Home Categories science fiction A Song of Ice and Fire IV: A Feast for Crows

Chapter 24 Chapter 24 Alian

The rising sun passed through the narrow window, and Alian stretched herself out of bed.Giselle heard the noise and hurriedly put on her nightgown.The house was still filled with the chill of the night.In winter, this place will not be able to live, Alian thought, it will be as cold as a tomb.So she put on her robe and tied her belt. "The fire is out," she ordered, "please add more wood." "Yes, miss." The old woman agreed. Alayne's quarters in the Maiden's Tower were spacious and splendid, a far cry from the little bedroom Lady Lysa had lodged in when she was alive.Now she has her own dressing room and toilet, and a balcony carved out of white stone that overlooks the valley.While Giselle was lighting the fireplace, Alian went out barefoot.The stone was cold under her feet, and the mountain wind was bitter outside—it was always like this in the Eyrie—but the scenery in front of her made her forget all discomfort for a while.The Maiden's Tower is the easternmost of the seven minarets, so it has the best view. Under the morning light, forests, rivers and fields appear lazily, and the brilliance shines on the top of the mountain, like countless legendary pyramids.

so beautiful.The snow-capped Giant's Spear shrouded in front, and the majestic and majestic rocks and ice and snow made the castle on its shoulders look so small.The cliffs where Alyssa's tears welled up in summer now drop twenty-foot icicles.A falcon hovers over the edge of the cliff, spreads its blue wings, and soars in the clear sky.It would be nice if I had wings. She put her hand on the carved railing and looked out.Directly below 600 feet is Longtian Castle, and then countless chiseled stone steps form a winding road through Snow Mountain Castle and Dangerous Rock Castle, straight down the valley.The towers and fortifications of the Gates of the Moon Castle are as small as children's toys, and outside the castle, the soldiers of the League of the Righteous also got up from their tents, coming and going like ants in an anthill.If only they were ants, she thought, they could be crushed with a straight leg.

Little Lord Hunter's party had arrived two days earlier, and the others had arrived earlier.Nestor Royce closed the door to resist, but his soldiers were less than three hundred, and the princes of the six towns who came to force the palace each brought a thousand elites.Alayne knew the names of these people as well as her own real name: Beneda Belmore, Earl of Hongsong City; Simon Templeton, Knight of Nine Stars City; Holden Redford, Earl of Red Base; Anya Waywood, Countess of Iron Oak; Jerwood Hunter-"Little Hunter"--Lord of Longbow Hall; and Jon Royce, Mighty of the Six-Towns, nicknamed "Bronze Jon" ", the prestigious Earl of Runestone City, Nestor's cousin and head of the Royce family.After the fall of Lysa Arryn, the princes of these six towns discussed in Runestone City, and finally signed a covenant, vowing to raise the banner of righteousness together, protect the country and the people, and fight for Duke Robert and the valley.Their statement did not mention the guardians of the canyon at all, but instead called for an "end to the chaos" and a clean-up of the "little treacherous ministers".

The cold wind beat against her calves, she went back to the house to change and prepare for dinner.Petyr gave his ex-wife's wardrobe as a gift, with silks, satins, velvets and furs she could never have dreamed of, but most of them were fat and wide - Lysa had many pregnancies and stillbirths After that, she lost her figure completely—Alian could only wear those old dresses worn by the young second lady of Riverrun.Giselle was in charge of changing the rest of the clothes one by one. After all, at the age of thirteen Alayne was already a shin taller than her aunt when she was twenty. This morning, she spotted a Tully red and blue dress with squirrel fur trim, so Giselle helped her into the bell sleeves, tied the suspenders, and brushed her long hair—Last night Before going to bed, A-Lian had just dyed it again.My aunt had dyed her auburn hair a dark brown, but after a while the roots would turn red again, so she had to re-do it every now and then.What should I do when the dye runs out?After all, it was a rarity obtained from Tyrosh across the Narrow Sea.

As she descended the stairs, she once again marveled at the silence of the Eagle's Nest City. There might not be a more silent castle in the Seven Kingdoms.The servants here are not only rare, but all of them are old, and they also lower their voices wisely when communicating, so as not to disturb the violent young master.There were no stables on the mountain, no hounds roaring, no knights practicing jousting, and even the footsteps of guards patrolling the Whitestone Hall seemed distant and indistinct. The only thing she could clearly distinguish were the whimpers and sighs of the cold wind sweeping through the steeple.Remembering that when he first came to the city, at least he could still hear Alyssa's tears lingering, and now Gissle said that the waterfall would not thaw until spring.

Lord Robert sat alone in the Moon Hall above the kitchen, listlessly digging into a large bowl of honey porridge with a wooden spoon. "I want eggs," he grumbled when he saw her. "I want three soft-boiled eggs with fried bacon." They have no eggs and much less bacon.There was enough oats, corn, and barley in the Eyrie's granary to last a year, but fresh food was brought up from the Vale by a bastard girl named Mia Stone.Now that the Alliance of the Righteous has blocked the mountain road, Mia dare not take the risk of crossing - the princes of the six towns are very aware of this, the Earl Belmore who arrived first among them sent a crow to warn Littlefinger as soon as he arrived at the mountain. With Lord Robert hostage, there is no hope of getting any supplies.In other words, the Eyrie was not strictly under siege, but it wasn't much better.

"When Mia goes up the hill you'll have eggs, as many as you want," Alayne assured the little duke. "She'll bring eggs, butter, melons, and many delicious things." The boy was unmoved, "I want eggs now." "My dear Robin, you know there are no eggs here. Come on, drink the porridge, it tastes pretty good." She scooped up a spoonful first. Robert tossed the spoon back and forth in the bowl, but kept it out of his mouth. "I'm not hungry," he decided at last, "I want to go back to sleep. I didn't sleep again last night, Alayne, and I always heard singing! Master Cormont gave me sleeping wine, but I still heard singing. "

A-Lian put down the spoon, "If someone sings, I'll hear it too. My dear Robin, you're having a nightmare, nothing else." "No, it's not a dream!" The boy's eyes were full of tears. "It's Marillion, and he's singing again! Your father said he was dead, no, he's not dead!" "He's dead," she felt suddenly frightened at hearing Robert say that.He is weak and sickly, what if he goes crazy again? "My dear Robin, Marillion is really dead. He loved your lord mother deeply, so he couldn't forgive the crimes he committed against her. He was finally summoned by the blue sky." Of course, Alayne and Robert didn't see the body. , but the singer's ending has long been doomed. "Really, he's dead."

"But I hear him sing every night, even with the windows closed and a pillow over his head. Your dad should pull out his tongue, I ordered him to do it, and he won't do it!" Of course, he had to hold his tongue so that he could confess in front of outsiders. "Robin, be good, drink the porridge," A-Lian coaxed, "OK? Think it's for me?" "I don't want porridge," said Robert, reaching out and throwing the spoon across the hall, where it hit a tapestry, staining the white brocade of the moon. "My lord wants eggs!" "My lord should drink the porridge gratefully." Petyr's voice came from behind.

A-Lian hurriedly turned her head and saw him standing side by side with Master Ke Meng under the arched beam. "Please listen to the advice of the guardian of the canyon, my lord," the bachelor advised. "Your vassals are coming up the mountain to pledge their allegiance at this moment, and you need to receive them with vigor." Robert rubbed his left eye with his knuckles. "Tell them to go. I don't want to see them. If they insist on coming, I'll watch them fly!" "Oh, your proposal is very interesting, my lord, but unfortunately I guaranteed their safety." Petyr said, "Anyway, it's too late to drive them away now. The other party has probably reached the Rock Castle."

"Can't we just let us go?" A-Lian sighed, "We never hurt them. What do they want?" "They want Lord Robert. He, and the Vale." Petyr smiled narrowly, "There are eight people in a party, except for the six troublemakers, and Viscount Nestor and Lynn Corbray who are leading the way—this How could he miss such a bloody scene?" Littlefinger's words only intensified her panic.Legend has it that Lynn Corbray killed as many men in the tournament ring as he did in the field of battle.His knight title was obtained by helping Robert's rebellion. At first, he fought against Duke Jon Arryn outside Seagull Town, and later joined the rebels to participate in the decisive battle of the Trident River, and killed the famous Kingsguard in the battle. Prince Lewyn of Dorne.Petyr told Alayne that when Prince Lewin finally confronted Cobra's famous sword "Lady of Silence", he was already scarred and unable to continue, but he then added, "You can't use these words in Cobb. He mentioned in front of Ray that anyone who asked him the truth about his battle with Martell was sent to hell to question his opponent.” In fact, as long as the stories she heard from the guards of the Eyrie were Half true, Lynn Corbray is already more dangerous than the six princes of the League of the Righteous combined. "Why did he come?" Alayne asked hurriedly, "I thought the Corbrays were on your side." "Lord Lyonor Corbray was indeed inclined toward me," Petyr explained, "but his brother was in his own way. At the Trident, when their father was felled, it was Lynn who picked up 'Lady Void' ', to avenge his father. Then Leonor escorted the old man to the rear to find the bachelor for treatment, while Lynn led the charge, not only defeated the Dornish army threatening Robert's left flank, but also killed the leader of the opponent, Levin Martell. Before the Earl of Corbray died, he passed the sword of Lady Hollow to his youngest son, and left the fief, title, castle and all the money to Leonor, but the elder brother didn't appreciate it, and always felt that his rights had been damaged Well, as for Ser Lynn...he has as much affection for me as he does for Lyonor, you know, and he wanted to marry Lysa." "I don't like Ser Lynn," put in Robert. "I won't let him come here. You tell him down the hill, I never let him up. Don't let him up! Mummy said it was impregnable!" "Your mother is dead, my lord, and I rule the Vale until your sixteenth name day," Petyr turned to the hunchbacked maid on the kitchen steps, "Meera, get your lord a new spoon, your lord wants Have porridge." "I don't want to drink it! I want to see it fly!" Robert picked up the big bowl and threw it, and the oatmeal and honey splashed in the air instantly. That skill was too great, but he was hit firmly in the chest by a wooden spoon, and the food was splashed all over his face and shoulders, which made him scream out in panic, regardless of the dignity of the bachelor.A-Lian hurried forward to comfort him, but it was too late. The sick boy grabbed a pot of milk with his trembling hands and threw it out again. Then he tried to stand up, but he knocked over the chair and fell into a ball, kicking his legs violently. Kicking Alian in the stomach almost made her lose her breath. "Oh, by the gods," said Petyr in disgust. The oatmeal dotted Master Cormont's hair and face, and he knelt before his master, whispering words of comfort.A grain of rice slowly slid down from his right cheek, like a large grayish-yellow teardrop.This attack was not as strong as last time, Alian tried to think positively.After the epilepsy was over, Petyr summoned two guards in sky-blue cloaks and silver mail, "Take him back to his room and bleed him with leeches." The guardian of the valley ordered, and the taller of the two guards fell silent He took his master into his arms without a word.Even I can easily pick him up, A-Lian thought, he is as light as his puppet. Komondo stayed for a moment, "My lord, can the meeting be postponed for a day? Since the death of Mrs. Lysa, the child's illness has become more and more serious day by day. Not only have the attacks become more frequent, but each attack is also more severe. I have done as much as I can allow." Bleeding him to the fullest extent possible, giving him sleeping wine and poppy milk to help him fall asleep, however, he needs to rest..." "He sleeps twelve hours a day," Petyr interrupted, "and I only want him to be awake when necessary." The bachelor combed his hair with his fingers in embarrassment, shaking off countless rice grains, which fell to the floor. "Lady Lysa used to feed him when he was agitated. Dr. Ambrose says breastmilk does wonders." "Is this your advice, Mr. Maester? You want us to find a nurse for the Duke of the Eyrie and the Guardian of the Vale? How are we going to wean him on his wedding day? Or teach him to give up the nurse's tits and go straight to the nurse?" Find a bride?" Duke Petyr laughed, "No, no, I suggest you choose another way. Children love sweets, right?" "Sweets?" "Sweets. Cakes, pies, jams, jellies, honey... and that sort of thing, maybe... put a little sweetsweet in the milk, have you ever tried it? Just a little, to calm his nerves and help him out of his dysentery." .” "A little?" The bachelor's Adam's apple squirmed back and forth, "A little...maybe, maybe...not too much, and not too often, but I can try..." "A little," promised Lord Petyr, "before you bring him out to meet your vassals." "As you order, my lord." The maester left in a hurry, with every step he took, the necklace squeaked softly. "Father," A-Lian asked after everyone left, "Do you have breakfast? I'll get some porridge." "I hate porridge," he said, looking her up with Littlefinger's eyes. "One kiss is enough for my breakfast." A real daughter would never refuse to offer a kiss to her father, so Alian rushed forward and kissed him, it was a dry, quick touch, just touching the cheek, and then hurriedly parted. "How... conscientious," Littlefinger's lips were smiling, but his eyes were missing. "Well, I just happen to have a duty for you. Go to the cook, warm up some jugs of red wine, add honey and raisins, and we Your guests must have climbed a long way, cold and thirsty. When they arrive, you will have to go out and meet them yourself, with bread and cheese and wine... What kind of cheese do we have left?" "Choking white cheese and stinking blue cheese." "By the way. Besides, you have to change." A-Lian looked down at her dress, it was the dark blue and dark red of Riverrun, "Do you think this is too—" "—too vain. My illegitimate daughter ostentatiously wears my ex-wife's clothes to irritate the 'righteous'. Hurry up and change, uh, need I remind you that sky blue and milky white don't work either?" "Yes." Sky blue and milky white are the colors of the Arryn family. "There are eight of them, and you... Bronze Jon among them?" "He's the only one of the eight I care about." "Bronze Jon knows me," she reminded Petyr, "his son came to Winterfell with him when he was dressed in black." Alayne vaguely remembered how madly she had fallen in love with Ser Waymar... ...that seemed like a lifetime ago, some stupid girl's dream. "Later, Lord Royce, he still...he met Sansa Stark in King's Landing, at the prime minister's tourney." Petyr lifted her chin with one finger: "It's true that Royce has seen this pretty face, but this face is just a flower that flashes across a thousand faces. The fighters in the next duel are concerned about Your own safety, not the children of the crowd; and Sansa of Winterfell is a little girl with auburn hair, and my daughter is a tall and fair maiden, with hair the color of chestnut. People only see what they want to see Well, Alayne," he kissed her on the nose, "tell Maddie to light the fire in the study, where I'll entertain guests." "Not in the lobby?" "No. I can't get too close to the throne of the Ayrin family, otherwise it will stir up deeper resentment. They think that a person with a humble background like me is destined to be unqualified to yearn for the high seat." "The study..." She should have stopped there, but somehow added, "If you put Robert..." "...and Gudi to them?" "They've got the valley." "Oh, they've got a good chunk of the Vale, I admit, but it's far from being in control. I'm popular in Gulltown, and I've got other lords who are willing to be my friends. Grafson, Lindley, Leonor Corbray...Of course, their power is not as powerful as the Alliance of the Righteous. But Alayne, where else do you think we can go? Return to my majestic fortress on the Five Fingers Peninsula?" She considered the way forward, "Joffrey gave you a majestic fortress, and you should return to Harrenhal as a matter of course." "It's just a vacancy. I need it to marry Lysa, that's all—the Lannisters couldn't have sealed Casterly Rock to me." "Yes, but the castle already belongs to you." "Ah, what a castle that is! Cave-like halls and ruined towers, haunted by ghosts and ghosts, untended, hard to defend...and a little trouble about curses." "Curses are a thing only in songs and stories." This made Littlefinger smile: "Is there already a ballad about Gregor Clegane who died tragically with the poisoned spear? Or about the mercenary before him, the one whose limbs were mutilated by him? The one from Asia again. Sir Molly Lodge took over the castle, and Sir Amory Lodge came from Lord Tywin, and the former taught the bear to eat it, and the latter died at the hands of his dwarf son. I also heard that Mrs. Hean Dead too. The Rothsteins, the Strongs, the Harroways, the Strongs... all who touched Harrenhal died badly." "Then give it to Lord Frey!" Petyr chuckled, "Maybe, or to our dear Queen Cersei... Oh, don't speak ill of her, she sent me those gorgeous brocades, you say, she is not kind Is it?" The mention of the Empress Dowager's name made her whole body stiffen. "No, she's not kind, she frightens me. If she knows I'm here—" "—then I have to let her out early, if she hasn't put herself to death," Petyr teased her with Littlefinger's smile, "in the game of thrones, the humblest pawn has its own Desires, sometimes refuse to carry out the actions you design for them. Remember that, Alayne, it's a lesson Cersei never learns. Well, don't you have duties to do?" She obeyed obediently, first supervised the cook to warm the wine, then found a large wheel of white cheese, and ordered the servants to bake bread for twenty people, in case the princes brought too many entourages.Having eaten our bread and salt, they are guests, and can do no more harm to us.She did not believe that noble Yohn Royce would have fallen to that level, though House Frey had openly violated the law of guests in the Twins and had murdered her lord mother and brother. Then she began to furnish the study.The study room is already covered with Myrtle carpets, so there is no need to sprinkle vanilla. Alian ordered two servants to bring up the trestle table and eight heavy oak leather chairs—if it was an ordinary banquet, the two chairs should be separated. Put them at the head and tail of the table, and put three on each side, but this time it was different, Alian had another idea, she put six chairs on one side of the table, and two on the other side. The princes of the alliance should have arrived at Snow Mountain Fort. Climbing the mountain is very hard. It takes a day to ride a mule, and it takes many days to walk.The talks will be held at night and candles are essential.So after Maddie finished lighting the fire, Alayne asked her to fetch some incense beeswax, which was a proposal gift from Earl Wickley to Lady Lysa.Then she went back to the kitchen to make sure the bread and wine were ready.Everything was going well, and there was still time for her to freshen up and change clothes. She first set her sights on a pure purple silk dress, then she was fascinated by a dark blue velvet dress inlaid with silver thread, and finally she remembered that A-Lian was just an illegitimate daughter, and her dress should not be ostentatious.Instead she put on a wool dress, dark brown, plainly made, with vines and leaves embroidered on the chest and sleeves, and trimmed with gold.The dress was comfortable and thoughtful, but it was almost a maid's dress.Petyr had given her all of his ex-wife's jewels, too, and she tried many necklaces now, all of them too showy, and ended up with a velvet ribbon in autumn gold.Gistle brought Lysa's silver mirror, a color she found to match Alayne's shaggy dark brown hair.Lord Royce would not recognize me, she thought, nor would I recognize myself. Feeling confident with Petyr Baelish, Alayne Stone put on a smile and ran to greet the guests. The Eyrie is the only castle in the Seven Kingdoms that requires guests to enter from underground.The winding stone steps pass through Snow Mountain Castle and Dangerous Rock Castle, and end at Long Sky Castle.The last six hundred feet are vertical cliffs, forcing visitors to abandon their mounts and make a choice: either ride up the mountain with radish in a rickety wooden basket, or climb the chiseled handhold in the mountainside. Lord Redford and Lady Waynwood were the elders of the alliance, and the basket was given to them, and when it came back it carried the fat Lord Belmore.The other princes climbed by themselves.Alayne welcomed them in Lord Robert's name before the warm hearth of the Crescent Hall, with bread and cheese and mulled wine in silver cups. Petyr had given her a scroll of arms to study, so she could recognize everyone by their arms.Apparently Redford, with the red castle embroidered on his chest, was a short man with a trim gray beard and kind eyes; Lady Anya was the only woman in the League of the Just The Broken Wheel Badge; Belmore, with six silver bells embroidered on his purple coat, has a pear-shaped belly, round shoulders, and countless short beards of yellowish and gray protruding from his fleshy chin; Simon Templeton is just the opposite of him, with a beard. Black and pointed, with a pointy nose and ice-blue eyes, the Knight of Nine Stars was a bird of prey in the sky; Little Lord Hunter's ermine cape seemed unremarkable at first, until she discovered the pins that fastened the coat—five Silver arrows fanning out.This person was over forty years old, and A-Lian privately felt that he was close to fifty years old. His father had ruled the Longbow Hall for nearly sixty years.Little Hunter's face and nose were as red as apples, no doubt from greed, and she resolved to pour him a few more glasses. The youngest of the visitors had three ravens embroidered on his chest, with a blood-red heart clutched in each paw, and the man had brown hair that fell to his shoulders and a loose lock of curls hung down his forehead.This is Sir Lynn Corbray, Alayne thought, scanning the hard lips and disturbing eyes warily. Brother Royce went last, and Viscount Nestor accompanied Bronze Jon.The Earl of Runestone City was as tall as a hunting dog. Even though his hair was gray and his face was vicissitudes, he still had indescribable courage. Those giant tangled palms seemed to be able to gently break the young man's neck at any time.Seeing his serious expression, Sansa couldn't help but recall the past of Winterfell, remembering the earl sitting at the table and whispering to his mother; Knocked her father to the ground with a blunted jousting sword in the schoolyard, and defeated Ser Rodrik.No, he will definitely recognize me, how could he not know me?A-Lian hesitated to kneel in front of the other party for shelter.He didn't fight for Robb, how could he fight for me?The war is over, and Winterfell is in ruins. "My lord Royce," she asked timidly, "do you need a drink to beat the chill?" The gray eyes of Bronze Joanwa were half hidden under the bushy eyebrows she was familiar with, and when their eyes met, those eyebrows could not help but frown, "Girl, shall we meet?" Alayne was so shocked that she almost swallowed her tongue. Fortunately, Viscount Nestor saved her, "Alian is the illegitimate daughter of the guardian of the valley." He told his cousin in a rough voice. "Littlefinger's littlefinger is having a lot of fun." Lynn Corbray commented with a mischievous smile, and Belmore laughed out loud, and Alayne felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "How old are you, child?" asked Lady Waywood. "Fourteen years old, ma'am," she almost forgot Alian's age, "I am no longer a child, I am a woman who has had menstruation." "Really? It hasn't budged yet, right?" Little Earl Hunter's beard completely covered his expression. "Not yet," added Lynn Corbray, as if she wasn't there, "but I see the girl is on the verge of blooming." "Have the rules and regulations of Xinsu City been reduced to this point?" Anya Waywood is also an old man with gray hair, wrinkles around her eyes, and sagging skin on her chin, but the dignity in her voice is awe-inspiring. "This girl is young. Meek and courteous, but have had the misfortune of terrible events. Watch your words, ser." "I care about my words," Corbray retorted. "Just watch yourself, madam. Many dead men can tell you that I'm not a knight who likes to be lectured." Countess Waywood ignored him, "Take us to see your father, Alian, the sooner the matter here is dealt with, the better." "The guardian of the canyon is waiting for everyone in the study, adults please move." Everyone left the Crescent Hall, climbed up a section of marble stairs, passed the cellar and three killing holes - the princes pretended to be indifferent to the mechanism on the top .By the time they reached the top, Belmore was panting like a blacksmith's bellows, and Redford's face was as gray as his hair.The guards opened the gate, "This way, my lords, please follow me." Alian led everyone through an arcade hung with countless gorgeous brocades, to the door of the study guarded by Sir Rosso Brun.He opened the door for everyone and followed inside. Petyr was sitting at the trestle table, a glass of wine in one hand and a fragile white scroll in the other.When the lords of the League of the Righteous entered, he rolled his eyes and looked at everyone. "My lords, you are most welcome, and you, my good lady. Ah, mountain climbing is tiring, please take a seat. Alian, my dear, pour wine for our distinguished guest." "Yes, father." She was relieved to find that the scented wax had been lit, and the study room was filled with the smell of cardamom and other precious spices.While she fetched the flagon, the guests took their seats one by one... Nestor Royce hesitated for a moment, and finally had to take the vacant seat next to Lord Petyr, while Lynn Corbray stood Beside the fireplace, stretch out your hands to warm yourself, and the heart-shaped ruby ​​on the hilt of the sword shines bright red.Alayne saw him smile at Ser Lothor Brune.Sir Lynn is handsome for an "old man," she thought, but I don't like his smile at all. "I'm reading the solemn statement of your lords." Petyr said, "It's really well written, and the bachelor who is doing the knife knows how to write. Everyone, when will I also sign it?" His words greatly exceeded the expectations of the visitors. "You?" said Belmore. "Sign?" "Although my pen and ink skills are not as good as this learned maester's, my handwriting is more than adequate. Besides, isn't it the one who cares about Lord Robert the most? As for these 'little treacherous ministers', let us work together to dig them out. My lords , I wholeheartedly support your cause, and implore you to teach me the procedures for signing the covenant immediately." As Alian was pouring the wine, she heard Lynn Corbray beside her laughing "chichi".The others were very confused, until the bronze Jon Royce pinched his knuckles crisply and said: "The purpose of our trip is not to ask you to sign the covenant, nor to play word games with you, little finger." "Really? What a pity, games are the spice of life," Petyr put the scroll aside. "Okay, let's get to the point, my lords, madam, what do you want me to do?" "We don't want to do anything to you," Simon Templeton stared at the Canyon Guardian with ice-blue eyes. "We want you to go." "Get lost?" Petyr pretended to be surprised, "Where can I go?" "The king has given you Harrenhal," pointed out little Lord Hunt. "Anyone should be satisfied." "The riverlands need rule," said old Holden Redford. "Riverrun is besieged, Bracken and Blackwood are openly at war, and bandits on both sides of the Trident are rampant, murdering and arsonating, and there is nowhere to go. buried corpse." "What an alluring picture, Lord Redford," Petyr replied, "but it's a pity that I shoulder a heavy responsibility in the Vale. Besides, Lord Robert is still safe. Should I take this sick child with him?" Going into chaos and blood?" "My lord stay here," Jon Royce announced, "I will take him to Runestone City and make him a knight that Jon Arryn can be proud of." "Runestone City?" Petyr asked curiously, "Why not Iron Oak City or Red Base? Why not Longbow Hall?" "Anywhere," cried Belmore, "The Duke will visit each castle in turn." "Really?" Petyr's tone was full of suspicion. Earl Waywood sighed when he saw this, "Lord Petyr, don't make any more tricks. We have agreed, and we are allies with one voice. In my opinion, Runestone City is quite suitable, Lord Jon. Three fine boys have bred, and none better suited to teach the young duke. There Maester Henwig is older and more experienced than your Maester Cormont, and better fit to nurse Lord Robert's body; Sam Stone is the best instructor in the whole world, who can teach this child the way of war; Brother Lukos there is devoted to the belief of the Seven Gods. Besides, there are many children of the same age in Runestone City, who are more suitable than old maids or mercenaries Keep Lord Robert company." Petyr Baelish twirled his beard lightly, "I don't deny that the duke needs companions, but take a closer look, can Alayne be considered an old woman? You don't know, Lord Robert likes my daughter very much, You may ask him yourself later. Besides, I have asked Lord Grafson and Lord Lindley each to send me a son for adoption, both of whom are about Robert's age." Lynn Corbray laughed, "Yo, you two puppies." "Of course, Robert also needs the company of older children, preferably squires with bright futures and good behavior, so that the young duke can set an example for him to follow." Petyr turned to Lady Waynwood, "My lady, I heard There is such a man of choice in your Iron Oaks. Will you send Harold Hatton to accompany Lord Robert?" Anya Waywood seemed amused, "Lord Petyr, you are truly the most daring bandit I have ever seen." "Yo, I don't mean to steal the boy," Petyr assured. "I just want him to be friends with Robert." Bronze Jon Royce leaned forward, "Lord Robert and young Harry should be friends... They will join hands in Runestone City as my adopted son and attendant, growing up under my care." "Hand over the boy," cried Lord Belmore, "and we will keep you safe and sound from the Dale to be your Lord of Harrenhal." Petyr looked back at him with a bit of reproach, "Are you implying that if I refuse to do so, I will be violent, my lord? It's so strange that my honorable ex-wife still believes that my duty is to protect In the valley, I can't leave for a moment, but the princes are pressing each other bitterly, and they can't tolerate me." "My lord Baelish," said Lady Waywood loudly, "Lysa Tully is Jon Arryn's widow and Robert Arryn's mother, and as regent of the Vale, we honor her as Lord. What about you... Let’s be blunt, you don’t have the blood of the Arryn family, and you have no kinship with Lord Robert, so why sit on the mountain and order everyone?” "If your memory is not bad, you know that Lysa named me the guardian of the canyon?" Little Earl Hunter said, "Lysa Tully is not from the valley, she is not qualified to arrange the affairs of the valley." "What about Lord Robert?" Petyr asked, "Lady Lysa can't even arrange for her own son?" Nestor Royce, who had been silent until now, said aloud: "I had hoped with all my heart to marry Lady Lysa, and so had Lord Hunter's late father and Lady Anya's son, and Corbray had stayed on the Hill for half a year. Come to think of it, if Madam had chosen one of us, you would never have questioned his authority as the guardian of the valley. After all, Lady Lysa just happened to pick Lord Littlefinger and entrust her son to his care." "He is also Jon Arryn's son, cousin," Bronze Jon frowned at the Guardian of the Gates of the Moon, "he belongs to the Vale." Petyr put forward an answer: "Eagle's Nest City, like Runestone City, is within the scope of the valley. Could it be that if you climb the mountain, you will ascend to heaven?" "Go ahead with your jokes, Littlefinger," growled Lord Belmore, "we want boys." "As much as I hate to disappoint you, Lord Belmore, I regret to inform you that I cannot be separated from my stepson. You are well aware that he is a little delicate and cannot withstand long journeys. As his Stepfather and Canyon Guardian, I cannot allow any accidents to happen to him." Simon Templeton cleared his throat. "We've each brought a thousand good soldiers, and the soldiers are stationed at the foot of the hill right now, Littlefinger." “希望他们住得舒服。” “如果必要,我们能召集更多人手。” “想用战争来威胁我吗,爵士?”培提尔的语气中没有一丝恐惧。 青铜约恩吼道:“我们要带走劳勃大人!” 会谈陷入了沉寂。这时,林恩·科布瑞忽然从壁炉边不耐烦地转过身,“闹够了没有?听得我起鸡皮疙瘩,蠢货们,论嘴皮功夫,小指头可以说到你们个个支撑不住,眼皮打架!跟他这路货色有什么好废话的……爽快点,靠家伙决定吧。”他拔出剑来。 培提尔连忙摊开双手,“我没有武器,爵士。” “这个问题好解决,”烛光在科布瑞的烟灰色剑刃上跳跃,沉暗的金属令珊莎想起了父亲的巨剑寒冰。“你的苹果食客带了刀,叫他给你,或者把你自己的匕首找出来比画比画。” 她看见罗索·布伦摸向剑柄,但剑未出鞘,青铜约恩便暴跳如雷地站起来,“放下武器,爵士!你到底姓科布瑞还是姓佛雷?我们是这里的客人!” 韦伍德伯爵夫人抿紧嘴唇,“实在太不成体统了。” “收剑,科布瑞,”小杭特伯爵应和,“你的行为让大家蒙羞。” “是的,林恩,”雷德佛用和缓的语气劝道,“这对我们没好处,让'空寂女士'歇息去吧。” “我的女士口渴着呢,”林恩爵士不肯让步,“她若出鞘,见血方休。” “口渴就冲我来!”青铜约恩结结实实地挡在科布瑞身前。 “好个公义者同盟!”林恩·科布瑞恶狠狠地咒道,“瞻前顾后,难成大事,不如改名叫老妇人同盟!”他将沉暗的剑收回鞘内,推开布伦,旁若无人地大步离开。阿莲听见脚步声清彻地回响。 安雅·韦伍德与霍顿·雷德佛交换了一个眼色,杭特干了杯中酒,伸出杯子让阿莲满上。“贝里席大人,”赛蒙爵士郑重其事地说,“请您原谅刚才的意外事件。” “原谅?”小指头冷冰冰地道,“是谁把他带来的,大人们?” 青铜约恩解释,“我们并非有意——” “是您们把他带来的!这太荒唐了,简直是公然蔑视律法,我有权召唤守卫,大人们——” 杭特匆忙起立,差点撞翻阿莲手中的酒壶,“你保证过我们的安全!” “……是的,您们应该心存感激,我总还有荣誉感,与某些人不同。”培提尔的声音中蕴涵有她从未听过的恼怒,“我读了您们的声明,也听了您们的要求,现在请听听我的:即刻从山下撤军回家,别再骚扰我儿子。我不否认,从前是有统治不善的地方,可那是莱莎干的,非出于我。给我一年时间,我将与奈斯特大人携手整治,一年之后,诸君将不会有任何委屈。” “空口无凭,”贝尔摩说,“我们凭什么信任你呢?” “您居然质疑我的人品?到底是谁在会议上亮家伙,啊?您们自称要保护劳勃大人,却不给他吃的,令他营养不良,这桩桩悖行应该画上句号了。告诉您,大人,我不懂如何带兵打仗,但假若真被逼上绝路,也会奋起抵御。峡谷里并非只有你们六镇诸侯,君临的王室更是支持我的统治。如果你们想要战争,尽管直说,只怕谷地将血流成河。” 阿莲察觉到公义者们眼中逐渐扩散的犹疑。“一年时间并不太长,”雷德佛大人迟缓道,“或许……如果您保证……” “没人想要战争,”韦伍德伯爵夫人确认,“秋天即将结束,大家要准备过冬。” 贝尔摩清清喉咙,“在年底之前……” “……若我不能满足诸位,便自动放弃峡谷守护者的称号。”培提尔对诸侯们保证。 “条件很公平。”奈斯特·罗伊斯子爵插话。 “不许有任何报复行为,”坦帕顿坚称,“不许指名谁为叛逆或乱党。对此您得发誓。” “很好,”培提尔承诺,“我要的是朋友,不是敌人。您们愿意的话,我即刻为大家各写一张赦免状,连同林恩·科布瑞在内,不管怎么说,他哥哥是个实在人,我不会让尊贵的科布瑞家族蒙上污点。” 韦伍德伯爵夫人转向同伴们,“大人们,我们可否加以考虑?” “没什么好考虑的,事情很清楚,他赢了。”青铜约恩用灰色的眼睛久久地打量着培提尔·贝里席。“我不喜欢这安排,但看来不得不给你一年时间。抓紧享受吧,大人。记住,并非所有人都是傻瓜。”他猛地掀开门,几乎把它扯了下来。 接下来举办了一场简单的宴席,培提尔忙不迭地为朴素的食物道歉。劳勃穿一件乳白与天蓝相间的外套跑出来,很称职地扮演着小公爵的角色。青铜约恩没有列席,他直接下山去了,林恩·科布瑞走得更快,其他人做客到第二天清晨方才告辞。 他操纵了这场会议,当晚,阿莲躺在床上,听着窗外呼啸的风声,静静地想。她不明白,也不知怀疑因何而生,总觉得有那么一点线索,令人无法入睡。她翻来覆去地想,好像一只叼着老骨头的狗,最后她起身换好衣服,离开熟睡的吉思尔。 培提尔还在灯下写信。“阿莲,”他说,“亲爱的,这么晚了,还不睡呢?” “我想知道实情,一年之内会发生什么?” 他搁下笔,“雷德佛和韦伍德老了,一年之内,或许死一个,甚至死俩;杰伍德·杭特将被他的弟弟们杀掉,多半是小哈兰动手,他也是谋害老伊恩爵爷的元凶——瞧,这就是我常说的,'一不做二不休'嘛;至于贝尔摩,此人生活腐化,容易收买;坦帕顿我会结之为友;遗憾的是,青铜约恩将继续与我为敌,不过还好,只需将其孤立,便不能构成威胁。” “林恩·科布瑞爵士呢?” 烛光在公爵眼中闪烁,“林恩爵士将成为我不共戴天的仇敌,他将以最恶毒最轻蔑的语言来诋毁我,并参与每一个针对我的密谋。” 这下她的怀疑终于得到了证实,“为这份服务,您准备怎样奖励他?” 小指头抚掌大笑,“有什么,不过是金子、男孩和承诺呗。林恩爵士的胃口不大,亲爱的,他只要钱财、孩童与杀戮。”
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