Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire III: A Storm of Swords

Chapter 13 Chapter 12 Tyrion

The eunuch, wearing a loose pink silk robe, walked through the door humming an out-of-key tune, smelling like lemons.He stopped short, startled at the sight of Tyrion sitting by the fire. "Lord Tyrion," he snapped, giggling nervously. "So you remember me? That's surprising." "It's good to see you so strong and healthy." Varys smiled flatteringly. "But I must confess that I did not expect to meet you in my hut." "It's indeed a shabby room, a bit exaggeratedly shabby." Tyrion only sneaked in after his father summoned Varys.The eunuch's quarters, located under the northern city wall, were small and cramped, consisting of only three compact, windowless rooms. "I hoped to find a few vats of interesting secrets, but I didn't even find a piece of paper." The octospider must have a secret passage to and fro, but unfortunately, he still found nothing in this regard. "And, gods behold, your flagon is filled with water," continued Tyrion. "The bedroom is no bigger than a coffin, and the bed... is it really stone, or does it feel like it?"

Varys closed the door and bolted it. "My lord, my back pain is tormenting me so much that I have to sleep on something hard." "I thought you were the one who slept on the feather bed." "This is amazing. How can you misunderstand me like this? Are you angry with me?" "Where, I said, I trust you as my blood relatives." "Oh, my lord, after the Battle of the Blackwater River, it was difficult for me to hide aside. You see, my situation is very delicate, and your scar is so terrible..." He shrugged exaggeratedly, "Your Poor nose..."

Tyrion rubbed his scar angrily. "Perhaps I should get a new nose, made of solid gold. What do you suggest, Varys? Can I have a nose like yours that can sniff out secrets? Can I tell the goldsmith to make it like my father's nose?" He smiled. "My noble father has been devoted to state affairs recently, devoting himself to the affairs of state, and disappearing all day long. Tell me, he has really resumed his position as an important minister of the Grand Bachelor of Pycelle?" "Yes, my lord." "For this, I should thank my dear old sister?" Pycelle is his sister's minion, and Tyrion deprived him of his position, dignity and even his beard, and threw him into a black prison.

"Not so, my lord, it is due to the pressure of the magistrates of Oldtown. They insist that Pycelle must be reinstated, because the appointment and removal of grand maesters is for the cardinal to decide." Damned fools, Tyrion thought, "remember cruel Maegor deposed three with the hangman." "Exactly," said Varys. "Aegon II also fed Grand Master Gladys to the dragon." "It's a pity, I don't have a dragon, but I can soak Pycelle in wildfire and ignite it, and the effect is almost the same. What will the Academy think about this?" "Oh, don't be so cruel, the doctors are just adhering to the tradition." The eunuch snickered. "Actually, the cardinal is quite clever. He has long accepted the fait accompli of Pycelle's resignation, and started to choose a successor. At first, they carefully considered Bachelor Tequin, the son of the cobbler, and Bachelor Eric, the illegitimate son of the wandering knight, to show that Ability takes precedence over birth, and in the end, the chosen candidate was Maester Gormon, a member of House Tyrell of Highgarden. I reported the news to your lord father, and he took immediate action."

The Cardinal would meet in the Citadel of Oldtown, Tyrion thought, and the contents of the meeting would be secret, and there was no doubt that Varys had little birds there. "I see. Father decided to pick the rose before it bloomed." He couldn't help but chuckle. "Pycelle is a nasty toad, but a Lannister toad is better than a Tyrell toad, isn't it?" "Grand Maester Pycelle has always been a friend of your family," Varys said sweetly. "Perhaps you will be more relieved to learn that Ser Boros Brawne has also been reinstated." Boros?Brawne's white robes are stripped by Cersei herself, for Bywater did not defend her son to the death when Bywater captured Tommen on the Rosby Road.He wasn't a friend of Tyrion's, but presumably hated Cersei just as much after this.This is very important. "Braun is a bravado coward," he said lightly.

"Really? Oh, how sad. But, according to tradition, the Kingsguard is for life, and perhaps Boros will be useful in the future. After this ordeal, he will undoubtedly become very loyal." "Loyal to my father," said Tyrion sharply. "Speaking of the Kingsguard... I wonder if this surprising visit of yours has anything to do with Ser Boros' dead brother, our valiant Ser Mandon? Ser Moore?" The eunuch touched his powdered cheek. "Your Bronn seems to have taken a sudden interest in him." Bronn had investigated Ser Mandon as best he could, but there was no doubt that Varys knew more... if he would share it. "The man seems to have few friends," said Tyrion cautiously.

"What a pity," said Varys. "Oh, what a pity. If you would extend your search to the Vale, you might find his relatives. But in King's Landing... the Lord Arryn brought him, Lawrence. Bo gave him a white robe, that's all, neither of them gave him extra care. Although he is superior in strength, he is not the kind of person that ordinary people are willing to cheer for in a martial arts tournament. What is even more strange is that he and I don't know any of my brothers in the Iron Guard. Someone once heard Ser Barristan say that Ser Mandon has no friends but a sword, no life but duties... You see, I don't think Selmy's words are quite true. Compliments. Just think about it and it's queer, isn't it? He's the perfect Kingsguard, unencumbered by any family, whose sole purpose in life is to protect the king. And now he's dead as a Kingsguard Hold the sword in your hand, and sacrifice your life heroically to protect the royal family." The eunuch smiled greasyly and stared at him sharply.

You mean, trying to murder the royal family and dying?Tyrion suspects Varys knows more than he lets on.What was said just now was roughly the same as Polon's report, and neither was news to him.What he needs is a link to Cersei to prove that Ser Mandon is her minion.No one can do whatever he wants, he reflected bitterly, and got what he wanted... "I did not come for Ser Mandon." "I can see it," said the eunuch across the room to the flagon of water. "Will I serve you, my lord?" he said, filling a glass. "Okay. But I don't want water," he folded his hands. "I want you to bring Shae."

Varys took a sip. "Is that wise, my lord? She was a dear and sweet child, and it would be very sad to be hanged by your lord father." He was not surprised that the eunuch knew this. "Yeah, it's not wise, it's almost crazy. But I want to see her one last time before sending her away because I just can't bear to be so close and not be able to make out with her." "I understand." How can you possibly understand?Tyrion had just met Shae yesterday, when she was climbing the spiral staircase with the bucket.A young knight came to help, and she touched his arm and smiled at him, and Tyrion saw his intestines knotted.He passed her by, only a few inches away, he went down, she climbed up, the fragrance of her hair was in his nostrils. "My lord," she said, curtseying, he wanted to reach out and grab her and kiss her on the spot, but instead he nodded stiffly and staggered away. "I've seen her a few times," he told Varys, "but dare not speak. I suspect all my movements are being watched."

"My lord, you are right to be so suspicious." "Who?" He looked up. "Brother Kettleblack often reports on your situation to your lovely sister." "Damn, how much gold did I pay these three scumbags... Do you think it's possible for me to buy them back with more money?" "Opportunities always exist, but if I were you, I wouldn't bet on it. The three of them have become knights, and Lingjie promised them to continue to be promoted." A wicked smile appeared on the eunuch's lips. "The oldest one, Sir Osmond of the Kingsguard, dreamed of other forms of... favoring... cluck. I don't doubt that for every copper Her Majesty offers, you may increase your price accordingly, but she has one resources, you can't do it anyway."

The Seven Hells, Tyrion thought, "Cersei looking for Osmond? Kettleblack cheating?" "Oh, my God, I didn't say that, what a terrible thing it is, don't you think? However, Her Majesty only needs to hint... maybe tomorrow, maybe after the wedding is over... a smile, a whisper, An obscene one-liner... just casually rubbing his chest against his sleeve... is enough. Well, after all, how can the eunuch understand these things?" The tip of his tongue, like a shy pink animal, slid across lower lip. If I could manage to get them over the line of flirting and arrange for father to be caught in bed... Tyrion touched the scar on his nose.He couldn't figure out how to do it, maybe there will be plans in the future. "The only ones watching me are the Kettleblack brothers?" "That's all right, my lord, I'm afraid there are many eyes on you. You... how should I put it? You are very conspicuous, and I must admit, sadly, that you are not very popular. Genos Slynt's sons would love to avenge their father, and our dear Petyr has friends in half the whorehouses in King's Landing. If you're stupid enough to visit any of them, he'll know, and then your lord father will know." Worse than I feared. "Where is my father? Who did he send to watch me?" This time the eunuch laughed out loud. "Haha, that's me, my lord." Tyrion laughed too.He was no fool to trust Varys - but the information the eunuch had now was enough to kill Shae, and he didn't say it, obviously there was room for it. "I want you to bring Shae through the secret passage, so that no one will notice, just like before." Varys wrung his hands. "Oh, my lord, I am very happy to be of service to you, but... listen to me, King Maegor doesn't want the walls of his building to have ears. Of course, in order to prevent being trapped, he did leave a secret passage, but This passage is not connected to any other passage. That is to say, I can steal your Shae away from Miss Norris for a while, but there is no way I can take her to your bedroom without losing her halfway. Let people find out." "Then take it elsewhere." "Where are you taking it? It's not safe anywhere." "There are safe places," Tyrion grinned. "Here it is. I think your hard rock bed will come in handy." The eunuch opened his mouth wide, then giggled. "Lorise is pregnant with a child, and she is prone to fatigue recently. I guess she will fall asleep when the moon rises." Tyrion jumped off his chair. "Then, when the moon rises. You get me some wine, and two clean glasses." Varys bowed, "As you wish." The rest of the day was as slow as a worm crawling through molasses.Tyrion boarded the castle library and tried to distract himself with "The History of the Rhoynar War" written by Bedgar, but found that he couldn't see the elephant's deeds at all, and all he thought about was Shae's smile.In the afternoon, he put down his books and ordered someone to prepare bath water.He scrubbed furiously until the water cooled before letting Pod shave him.The beard is a mess, a mess of yellow, white and black hair, which is very ugly, and the advantage is that it can hide the face. When Tyrion had washed and groomed his beard as clean as he could, he rummaged through the wardrobe and found a pair of crimson satin breeches, the Lannister colors, and his best tunic, a thick black Velvet-embellished lion's head buttons.He would still be wearing it if his father hadn't stolen it while he lay dying on his bed.He didn't realize his stupidity until he was dressed: seven hells, idiot dwarf, lost his head as well as his nose?Anyone who sees your attire will be surprised. Is there such a reason to wear a formal dress to meet eunuchs?So Tyrion cursed as he undressed and changed, this time to something more modest: black wool breeches, an old white tunic, and a vest of faded brown leather.It's okay, he told himself as he waited for the moon to rise, it's okay.No matter what you wear, you'll be a dwarf, you'll never be a tall knight, you'll never have long legs, abs, and broad, imposing shoulders. The moon finally appeared above the city, he hurriedly told Podrick?Payne, I'm going to visit Varys. "Will it be long, my lord?" the boy asked. "Oh, I hope so." The Red Keep was so crowded that Tyrion's travels could not have been concealed.Baron?Ser Swann stood guard at the gate, but Loras on the drawbridge?Ser Tyrell.He stopped and exchanged a few words with them respectively.The Knight of Flowers used to be dressed in colorful clothes, but now it's a bit strange to see him dressed in white. "How old are you, Ser Loras?" Tyrion asked him. "Seventeen, my lord." Seventeen years old and so handsome, he has become a legend, half the girls in the Seven Kingdoms want to sleep with him, and all the boys want to be him. "Forgive my presumptuousness, sir—why did you choose to join the Kingsguard at seventeen?" "Prince Aemon the Dragonknight was sworn in when he was seventeen," said Ser Loras, "and your brother Jaime was even younger when he joined." "I know their reasons. What about you? Why are you? To fight alongside our model knights, Marlin Tran and Boros Braun?" He gave the boy a mocking smile. "To protect the king, you gave up your life, your land, your title, and the hope of getting married and having children..." "House Tyrell will continue through my brothers," Ser Loras said. "There is no need for a third son to breed." "It's not necessary, but most people would enjoy the pleasure of it. Love, sir, for example?" "When the sun goes down, there is no substitute for a candle." "Is that the lyrics?" Tyrion looked up and smiled. "Yes, you're only seventeen, I understand now." Ser Loras tightened. "You laugh at me?" He is a boy with a lot of self-esteem. "No, forgive me if I offend you. Well, I mean, I've loved and I've had a song." I'm in love with a girl as beautiful as a summer day, with the sun in her hair .He bade Ser Loras good night and went on. A group of soldiers were fighting dogs near the menagerie, and Tyrion paused to watch for a moment.The little dog tore off half of the big dog's face, and he commented that the loser is like Sandor?Clegane, for a few rough laughs and cheers.Then he continued towards the north wall, hoping that he had dispelled the soldiers' possible suspicions.Going down the short stairs leading to the eunuch's humble quarters, when he was about to knock on the door, the door opened automatically. "Varys?" Tyrion slipped in. "Is that you?" A candle was dimly lit, and the air was scented with jasmine. "My lord," a woman slipped into the light, plump and plump, with a face as round as a pink moon and a head of thick black curly hair.Tyrion took a step back. "Trouble, my lord?" she asked. It was Varys, he realized with exasperation. "You frightened me. I thought you Shae didn't steal it, but brought Norris. Where is she?" "Here, my lord." She shaded his eyes with her hand from behind. "Guess what I'm wearing?" "Nothing?" "Oh, what a clever lord," she pursed her lips and pulled her hands away. "How do you know?" "What's so difficult about it? You're most beautiful when you're not wearing anything." "Really?" she said. "Really?" "Well, of course." "Then why don't you go to bed with me, don't talk." "Very well, but we need to get rid of 'Mrs. Varys' first, a dwarf I don't like to be watched when I make love." "He's gone," said Shae. Tyrion turned his head to look, and sure enough, the eunuch in the skirt had disappeared without a trace.Wherever there is a secret door, it is nearby.As soon as he thought of this, Shae turned his head and kissed him.Those lips were wet and hungry, and she didn't care about his scars and scabbed nose.He reached out, and the woman's skin was like warm silk, and when his thumb brushed her nipple, it hardened immediately. "Quick," she urged while kissing, his fingers reaching for the lace, "oh, quick, quick, I want to feel you in me, in me, in me." He didn't even have time to take off his clothes, Snow Yi pulled it out of his crotch, then pinned him to the ground and climbed onto it.As he penetrated her pussy, she screamed and rode wildly. "My giant, my giant, my giant," she moaned every time she sat down, "my giant, my giant, my giant," Tyrion was so horny that he was on the fifth blow. Came out, but Shae didn't complain.She felt his squirt, smiled mischievously, leaned over and kissed the sweat off his forehead. "My Lannister giant," she whispered, "please don't pull it out, I like the way it feels inside me." So Tyrion didn't move, just wrapped his arms around the woman.It was a beautiful feeling to lean on each other and hug tightly, he thought to himself, how could such a beautiful person make her suffer and let her be hanged? "Shae," he said, "my dear, I'm sorry, this will be the last time we have fun together. It's really dangerous, if you are found by my lord father..." "I love your scar," she ran her fingers along his nose, "it makes you look so powerful." He laughed out loud, "You mean very ugly." "Where is it! In my eyes, my lord, you will always be the most handsome!" she said, kissing the scab on Tyrion's rotten nose. "Okay, what you should care about is not my face, but my father—" "I'm not afraid of him. Will my lord give me back my jewels and silks? When you were wounded, I asked Varys if I could have them back, but he wouldn't. What would happen to them if you were dead?" How about it?" "I'm not dead, I'm here in good health." "Oh, I know," Shae smiled and writhed as she pressed against him, "You belong here, my lord." She pouted again, "But the battle is over, how long do I have to stay with Luo Lisi what?" "Didn't you listen to me just now?" Tyrion said, "Of course, if you like, you can stay with Norris, but I suggest you better leave King's Landing." "No, I don't want to leave. You promised that you would give me a new house after the war." She gently squeezed his vagina with her lower body, and it hardened again. "A Lannister must pay his debts, you clearly agreed." "Oh, my God, Shae, stop it, damn it. Listen to me. You have to go, the city is full of Tyrells, and I'm being watched day and night. You don't understand the danger." "Can I attend the king's wedding banquet? Norris is afraid to go. I have repeatedly explained to her that no one will rape her in the throne room, but she is too stupid to believe it." Shae rolled over and lay down. It slipped out of her with a soft, moist sound. "Simon said there was a singing contest, some juggling, and even a clown contest." Tyrion had almost forgotten about the damn singer next to Shae. "Simon?" "I introduced him to the Countess of Tanda, and she hired him to play for Norris, the fat cow whose music calms her down whenever her baby starts kicking. Simon said to me, During the banquet, people will watch the bear dance while drinking red wine from Arbor Island. I have never seen a dancing bear." "What's the point? They can't dance as well as I do." He was worried about the singer, not the bear.If this person leaks the news, it will cause Xue Yi to die. "Simon said there were seventy-seven courses and a big baked pie with a hundred pigeons in it," Shae went on, "cut the crackling and they all flew out at once." "Yeah, and then parked on the beams and rained shit on the guests." Tyrion, who had suffered from wedding pies, had always suspected that the pigeons were particularly fond of targeting him. "Can I go to the banquet in silk and velvet, as a lady instead of a maid? My lord, no one will know." Everyone will know, Tyrion thought. "Countess Tanda will definitely become suspicious of Lolis's maid who created so many jewels out of thin air." "Simon said there are thousands of guests, I just don't want her to see it. I will find a dark corner in the lower table, and whenever you need to go to the bathroom, I will sneak out." She held the words and stroked them gently. . "I don't wear underwear under the skirt, so that adults don't have to undress me." She teased with her fingers up and down. "I can do that if you like." She took the cock in her mouth. Tyrion was already poised to go, but this time he held out longer.When it was done, Shae crawled back and curled up naked under his arms. "You'll admit me, won't you?" "Shae," he sighed, "it's not safe." For a long time afterwards, she said nothing.Trying to talk about something else, Tyrion found himself confronted by a respectful but sullen wall, as cold and blunt as the Wall in the north.The candles burned shorter and shorter, flickering erratically.By gods, he thought, after what happened to Tessa, there is no way I can let it happen again, and I can't give father anything to blame.He fantasized about giving her a satisfactory promise, fantasizing that she would take his hand and walk back to the bedroom together, fantasizing about making her wear silk and velvet and get her wish.Had he had the choice, he would have sat with her at Joffrey's wedding feast, and danced with the bears as she pleased.But first, he couldn't let her die. After the candle was extinguished, Tyrion let go of Shae, lit another one, and walked along the wall, knocking on each other, searching for the secret door.Shae folded her thighs, wrapped her arms around her knees, stared at him, and finally said, "The secret staircase is under the bed." He looked at her in disbelief, "The stone bed? It's solid, at least half a ton in weight." "I don't know, Varys flips it somewhere and it goes up. I asked him how, and he said it was magic." "Aha," Tyrion couldn't help grinning, "leverage magic, it seems." Shae stood up. "I've got to go. Loris' baby is restless sometimes, and she'll wake up and call me." "Well, it's time for Varys to be back, maybe he's down there listening to us," Tyrion said as he put down the candle. There was a wet spot on the front of his breeches, but no one would have noticed in the dark.He asks Shae to get dressed and wait for the eunuch. "Yes," she promised. "You are my lion, are you not? My Lannister giant?" "Yes," he said. "And you're—" "—your whore." She pressed a finger to his lips. "I know, I know who I am. I dream of being your lover, but that's impossible, or you'll take me to a party. It doesn't matter, I'm satisfied with being your whore, Tyrion My lord, my lion, please keep me and protect me." The sweetness and innocence of the whole world are written on her young face. "I will," he promises.Fool, fool, a voice inside screams, why do you say that?You are here to see her off!Instead, he kissed her once more at parting. The way back is lonely and long.Podrick?Pine had fallen asleep on the trundle at the foot of the bed, and he woke the boy. "Bron," he said. "Sir Bronn?" Pod rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Uh, you want me to go find him? My lord?" "Ah, no, I wanted to talk to you about his attire," said Tyrion, sarcasm wasted when he saw Pod's open-mouthed puzzled expression.He had to elaborate, "Yes, get him. Bring him here. Go." The boy hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out.Am I that scary?Tyrion thought as he changed into his nightgown and poured himself wine. Halfway through the night, when he was drinking his third cup, Pod returned, followed by the mercenary knight. "This kid dragged me out of Sataya's place, he must have something important to do?" Bronn said as he sat down. "Shataya's place?" Tyrion said irritably. "It's not bad to be a knight. You don't need to look for cheap brothels all over the street." Bronn grinned, "Hey, the acquaintance I want, the knight Bronn is in the middle, and Yaya and Mary are on the two sides." Tyrion swallowed his anger.Bronn has the same right to go to Alayaya's bed as any other client, but... no matter what I think, I really didn't touch her, of course, Bronn will not know these things.I don't know if he treated Yaya kindly.He dared not visit Sataya's brothel again, lest Cersei inform her father and Alayaya would suffer.He had given the girl an emerald silver necklace and matching bracelets as compensation for the previous whipping, but otherwise... It is useless to think too much. "There was a singer who called himself Simon the Silvertongue," Tyrion said wearily, pushing away guilt, "often performing for Lady Tanda's daughter." "what do you want?" Kill him, he thought.But the man did nothing but sing a few ballads and fill Shae's lovely head with dreams of pigeons and dancing bears. "Find him," he said, "find him before anyone else."
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