Home Categories science fiction Doomsday is approaching

Chapter 77 Chapter 76

Doomsday is approaching 斯蒂芬·金 709Words 2018-03-14
Franny was not asleep yet, just lying quietly on the bed.The bedside lamp was on, and the light cast a bright circle on the white sheet she was covering with.Agatha Creeddick sat down on the edge of the bed, fast asleep.In the haze, the things in memory miraculously clearly turned into dreams.Agatha was about to bury her father.It didn't matter how she lived after the funeral, what mattered was that now she was able to pull herself out of the throes of losing her father and face reality.Funerals are also a way of expressing love.When it's all over, she can slice herself a slice of strawberry shortcake.The pie will be large and juicy, but it will also be very, very bitter.

Mary visited Franny half an hour ago.Franny asked her, "Is Peter dead?" Mary replied, "Well, he's fine." But Franny found the real answer from Mary's eyes.She knew that the baby was lying in the hospital's nursery with glass walls on all sides.Maybe Lucy's baby will be better, both Lucy and her husband are immune to "The Captain's Journey."People in the city already thought her Peter was hopeless, and they pinned their hopes on women who conceived after last July.It's brutal, but understandable. Frannie was a little sleepy. Half asleep, she thought of the porch of her mother's house, of her childhood passing by on the porch, of Stu, and of the first time Stu saw his son, Peter Goldsmith-Red. Manshi's eyes.She dreamed that Stu was in the room, with her.

"Frannie?" "Hey, Franny." In the dream she saw Stu back.He was standing in the doorway, wearing a leather jacket.Hallucination again?But she saw Stu in the dream with a full beard, which was hilarious. She suddenly put her hand on her face and twisted it hard, it hurt!I almost cried out in pain, but the illusion did not disappear. "Stu," she whispered, "Oh, God! Is that Stu?" His face was very tanned except for the areas around his eyes where the sunglasses were worn—not a detail you'd notice in a dream. Franny pinched herself again. "It's me," said Stu, coming into the room, "stop pinching yourself, baby." His leg hurt so badly that he nearly fell to the floor.

"Stu," she called, "is that really you? If it's really you, come here!" Stu went to the bed and hugged Franny tightly.
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