Home Categories science fiction Rama Labyrinth

Chapter 42 Section ten

Rama Labyrinth 阿瑟·克拉克 4427Words 2018-03-14
The wedding was arranged at 7:00 pm in the theater of Central Middle School; the reception was held in the gymnasium 20 meters away.In order to prevent accidents, Nicole was busy making preparations all day. Nicole had no time to ponder the significance of Richard's new discovery.While Richard returned home excited, eager to discuss with her the presence of the Ivan and who on earth was spying on his research, Nicole couldn't concentrate on anything other than the wedding.They agreed to keep the secret and discuss it in detail later when they had time. In the morning, Nicole and Ellie went for a walk in the park, and the mother and daughter talked about marriage and love for an hour.Ellie is so excited about her upcoming wedding that she can't concentrate on what her mother said.

Finally, Nicole stopped under a tree and concluded to her daughter: "Ellie, at least remember one thing." She took her daughter's hand, "Sex is an important part of marriage, but it is not the most important part of marriage." Important. Because of lack of experience, it may not go well at first. If you and Robert Turner really love and trust each other, you both give and have fun, things will only get better." Two hours before the wedding, Nicole, Nye, and Allie arrived at the school, where Eponina was already waiting for them. "Are you nervous?" the teacher asked with a smile.

Ellie nodded: "I'm terrified." Eponina said again: "I will be your bridesmaid." Ellie asked her mother to be the chief bridesmaid at the wedding, and Nye, Eponina, and sister Katie were bridesmaids.Turner asks Kenji, Patrick and Ben to be his best man, and he doesn't have any particularly close assistants except a robot in the hospital. "Mom, I'm so nervous that I want to throw up," Ellie said as she walked into the dressing room. "It would be embarrassing if I threw up on the wedding dress. Should I eat something?" Nicole had expected this to happen, handed Ellie the banana and yogurt, and told her daughter that it was normal to have such a reaction in such a situation.

The minutes passed and before Katie appeared, Nicole felt a little uneasy.After arranging everything in the bride's dressing room, she planned to go out and ask Patrick.The men have all changed their clothes. "How does the mother of the bride feel?" Judge Mishkin asked Nicole, the elderly justice who will preside over tonight's wedding. "It's a bit mysterious." Nicole smiled lightly.She saw Patrick in the background helping Ben straighten his clothes. "How do I look?" Ben asked as his mother approached. "Very handsome," said Nicole to her jovial son.She asked Patrick, "Did you talk to Katie this morning?"

"No." He replied, "When I was with her last night, I emphasized the time to her again... What, hasn't she come yet?" Nicole shook her head.It was already 6:15, and it was only forty minutes before the official ceremony of the wedding ceremony. Nicole walked into the hall and was about to make a phone call when a strong smell of cigarettes wafted over her and she knew Katie had arrived. As they walked into the bridal dressing room, Katie said loudly to Ellie, "Think about it, little sister, you're going to have sex for the first time tonight. Oh yeah, I bet..."

"Katie!" said Eponina, "I don't think it's appropriate..." Nicole went in, and Eponina said nothing more. "Why, Mother," said Katie, "you look so beautiful, I forgot there was such a sexy woman behind a judge's robe." Katie blew smoke rings into the air, then took a sip from the champagne next to her. "Here we are," she said grandly, "to witness my little sister's wedding..." "That's enough, Katie! You've had enough." Nicole's voice was stern and indifferent, and she picked up champagne and a cigarette and said, "Go and change at once and stop being a clown... After the wedding You can take these."

"Okay, Your Honor...no matter what you say..." Katie said, taking another sharp drag on her cigarette, puffing out smoke rings, smiling at the other ladies, walking towards the trash can, trying to shake the ashes, But he lost his balance and bumped his head against the table full of cosmetic bottles. Katie fell heavily to the floor, spilling the bottles on the table, and Eponina and Ellie rushed to help her up. "Are you okay?" Ellie asked. "Be careful with your skirt, Ellie," Nicole said, still looking calmly at Katie, who was curled up on the ground, and grabbed a handful of tissues to clean up the spill.

"Oh Ellie, watch your skirts," Katie said sarcastically, standing up. "You married your double-murderer husband. You're so innocent." Everyone in the room held their breath, and Nicole was so angry that she rushed to Katie and ordered, "Go, apologize to your sister." "No, I'm not going." Katie and her mother talked back. She had scarcely finished speaking when a slap was slapped across the face by her mother, Nicole. Tears immediately welled up in Katie's eyes. "Whoa, whoa," she said, touching her burning face. "This is the most famous slap in New Eden. Just two days after the violent slap in Central Plaza, she slapped her again. biological daughter, reenacting the scene that made her famous."

"Mom, don't...please." Ellie interrupted Katie, afraid that her mother would beat her sister again. Nicole turned to look at the panicked bride and murmured, "I'm sorry." "That's right," said Katie indignantly. "You said sorry to her, but you hit me, Judge! Remember me—your maiden eldest daughter, whom you called 'disgusting' three weeks ago. ...and you say my friends are 'dirty, vile, immoral'...is that the word? And you, Ellie, precious Ellie, a perfect example...you hand her over A double murderer... and another murderer as a bridesmaid..."

Everyone present realized that Katie was drunk.Not only was she provocative everywhere, but she was completely out of control.She stared at everyone angrily, babbled and swore. "She's drowning," Nicole said to herself. "She's crying out for help. I ignored her cries for help, and I pushed her deeper into the water." "Katie," Nicole said quietly, "I'm sorry I did something stupid without thinking about it." She opened her arms to her daughter. "No!" Katie screamed, pushing her mother's hand away. "No! No! I don't need your mercy." She stepped back to the door. "Actually, I don't want to be here at all, I shouldn't Come to the wedding... I don't belong here... Good luck, sister."

Katie turned and rushed out the door, and Nicole and Ellie wept uncontrollably.Nicole tries to focus on the wedding, but her heart aches just thinking about Katie.She helped Ellie touch up her makeup and kept blaming herself for getting mad at Katie. Before the wedding, Nicole comes to the men's changing room and tells them that Katie will not be coming to the wedding. Nicole glanced at the assembled crowd and noticed that about a dozen robots had already taken their seats. "My God!" thought Nicole, "our invitations haven't been done yet." It's not uncommon for residents to bring Lincoln and Tiaso robots to special gatherings, especially after they have children.Nicole made her way to the women's changing room again, wondering if everyone had a seat. For a moment the bridal party gathered around Judge Mishkin.Music starts to announce the arrival of the bride.Nicole and everyone turned their heads: Ellie, radiant in a white wedding dress trimmed with red lace, was walking this way with her father Richard on his arm.At this moment Nicole couldn't help crying, but she tried to hold back the tears.But seeing the crystal clear tears falling from the bride's eyes, Nicole couldn't bear it anymore and let the tears flow freely on her face: "I love you, my Ellie, and I hope you are happy." The wedding officiated by Judge Mishkin was brief but elegant.Ellie and Dr. Turner exchanged rings, and their vows were read loudly and firmly.The newlyweds turned to the judge, and the old man put their hands together kindly: "I authorize the declaration: Robert Turner and Ellie Walkerfield are married." Dr. Turner gently lifted Ellie's wedding dress and kissed his bride in the traditional way. Then there was a shot, followed by another, and Judge Mishkin fell on top of the newlyweds, blood gushing from his forehead.Then Kenji Watanabe fell beside the judge.With the third and fourth shots, Eponina rushed between the newlyweds and the guests.People screamed in horror, and there was chaos in the theater. Then came two more shots.Max Puckett finally catches the Lincoln robot (sit in the third row) who shoots.When the first shot was fired, Max quickly turned around and rushed towards the Lincoln robot, but it was too late—as soon as Judge Mishkin finished speaking, the nasty robot stood up and pulled the trigger at the judge.It fired six shots from the automatic before Max subdued it. With blood running down the stage, Nicole crawled over to look at Governor Watanabe—he was dead.Dr. Turner hugged Judge Mishkin, and the kindly old man finally closed his eyes.The third bullet, apparently aimed at Dr. Turner, grazed Eponina's side.Eponina stopped the bullet just in time for the bride and groom. Nicole picked up the microphone that had fallen with Judge Mishkin from the floor and said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a terrible tragedy. Please calm down and don't panic. I believe the danger has passed .Please stand still where you are, we must take care of the injured first." Fortunately, the last four shots are not very lethal.Eponina was bleeding, but her life was not in danger.The Lincoln droid was caught by Max before the fourth shot was fired, which almost saved Nicole's life as the bullet whizzed past Nicole's body.Two other guests also had scrapes. Richard, Max and Patrick stepped forward to subdue the robot murderer together. "It refused to answer any questions," Max said. Richard looked over the shoulder of the Lincoln droid, number 333, and said, "Take it to the back, I'm going to have a good look at it." Kneeling on the stage, Nai held her beloved husband's head in her hands, sobbing in despair, trembling all over.Her twin sons, Galileo and Keppler, were crying in terror beside their mother. Ellie comforts two young boys, her wedding dress spattered with blood. Dr. Turner tended to Eponina, dressing her wounds. "The ambulance will be here in a few minutes," he said, kissing her forehead. "Ellie and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for us." Nicole shuttled back and forth among the guests, checking to see if anyone had been hit or injured by a bullet.She was about to go back to the microphone and tell people they could leave when a hysterical man rushed into the theater, and before he could see what was happening, he shouted: "An Einstein robot is crazy! Ulanov and Yanney Judge Na is dead." "We should all go, right now," Richard said to Nicole. "Even if you don't go, I'm going. I know all about the robots above number 300—Nakamura's people have completely modified them." They're coming to kill me tonight or tomorrow morning." "Well, dear," Nicole replied, "I understand. But there has to be someone in the family. We're going to fight Nakamura, and we can't give in to his brutality, even if there's little hope." It's been three hours since Ellie's dreadful wedding.The entire residential area fell into chaos, and people were terrified and at a loss. It was just reported on TV that five or six robots had gone mad, and that eleven of New Eden's fine residents had been shot.The news said that luckily in the Vegas area, the robot Yasunari Kawabata, who was performing a concert, missed candidate Ian McMillan and brilliant industrialist Toshio Nakamura. "Lies! Pure lies!" Richard said angrily. "This is just a part of a conspiracy they planned." Richard is sure that the whole incident was planned and concocted by the Nakamura Group, and he also believes that he and Nicole are also their planned targets.Richard is convinced that New Eden will be completely different after the shooting.Nakamura will control everything, and I. McMillan will be his puppet governor. "You should at least say goodbye to Patrick and Ben," said Nicole. "It's better not to go," replied Richard. "It's not that I don't love them. I'm afraid I'll change my mind and be reluctant to leave." "Are you going to take the emergency exit?" Richard nodded: "In normal ways, they won't let me out." Richard began to check his diving equipment, and Nicole said: "The news just reported that the residents of the residential area smashed their robots to pieces. One resident interviewed said that the whole murder was an alien conspiracy. .” "Very well," said Richard sarcastically, "the public opinion has begun." He packed what food and water he could take, and hugged Nicole tightly.Both had tears in their eyes. "Do you know where you're going?" Nicole asked softly. "Know something," Richard said to his wife standing in front of the back door, "I don't want to tell you, I don't want you to be involved..." "I know." They heard noises in front of the house, and Richard rushed into the back yard.Trains to Shakespeare Lake stopped and angry crowds shut down the entire train system.Richard had to walk towards Shakespeare Lake. Carrying heavy diving equipment in his hands and a large backpack on his back, Richard walked with difficulty.Suddenly, he felt someone was following him.Twice he saw people out of the corner of his eye, but when he stopped to look around, he saw nothing.In the middle of the night, he finally reached the lake. Richard took one last look at the lights beaming from the living quarters, then began to put on his diving gear.While he was changing, a Garcia robot suddenly emerged from the forest.Richard felt cold all over. He thought he would be assassinated.A few long seconds passed before the Garcia robot asked, "Are you Richard Walkerfield?" Richard didn't move or speak. "If you are Mr. Walkerfield," said the last robot, "your wife has asked me to bring you a message. She says she loves you, and please hurry and return." Richard let out a long breath: "Tell her, I love her too."
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