Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire IV: A Feast for Crows

Chapter 30 Chapter 30 Predators

Drums beat to the rhythm of battle, and the Invincible Ironborn charged forward, her bow cutting through the turbulent green water.The smaller ship ahead was turning, its oars beating the sea, and its rose flag fluttering in the wind: white roses in red shields at bow and stern, and a gold rose at the top of the mast on a grass-green ground.The Invincible Ironborn slammed into her side so hard that half the crew, who were preparing for the board battle, fell down.The crackling and snapping of the oars was like a beautiful movement to the captain's ears. So he jumped over the gunnel first, and dropped to the deck below, his golden cloak flapping behind him.The White Roses backed away from Victarion Greyjoy, who was in full armor and wearing a sea monster helmet.It has always been like this.They held swords and spears and axes tightly, but nine out of ten wore no armor, and the one who remained had only stitched scales.They are not Ironborn, Victarion thought contemptuously, and they are afraid of being drowned.

"Kill him!" someone shouted, "he's only one!" "Come on!" he growled in response. "Come and kill me if you have the guts." The Warriors of the Rose surrounded him on all sides, iron in hand, but panicked in their eyes, and Victarion could taste their deep fear.He dashed left and right, slashing the first man's arm off, the second through the shoulder, and the third driving the ax into Victarion's loose pine shield, which he slammed into the fool with his backhand. face, knocked it over, and then slammed it with a killing move while it was trying to stand up.He was struggling to get the ax out of the dead man's ribs, and it felt like a slap on the back when a spear went between his shoulder blades.Victarion turned and slashed at the spearman's head. The steel split helm, hair, and skull, and his hands went numb.The man wobbled a little, and when the Iron Captain drew back the axe, the body sprawled across the deck, looking more drunk than dead.

By this time the Ironborn had followed him onto the attacked ship.He heard Wolf One-Ear howl, and caught sight of Ragnor Pyke in his rusted armour, entering the fray as Newt the Barber hurled his spinning hatchet, striking his foe in the chest.Victarion killed two more in succession, and would have killed a third, but Ragnor struck first. "Well done!" Victarion called to him. He turned to find the next victim for his axe, and found the other captain on the other side of the deck.The man's white coat was stained with blood, but Victarion could make out the sigil on his chest: a white rose in a red shield.The man's shield bears the same emblem, mounted on a red ground, surrounded by white battlements. "You!" Captain Iron yelled in the killing field, "Wearing roses! Are you the lord of South Shield Island?"

The other party lifted his mask, revealing a beardless face: "I am his heir, Sir Talbot Siri. How about you, sea monster?" "Your death." Victarion rushed towards him. Desiree jumped up and came forward.His steel sword was the finest castle-forged sword, and the young knight danced it with gusto.His first blow struck the groin, and Victarion swung his ax aside, and before he could lift his shield, he was caught by the second blow on the helm.Victarion's ax struck back from the side, but Siri blocked it with his shield. The sawdust flew, and with a sweet, sharp crack, the white rose snapped in two.Immediately, the young knight's sword hit his thigh one after another, making harsh sounds on the iron armor.The boy was moving fast, the Iron Captain realized, and he struck Desiree with his shield in the face, sending him stumbling back to the gunwale, before raising the ax aloft, on the weight of his body, with the intention of splitting the young man in half , but was dodged by Siri.The ax slammed into the railing, sending splinters flying, and he tried to pull it out and strike again, but it jammed.The deck swayed beneath him, and he slipped and fell to one knee.

Ser Talbot dropped the shattered shield and slashed with his longsword.Victarion's shield twisted to the other side as he fell, and he had to claw at Desiree's sword with a steel fist.The knuckles on the gauntlet creaked, and he groaned at a sharp pain, but Victarion held back. "I'm quick too, boy," he said, snatching the sword from the knight and throwing it into the sea. Sir Talbot's eyes widened: "My sword..." Victarion grabbed the young man by the throat with his bloody fist. "Go find it!" He pushed the opponent off the side of the boat with all his strength, and fell into the blood-stained sea.

This bought him time to draw the axe.The White Rose retreated before the Iron Tide, some trying to flee below decks, others crying for mercy.Victarion felt the blood trickling down his fingers under mail and leather and gauntlets, but it was nothing.A large group of enemies gathered around the mast to continue the battle, shoulder to shoulder in a circle.They are at least men, and would rather die than surrender.Victarion intended to grant the wishes of some of them himself.So he struck the shield with his ax and rushed over. The Drowned God did not make Victarion Greyjoy for a war of words at the Kingsmoot, nor for him to fight a stealthy foe in the endless swamp.He was born to wear iron armor, to hold a bloody long axe, and to bring death with every swing.

They struck from front and back together, but their swords, like wickers, could not harm him.Nothing could cut through Victarion Greyjoy's thick plate, nor would he give his foe a chance to find a weak spot in his joints - protected only by mail and leather.It didn't matter whether his attackers were three, four, or five, he killed them one by one, confident in his heart that his steel armor would withstand the rest.Every time an enemy falls, he transfers his rage to the next enemy. The last must have been a blacksmith: bull shoulders, one side much thicker than the other.The man was clad in studded mail and a boiled fur hat.With the only blow he landed, Victarion's shield was finally shattered, but the Iron Captain slashed back and split his head in two.Dealing with the Crow's Eye would have been so easy.He pulled out the axe, and the blacksmith's head seemed to explode. Bones, blood, and brains were scattered everywhere, and the body fell down, leaning on his lap.It is too late to beg for mercy now, Victarion thought, shaking off the dead body.

At this time, the deck under his feet became slippery, and there were piles of dead bodies and dying people lying on the left and right.He threw away his shield and took a deep breath. "Commander," "The Barber" was beside him, "today's victory belongs to us." The sea is full of ships, some burning, some sinking, and some smashed to pieces.The water between the hulls was a stew dotted with dead bodies, broken oars, and men clinging to the wrecks.In the distance, a dozen longships belonging to the southerners were scurrying into the Mande River.Let them flee, Victarion thought, let them tell the tale.It is not a man who runs away with his tail between his legs.

The dripping sweat stung his eyes, and two oarsmen unfastened his kraken helmet so he could take it off.Victarion wiped his brow. "The knight," he said in a low voice, "the knight of the White Rose. Has anyone got him?" The lord's son was worth a handsome ransom.If Lord Desiree survives today, he will pay, or his lord of Highgarden will. However, none of the subordinates cared about the knight who fell into the water.The man was probably drowned. "He fought valiantly, may he feast in the watery palace of the Drowned God." Although the men of the Shield Islands called themselves sailors, they went to sea with fear, and fought in light armor for fear of drowning.Young Siri was different.He is a warrior, Victarion thought, almost like the Ironborn.

He delivered the captured ship to Ragnor Pike, and assigned a crew of twelve sailors. "After handing over the weapons and armor of the captives, bandage their wounds," he told "Barber" Newt, "throw the dying into the sea. If anyone begs for mercy, cut their throats first." He has nothing but contempt for such people.Drowning in sea water is much better than drowning in blood. "Remember to count the ships won, and the captured knights and nobles. I want their flags." In the future, he will hang them all in his hall, so that when he is old and weak, he can still recall his youth and strength All enemies killed while .

"Okay." Newt grinned. "It's a big victory." Yes, he thought, a great victory for the Crow's Eye and his wizards.When the news reached Oakshield, the other captains would be calling his brother's name again.Euron had charmed them with his quick tongue and smiling eyes, and drawn them to his service with spoils from far away: gold, silver, and enamelled armor, scimitars with gilt round heads, Valyrian steel daggers, spotted tiger skins, flowered Tabby skins, emerald sphinxes, ancient Valyrian sphinxes, cardamom, cloves, saffron, ivory, unicorn horns, green, orange and yellow feathers from the Summer Isles, delicate silks and Shiny damask...but all of that pales in comparison.He let them conquer, and they were his forever, the captain said bitterly.This is my victory, not his.Where is he?On Oakshield Isle in the rear, loafing around in the castle.He stole my wife, my throne, and now my glory. Victarion Greyjoy was obedient, it was his nature.He grew up in the shadow of his brother, followed Balon, and was faithful in everything.Later, Balon's sons were born, which meant that one day one of them would replace his father on the Seastone Seat, and he was ready to bow his knee to it.But the Almighty Drowned God had summoned Balon and his sons to Fallingwater, and it was hard for Victarion to call Euron "King" now. The sea breeze was blowing, refreshing, and he felt extremely thirsty.After the battle, he always wanted to drink wine, so he handed the deck to Newt and went below.In his tiny cabin, the dark-skinned woman was aroused, and perhaps her blood was warmed by the battle.He did it to her twice, in short intervals, and when it was done, her breasts, thighs, and stomach were stained with blood from the cuts in his palms.Dark-skinned women washed him with boiling vinegar. "It is a good plan, I admit," said Victarion, as she knelt beside him. "The Mander is open to us now, as it was of old." Full of unpredictable reefs and sandbars.Most seagoing ships dare not sail past Highgarden, but the longships have a shallow draft and can sail against the current as far as Bitterbridge.In old days the Iron Islanders had sailed boldly into the river, and plundered along the banks of the Mander and its tributaries... until the Lord of the Green Lands armed the fishermen of the four islets at the mouth of the Mander and made them his shields. Two thousand years have passed, but along the jagged coastlines of these islands, there are still old greybeards on the lookout in watchtowers, keeping watch in ancient tradition.Whenever they saw a longship, they lit a beacon, and the message went from hill to hill, and island to island.alarm!enemy!Predator!Predator!Seeing the flames burning on high, the fishermen lowered their nets and rakes, and took up swords and axes.Their lord rushed out of the castle with his knights and soldiers.From Greenshield Island to Grayshield Island, from Oakshield Island to Southshield Island, the horns of war echoed on the surface of the water, and the counterattack ships quietly sailed out of the moss-covered stone caves along the coast, their oars fluttered, poured into the strait, and blocked Mande River, drive the marauders upriver to exterminate. This time Euron sent Torvald Brownfang and the Red Oarsman up the Mander with a dozen of the fastest longships, to lure the lords of the Shield Isles to swarm out in pursuit.When the main fleet arrived, there were only a few men left to defend the island.The ironborn took advantage of the evening tide and hid in the afterglow of the setting sun. The graybeards on the watchtower could not find it in time.Besides, the wind had always been in their favor since the day of departure from Old Wake.It was whispered in the fleet that Euron's wizards had much to do with it, that the Crow's Eye satiated the Storm God with blood sacrifices.How else would he have dared to sail so far west instead of following the coast as usual? Ironmen steered their longships out onto the gravel flats, and swarmed out in the purple dusk, bright steel in their hands.At this time, the flames were already burning on the heights, but not many of the people left were able to take up arms.Grayshield Island, Greenshield Island and Southshield Island were captured before sunrise, and Oakshield Island persisted for a long time.And when the warriors of the four islands stopped pursuing Torvald and the Red Oarsmen and turned back downstream, the Iron Fleet was waiting at the mouth of the Mander. "Euron has everything in his hands," Victarion told the dark woman, who was bandaging his hand, "and his wizards must have seen it." There were three wizards on Serenity, Coron Humbley had whispered to him that they were all queer, horrible men, driven to be servants by the Crow's Eye. "But he still needs me to fight for him," Victarion emphasized. "Wizards may be useful, but wars are won with blood and iron." The vinegar made his wounds ache.He pushed the woman away, clenched his hands into fists, and endured the severe pain, "Bring the wine." He drank in the dark while thinking about his brother.If I don't do it myself, does that count as parricide?Victarion feared no one, but the Drowned God's curse deterred him.If I order someone else to do it, will my hands be stained with his blood?Aeron Damphair knew the answer, but the priest remained on the Iron Islands, hoping to turn the people against the newly crowned king. Newt "The Barber" could shave with a throwing ax from twenty yards away, and the half-breeds around Euron couldn't handle Warfy "One Ear" or Adric the Unsmiling.Any of them will do.But he knew that there was a difference between what a man could do and what he would do. "The godless Euron will bring the wrath of the Drowned God," Aeron had prophesied on Old Wyk. "We must stop him, brother. We are Balon's blood, aren't we?" "So is he," said Victarion. "I don't like it as much as you do, but Euron is already king. It was your choice to put him on the throne, and you put the driftwood crown on his head with your own hands!" "I put the crown on his head," said the priest, whose hair was studded with seaweed, "and I would gladly take it off and put it on your head again. If you have the strength to fight him." "The Drowned God set him to the throne," Victarion complained. "Let the Drowned God drive him down again." Aeron gave him a savage glance that was said to corrupt wells and sterilize women. "It was not the will of the gods. It is well known that Euron kept magicians and wicked wizards in that red ship, and they cast spells to silence the sound of the sea, and make the captain and chiefs revel in the dragon's nonsense. " "Not only were they intoxicated, but they were afraid of the horn. You've heard its sound... well, it doesn't matter. Euron is king." "He is not my king," the priest declared. "The Drowned God will help the brave, not those who cower below deck when the storm comes. If you will not fight the Crow's Eye, I will do it myself." "How? You have neither boat nor sword." "I have my voice," answered the priest, "and the support of the gods. My strength comes from the sea, and the Crow's Eye is no match for it. Remember, the waves may scatter when they meet the mountains, but they will come back again , wave after wave, until finally the mountains became pebbles, and soon, even the pebbles were swept away, settling forever on the bottom of the sea.” "Cobblestones?" muttered Victarion. "You are mad to try to overthrow the Crow's Eye by talking about waves and pebbles." "The ironborn will be the waves," said Damphair, "not the great men, the lords and chiefs, but the common people, the men who plow and fish. The captains and chiefs will support Euron, and the common people will overthrow him. I Go to Great Wyk, to Harlow, to Oak, and at last to Pyke, to his stronghold, and let every town hear my words: The ungodly shall never sit on the Seastone Seat!" He shook his disheveled head and walked back into the night.At sunrise the next day, Aeron Greyjoy had disappeared from Old Wyk, and not even his Drowned men knew where he was.It is said that the Crow's Eye just laughed. ('text'heart'hand'play'group'hand'play'organization') The pastor left, but his dire warning still rang in his ears.Victarion thought often of Baelor Blacktyth's words: "Balon is a madman, and so is Aeron, and Euron is crazier than either of them."After the council, the young chief refused to accept Euron as lord, and tried to sail home, but the Iron Fleet blocked the bay—the habit of obedience took root in Victarion Greyjoy, and now Euron with a driftwood crown.The Nightcrawler was seized, and Chief Blacktyce was brought before the king in chains.Euron's mutes and bastards cut him into seven pieces, to worship the seven gods of the green land he believed in. As a reward for Victarion's faithful service, the new king gave him the swarthy woman, whom he had wrested from one of the Lysian slave ships. "I don't want your leftovers," he told his brother grimly, but the Crow's Eye relented when he said he would kill the woman unless he took it.Her tongue had been cut out, but she was otherwise intact, and she was indeed beautiful, with tan skin like oiled teak.But sometimes looking at her, he thought of the first woman his brother gave him, that was to make him a real man. Victarion wanted to do it again with the dark woman, but found he couldn't. "Bring me another bag of red wine," he told her, "and get out." She brought a bag of sour wine, and the captain took her out on deck to breathe the fresh sea air.He drank half the bag of wine and poured the rest into the sea as a sacrifice to all the dead. The Invincible Ironborn lingered for several hours at the mouth of the Mander River.Most of the Iron Fleet was on the way for Oakshield, and Victarion left Sorrow, King Dagon, Ironwind, and Maidenslayer behind him.They picked up the survivors and watched as the Strong Hand sank slowly. She wrecked a ship, but the wreckage of that ship dragged her overboard.When she disappeared into the water, Victarion received the count.Six ships lost, thirty-eight captured. "That's right," he told Newt. "Oars in place, back to Earl Hewitt." His oarsmen arched their backs toward Oakshield, and the Iron Captain went below decks again. "I could have killed him," he told the dark-skinned woman, "but regicide is a great sin, and kinicide is worse," he frowned. "Asha should have spoken out for me in the first place." How could she hope to win the throne with pine cones and turnips?She was of Baron's blood, but still a woman.She fled after the kingsmoot, and disappeared with her crew the night the driftwood crown was placed on Euron's head.For this, Victarion felt a little rejoiced.If the girl had brains, she'd marry some northern lord and live in a castle, far from the sea and Euron the Crow's Eye. "Earl Hewitt is here, Commander," called one of the crew. Victarion stood up.The red wine eased the pain in the hand, maybe it should be checked by a maester in Hewitt, if the man is not dead.When he was back on deck, the ship passed a headland where Lord Hewitt's castle stood over the harbor, reminding him of Kingsport, though the town was twice the size of Kingsport.Twenty longships cruised the harbor with golden krakens billowing in their sails, and hundreds more moored along the gravel beach, tied to a row of stone pillars by the pier.Three giant flat-bottomed cargo ships and a dozen smaller ones stood in the stone pier.Cargo ships, loaded with loot and supplies.Victarion ordered the Ironborn the Invincible to drop anchor. "Get a boat ready." They draw closer, and the town is eerily quiet.Most shops and houses were looted, as evidenced by broken doors and windows, but only the sanctuary was burned.The streets are littered with dead bodies, each one attracting a flock of carrion crows.A sullen band of survivors walked among them, chasing away the black birds and throwing the dead into the back of a wagon for burial.Victarion was filled with disgust at the sight.The true children of the sea would not rot in the ground, for how could they find the watery palace of the Drowned God, and drink and feast forever in it? Victarion gazed at the iron statue on Serenity's prow, mouthless maiden's hair blowing in the wind, arms outstretched, mother-of-pearl eyes that seemed to follow him.She had a mouth like any other woman, until the Crow's Eye shut it shut. As the shore drew closer, he noticed women and children being herded onto the deck of a gigantic flat-bottomed boat, some with their hands tied behind their backs, all with twine around their necks. "What are these?" he asked the man who was tying their boat. "Widows and orphans, to be sold into slavery." "Sell it?" There are no real slaves in the Iron Islands. The so-called slaves actually refer to slave labor. The difference is that slave labor cannot be bought or sold.Although they have no personal freedom and must serve their masters, they are not private property. When their children are born, as long as they are delivered to the Drowned God, they become free people.And to get slave labor, the only way is to pay the iron money. "They shall be slave laborers or salt concubines," Victarion grumbled. "This is an order from the king," said the other party. "The jungle," commented Newt "The Barber," "servants and slaves are all right. Their men can't protect them, so they are ours now, and we can do what we want with them." This is not the old way, he wanted to argue, but he had no chance - the news of victory was conveyed early, and people gathered around to congratulate him.Victarion let them compliment him, until someone praised Euron for his bravery. "It was brave to sail out of sight of the land, at least the news didn't reach the island before we arrived," he said in a low voice, "but traveling halfway across the world to catch a dragon is another matter." He didn't wait for an answer , then squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the castle. The Earl of Hewitt's castle is small but strong, with thick walls and oaken doors studded with iron nails, reminiscent of his family's ancient coat of arms: a studded oak shield on blue and white slashes.But now the sea-monster banner of House Greyjoy flew high from the green tower of their house, and the great gates were hewn down and burned, and on the walls walked ironmen with spears and axes, and some Ren's half-breed. Victarion came upon Gerald Gubler and Old Drum in the yard, talking softly to Rodrik Harlaw. "Barber" Newt hissed when he saw them. "Scholar," he shouted, "why is your face stretched so long? What are you worrying about? We have won the victory today and won the spoils!" Rodrik leader Nunuzui: "The spoils, do you mean these stones? The four islands combined are not as big as Harlaw Island. We won the rocks, trees and trivial debris, plus the enmity of the Tyrell family." "The rose family?" Newt laughed. "The roses beat the sea monsters in the deep sea? We took their shields and smashed them to pieces. Who can protect them?" "Highgarden," answered the scholar, "yes, and soon the whole of the Reach will gather against us, Barber, and you will know then that some roses have iron thorns." Zhuo Gu nodded, putting one hand on the hilt of the Red Rain Sword. "Lord Tarly has the Valyrian greatsword Heartbreaker, and he has been the Duke of Tyrell's vanguard." Hearing him say that, Victarion's desire was inflamed. "Let him come, and I will take his sword for my own, as your ancestors took the Red Rain. Let them all come, and bring the Lannister too. The lion may be mighty on land, But in the sea, the sea monster is supreme." He would give half of his teeth for the chance to fight the Kingslayer or the Knight of Flowers.He was familiar with this kind of battle, and kinslayers were outraged by men and gods, but warriors were feared by all. "Don't worry, Commander," said the scholar, "they will come—that's what His Majesty intended, otherwise why would he order us to let Hewitt's crow go?" "You read too much and fight too little," Newt said. "You bleed milk instead of blood." The scholars simply ignored it. Victarion entered the great hall, where a raucous feast was taking place.The house was full of ironborn, drinking, shouting, jostling, showing off how many enemies they had slain, how many feats they had done, how much trophies they had won.Many had new adornments on their bodies. "Left Hand" Lucas Coulder and Colum Hambury ripped tapestry from the wall for cloaks, and Gilmond Botley hung a string of pearls and onyx in front of a gilded Lannister breastplate, "unsmiling" Adric stumbled past with a woman under each arm, without a smile on his face, but with rings on every finger.Captains no longer dug out stale dry bread for plates, but dined on sterling silver plates. "Barber" Newt looked around, his face darkened with anger. "The Crow's Eye sent us against the longships, while his own men took castles and villages, taking all the goods and the women. What has he left for us?" "We have glory." "Glory is nice," Newt said, "but gold is better." Victarion shrugged. "The Crow's Eye says we shall have all of Westeros. The Arbor, Oldtown, Highgarden . . . You will find gold in those places. Enough. I am hungry." Victarion would have had a place on the high platform because of his blood, but he didn't want to join Euron and his lackeys, so he chose to sit next to Raff the Cripple, captain of the King of Coron. "It's a great victory, sir," said Laffer the Cripple, "a victory worthy of a lordship. You deserve an island." Lord Victarion.Yes, why not?This is not the position of Haishi, but it is not bad. Hosso Harlo was sucking a bone across the table.Now he threw the bones aside and leaned closer. "My kinsman, the Knight, will own Grayshield. Have you heard?" "No." Victarion looked across the hall at Ser Haras Harlaw, who was drinking from a golden goblet; he was tall, with a long face, always serious. "Why did Euron give him an island?" He Suo held out his empty wine glass, and a fair-skinned young woman hurriedly filled it up. She was wearing a blue velvet dress trimmed with gold-plated lace. "The 'Knight' took Greenton by himself. He planted his banner beneath the castle and challenged the Greens. One by one they challenged him, and he killed them all... Oh, almost, two of them surrendered. When the seventh fell, Lord Grimm's monks concluded that the gods had shown their will, and they gave up the castle." Hosso laughed, "he will gladly Accept the new status of the lord of Grayshield Island, and without him, I am the heir of the scholar." He tapped his chest with his wine glass. "I, 'Humpback' Hosso, chief of Harlow Island." "Seven." Victarion wondered what would happen if Nightfall's sword met his axe.He had never fought Valyrian steel, though he had beaten young Haras Harlaw many times before.The little boy Harlaw was a close friend of Balon's eldest son, Rodrik, who was later killed in battle at Seagard. The feast was sumptuous, with the best wine and roast beef medium rare with blood, stuffed duck, and buckets of fresh crab.The maids were all dressed in fine woolen cloth and gorgeous velvet. The Commander was surprised, but He Suo told him that they were Mrs. Hewitt and her family.It was a joke of the Crow's Eye to make them serve wine.There were eight of them: the wife was still beautiful, but a bit fat, and the other seven young women, ranging in age from ten to twenty-five, were her daughters and daughters-in-law. The Earl of Hewitt himself was seated in his usual place on the dais, clad in finery bearing the family arms, his arms and legs bound in a chair, while a huge white radish was lodged between his teeth, preventing him from speaking... Yet he can see and hear.The Crow's Eye occupied the seat of honor on the Earl's right hand. A plump and beautiful girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, was sitting in his arms, with bare feet and disheveled clothes, her arms stretched out around his neck. "Who is that?" Victarion asked those around him. "The count's illegitimate daughter," Hosso laughed again. "Before Euron took the castle, she had to serve others at the table, and then eat with the servants." Euron kissed her throat with blue lips, and the girl giggled, then whispered something in his ear.He smiled and kissed her throat again.Her fair skin was covered with red marks where he had kissed her, and those marks formed a rose-colored necklace around her neck and shoulders.She whispered something in his ear again, this time the Crow's Eye laughed loudly, and slammed the wine glass on the table to ask everyone to be quiet. "My dear ladies," he said loudly to the noble maids, "Faria is worried about your delicate dresses, she doesn't want them to be stained with oil, wine or dirty finger marks, because I promised her, the banquet Afterwards, she can choose whatever clothes she wants from your closets. So, you better get naked." There was a roar of laughter in the hall, and Lord Hewitt's face was so red that Victarion thought his head would explode.The women had no choice but to obey.The youngest girl cried for a little while, but her mother comforted her and helped her untie the ribbon on her back.Afterwards they continued serving, walking up and down the table with full flagons, filling empty glasses, only now naked. He humiliated Hewitt as he humiliated me, Iron Captain thought, remembering how his wife cried when he beat her.He knew that the people of the Shield Islands, like the Ironborn, often intermarried, and that one of these naked handmaidens might well be Talbot Siri's wife.It's one thing to kill an enemy, it's another to insult him.Victarion clenched his fists, bleeding from the wound on his hand, soaking the bandages. On the dais, Euron pushed the woman aside and climbed onto the table.The captains tapped their glasses and stamped their feet on the ground. "Euron!" they cried, "Euron! Euron! Euron!" It was as if the Kingsmoot was being repeated. "I promise you Westeros," said the Crow's Eye when the uproar died down. "This is your first sip. It's just a sip...but enough for us to feast on!" Line the walls His torch shone like his face: blue lips, blue eyes, everything. "The sea monster won't let go of its prey. The islands were ours and are back to us...but I need strong men to hold them. Rise, Ser Haras Harlaw, Gray The leader of Shield Island." The "Knight" stood up, resting one hand on the moonstone round head of Nightfall Sword. "Stand up, 'Serious' Adric, Lord of Southshield." Andric pushed his woman away, and rose to his feet with a sudden movement, like a mountain rising from the bottom of the sea. "Stand up, Marlon Womack, leader of Greenshield Island." A beardless sixteen-year-old boy stood up hesitantly, Womack's leader looked like a rabbit leader. "Stand up, Newt the Barber, leader of Oakshield." Newt's eyes are wary, as if it's a cruel joke and he's the butt of it. "Boss?" he said hoarsely. Victarion thought that the Crow's Eye would bestow the lordship on one of his lackeys: Lucas Cawdor, the Stone Hand, the Red Oarsman, or the Left Hand.A king must be generous, he told himself, but another voice whispered that there must be poison in Euron's gift.After thinking about it, he saw it clearly. The "Knight" is the heir chosen by the scholars, and the "unsmiling" Adric is the right-hand man of Dunstan Zhuogu. Although Womack is fledgling, he inherited the blood of "Black Heart" Herron from his mother.And "The Barber"... Victarion grabbed Newt's forearm, "No!" Newt looked at him like he was crazy. "Reject it? Reject the land and the lordship? Will you let me be the lord?" He swung his arms and stood up, bathed in cheers. He stole my people too, Victarion thought. King Euron beckoned to Lady Hewitt for another drink, then held his head high. "Captains and chiefs, raise your cups to the new lord of the Shield Islands!" Victarion drank with the others.The sweetest wine is the wine that comes from the enemy.This was what his father or elder brother Balon told him.Someday, someday I will drink your wine, Crow's Eye, and take all you hold dear.But what did Euron hold dear? "To-morrow we set sail again," ordered the king, "fill the buckets with spring water, and take with us every sack of corn, every cask of beef, and as many sheep and goats as we can. Those wounded who can shake their oars will row. The rest Stay here and help the new lord guard the island. Torvald and the 'Red Oarsman' will return shortly with more supplies. We sailed east, and the decks were crowded with stinking pigs and chickens when we set out. Will bring the dragon." "When will you be back?" That was the voice of Chief Rodrik. “我们几时回来,陛下?一年?三年?五年?你的龙远在世界彼端,然而秋天已经来临。”读书人走向前去,发出危险的警告。 “战舰守卫着雷德温海峡,多恩海岸干燥荒芜,沿途四百里格布满旋流、悬崖和暗礁,几乎没有一处可供安全停靠。再过去是石阶列岛,那儿不仅风暴频仍,还是诸多里斯海盗和密尔海盗的巢穴所在。一千艘船出航远征,最多能有三百艘抵达狭海对岸……接下去怎么办呢?里斯不会开门欢迎,瓦兰提斯也不会,你上哪儿去找淡水和食物?第一场风暴就会将我们吹得七零八落,吹散于半个世界当中。” 一丝微笑浮现在攸伦的蓝嘴唇上。“我就是风暴,大人,我是天字第一号大风暴。我率宁静号经历过更长的旅程,而且比这危险得多。你忘了吗?我曾经航行至烟海,去过瓦雷利亚。” 在场每个人都知道,末日浩劫仍然笼罩着瓦雷利亚,那儿的海水沸腾冒烟,陆地被恶魔占据。据说无论哪个水手,只消瞥见耸立于波涛上方、熊熊燃烧的瓦雷利亚山脉,就会以可怕的方式死亡,然而鸦眼去过那里,又回来了。 “是吗?”读书人轻声问。 攸伦蓝唇上的笑容消失了。“读书人,”他在一片沉寂中说,“你还是扎进书堆里比较明智。” 维克塔利昂察觉到大厅里不安的气氛,于是站起身来。“哥哥,”他洪亮地说,“你没回答哈尔洛的问题。” 攸伦耸耸肩,“最近,奴隶的价格大涨,我们把奴隶卖给里斯人和瓦兰提斯人,外加从这儿夺来的战利品,就有足够的钱购买补给。” “我们成了奴隶贩子?”读书人问,“为什么?为了没人见过的龙?我们要去追逐水手醉酒后的幻想,直至世界尽头?” 他的责问引起一片低声赞同。“奴隶湾太远了。”“跛子”拉弗喊,“而且离瓦雷利亚太近。” 科伦·汉博利大叫。“强健者”弗拉莱格则说:“高庭比较近。要我说,还是去那儿找龙吧。找金龙!”艾文·夏普赞同,“曼德河就在眼前,为什么要航行整个世界?” 红拉弗·斯通浩斯一跃而起:“旧镇有钱,青亭岛更是尤有过之,趁雷德温的舰队离开时,我们伸手便能摘取维斯特洛最成熟的果子。” “果子?”国王的眼睛现在看上去更接近黑色,而不是蓝色,“站在整片果树林前,胆小鬼才会只偷一颗果子。” “我们要青亭岛!”红拉弗说,其他人跟着一起叫嚷。鸦眼任由呼喊声朝他涌来,然后跳下桌子,抓住那婆娘的胳膊,拽着她离开大厅。 逃了,像狗一样逃了。攸伦对海石之位的掌控突然变得不像刚才那么牢固。他们不愿随他去奴隶湾。也许他们不像我担心的那样,是一群走狗和傻瓜。维克塔利昂是如此欣慰,以至于又多喝了几杯这回他跟“理发师”干杯,表示对对方的领主身份并不忌恨,即便那是从攸伦手中得来的。 屋外太阳已经落下,黑暗聚集在城墙之外,但室内燃烧的火炬闪烁着橙红光芒,散发出烟雾聚集在房椽底下,仿佛一片灰云。醉酒的人们开始耍手指舞。“左手”卢卡斯·考德决定要干赫威特伯爵的一个女儿,便将她按到桌上,而她的姐妹们尖叫哭泣。 维克塔利昂感觉有人拍了拍他肩膀。攸伦的一个混血儿子站在他身后,那是个十岁男孩,蓬松的鬈发,泥浆色皮肤。“我父亲有话跟你讲。” 维克塔利昂摇摇晃晃地站起来。他身材魁梧,酒量很大,但即便如此,今天也喝得太多了。我亲手把她打死,他心想,但鸦眼干她的时候已经杀了她。I have no choice.他随私生子离开大厅,走上一道蜿蜒的石阶梯,随着攀爬,强暴和欢闹的声音逐渐减弱,直到最后,只剩下靴子轻轻摩擦石头。 鸦眼跟那私生女霸占了赫威特伯爵的卧室。女孩赤裸身子,摊开手脚躺在床上,轻声打鼾。攸伦站在窗边,正用一只银杯喝酒,除了从布莱克泰斯那儿夺来的貂皮披风和自己的红皮革眼罩外,什么也没穿。“我小时候梦见自己会飞,”他开口道,“醒来后却不能飞……至少学士这么说。假如他说谎呢?” 虽然屋子里都是红酒、鲜血和性爱的味道,但透过敞开的窗户,维克塔利昂能闻到海洋的气息。冰冷咸涩的空气有助于他恢复清醒。 "What do you mean?" 攸伦将脸转向他,深蓝色嘴唇向上翘起,折出半个微笑。“或许我们能飞。我们都能飞。不跳下高塔,又怎会知道?”一阵风穿过窗户,掀起貂皮披风,他赤裸的身子让人厌恶。“没人清楚自己的能力,除非他坠落下去。” “窗口就在这儿,你跳吧。”维克塔利昂没有耐心,受伤的手越来越痛。 "What exactly do you want?" “全世界。”火光在攸伦眼里闪烁。他那只微笑的眼睛。“你要不要喝杯赫威特伯爵的葡萄酒?从敌人那里得来的酒最甜美。” “不要,”维克塔利昂将视线移开,“盖好你自己。” 攸伦坐下来,拉拉披风,盖住私处。“我忘了他们是如此渺小而吵闹的民族,我的铁民。我将把龙带给他们,他们却嚷着要葡萄。” “葡萄很真实,你可以大口大口地吃。它们不仅汁液甘甜,而且是红酒的原料。龙能做什么?” “制造悲哀。”鸦眼从银杯里呷了一口酒,“我曾握着一枚龙蛋,弟弟。有个密尔巫师向我保证,只要给他一年时间,再支付许多黄金,他便能使它孵化。后来,当我对他的借口感到厌烦时,我宰了他。他眼看着自己的肠子从指间滑出,辩解道,'还没到一年呢。'”攸伦哈哈大笑。”你知道,克莱贡死了。” "Who?" “吹我的龙之号角那个人。学士解剖了他,发现他的肺就像焦炭。” 维克塔利昂打个冷颤。“给我看看那枚龙蛋。” “我心情不好时把它扔进了海里。”攸伦耸耸肩。“读书人说得没错。这次航行距离遥远,大舰队无法聚集在一起,否则不仅会拖慢行程,而且过于危险。我们最好的舰船和船员才有希望航行至奴隶湾,并从那边返回。我指的是铁舰队。” 铁舰队是我的,维克塔利昂心想。He didn't say anything. 鸦眼往两个杯子里倒满奇怪的黑酒,黏糊糊的酒液,犹如蜂蜜。“跟我喝一杯,弟弟,尝尝滋味。”他将其中一杯递给维克塔利昂。 船长拿过攸伦没给他的那杯,怀疑地嗅嗅。从近处看,它更像蓝色,而非黑色,黏稠油腻,有股腐肉的味道。他试了一小口,立即吐出来。“恶心的东西。你想毒死我吗?” “我想打开你的眼界。”攸伦从自己杯子里喝了一大口,露出笑容。“这是夜影之水,男巫的美酒。我俘虏了一艘魁尔斯的三桅帆船,发现一桶这种东西,还有丁香、肉桂,四十匹绿丝绸及四名男巫,他们讲了一个有趣的故事。其中一个胆敢威胁我,于是我杀了他,然后喂给其他三人吃。起初,他们拒绝吃朋友的肉,但等饿到一定程度,便改变主意了。毕竟,人都是肉做的。” 巴隆是个疯子,伊伦也是,而攸伦比他们两个更疯狂。维克塔利昂转身欲走,鸦眼叫道:“国王必须要有妻子给他生育子嗣。弟弟,我需要你。你愿不愿去奴隶湾,把我的爱人带回来?” 我也有过一个爱人。维克塔利昂双手成拳,一滴血“啪”的一声滴落到地上。我要把你打得鲜血淋漓,然后丢去喂螃蟹,跟她一样。“你有很多儿子。”他告诉哥哥。 “一帮混血杂种,妓女和哭哭啼啼的婊子所生。” “他们出自你的身体。” “我夜壶里的屎也是。没一个配坐上海石之位,更不用说铁王座了。不,为生出合适的继承人,我需要一位与众不同的女人。当海怪与巨龙联姻时,全世界都要屏住呼吸。” “什么龙?”维克塔利昂皱眉问道。 “最后的巨龙。他们说她是世上最美丽的女人,银金色头发,眼睛仿佛紫晶……你无须质疑我的话,弟弟,去奴隶湾,亲眼见识她的美貌吧,然后把她带回来给我。” “我凭什么要去?”维克塔利昂质问。 “为了爱。为了职责。为了你的国王的命令。”攸伦咯咯窃笑,“也为了海石之位。一旦我获得铁王座,它就是你的了,你将继我之后坐上海石之位,正如我继巴隆之后一样……有朝一日,你的嫡子也将坐上它。” 我的嫡子。要有嫡子,先得有妻子,而维克塔利昂无幸娶妻。攸伦的礼物中必然带有毒药,他提醒自己,不过…… “你自己挑,弟弟,像奴工一样活着,还是以国王的身份死去。你敢不敢飞?除非跳下去,否则永远不会知道。”攸伦微笑的眼睛里闪烁着嘲弄,“或许我对你期望太高了?航行至瓦雷利亚永远是件可怕的事。” “去你的,若有必要,我可以带领铁舰队航向地狱。”维克塔利昂松开手,掌心满是鲜血。“我会去奴隶湾,是的,我会找到这个龙女,并带她回来。”但并非为你。你夺走我的妻子,我也要夺走你的。世上最美丽的女人,给我自己。
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