Home Categories science fiction Earthsea Six Part III: Beyond Earthsea

Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Ohm Ambarella

On this shortest night of the year, torches burn on the rafts all night long.Under the starry sky, all the floating rafts gathered into a circle, so the torch also formed a ring and flashed on the sea.The raftmen dance without drums, harps, or any music, just the rhythm of their bare feet trampling on the swaying raft, and the shrill voices of singers echoing in the void of their sea dwelling.It happened that there was no moonlight on this night, and under the light of stars and fire, the dancer's body appeared dark.From time to time, there are young people jumping back and forth between the floating rafts, moving like a fish.Everyone competed with each other who could jump the farthest and the highest jump, trying to use this method to try to jump the whole circle of the floating raft before dawn.

Arren had no problem dancing with them, for the Long Dance was held in every island of the Archipelago, only the steps and songs might be different.As the night wore on, many dancers stopped dancing to sit and watch or nap.The singer's voice gradually became hoarse.Arren jumped with a group of jumpers all the way to the leader's raft, and he stopped while the others went on. Sparrowhawk sat near the temple with the leader and his two wives.A singer sits between the two carved whales that serve as a doorway, and his high-pitched voice remains undiminished all night.He beat the wood with both hands to keep time, and chanted tirelessly.

"What is he singing?" Arren asked the wizard, for he could not make out the words, only that they were drawn out, and there were trills and strange fricatives in the tune. "He sang about gray whales, albatrosses, thunderstorms... etc. They don't know the songs of heroes and kings. They don't know the name of Eriyabai. Earlier he sang about Xigoyi, saying that he How to make land out of the sea. They remember only so much of the folklore of men, and the rest is about the sea." Arren listened carefully.He heard the singer imitate the whistle of a dolphin, and the whole song was sung around the dolphin.He saw the sparrowhawk's profile against the torchlight, black and solid as a rock.I also saw the chief's wives chatting softly, their eyes sparkling with water.At the same time, I felt the floating raft floating on the calm sea, and gradually became sleepy.

He woke up suddenly because the singer's voice was gone.Not only the singer near them, but all the singers on the rafts near and far stopped singing.The shrill voices of the singers faded away like the cries of distant seabirds, and there was complete silence all around. Arren looked back toward the east, thinking it was day, but the old moon was just rising, hanging low in the sky, glowing golden among the summer stars. Then, looking south, he saw the yellow star Gorbaden hanging high, with eight companions below it—even the last one showing itself. The "End Rune" hangs clearly and sharply above the sea.Looking back, I saw Sparrowhawk's dark face turning towards the stars.

"Why don't you sing?" the leader asked the singer. "It's not yet dawn, not even dawn yet." The male singer muttered, "I don't know." "Keep singing! The Long Dance Festival is not over yet." "I don't know the words," the singer said, raising his voice in horror. "I can't sing anymore, I forgot the lyrics." "Then sing another song!" "There is no other song, it's over." The singer said loudly, and bent forward until his whole body crouched on the log of the raft.The chief stared at him in amazement.

The raft swayed with the sea beneath the crackling torches.No one spoke.The stillness of the ocean envelopes and engulfs all life and light that moves above it.All the dancers stopped. The stars seemed to fade as far as Arren could see, but in fact there was not even a shred of light in the east.Not only did he feel fear in his heart, he even thought: "The sun will not rise, and the day will not fall." The mage stood up, and at the same time, his whole witch staff quickly emitted a faint white light, and even the silver runes on the staff were bright and clearly discernible. "The dance is not over," he said. "Nor is the light. Sing, Arren."

Arren wanted to say, "Master, I cannot sing!" But he looked at the nine stars to the south, took a deep breath, and sang.His voice was weak and hoarse at first, but he sang more and more powerfully, and he sang the oldest song: "Eia Creation Song", about the balance of darkness and light, about the one who uttered the first words of the beginning-" "To the Lord of Longevity" Xi Guoyi - the story of creating a green land. Before the end of the song, the sky turned white.In this pale haze, only the moon and Gorbaden star are still faintly shining, and the torch is buzzing in the dawn wind.When the song was over, Arren was silent, and the dancers who had come to listen quietly returned to their rafts, and the light illuminated the sky east of Ding.

"It's a good song," said the leader.Although he tried his best to be indifferent, his voice was not very stable after all: "It's not good to stop singing before the end of the Long Dance Festival. I will order people to beat those lazy singers with algae leaf whips." "It's better to comfort them. No singer will choose to remain silent." Although Sparrowhawk moved his steps as he spoke, his tone remained firm. "Arren, you come with me." Sparrowhawk turned and walked to the shed, Arren following.However, the strange phenomenon of this dawn is not over yet, because just when the edge of the sea and sky in the east is turning white, a big bird flies from the north. , glittering with golden light.Arren yelled and pointed to it.When the mage looked up, he was startled first, then enthusiastically delighted, and shouted loudly: "Na Siser Awu Ged Akwesa!" The meaning of this "creation language" is: "If you want to find Ged, you can find it here."

Wings whizzing high in the air, claws that catch a bull like a mouse, and snouts that breathe fire and smoke—the dragon drops like a golden pendant, swooping down on the swinging raft like a hawk. The people on the raft yelled, some shrank to the ground, some jumped into the sea, and some stood still and watched—because they forgot their fear in amazement. The dragon hovered over everyone's heads.It had a pair of membranous wings about ninety feet long at the ends, making it like a smoke of gold that glowed in the first sun.Its body was no shorter than its wings, but thin and arched like a hound.The claws are like lizards, and the whole body is covered with scales and armor. On the long and narrow spine, there is a whole row of jagged spikes, much like rose thorns—except that the spines on the hump are as high as three feet.It gets smaller and smaller as it goes back, until it reaches the smallest thorn on the tail, which is about the same size as the blade of a small knife.The dragon's spines were all gray, and its scales were iron-gray with golden glints.Its eyes are slender and green.

The leader was overwhelmed by the fear of his people, but he forgot to be afraid for himself. He ran out from the shed, holding the harpoon they used for hunting whales. hook.He ran with the harpoon in his strong little arms to build momentum, hoping that when it was thrown, it would hit the long, lightly armored belly of the dragon hovering above the raft. Arren, who was in a daze, rushed forward and grabbed his arm, and fell into a pile with the leader, man and harpoon. "You mean to annoy it with that silly pin?" gasped Arren. "Let the Dragonlord speak first!" The leader's original momentum was cut in half by Arren, and he just stared blankly at Arren, the mage, and the dragon.He didn't speak, but Long spoke first.

Only Ged understood what it said, and he was also the object of the dragon's desire to talk.Dragons can only speak the ancient language, which is their language.Its voice was low and hissing, like the squawking of an angry cat, but much louder, and of course there was a terrible musical note in it.Whoever hears this sound will stop and listen. After the mage answered briefly, the dragon spoke again.It fluttered gently over the mage's head, Arren thought, like a dragonfly flying in the air. Then the mage replied: "Memias." Meaning "I will come".As he spoke, he held up his yew wand.The dragon's mouth opened wide, and a cloud of smoke spiraled out like a vine.The pair of golden wings flapped like lightning, creating a gust of scorching wind. Then, it turned around and flew mammothly to the north. In the silence on the floating raft, only the faint cries and cries of children were heard, and the woman comforted him; the man climbed back to the floating raft from the sea a little shyly; the forgotten torch was burning in the first rays of sunlight. The mage turned to Arren, and there was a gleam in his face—it might have been joy or sheer anger, but his words were soft: "We must go, boy, to say goodbye to everyone, and follow me." He turned himself Thank and say goodbye to the leader, and then cross the other three floating rafts that are joined together for dancing from that floating raft to the one with "Zhanyuan" tied.Apparently the boat had been following the raft town far away, drifting slowly to the south, and now it was swaying empty behind.But these children of the open sea have filled their empty buckets with the rainwater they received.And prepared a lot of food, to express respect for the guests.Many of them believe that the sparrowhawk is a member of the "King Flock"-only not in the form of a whale, but in the form of a "human".When Arren came to rendezvous, the Sparrowhawk had hoisted the sails, and Arren untied the ropes and jumped in.As soon as he jumped in, the boat lifted off the raft, its sails billowing as if against the wind—though it was only a sunrise breeze.She followed the trail of the dragon and turned like a leaf in the wind, heading north. When Arren looked back, the raft town was a dot, and the sheds and torchwood posts floated on the sea like sticks or splinters.Soon all this was gone in the bright morning sun, and the Foresight galloped on, its prow slapping the waves and splashing crystal spray, and the wind the speed of the ship lifted Arren's hair and He had to squint. There is no wind in the world that can make this little boat go so fast, except a storm, which can make her go, but capsize her in the stormy sea.It can be seen that this is not the natural wind of the world, but the power of the mage's spell, which caused her to run like this. For a long time the mage stood by the mast and watched carefully, then at last sat down in his old place by the tiller, one hand on the tiller, and looked at Arren. "The dragon just now is Orm Anba," he said, "he is the "Dragon of Keledo" and a relative of the Orm Dragon. The old dragon slain by Eriyabai." "Is he hunting, master?" Arren asked, for he was not sure whether the mage's words to the dragon were welcome or threats. "He came to look for me. Whatever the Dragon Clan is looking for, he will definitely find it. He came to ask for my help." He smiled shortly. "If anyone tells me such a thing, I will not believe it. A dragon would seek help from an ordinary person; and it is not an ordinary dragon, but a dragon among dragons! Although he is not the oldest dragon, But that's old enough, and he's the most powerful of the dragons. He doesn't hide his real name like a dragon or a normal person, and he doesn't worry at all that any creature might gain power over him. He's not like any other of his kind Will deceive. A long time ago on the island of Celedor, he did not kill me, but also told me a great thing, that is, how to find the "Run of the King". Restoration, all thanks to him. However, receiving this kind of kindness, facing this kind of benefactor, I never thought of repaying it!" "What did he come to tell you this time?" "Tell me the path I'm looking for." When the mage said, his expression became more severe, and he continued after a pause. "He said to me: 'There is another dragon lord in the west, who deliberately destroys our species, and who is stronger than him. We are strong.” I said, “We are stronger than you, Omu Amba?” He said, “We are stronger than me. Come quickly with me.” He said so, and I will obey him.” "That's all you know?" "Other details will be known later." Arren wound and stowed the mooring ropes, and took care of the other little things of the ship.All this while, the thrill of excitement rumbled within him like a taut bowstring, and at last he uttered the strong sound: "This kind of guide is better," he said, "better than the others! " Sparrowhawk looked at him and smiled. "Yes," he said, "I think we won't go astray this time." Thus, the two began this great race across the ocean: from the uncharted waters of the Raftman to the Isle of Celedor, all the westernmost islands of the Earth Sea were scattered over a thousand miles.Day after day, the day rose brightly from the clear sea level and sank into the red of the west.Beneath the golden halo of the sun, and the silver rim of the stars, the ship galloped northward alone on the sea. Sometimes, midsummer thunderstorm clouds gather in the distance, casting purple shadows on the sea.Arren would always see the mage stand up now, and call out and raise his hand to call the clouds to come, so that they might rain on the ship.Lightning would flash and thunder among these clouds, and the mage would stand with one hand up until the rain fell, and it fell on him and Arren, and fell into the container they had prepared, and hit the ship, and On the sea, breaks the waves with its violence.He and Arren would laugh, for there was enough food, though little, but little water.Storms that obey the mage's spell, though wild, make them happy. Arren marveled at the ease with which his companion had wielded power during this time, and once said: "You wielded no magic at all when we first began this journey." "The first and last lesson of Roke Academy is to 'do what you need', never do more!" "Then, the teaching between these two lessons must include: knowing what is needed." "That's right. The issue of 'balance' must be taken into consideration. However, once the balance is disrupted, other things need to be considered. The most important of these is the 'level of urgency'." "However, the wizards in the south—and probably the wizards in other places now—have lost their witchcraft, and even the singers have lost their singing skills. Why do you keep it alone?" "Because I want nothing but art," said Sparrowhawk. After a long time, Sparrowhawk said more bluntly, "If I'm going to lose my witchcraft soon, I'll make good use of it while I keep it." At this time, Sparrowhawk really has a sense of relief, and also has pure joy in his own skills.Arren, who used to watch Sparrowhawk cautiously in the past, had no way of guessing his ease and joy now.Wizards take witchcraft at heart, and they are witchcraft masters.Sparrowhawk's disguise in Hult Town had made Arren very uncomfortable.It turned out that for a mage, it was a game; for a mage who could not only change his appearance and voice at will, but also change his body and existence itself, turning into a fish, a dolphin, or an eagle at will, it was an insignificant game. Once the mage said, "Arren, I will show you the Isle of Gont." As he spoke, he told Arren to watch the surface of the bucket.The lid of the bucket had been lifted, and it was filled to the brim with water.Many not so good warlocks have the ability to visualize on the "water mirror", and Sparrowhawk does the same. He shows a mountaintop surrounded by mountains and haze, towering over the gray sea.The mage changed his vision, and Arren saw clearly a cliff on the mountain island.It was as if he were a bird—a seagull or a hawk—flying in the wind off the shore, looking down from the wind on the cliffs two thousand feet high that towered over the waves.There was a hut high up on the cliff. "That's the town of Riabai," said Sparrowhawk. "My master Ogion lived there. He stopped the earthquake many years ago. Now he raises goats, grows herbs, and Keep the "silence". He is old, I don't know if he will still be roaming in the mountains. But if he passed away, even at this moment, I would know, I would know..." But he The voice is not sure, because the image is swaying now, as if the cliff is falling.After the image was clear, his voice was also clear: "Every year in late summer and throughout autumn, he used to climb into the forest alone. The first time he saw me, he also came here on foot. At that time, I was an unknown person in a mountain village. Little Maotou of the world, he helped me find my real name—and at the same time gave me life." The image displayed by the water mirror at this time, as if the viewer was a bird in the forest, looking from the inside to the outside of the forest, I saw the steep slope of sunny grass under the rocks and snow on the top of the mountain; looking into the forest, I saw a steep path leading into the darkness of green shadows and gold spots. "The tranquility of those forests is not comparable to the tranquility of the world." Sparrowhawk said fascinatedly. The image faded, leaving only the blinding, round midday sun on the surface of the water in the barrel. "Alas," Sparrowhawk said, looking at Arren with a curiously disappointed expression, "Alas, even if I can go back, you may not be able to follow me." In the afternoon they saw a piece of land ahead, low and blue like a cloud of fog. "Is that the Isle of Keldor?" asked Arren, his heart beating so fast, but the mage replied, "I suppose it must be the Isle of Abba or the Isle of Jessiji. We are not halfway yet, my boy." .” When they passed through the strait between the two islands that night, they did not see any lights, and there was a smell of smoke in the air, which was very pungent and even hurt their lungs.At daybreak, they looked back and saw that Jixiji Island in the east, the coast and the inland as far as they could see, were all scorched black, and there was a layer of blue-gray smoke over the island. "They burn the fields," said Arren. "Yes, and the village. I've smelled that kind of smoke before." "Are the people of this part of the West savages?" Sparrowhawk shook his head, "They include farmers and city dwellers." Arren stared blankly at the charred ruins of the land and the forest of withered trees under the sky, his face stiffened. "Did the trees do them any harm?" said he. "Must they thus punish the plants for their mistakes? How barbarous are men to set fire to the ground for quarrels between themselves and others." "That's because they have no mentor, no king," said Sparrowhawk. "Both those with majestic bearing and those with witch power retreated aside or hid in their hearts, trying to find a way through death. It is said that the way is in the south, and I guess that's where it is." "Was it done by someone—the same person the dragon mentioned? It doesn't seem possible." "Why is it impossible? If there is a king on these islands, he is a person, and he rules here. It is easy for an individual to destroy or rule, depending on whether that person is a "wise king" or a "faint king." There was sarcasm or challenge in the mage's voice again, and Arren's temper was provoked. "The king has subordinates, soldiers, messengers, and generals, and he rules through these subordinates. In this case, this..."faint king", where are his subordinates?" "In our hearts, children, in our hearts. That traitor in us, that ego that cries, 'I want to live, as long as I can live, let the world do what it wants!', that traitor in us The soul of rebellion, hiding in the dark like a spider in a box. He speaks to all of us, but only a few understand it, except wizards, singers, makers and heroes who try to be themselves "Being yourself" is a rare thing, and it's also a great thing. Then, being "yourself" forever, isn't it even more amazing?" Arren stared at Sparrowhawk. "You're really saying it's not that great. But tell me why. I started this journey as a kid and I didn't believe in death. Many, some after all. What I've learned is to believe in death. But I haven't learned to happily transcend it and welcome my own death, or yours. If I love life, shouldn't I hate it The end? Why can't I aspire to immortality?" The master who had taught Arren to fencing in Berilla's homeland was an old man over sixty, short, bald, and grim.Arren had disliked him for several years, though he knew he was a good swordsman.One day when practicing swords, he caught his master's negligence in defense and defeated him; he will never forget that the master's cold face suddenly lit up, revealing unbelievable, contradictory joy, hope, happiness-the opponent, finally became Opponent!From that day on, when the fencing master trained him, he was ruthless.And whenever the two fought, the same ruthless smile would always hang on the old man's face, and if Arren struck twice, the smile would be even brighter.Now Sparrowhawk has the same smile on his face. "Why can't you desire immortality? How can you not desire it? Every soul desires it, and the health of the soul comes from the power of that desire. But beware, Arren, you may well be the one." "What about after it's done?" "When it's done...that's how it is: the king is doomed, the art is forgotten, the singer loses his voice, his eyes are blinded. Behold! The land is barren, plagued, and wounds await healing. There are two sides to everything, Arren, two sides to one body: the earthly world and darkness, light and darkness. The two sides of this body form a "balance". Life comes from death, and death comes from life. The two yearn for each other at the opposite ends, conceive each other and continue to regenerate. Because of life and death, all things can be reborn, Whether it is the blossom of the apple tree, or the light of the stars. In life there is death, and in death there is rebirth. What is life without death? Life that is immutable, everlasting?—There is no rebirth but death Silence, what else?" "However, how could the 'Dahua Balance' be endangered by someone's behavior or someone's life? That must be impossible, this kind of thing is not allowed..." He stopped in confusion. "Who allows it? Who forbids it?" "I don't know." "I don't know either. But I know how evil a man is possible to do, all alone, I know too well. I know because I have done it myself. I have been driven by the same pride to do I did the same evil thing. I opened the door between the worlds of life and death, only opened a crack, a small crack, just to prove that I am stronger than death itself. I was young and never encountered death, just like you are now... ...later, to close that door, to drain Archmage Nymor of all his powers, to take his witchcraft and his life. You can see the mark of that night on my face. But it killed It is the Archmage. Ah, Arren, the gate between light and darkness can be opened. It takes effort, but it is possible. To close it is another matter." "However, master, this is definitely different from what you did at the time—" "Why is it different? Because I'm a good person?" The iron-like sternness and falcon-like calm flashed again in Hawksparrow's eyes. "What kind of a man is a good man, Arren? A man who does no evil, who does not open the door to darkness, who has no darkness within, is he a good man? Look again, my child, look farther .What you learn today will be used in the future when you go in the direction you should go. Look within yourself! Didn't you hear a voice saying "come" before? Didn't you follow?" "It's true that I followed. But I... I thought at the time, that... was his voice." "That's his voice, yes, but it's your voice too. How can he speak to you through the air if it's not your own? How can he speak to all who know how to listen to him? The warlocks, the makers And the seeker, those who follow their inner voice. Why didn't he call to me? It's just that I didn't listen, I don't want to hear that voice again. Arren, you are born with power, as I am, this harness Everyone, isn’t the power to control the mind the power to control life and death? You are young, and you happen to be standing among all kinds of possibilities, in the realm of shadows, in the realm of dreams, that’s why you can hear the voice saying “Come on”. But I am old, having done what I have to do, standing in the light of day, facing my own mortality, facing all possible endings. I know that only one power is real and worth having - not to take but to accept." Xiji Island had fallen far behind them, becoming a blue spot on the sea. "I am his servant, then," said Arren. "You are his servant, but I am your servant." "But who is he? What is he?" "I suppose he's a human being, even like you and me." "The one you mentioned—the sorcerer of Havnor, the one who summoned the spirits of the dead? Is it him?" "Probably. He is very powerful, and he uses all his strength to deny death. He also understands the great spell of Pahn Wisdom. When I used this spell, I was young and stupid, and I broke myself. So if a young man If it is used by someone who is long, powerful and doesn't care about the result, then he may destroy all mankind." "But didn't you say he was supposed to be dead?" "Hey," said Sparrowhawk. "I did." They didn't talk any more. That night the sea was full of fire. The bow of the "Zhanyuan" stirred up strong waves and beat back. On the sea surface, every fish swimming showed a clear outline and was alive and shining.Arren gripped the side of the ship with his arms, resting his head on them, watching the circles and swirls that shone silver.He reached into the water, then raised it, and the light streamed slightly from his fingers. "Look," he said, "I'm a wizard too." "You don't have that talent," said his companion. "When we meet the enemy," Arren stared at the swaying waves. "I don't have the talent of a wizard. How can I help you?" Arren had hoped from the first that the reason the Archmage had chosen him, and him alone, for this journey was that he possessed something of the inborn powers inherited from his ancestor Morred. Yes, and it will come in handy in a pinch, in the bleakest of hours.That way he could save himself and his master, and the whole world, from the hands of the enemy.But in recent days, he has re-examined that hope, and it seems to be looking at that hope from a far away place, almost like a memory, recalling that when he was very young, he longed to try on his father's crown and cried when it was stopped .Today, that hope is equally a "badly timed" and childish hope.He has no witchcraft within him, and never will. The time may come when he can, and must, wear his father's crown and rule as Prince Inlad.But looking at it now, that seems like a small thing, and his home is also a small place, and it's far away.The thought was not disloyal, in fact, his allegiance had even grown—for he was now loyal to a greater paradigm, to a wider hope.He also recognized his own weakness, and through that weakness he learned to measure his own strength, and found that he was strong.But if he has no gift, what is power, for has he nothing to offer him as a master but obedience and unchanging love?Where they're going, is that enough? But Sparrowhawk said only, "To see the light of a candle, one must bring the candle into darkness." Arren tried to comfort himself with the words, but found it of little use. When they woke up the next morning, the sky was gray and the sea was gray.Above the masts, the sky was an opal blue—for the fog was low.To the northerners, like Arren on Enlad, and the Sparrowhawk on Gont, this fog is as welcome as old friends.It shrouded the ship so lightly that it was impossible to see far.But they feel that they have been in a bright space for weeks, with the sea breeze blowing directly, and now they encounter this kind of weather, as if they are in a familiar room.They were gradually returning to their accustomed climate, and might have reached the latitude of Roke Isle. The sea, over which the Vision had sailed, was shrouded in thick mist, but about seven hundred miles to the east, the clear sun shone on the foliage of the forest of hearts, and on the green tops of Roke Round, It shines on the slate tiles on the high roof of Hongxuan Pavilion. A room in the South Tower.It was the magician's chamber, cluttered with decanters, stills, pot-bellied flasks, retorts, thick-walled furnaces, small burners, tongs, bellows, scissors, benches, files, conduits, and the like.Thousands of boxes, bottles, and gags, etc., were labeled with Hittite or more secret runes.In addition, there are things needed for alchemy, such as glass blowing, metal refining, healing and so on.Among the tables and chairs filled with things in the room, stood the transformation masters and summoning masters of Roke Academy. A gray-haired shifter was holding in both hands a large ore shaped like a rough diamond.In fact, it was a mineral crystal, with a hint of blue-purple and rose color inside, but still as clear as water.However, if one looks into that clarity, one finds that it is not clear. What is presented to the eyes is not the reflection of the actual surrounding scenery, nor the image of the scenery, but some extremely profound planes and depths.If you keep looking in, it will lead the viewer into a dream, and you will find that you can't get out.This large ore is the "Stone of Xulisi". In the past, it has been preserved by the princes of Wei Island. Sometimes it is only used as a treasure collection, sometimes as a spell-holding object to help sleep, and sometimes it is taken to harm. For looking into the endless depths within the crystal without knowing it for too long it is possible to go mad.But when Archmage Gunther of the Isle of Way came to take up his new duties on Roke, he brought this "Stone of Velisse" with him, because, in the hands of a mage, it would appear true. However, the reality it presents varies from viewer to viewer. So now, the Transformer, holding this ore crystal in his hand, looks inwards from the raised, uneven surface into the infinite, pale, shining depths, and speaks out what he sees with his eyes: "I see a piece of land, the ground is It's like I'm standing on Mount Owen in the center of the world. The whole world is under my feet. I can even see the most remote Territory and the places beyond the Territory. Everything is very clear. I can see the ships in the waterway of Irian Island, Thor The stove fires of the people on Ho Win Island, and the roof of the South Tower where we are standing at the moment. But after Roke Island, there is nothing. There is no land in the south, and there is no land in the west. It should be the place of Vasso Island, I didn’t see it To Vasor. Not a single one of the Western islands, not even Pendor, the nearest to Roke. And Osskor, Eboscot, where are they? Enlad There is fog above, and it is gray, like a spider web. Every time I look at it, some more islands disappear, and the ocean where the islands were originally located has become an uninterrupted continuous ocean, just like before "The Creation of Heaven and Earth"..." When speaking of "creation of heaven and earth", his voice stuttered, as if those few words were hard to say. He put the ore in the ivory holder and stepped aside.His kindly countenance twisted, and he said, "See what you can see." Master Summoner held the crystal ore in both hands, and turned it slowly, as if trying to find an entrance for sight on the uneven but bright surface.He held it for a long time, his face focused.When I finally put it down, I said: "Change master, I only see a little afterimage of fragments, which cannot be combined into a whole." The grey-haired master clasped his hands tightly. "Isn't that weird?" "Why is this so?" "Are you often dazzled?" The transformation master yelled angrily: "Don't you see—" He stuttered several times, and finally managed to say: "Don't you see that your eyes are covered with a hand, just like I have a hand over my mouth?" Master Summoner said, "Master, you are too nervous." "Summon the 'Spirit of Ore'," the transformation master said restrainedly, his voice was a little muffled. "why?" "Why? Because I asked you to." "Oh, Master Changer, you're prodding me to—isn't that like a bunch of little boys running to play in front of a bear's den? Are we kids?" "Yes! I was a child before I saw "The Stone of Chrysalis"—a frightened child. Summon the "Ore Spirit". Master, do you want me to beg you?" "No need." The tall master turned around with a frown, walking away from the older transformation master.Then he opened his arms and made a pose to start casting the spell, then raised his head and said a series of syllables of the mantra.When he recited the recitation, the interior of the "Stone of Xulisi" gradually became brighter, and the room became darker, filled with shadows.When the shadows became very dark and the ore became very bright, he folded his hands and held the crystal up to his face, looking into the luminous interior of the ore. He was silent for a moment, and then said, "I saw the Spring of Chiris," he said softly, "with pools, basins, and waterfalls. Silver curtains of water flowed through the caverns, which were layered with fern-growing moss , with wavy sand and gravel. I saw the spring water splashing and flowing, the deep spring gushing out from the ground, the mystery and sweetness of the spring water, the source of the spring..." He was silent again, standing like this for a moment.Under the radiance of the ore, his face also turned silver.然后,他大叫出声,双手掩面,跌倒在地。矿石掉下来,打中他的膝盖。 房内阴影没有了,夏日阳光渗进这个零乱的房间。那块大矿石躺在一张桌子旁的尘上与垃圾之上,毫无破裂。 召唤师傅目盲似地伸手去抓另一个男人的手,孩子似的。他深吸一口气,好不容易才站起来,稍微倚着变换师傅,嘴唇有点发抖地说话,但仍努力挤出微笑:“大师,从今以后我不接受您的刺激了。” “你看见了什么,索理安?” “我看见喷泉。看见喷泉沉陷,溪流变干,泉水的出水口退缩,而且底下全部变黑、变干。您刚才看见『天地创生』之前的海洋,我看见的是……之后……『天地尽毁』之后。”他润了润嘴唇,说。“我真希望大法师在这里。” “我倒希望我们是在他那儿陪着他。” “在哪儿?现在,谁也找不到他。”召唤师傅抬头看窗子,那几扇窗子露出依旧蔚蓝的天空。“派人去找,找的人根本到不了他那儿;用召唤术呼唤他,召唤的讯息连系不到他。他正在你刚才看见的那片空虚大海上,正朝着泉水变干的所在前进,他正置身于我们的巫艺起不了作用的地方——不过,即使到了这地步,可能仍有些法术可以与他连系——某种帕恩民间术。” “但那种民间术是用来把亡者带返人间界的。” “但有一些是把生者带去冥界。” “你不会认为他已经死了吧?” “我认为他正迈向死亡,而且正被拖向死亡。我们大家也一样。我们的力量正渐渐失去,还有我们的力气、我们的希望、和我们的好运。泉源都在慢慢干涸。” 变换师傅忧心仲仲地盯着召唤师傅好一会儿,才说:“索理安,别想派人去找他。他知道自己在寻找什么,远比我们知道得早。在他看来,这世界正如这个『虚里丝之石』,所以,他不但看清楚事实如何,也明白该当怎么办……我们帮不了他。宏深大法已经面临危险,其中最危险的是你刚才提到的『民间术』。我们必须依照他离开前指示我们的,尽力站稳,留意柔克岛的水井、以及各种相关名字的记忆。” “嗳,”召唤师傅说:“但我还是得告退,去思考一下这件事。”他于是离开那塔房,走路有点僵硬,但仍高高抬着他那黝黑、高贵的头。 次日早晨,变换师傅去找他,敲门不应,入内一看,发现召唤师傅四肢伸展,趴着倒卧在石地板上,样子好像被人从后面冲过来用力一击。他的两臂全幅展开,像施法的姿势,但两手已冰冷,睁开的眼睛无法看见什么。变换师傅跪在他身旁,试着用法师的权威叫他,喊他名字“索理安”三遍,他依旧躺着不动。他没死,但仅余的生命气息只够维持心脏微弱跳动。变换师傅抱住他,喃喃道:“噢,索理安,我强迫你看进那个矿石,都是我害的!”然后,他快步跑出房间,对每个碰见的人,不管是师傅或学徒,都说:“那敌人已经来到我们中间了,侵入了防卫精良的柔克学院,并正中核心打击我们的力量!”虽然平日他是个温和的人,但这时他的样子好像发狂,而且冷酷,使看见的人都害怕。“好好照顾召唤师傅,”他说:“但是,他所专长的召唤术已经丧失,谁能把他的灵魂召唤回来呢?” 他向自己的房间走去,大家纷纷闪避,让他经过。 有人把医治师傅请了来,他要大家把召唤师傅索理安放到床上,用被子盖妥以保暖,但他没煮泡任何医治药草,也没唱诵任何用来医治病体或乱心的歌调。一位跟在旁边的徒弟——一个尚未成为术士,但颇有医治潜力的少年——不由得问:“师傅,不用为他做任何事吗?” “在那道墙的这一面,我们什么也不用做。”医治师傅这么说。然后,突然想起他在对谁说话似的,才又说:“孩子,他没病。况且,倘若他身子真有发烧或疾病,我不知道我们的技艺能有多少效用。最近,我的药草以乎都没什么味道,而且我持诵医治术时,也是一点效力都没有。” “这现象与昨天诵唱师傅说的一样。他当时正在教我们诵唱,唱到一半突然中止,就说:『我不晓得这歌谣的意思。』说完便走出讲堂。有的师兄弟笑起来,但我当时却感觉脚下地板好像沉陷下去。” 医治师傅注视这徒弟直率聪颖的脸庞,又转头俯视召唤师傅冰冷僵硬的脸庞。“他会回转来与我们再见的,”他说:“歌谣不会被忘记。” 然而,当晚变换师傅离开了柔克学院。没人见到他走时是什么样式。他就寝的房间有扇窗子望向院子,第二天早晨,那扇窗子是开的,而他不见了。大家认为他运用他的变换技巧,把自己变成小鸟或禽兽,甚至变成一阵雾或风,因为没有任何“形”或“质”难得倒他。所以他就这样由柔克学院消逸无踪,说不定去寻找大法师了。要是法术失败或意志不济,这种形状的变换反倒可能会被自身法术攫获而无法返回原形,了解这一点的人都为他担心,但他们没有把内心忧虑说出来。 如此一来,“智者咨议团”一下减少了二位师傅。日子过去,却一直没有大法师的消息传回来,召唤师傅宛如死了般躺着,变换师傅也没回来,宏轩馆内弥漫寒意与阴影。众学徒交头接耳,有的说要离开柔克学院,因为学院没传授他们来此想学的东西。“也许呀,”有一位说:“这些秘密技艺与力量打一开始就全是谎言。全体师傅当中,只剩下手师傅还会一些妙招,可是我们都知道,老实说,那些全是幻象。如今,别的师傅不是躲起来,就是拒绝做任何表示——因为呀,他们的把戏全曝光了。”另一个人听了,还加油添醋道:“哼,巫艺是什么东西啊?不过是一场表象的表演。魔幻技巧到底是啥呀?它可曾救人免死,或起码给人长寿?师傅们倘若真有他们自称拥有的力量,肯定每一位都可以长生不死喽!”说着,他与别的师兄弟开始畅谈历代卓然有成的法师之死,包括莫瑞德如何战死,倪芮格被灰法师杀死,厄瑞亚拜被龙杀死,前任大法师耿瑟嘛,居然和普通人一样,在床上病死。这些话,嫉妒心明显的学徒听了,内心喜孜孜;其它人听着则觉惨兮兮。 这段期间,形意师傅仍独自待在心成林,而且没让任何人进去。 平日少露面的守门师傅,未见改变,双眼一无阴影,照旧微笑着守护宏轩馆所有门户,随时准备迎接师傅。
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