wayne struck the ground with his staff and shouted to dismiss the meeting, and the princes of the Three Rivers and the Northlanders left together.Caitlin suddenly realized what was missing - a wolf.The wolf is not there.What happened to Gray Wind?The direwolf had obviously come back with Robb, and she heard the dogs barking.But he was not in the hall, not with her son, where did he go? Before she could ask Robb, she was surrounded by a group of people who came to express their kindness.Lady Mormont took her hand. "Ma'am, if Cersei Lannister caught my two daughters, I would do the same." The informal Greatjon squeezed her big, fluffy arms. She raised her arms and lifted her up, "Your little wolf cub has defeated the Kingslayer, and when we meet on the battlefield in the future, let's do it again." Gabriel Glover and Earl Jason Mallister were relatively calm , and Janos Bracken bordering on indifference, but their words were all quite polite.The younger brother came last, "I pray for your daughters too, Kate, I hope you don't doubt." "Of course not," she kissed him, "I love you." When the blessing was over, the great halls of Riverrun were empty except for Robb, the three Tullys, and six strangers Catelyn didn't know.She eyed them curiously, "Gentlemen and ladies, are you new to my son's business?" "Yes," said the young knight with the seashell badge, "although we are newcomers, we are brave and loyal, as you will see, madam." Robb looked uncomfortable. "Mother," he said, "permit me to introduce you to Lady Sybell, the wife of Gavin Westerling, Earl of Crag City." Forest captive." Westerling?Yes, Catelyn thought, their banner is six white seashells on sand.This small family is loyal to the Lannisters. Robb beckoned the other strangers to come forward in turn. "Ser Rover Spicer (Note), Lady Sybell's elder brother, he acted as acting castellan when our army attacked Cliff City." The knight with the pepper pot coat of arms nodded.He was a stocky man with a broken nose and a short gray beard, and he looked quite formidable. "These are the children of Lord Gavin and Lady Sybell. Sir Leonard Westerling." The knight with the sea shell badge smiled slightly under his bushy mustache.He was young, lean, rugged, with healthy teeth and a thick mass of chestnut hair. "Elinia," the little girl curtseyed quickly. "Loram Westerling, my servant," the boy wanted to kneel down, but seeing that no one was kneeling, he hastily changed to bowing. "It's a great honor," Caitlin said.Robb took over the Westerlings of Crag City?If so, there is nothing surprising.However, Casterly Rock City must not be able to swallow such a betrayal.Yes, not since Tywin Lannister could ride a horse into battle... The beautiful girl was the last one to step forward, acting very shy.Robb took her hand. "Mother," he said, "it is my greatest honor to present to you Miss Jeyne Westerling, Lord Gavin's eldest daughter, my... er... my wife." The first thought that crossed Caitlin's mind was: No, that's not possible, you're just a kid. The second is: besides, you have already committed one. The third is: Our Lady of Mercy, Robb, what have you done? Then she understood.A folly committed for love?He put me into a trap like a rabbit so cleanly that I had to forgive him and accept him.Catelyn was annoyed, yet felt a tinge of frustrated admiration, the play was so cleverly played... that's how a king's game should be.Kaitlyn had no choice but to hold Jenny Westerling's hand. "I have another daughter," she said, but her voice was harsh, and she kissed him on both cheeks. "Welcome to our hall and share our fireplace." "Thank you, ma'am, I will be a good and faithful wife to Robb, and I swear I will be as good a queen as I can." queen.Yes, this pretty little girl is queen, I must remember.She was impeccably beautiful, with curly chestnut hair, a heart-shaped face, and that shy smile.She was slender but had big hips, and Caitlyn thought she would be fine with having a baby. Mrs. Sybell raised a hand, "Ma'am, we are honored to join the Stark family's cause, but at this moment we have rushed from the west, and we are exhausted. Your Majesty, can we go back to the room first, so that you and your mother can have a good time?" What about talking?" "That's the best," said Robb, kissing Jeyne, "the steward will arrange lodgings for you. "I will take you to him," Ser Edmure Tully offered. "It's very kind of you," said Mrs. Sybell. "Shall I go too?" asked Loram the boy. "I am your squire." Robb laughed, "But I don't need a valet just yet." "Oh." said the boy solemnly. "Your Majesty has been without you for sixteen years, Loram," said Sir Leonard of the Seashell Badge. "A few more hours will do me no harm, in my opinion." He took his brother's hand firmly. , take the opponent out of the hall. "Your wife is very lovely," Caitlin said when all the Westerlings were out of earshot, "their family seems to be very respectable... Well, Lord Gavin is a vassal of Tywin Lannister ,Right?" "Yes. He was captured by Jason Mallister in the Whispering Forest, and is currently being held in Sea Front City for ransom. Whether he wants to join us or not, I will release him immediately. I am afraid we did not ask for his consent. Just married and put him in an extremely dangerous situation. The cliff city is alone and weak, and for the love of me, Jane may lose everything." "And you," she said softly, "lost the Freys." He froze for a moment.She understood, understood the angry shouts, understood the departure of Perwyn Frey and Martin Rivers, understood their trampling of the direwolf banner. "Pray, how many troops has your bride brought you, Robb?" "Fifty people, including a dozen knights." His voice was gloomy, just as she expected.At the beginning, Twin River City generously sent 1,000 knights and nearly 3,000 foot soldiers to conclude the marriage contract. "Mother, Jenny is not only smart and beautiful, but also very kind. She has a gentle heart." You need an army, not a tender heart.How could you do that, Robb?How could you be so reckless, so reckless?How could you be so...so...childish.But there was nothing to say now, she just asked, "Tell me how it all happened." "I took her castle, and she took my heart." Robb smiled. "The Crag was weakly defended, so we stormed and succeeded in one night. Black Walder and Littlejon led the team up the walls, and I urged the battering rams to storm the main gate. When Ser Rover surrendered the city, I took an arrow in the hand. At first I thought nothing of it, but soon I got infected. Jeyne had me carried to her bed, and nursed me until the fever subsided. Meanwhile, the Greatjon brought news about... about Winterfell... …about Bran and Rickon. She's with me." It seemed difficult for him to name his brothers. "That night... that night, she... she comforted me, Mother." It goes without saying that Catelyn understood what kind of comfort Jeyne Westerling gave her son. "You married her the next day." He looked into her eyes with pride and sourness, "Only by doing this can the honor be maintained. She is gentle and sweet, mother, really, she will be a good wife to me." "Perhaps it will, but it will not please Lord Frey." "I see," said the son, frustrated, "I've screwed up everything but the war, haven't I? I really thought the war was the hardest, but... if I'd listen to you and keep Theon hostage , the North will be kept, and Bran and Rickon will live, safe in Winterfell." "Maybe, maybe not. With or without Theon, Lord Balon may start a war. Don't forget, last time he paid two sons for the crown, this time he only needs one, which may be considered a good deal." Business." She touched his arm. "How did the Freys react after you got married?" Robb shook his head. "If Sir Stevron was still around, at least he could make amends, but Sir Lyman is as dull as a stone, and Black Walder... that guy's name is not because of the color of his beard, I assure you. He is too much." To claim that his great-aunts don't mind marrying widowers. If Jenny hadn't begged me for mercy, I'd have killed him!" "You insulted House Frey, Robb." "It was not my intention. Sir Stevron died fighting for me, and Oliver was a valiant squire, even begging to stay with me, before he was forcibly taken away by Sir Lyman. He also took All their troops. The Greatjon urged me to attack..." "A strong enemy surrounds you, and you still want to fight in the nest?" she said, "It's just nonsense!" "I don't agree either... Maybe we can arrange someone else for Lord Walder's daughter. Wendel Manderly proposed to marry me in my place, and the Greatjon said his uncles wanted a continuation. If Lord Walder is reasonable— " "He can't be 'reasonable' at all," Catelyn said. "He's too proud and irascible to take slights. You know he wants to be the king's father-in-law, and now you're giving him two old wretches How can he be satisfied with the second son of the biggest fat man in the Seven Kingdoms? You have to think about it clearly, breaking the oath is a layer, and marrying a girl from a family of small princes is a great insult to Twin River City. " These words made Robb excited. "The blood of the Westerling family is far older than the Frey family. They have a long history and are descendants of the First Men. Before the war of conquest, the kings of Casterly Rock often intermarried with the Westerling family, and nearly three hundred years ago , another Jeyne Westerling was Queen Maegor." "All of this is rubbing salt in Lord Walder's wounds. He hates these famous families, and hates them for treating the Freys as upstarts. He made it obvious when I went to the Twins to negotiate, He hates Jon Arryn for not adopting his grandson, and hates my father even more for refusing to let Edmure marry his daughter." She nodded at him when her brother returned from business. "Your Majesty," Blackfish Brynden said, "Let's find a private place to discuss this matter." "Yes," Robb said, sounding tired, "Jesus, I just want a glass of wine. Let's go to the drawing room." As she walked up the stairs, Caitlin asked the question that had been bugging her ever since she entered the hall. "Robb, where is Gray Wind?" "Eating leg of lamb in the yard. I specially asked the animal house manager to prepare it." "Don't you always keep him by your side?" "It's not polite to keep a direwolf in the hall. You've seen him get fidgety, yelling and biting. Well, I wouldn't have taken him into battle if I had known, he's killed too many people, and now he doesn't Not afraid of life. Jenny was always uneasy around him, and her mother was afraid of him." That's right, Caitlin thought. "He's a part of you, Robb, and to be afraid of him is to be afraid of you." "I'm not a wolf, no matter what people say!" Robb was a little angry. "Grey Wind killed one person each in the attack on Crag City and Brand City, and killed six or seven people in the Battle of Oxford. If you see—" "I've seen Bran's wolves rip the throats of the living with my own eyes at Winterfell," she said sharply. "I like him that way." "It's not the same thing. The knight Jane who died in the Crag City has known since she was a child. She was afraid. Is it her fault? Now Gray Wind hates her uncle. Whenever he sees Sir Rover, he will bark." If you grin your teeth, you will..." A chill passed by. "Listen to me, send Sir Rover away at once." "Send away? A joke! Send where? Send back to Crag, so the Lannisters can put his head in a gun? Mother, Jeyne loves him, and he's not only her uncle, but a good knight. I need a thousand Rover Spicer instead of taking off the brave man just because my wolves don't like the smell of him." "Robb." She stopped and grabbed his arm. "I advised you to keep Theon Greyjoy, and you did not listen; and now I advise you again. Let this man go. I am not asking you to remove him, you can give He's looking for a mission, a mission that requires courage and honor, and it doesn't matter what it is . . . the important thing is not to keep him around." He frowned. "So, should I let Gray Wind smell all my knights? What if there are other people who don't like the smell?" "People who Gray Wind doesn't like, drive them away. Robb, you must understand that these direwolves are not just wolves, but a gift from the gods to our family. They are your father's god, the old god of the north. Given. Five kits, Robb, and five kits correspond to five Stark children." "Six of them," said Robb, "and one for Jon. I found 'em, remember? I know where they came from, and how many. I thought they were us once, as you did." bodyguards, messengers of the gods, until..." "Until?" she prompts. Robb pressed his lips together. "...until they told me Theon murdered Bran and Rickon, it was clear that two wolves couldn't save the brothers. Mother, I'm no longer a child, I'm a king and can defend myself." He sighed . "I'll find a quest for Sir Rover and get him to go. Not because of his smell, but for you. You've had enough." Catelyn kissed Robb on the cheek in relief before anyone else had turned the corner of the stairs.For a moment, he was her child again, not her king. Duke Horst's private reception room is on the top of the hall. The room is small and suitable for private communication.Robb took the high seat, took off his crown and put it on the ground beside him, Catelyn rang the bell to summon the wine, and Edmure told his uncle about the Battle of Stonemill.After the servants left, Heiyu cleared his throat, "We've heard enough of your showing off, nephew." Edmure was confused. "Show off? What do you mean?" "What I mean is," Heiyu said, "you should thank His Majesty for his tolerance. He is acting in the hall to prevent you from making a fool of yourself in front of your vassals. If it were me, I would mercilessly reprimand your stupidity and decide I will not praise those Xu Weigong!" "In the Battle of the Ferry, countless warriors sacrificed their lives. Uncle, you should respect them." Edmure was very angry, "What's the matter, no one should win except Young Wolf Lord? I stole your glory, Robb?" "Your Majesty," Robb corrected dryly. "Do you admit that I am your king, Uncle, and don't even remember that?" Heiyu said, "The order given to you is to stay in Riverrun, Edmure, that's all." "I defended Riverrun and defeated Lord Tywin..." "True," said Robb, "but defeat is not victory, is it? Have you ever asked yourself why we stayed in the West after Oxford? You know I'm not strong enough to threaten Lannisport or Casterly Rock." "Why...to occupy other castles...money, livestock..." "Hell, you think we're staying to be robbers?" Robb said in disbelief. "Uncle, I'm trying to lure Lord Tywin west." "Our army is cavalry," Ser Brynden explained. "Most of the Lannister army is infantry. We plan to let Lord Tywin happily chase it for a while, to the sea, and then slip past it, across the golden road. , occupy a solid defensive position. My scout has found a place, the terrain is extremely favorable, if he attacks there, he will pay a heavy price; if he does not attack, he will be trapped in the west, not only thousands of miles away from where he is needed And they are always consuming their own resources instead of plundering the princes of the Three Rivers." "In the meantime, Lord Stannis will take King's Landing," said Robb, "and we'll get rid of Joffrey, the Queen, and the Imp, and then I'll make peace with him." Edmure looked at his uncle, then at his nephew, "You never told me the plan." "I told you to hold Riverrun," said Robb. "What is it about this order that you don't understand?" "You stopped Duke Tywin at the Red Fork River," Blackfish said. "Oh, you held it for a long time, just in time for the messenger from Bitterbridge to catch up with his army. Join Matus Rowan and Randyll Tarly near the source, and make a hasty march to Tumbling Falls where Mace Tyrell and his two sons are waiting with an army and a fleet of barges. So they join forces They went down the river, landed half a day's ride from King's Landing, and attacked Stannis from behind." Catelyn has seen King Renly's procession at Bitterbridge.Thousands of golden roses fluttered in the wind. Queen Margaery smiled shyly and spoke softly. Her brother, the Knight of Flowers, was handsome despite a linen bandage on his forehead.If you must fall into the arms of a woman, why not Margaery Tyrell, my son?Highgarden's wealth and army were enough to turn the tide, and maybe Gray Wind would still like her taste. Edmure languished, "I don't want at all... I don't want to... Robb, you have to make me make it up, just let me be the striker in the next battle!" This is compensation, brother?Or for honor?Caitlin was skeptical. "The next battle," Robb mused, "well, the next battle will come soon. I have no doubt that the Lannisters will fight again when Joffrey is married, and this time, they have a hint." The support of the Lears...maybe I'll have to deal with the Freys too, Rohiwald... "Theon Greyjoy sits on your father's throne, with the blood of your brothers on his hands, and all enemies must be put aside except him," Catelyn told her son. "A lord's first duty is to protect his people, Robb, and you, as king, must either win Winterfell back and hang Theon in a raven cage to rot slowly; or give up the crown forever—because people will not regard you as a true king." From the way Robb looked at her, she judged it had been a long time since anyone had dared to speak so frankly. "When they told me that Winterfell had fallen, my first thought was to return to the North," he said, with a touch of defense. "I wanted to go and rescue Bran and Rickon, but I thought... I never dreamed Theon would hurt them, really, if I..." "It's too late to say 'what if', and it's too late to rescue," Caitlin said. "All that's left is revenge." "According to the latest news from the north, Sir Rodrik defeated the troops of the Iron Islands near Torrhen's Square, and then regrouped in Seven City, preparing to take back Winterfell." Robb said. "He may have succeeded, because we haven't received further news for a long time. Taking a step back, if I go back to the north, what will happen to the Sanhe area? It is impossible for me to ask the princes of Sanhe to abandon their people to go out with me." "No," Caitlin said, "leave them and let them fend for themselves. We'll win the North back with the Northlanders." "How did your northerners get to the north?" Edmure asked back, "The Iron Islands not only controlled the Sea of ​​the Setting Sun, but also occupied Cailin Bay. For ten thousand years, no army has been able to capture it from the south." Moat Cailin, it would be madness to march even there. We could well be stranded on the causeway with the ironborn in front and the angry Freys behind." "That's why House Frey must be won back," said Robb. "With them, there is no chance of success - no matter how small; without their support, I see no hope. I would give Lord Walder anything." ...Apology, honor, land, money... there must be something to soothe his wounded pride..." "Things can't be done," Caitlin said, "but people can."
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