Home Categories science fiction Doomsday is approaching

Chapter 27 Chapter 26

Doomsday is approaching 斯蒂芬·金 13503Words 2018-03-14
A certain university group, perhaps some university students for a democratic society or Young Maoists, had been busy at the copiers during the night of June 25-26.In the morning, signs plastered the campus of the University of Kentucky in Louisville: Notice!Notice!Notice!Notice! The government is lying to you!News organizations that have been taken over by paramilitary police are deceiving you!The school is lying to you!Because the doctors in the school infirmary obey the authorities! 1.There is no flu vaccine at all. 2.Superflu is not a serious illness, but a fatal one. 3.Susceptibility may be as high as 75%.

4.The superflu was developed by paramilitary police forces in the United States and leaked by accident. 5.Even though it has the potential to kill 75% of the population, the US paramilitary police are currently covering up the truth about the holocaust they have wrought!Salute to all revolutionary people!Now is the time for us to rise up and fight!Unite and fight and you will win. Rally at the gym at 7pm! struggle!struggle!struggle!struggle!struggle!struggle! Three announcers and six technicians in Studio 6 planned what happened the night before on WBZ in Boston.Five of them are still as rigid as ever, and six of the nine have fallen ill.They feel that they have nothing to lose.They collected about a dozen pistols.Newscaster Bob Palmer, who arranged the morning news, took the gun upstairs in his usual flight bag for notes, pencils and some legal-size notebooks.

The National Guard blocked the main broadcast facility, but as Palmer had told George Dixon the night before, there were only 50 more National Guardsmen. At 9:01 a.m., just after Palmer began reading the copy a sergeant had handed him 10 minutes earlier, the coup took place. Nine people effectively controlled the TV station. Little did the soldiers think that these ordinary people, accustomed to reporting tragedies from afar, would cause trouble. They were stunned and quickly disarmed.Other TV personnel joined the rebellion, and they quickly cleared the 6th floor and locked the doors.Before the soldiers in the lounge knew what was happening, the elevator was locked on the sixth floor. As three soldiers attempted to charge up the east fire escape, Charles Eugene, the janitor armed with a carbine, shot several times over the heads, but only fired.

TV viewers watching the news broadcast of WBZ TV station saw Bob Palmer suddenly stop his news broadcast in the middle of a sentence, only to hear him say: "Okay, it's good now!" The sound of the camera.When all this passed, tens of thousands of spectators saw Bob Palmer with a snub-nosed pistol in his hand. A hoarse voice yelled jubilantly, "We've got 'em, Bob! We've got these bastards! We've got 'em all!" "Very well, well done," Palmer said.Then he faces the camera again. "My fellow citizens of Boston, and my American friends who watch our show. Something important and extremely serious has happened on this station. First of all, I feel extremely sorry for what happened in Boston, the birthplace of American independence. Happy. For the past 7 days, our broadcast has been dominated by National Guard personnel. These soldiers in khakis and carrying guns have been standing next to our cameramen, watching our control room, and guarding By our teletypewriter. Is the press regulated? I'm sorry to say, it is. I was forced to read the copy they made me read, with the muzzle almost to my head Read it as it is. The facsimile I have read so far, the so-called 'super-pandemic' incident, is clearly a lie."

The lights on the switchboard began to flicker. Every light was turned on within 15 seconds. "The pictures taken by the photographers were either confiscated or deliberately exposed. The reporters' reports were also lost. Ladies and gentlemen, we still got the pictures. These people in the studio are not professional reporters, but we have interviews. Right, we're also witnesses to the greatest disaster this country has ever faced... I don't use words like that casually. We're going to show you some footage of it right now. All of these pictures are Sneaky footage, so some of it is of poor quality. We've liberated our stations and thought you'd get enough of it. In fact, it's a lot more than you'd ever hoped to see."

He looked up, took a handkerchief from his blazer pocket, and wiped his nose.From those color TVs with excellent colors, you can see that his face is flushed and he has symptoms of fever. "George, start playing now." His face was replaced by scenes filmed at Boston General Hospital: guards everywhere; patients lying on the floor; halls filled with people; among them, nurses who were apparently sick to many , in and out, some of them weeping hysterically; others looked at the camera in shock. Footage of the guards was captured as they stood on street corners with their guns in hand.Buildings are a mess.

Bob Palmer is on TV again. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you have young children," he said quietly, "we recommend that you ask them to leave the TV room." Then came a truck parked on a dock in Boston Harbor.This is a large olive green military truck.Next, a purpose-built yacht covered with a canvas tarp.Two soldiers wearing gas masks jumped out of the cab.The frame shakes a few times, then stabilizes again as they pull back the tarpaulin covering the opening at the other end of the truck.The two soldiers jumped into the wagon and began hauling bodies one by one to the yacht: women, old people, children, policemen, nurses;At some point during the editing of the film it becomes clear that the soldiers are poking them outward with a fork.

Palmer went on for two hours, reading newspaper clippings and bulletins, interviews with other members of the station in a hoarse voice.This goes on until someone downstairs realizes that they don't have to recapture the 6th floor to make this thing stop. At 11:16, the WBZ television station's transmitter was permanently knocked out by a 20-pound plastic bomb. Palmer and others on Level 6 were summarily executed for treason against the government - the United States of America. It was a small town that the West Virginia Weekly published by retired lawyer Thomas D. Hoglis once called the town of Durbin "Caule-Clarion."The town's message has always been unimpeded, because Hoglis has been a loyal defender of miners' rights organized in the 1940s and 1950s. Government scars hellfire and Molotov cocktails.

Hoglis had a steady stream of paperboys, but on this bright summer morning he was sitting in his 1948 Cadillac, surrounded by piles of newspapers, driving the big white-bordered car. Tire wagons criss-cross the streets of Durbin . . . the empty streets are heart-wrenching, and newspapers pile up on the seats and in the trunk of the Cadillac.It was an inauspicious day for Caul-Clarion, but the newspaper printed only one page in large type with a black frame.The word "Extra" is printed on the top of the newspaper, which is another extra since Hoglis compiled and issued the first issue in 1980.At that time, the Ladybird mine exploded, killing 40 miners.

The headline read: Government forces try to hide the spread of the plague! Below: "James D. Hogliss Letter to the Town of Cowl-Clarion" Then he wrote: "According to a reliable source told this reporter, the flu (sometimes referred to here in West Virginia as 'choking disease' or 'tubular neck') is indeed a lethal variant of the common flu virus It was developed for war purposes by a government that disregarded the revised Geneva Conventions on bacteriological and chemical weapons that it signed seven years ago. The promise of an imminent vaccine, says an army officer based in Wheeling, is a A brazen lie. According to the source, no vaccine has ever been developed."

"Citizens, this is an event more serious than a disaster or a tragedy; it shatters all expectations of our government. If we really want to do something for ourselves, then..." Hoglis was also sick and very weak.He seemed to be trying to formulate this editorial with the last of his strength.He searched his brains and concentrated on these words.His chest was clogged with phlegm, and even his normal breathing was like running up a hill with the bellows pulled.Still, he went methodically from one house to another, leaving behind his barrage of condemnation, regardless of whether there were still people in the houses, or whether the people inside had the strength to go out to pick up the things he left behind. He ended up in the "ghetto" of shacks and mobile homes at the west end of town, which smelled like a stinking septic tank.Only the newspaper was left in the trunk of the car at this point, and he left the trunk open, and the trunk lid dangled up and down, like driving on a washboard road.He was trying to deal with a terrible headache, and his vision had doubled. When he visited the last of the sheds, he still had a pack of about 25 newspapers.He used an old jackknife to cut the straps of the newspapers and let them go with the wind.He thought of the black-eyed major who had given him the news.Only three months earlier, he had come to California for a top-secret project known as Project Blue.The major, who had been in charge of external security, kept fingering the pistol slung on his hip as he told Hoglis what he knew.Hoglis figured that if he had never used the gun, it wouldn't be long before he used it. He climbed behind the wheel of the Cadillac, the only car he had owned since his 27th birthday.He found himself too tired to drive back to town.He simply leaned his back on the seat, listening to the beating sound of his chest, and watched the wind blow his special manuscript crazily up the road leading to the town of Lac Croixing.Some of these newspapers got caught on branches like some incredible fruit hanging from a tree.He could hear the rushing gurgling of Durbing Creek.As a boy he had caught fish in this creek.But now there are no fish here, which of course is the fault of the coal mining company, only the sound of the stream is still there.He closed his eyes, fell into a deep sleep, and died an hour and a half later. The Los Angeles Times printed 26,000 extras before the officers in charge discovered that the Times had not printed the required circulars as they had been informed. The reprisals were swift and bloody.The official line of the FBI was that this "radical revolutionary activity," this old bluff, was disrupting the tranquility of Los Angeles.The incident resulted in the deaths of 28 staff members of the news organization.The FBI didn't have to explain how the bullets exploded in the heads of these 28 people, whose bodies were already at sea, along with thousands of other victims of the pandemic. However, there are still 10,000 copies distributed outside the number, which is enough. The 36-point headline is astounding: Plague rages on the west coast Thousands escape deadly super flu The government is covering up the truth Los Angeles: Some soldiers who claimed to be members of the National Guard and participated in the rescue work were professional soldiers with four 10-year stars on their cuffs.Part of their job was to convince terrified Los Angeles citizens that the superflu, dubbed "The Captain's Trip" by most area youths, was just "slightly more virulent" than the London or Hong Kong strains..., but These persuasion efforts are illustrated through portable gas masks.The president was scheduled to speak at 6 p.m. PST that day, but his press secretary, Hubert Ross, discredited those reports.He said the president would speak about "this hysterical, vicious, completely undetected disease" from a pre-made model that looked like the president's "Oval Office" but was actually deep in the White House's underground bunker .A preview of the president's speech indicated that he would "gap" the American people not to overreact and compare the current chaos to the chaos created after Orson Welles' 30-second "Star Wars" broadcast in the morning. This newspaper asked five questions that it hoped the president would answer in his speech: 1.Why did some thugs in military uniforms ban this newspaper from publishing news?Does doing so directly violate the constitutional rights of this newspaper? 2.Why are the following highways - National Roads 5, 10 and 15 blocked by armored vehicles and military aircraft? 3.If this was a "mini-flu outbreak," why was martial law declared in and around Los Angeles? 4.If this was a "mini-flu outbreak," why dragged the barge into the Pacific and sank it?Did these barges contain the bodies of the victims of the plague that we fear and that some well-informed sources have confirmed to us? 5.Finally, if a vaccine is indeed going to be distributed to doctors and regional hospitals early next week, why have none of the 46 doctors who provided details to this newspaper heard of any supply plans?Why hasn't an outpatient hospital been established to deal with this flu outbreak?Why did none of the 10 pharmacies we called to inquire about shipping invoices or government shipments mention the vaccine? We ask the president to answer these questions in his speech, and we call on the president to end this police state policy and stupid efforts to cover up the truth. … In Duluth, a man in khaki shorts with a large gray patch on his forehead and a handwritten billboard slung from his scrawny shoulder walked up and down Piedmont Avenue. The front of the billboard reads: The time has come for the savior to ascend to heaven, Christ will come back soon, get ready to meet God! The back of the billboard reads: Look into the minds of sinners Great people should be humble, and humble people achieve great things Bad days are about to bring you distress, alas, heaven Four young men in biker jackets, coughing badly and runny noses, threw the man on the ground, beat him unconscious with a billboard, got into a car and fled.One of them kicked him hard on the shoulder, and yelled hysterically: "Let you scare people! Let you scare people, you rare and strange guy!" In Springfield, Missouri, the most-watched morning program is KLFT's Morning Viewer Line--"A Little Word" with Ray Flowers. 6 telephone lines lead into his studio.On the morning of June 26, he was the only employee of KLFT TV station who came to work to broadcast.He was aware of what was happening outside.For the past week or so, everyone Ray has known has fallen ill.Although Springfield had no army, he heard that the National Guard had been transferred to Kansas City and St. Louis to "stop the spread of panic" and "prevent looting."Ray Flowers felt in good health.He took a thorough look at his equipment—phones, time relays, shelves of commercial videotapes (“If your toilet is overflowing and you don’t know where it’s leaking, call the guy with the big The man with the iron pipe.").And, of course, the microphone. He lit a cigarette, entered the studio, and took a look around the studio.Then enter the cubicle and lock the door.He turned off the record music that had been playing from tape to reel, turned on his own regular program, and set up the microphone. "Hello," he said, "I'm Ray Flowers, host of 'Small Words.' I think we'll talk about one thing this morning, don't you? Call it 'Tubular Neck,' or 'Super Flu' or 'Captain's Journey' you know it's all the same thing. I've heard rumors that the military is suppressing all sorts of things and if you want to talk about it I'm all ears, it's still a free Kingdom, right? Since I've been here alone this morning, we're going to do something a little outrageous. I've turned off the timing relay, and I think we can skip those commercials. If you're seeing If Springfield is what I see from the KLFT TV window, no one will feel like a business, not at all. "Well, if you're an athlete, get up and go around like my mom used to say, keep listening. Our toll-free numbers are 555-8600 and 555-8601. Please be patient if the line is busy Just a moment. Please don't forget, I'm the only one doing this." A military establishment in Carthage, 50 miles from Springfield, immediately dispatched a 20-man patrol to pick up Ray Flowers.Two people were shot dead on the spot for refusing to carry out this order. During the hour they had arrived in Springfield, Ray Flowers had received the following calls: A doctor calls and says people are dying like flies, and he thinks the government is telling a big lie about vaccines through its mouthpiece; A hospital nurse confirmed that heavy trucks were being used to move bodies from various hospitals in Kansas City; A delirious woman claimed it was a flying saucer from outer space; A military squad with two excavators just finished digging a deep trench in a field near Route 71 south of Kansas City, a farmer said. Another half dozen or so poured out their knowledge. Then came the sound of banging on the door outside the studio. "Open the door!" a subdued voice called. "I let you open the door in the name of the United States of America!" Ray looked at his watch, it was 12:15. "Okay," he said, "it looks like the Marines have landed. We'll still be in touch in case..." There was the click of an automatic rifle, the handle of the studio door fell to the carpet, and a puff of blue smoke wafted from the hole in the lock.The door was knocked down with a shoulder, and several soldiers in gas masks and combat uniforms rushed in. "Several soldiers have stormed the outside office," Ray said. "They were heavily armed...it looked like they were about to launch a mopping up campaign. Except for the gas masks on their heads..." "Turn the machine off!" shouted a stocky man with a Marine Corps sergeant's stripes on his sleeve. He loomed beyond the glass walls of the studio, gesturing with his rifle. "I don't want to do that!" Ray replied.He feels cold.When he took the cigarette out of the ashtray, he saw that his fingers were trembling. "This station is approved by the FCC, and I am..." "I'm revoking your dick license right now! Turn off the machine immediately!" "I don't want to do that," Ray said again, turning to the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen. I was ordered to turn off the KLFT broadcaster. I refused the order. I thought it was very appropriate. These people Acts like a Nazi, not like an American soldier. I'm not..." "Last chance!" The sergeant came up with a gun. "Sergeant," said a soldier by the door, "I don't think you can now..." "If that guy says anything else, he's dead," said the sergeant. "I think they're going to shoot me," said Ray Flowers, before collapsing on the console. From somewhere came an echoing whine, growing louder.The sergeant poured a full load of bullets onto the console, and the echo died away.The lights on the switchboard were still blinking. "Okay," said the sergeant, turning around, "I want to be back in Carthage in an hour, not..." Three of his men fired at him almost simultaneously, one with a recoilless rifle capable of firing 70 rounds per second.The sergeant bounced, wobbled, and fell against the glass wall of the studio.A leg twitched, and the combat shoe kicked shards of glass off the wall frame. A private first-class pale with pustules on his face and eyes full of tears.Others just stood there dumbfounded.The smell of smokeless gunpowder, growing stronger, wafted into the air. "We killed him!" cried the private first class hysterically. "Holy God, we killed Sergeant Peters!" No one said anything.Although they only hoped to end this scene earlier, their expressions were still blank and helpless.All of this is a game of death, but not their game. The telephone, which Ray Flowers had put on zoom before his death, let out a series of harsh screams. "Ray, are you there? Ray?" The voice sounded tired and nasal. "I've been listening to your show all the time. My husband and I really want you to keep doing this good thing, don't let them scare you. Okay? Ray? Ray? ... Ray? ..." Bulletin No. 234 Second District Secret Channel Originating from: London 2nd District New York To: Creighton Command What: Carnival Sports Warning: New York is still deploying cordon personnel, and the city is relatively quiet.The problems reported on the front pages of the newspapers were not resolved as expected, but barricades were put in place (George River Bridge, Triborough Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, Lincoln and Raylan Tunnels plus limited access to the Outer Boroughs highway entrance).Although most of the troops were sick with the super flu, they were still able to carry out the current duty and the mission was carried out very well.Three uncontrolled shots were fired at Shea Stadium on 7th Avenue in Harlem.Incidents of desertion have become a growing problem, and military personnel who desert are being targeted for shooting.The perception is that while the situation remains under control, it is slowly deteriorating. (Finish) London Second Ward New York In Boulder, Colorado, rumors have spread that the US Aeronautical Weather Test Center is actually a biological weapons base.A Denver FM disk player played the rumor repeatedly.By 11:00 p.m. on the night of June 26, a massive, lemming-like evacuation of Boulder began.From Denver-Avada sent a company of soldiers to stop them, but it was like sending a man with a tiny broom to clean the cowshed. More than 11,000 sick, terrified and otherwise thoughtless civilians within miles of the Aeronautical Test Center rolled out.In addition, tens of thousands of people from the Boulder area also joined the ranks of fleeing. At 11.15pm, a destructive explosion lit up the night sky over Broadway, where the aviation test center is located.A young activist named Desmond Ramage placed more than 16 pounds of plastic explosives in the foyer of the Aeronautical Test Center and blew up various signs that marked Midwestern courthouses and state judiciary.The explosion is powerful and the timer is crudely made.Ramage disappeared without a trace, along with all sorts of innocuous weather equipment and particles—particle pollution measurement components. Meanwhile, the escape from Boulder began. Bulletin No. 771 Second District Secret Channel Sent by: Little Rock, Garreon Sixth Ward To: Creighton Command Matter: Operation Carnival INFORMATION: Neutral Brodsky repeats that persons were found in a street clinic and tried for summarily executing them for treason against the United States of America.Some of them tried to prevent the shooting of 16 civilians, and 6 were killed, and 3 of our side were wounded, but not seriously.Sector 6 troops in the region are only 40 percent available, and an estimated 25 percent of those on active duty have contracted superflu and 15 percent have deserted.Most of the serious incidents involved the feasibility of the Frank-F plan.Peters, who was stationed in Carthage, Missouri, went to Springfield, Missouri on an urgent mission, but he was apparently killed by our own people.There may be other events of a similar nature, but they have not been confirmed.The situation is deteriorating rapidly. (Finish) Garleon Sixth Ward Little Rock As night staggered across the sky like a sick man on narcotic pills, 2,000 undergraduates at Ohio-Kent State University took to the road of war—a moment of madness. Among the 2,000 rioters were students coming off their last summer vacation, members of the school newspaper's Future Seminar, 120 participants in a theater studio and 200 members of the Ohio chapter of the American Future Farmers Association.The chapter's meeting coincided with the fiery spread of the superflu prairie.They have been imprisoned on this campus since 4 days ago, on June 22.What followed was a taped broadcast of the cordon setting up in the area, which lasted from 7:16 p.m. to 7:22 p.m. "Squad 16, Squad 16, did you hear that? Over." "Hey, hear, Team 20. Over." "Hey, we saw a group of people coming this way on the boulevard, Team 16. About 70 people, I think... oh, have to check, Team 16, there is a group coming on the other road... …Jesus, there seem to be about 200 people there. Over." "Squad 20, this is the base. Do you hear me? Over." "Clear, base. Over." "I'm sending Chum and Holliday over. Block the road with cars. Don't do anything else. If they're going to pass you, put your legs out and let them enjoy it. Hold on, hear me ?complete." "Understood, hold on, base. What are those soldiers on the east side of the boulevard doing, base? Over." "What soldier? Over." "That's exactly what I'm asking you, Base. They're…" "Base, that's Dudley Chum. Hey, fuck, that's Team 12. Sorry, Base. There's a bunch of guys coming down Burrows Drive. Like 150 of them. Already on the boulevard, humming Singing something. But, Colonel, Jesus, we can see it's some soldiers too. I think they're wearing gas masks. Oh, it's in skirmisher formation. That's what it must be. Over." "The base is calling Team 12. Please join Team 20 under the boulevard. Hold on. Over." "Understood, base. My team is on the move. Over." "Station, this is Squad 17. This is Holliday, Base. Do you hear me? Over." "I heard you, Team 17, over." "I'm behind Chum. Another 200 people are walking west to east toward the boulevard, carrying placards. One reads: 'Soldiers, drop your guns'. Another reads: 'Facts are facts and nothing else'. They..." "I don't care what the shit says on the placard, Squad 17. Come down and meet Chum and Peters and seal those guys off. Sounds like they're in a tornado. Over." "Understood. Finished, exit." "This is School Security Officer Richard Burleigh on the phone with the head of the military stationed at our school. Again, this is School Security Officer Burleigh. I know you are listening to our call, please excuse me How disrespectful. Over." "This is U.S. Marine Corps Colonel Albert Phillips. We're listening, Director Burleigh. Over." "Base, this is Squad 16. Those people are gathering at the war memorial, and they seem to be walking towards the soldiers. This is a serious problem. Over." "This is Burleigh, Colonel Phillips. State your intentions. Over." "I was ordered to keep these people on campus. I just want to carry out the orders given to me. If these people just march and demonstrate, it's fine. If they try to break out of the quarantine area, absolutely not. Over. " "Didn't you say..." "I make my point clear, Director Burleigh. Over. Exit the call." "Phillips! Phillips! Answer me, damn you! They're not Communist partisans! They're human! They're Americans! They're not militants! They're..." "Team 13 calling base. Oops, Colonel, these guys are coming towards the soldiers. They're waving placards and singing. It's that Baze Crouch song. Oops, fuck Yes, stones are being thrown. They... Jesus! Oh Christ Jesus! They can't do that!" "Base calling Team 13! What's going on outside? What happened?" "Here's Chum Dick. I'll tell you what's going on out there. A massacre. I wish I was blind. Oh, these bastards! They're... oh, the crowds are down. It seems Machine guns. Like I told you, without even giving a warning. The guys were standing still... Phew, spread out...running all over campus. Hey, Jesus! I saw a girl being The bullet was split in two! Blood... seventy or eighty people fell on the grass. They..." "Chum! Please answer! Please answer, Team 12!" "Base, this is Squad 17. Do you hear me? Over." "Got it, you goddamn. Where's the bastard Chum? Where's the bastard? Over!" "Chum and... Holliday, I think... they got out of the car to get a better look. We're walking back, Dick. Seems like soldiers are shooting at each other too. I don't know who Will win, and I don't care about that. It's going to be our turn at some point. I suggest we all go down to the basement and wait for them to run out of ammunition. Over." "You damn..." "The bastards are still shooting, Dick. I'm not lying. Over. Shut down." Listeners can also hear gunshots in the background of the call, like chestnuts popping on fire.And the screaming... for the last 40 seconds or so, the muffled explosion of mortar shells. Next came a broadcast from a UHF station in Southern California.The recording will be from 7:17pm to 7:20pm PST. "Masinger, Sector 10, is that you, Blue Base? This message is for Anne Oakley, and it is urgent. If it is you, please answer. Over." "I'm Ryan, David. We won't have to speak in code anymore. No one will overhear." "It's out of control, Lane. Everything. Los Angeles has become a volcano, and the whole city and surrounding areas are fucking boiling. My people are either sick, or participating in riots, or deserting, and Some robbed with ordinary people. I was in the skylight of the Bank of America branch. There are more than 600 people here who are trying to rush in to catch me. Most of them are regular troops." "It's falling apart. The center can't hold it anymore." "Say it again, please. I didn't hear you." "Never mind. Can you get out?" "Won't get out at all. But I'll remember the first guy who comes in for life. I have a recoilless gun. The scum of society, the scum of society!" "Good luck, David." "And you too. Hold on to it as long as you can." "I will." "I can't be sure..." This is the end of the call.All that remains is the sound of shattering, crashing, screeching metal and shattering glass, accompanied by the shouting of a large crowd and the sound of small arms firing, getting closer and closer to the radio transmitter, so close that the sound is distorted up.There were several dull bangs, most likely the firing of the recoilless rifle.The yelling and shouting came closer.A ricochet whistled very close to the transmitter, fell heavily, and then fell silent. Below is a radio recording of the regular army in San Francisco.The recording will be from 7:28pm to 7:30pm PST. "Brothers of Soldiers! We have captured this radio station and headquarters! Your oppressors are dead! Brothers, I, Roland Gibbs, who was just a Sergeant First Class, proclaim my inauguration of the Republic of Northern California The first President of the world! We have everything under control! Everything is under our control! If the officials before you dare not carry out my orders, kill them like wild dogs! Like dogs Kill them like a bitch with dry shit on his ass! Please note the deserters' names, ranks and serial numbers! Make a list of those who speak seditious language and betray the republic of Northern California! A new day is coming! Oppressors The end of the world has come! We..." There was a burst of machine gun beeping.Screams, thuds, pistol shots, more and more screams, machine gun fire.A long moan of dying struggle.There was three seconds of dead silence at the end. "This is Major Alfred Nunn, U.S. Army. I am temporarily in charge of all U.S. troops in the San Francisco area. The small band of traitors occupying this command has been eliminated. I will now command, repeat, I will指挥。占领行动仍在继续。逃兵和开小差者将会像以前那样被干掉:受到极刑。重复一遍,他们将受极刑。我现在……” 更猛烈的枪声。一声尖叫。 背景中有一个声音在喊:“他们全在这儿!把他们全部抓起来!杀死这些好战的瘟猪……” 猛烈的开枪声。然后该波段就沉默了。 东部时间晚上9点16分,那些仍能收看缅因州波特兰地区电视的人,以极其惊恐的心情在WCSH电视台的节目上,看到一个身上除了一条粉色皮质缠腰带和一顶海军军官帽之外,几乎是赤身裸体、但显然有病的大个子黑人,正在执行62个人的公开死刑。 他的伙伴们也都是黑人,几乎也都光着身子,系着缠腰带,带着某种表明他们曾属于同一部队的徽章。他们全都配备着自动和半自动武器。这个黑人“集团”的许多成员,都把步枪和手枪瞄准了大约200来个穿卡其布军装的士兵。 那个摇摇摆摆、黑煤般脸上露出一口白牙的黑大汉,手握一支0.45口径的手枪,站在一个大玻璃桶旁边。似乎在很久以前,那个玻璃桶曾盛过供“美元轮盘赌”节目用的电话簿碎片。 他让那个桶旋转起来,从中抽出一本驾驶执照,吆喝道:“海军陆战队一等兵富兰克林·斯特恩,到前面中间来,跪下。” 围在观众们四周的那些武装分子们,全都弯腰盯着那张有名字的标签,而镜头则摇向了惊恐不安的观众。 最后,一个浅亚麻色头发、年龄不超过19岁的年轻人被推了出来,口里不停地尖叫着,抗议着,被带到了座位区。两个黑人强迫他跪了下去。 那个黑大汉摇晃着,打着喷嚏,吐着痰,把0.45口径的自动手枪顶在了一等兵斯特恩的太阳穴上。 “不!”斯特恩歇斯底里地哭喊道,“我跟你走,圣洁的上帝啊!我跟你!我……” “以耶稣基督和圣灵的名义。”那个黑大汉吟诵着,摇摇晃晃地扣动了扳机。一等兵斯特恩被迫跪倒的地方留下了一大滩血迹和脑浆。 溅泼声。 黑大汉又打起了喷嚏,几乎都要摔倒了。另一个在控制室中的黑人(他带着一顶绿色的鸭舌工装帽,穿着一条白色骑士短裤),按了下“鼓掌欢迎”按钮,信号灯就在演播室的观众面前闪烁了起来。看护观众、犯人们的黑人就威胁性地把武器举了起来,被俘虏的白人士兵们,脸上反射出汗水和恐惧的光亮,乱哄哄地欢呼了一声。 “下一个!”系着缠腰带的黑大汉嘶哑地吼道,在那个玻璃桶里使劲抓了一下。他看了一下纸条宣布道:“技师罗杰·彼得森军士,到前面中间来,跪下。”观众中的一个人开始嚎叫了起来,撒丫子向后门冲了过去。几秒钟后他就躺在了演播台上。在这场混乱中,第三排的一个人试图取下别在军衣上的姓名条。砰的一声枪响,他就跌倒在座位上,眼光马上就呆滞了起来,似乎这种庸俗的表演使他厌烦得都快睡着了。 这种场面一直持续到差不多11点15分,直到头带防毒面具手持冲锋枪的4个班正规军冲进演播室,才告结束。两组就要被处决的士兵立即就投入了战斗。 腰扎缠腰带的黑大汉满身枪眼地立刻就倒了下去,他诅咒着,垂死挣扎着,疯子般地把子弹打入了地板中。一直在操纵2号摄像机的那个变节者,肚子上中了枪,低垂着头,似乎正在俯身看自己流出体外的肠子。摄像机缓缓地转动着,观众看到了这场可怕的枪战的慢镜头全景。那些半裸的士兵们则进行还击,带防毒面具的士兵们则向整个观众区喷射出阵阵枪弹。那些处于他们中间的失去武装的士兵们发现,他们不是获救了,而是正在加速执行死刑。 一个红头发满脸极端恐慌表情的年轻人,在双腿被一串0.45口径的子弹打碎之前,像马戏团踩高跷的演员一样,趴在6排座位的背后。其他人则趴到了各排座位之间铺有地毯的通道上,鼻子都紧挨着地板,完全是基础训练中教他们在机枪火力下求生的那套本领。一个头发灰白上了年纪的军士站了起来,双臂就像电视节目主持人那样大伸着,尽全力呼喊着“停——止!”来自双方的弹雨扫在了他身上,像散了架的木偶一样扭了几扭就倒下了。各种枪支的怒吼声和垂死者及受伤者的哀号声,使控制室的音频指针跳过了50分贝。 摄影师朝着摄像机的把柄倒了下去,只给正在看电视的观众们留下了演播室天花板的画面。枪声又持续了5分钟就减弱了,最后传来了一些孤立的爆炸声,就什么也没有了,只有那嚎叫声依旧。 11点5分,各家电视屏幕上的演播室天花板镜头被一幅已成为卡通电视明星的卡通人物照片所取代。在卡通电视上出现这一信息即是说:对不起,我们遇到了麻烦! 几乎每个人都深信,这一夜的痛苦就要结束了。 在得梅因,中部标准时间下午11点30分,一辆刷着“如果你爱耶稣,就请按一下你的汽车喇叭”的旧“别克”汽车,执拗地徘徊在商业区各条街道上。早些时候,得梅因曾发生了大火,赫尔大街和格兰德维尤青年学院南面的建筑全都着了火;后一地区曾发生了使该商业区大部分被毁的暴乱事件。 当太阳落山时,街道曾挤满了烦躁不安的围了一圈又一圈的人群,其中大多数人是25岁以下的年轻人,许多人拿着斧头。他们打碎橱窗,偷走电视机,在加油站加满自己的油箱,紧紧地盯着每一个可能带枪的人。现在各条街道都空空如也。大多数人,在阳光还照耀着这块平坦的绿色大地时,就已开始关门闭户,他们都已染上了超级流感或出于害怕。现在,得梅因看上去就像除夕夜狂欢之后的那幅景象。 “别克”的轮胎沙沙地响着,嘎吱嘎吱地碾过街上的碎玻璃,从第14条街向西转向尤克利德大街,绕过两辆车头撞坏的汽车,停在了这两辆就像双双自杀的情人一样保险杠交织在一起的汽车旁边。车顶上有一个扬声器,开始发出放大器的哔剥声和嘟嘟声,还有旧唱片的刮擦声,然后就是忽高忽低的鬼叫声。得梅因空荡荡的大街上传来了梅伯尔·卡特大妈那首“永远保持乐观”歌曲单调沉闷但又甜美的声音。 保持乐观, 永远保持乐观, 勇敢地面对生活, 尽管问题可能很多, 如果你对生活保持乐观, 就不会再有任何问题…… 旧“别克”继续徘徊在大街上,绕了许多个8字,有时甚至环绕了同一个街区三四次。每当车子颠簸一下(或碾过一具尸体),唱片就会跳起一下。 午夜前20分钟,“别克”来到了路边,发动机空转了一会儿,就又转起了圈。扬声器高唱着埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的“苦难的旧十字”,夜风飕飕地吹过树林,荡起闷在青年学院废墟中的一缕余烟。 许多地区没看到总统在东部标准时间晚9点的演讲。 “……像我们这样的伟大民族必须这样做。我们不怕这种流感的连续爆发。我的美国同胞们,我敦促你们呆在家里。如果您感到病了,就躺到床上去,服些阿斯匹林,喝上大量的清凉饮料。相信自己最多就会在一周内好起来的。让我再重复一下我在今晚开始时说的那些话:那种说这种流感菌种致命的谣传,不是真的,这不是'事实'。在绝大多数情况下,得这种病的人可望在一周内就会康复。此外……” (咳嗽发作) “此外,某些激进的反当局团体,散布恶毒的谣言说,这种流感菌种是政府为了军事用途而研制的。同胞们,这是无中生有的谎言,我希望你们牢记,本国政府问心无愧地确实已签署了有关毒气、神经性毒气和细菌战的日内瓦公约。我们现在不会,永远也不会……” (一连串喷嚏) “——我们永远也不会成为秘密生产已被日内瓦公约宣布为非法的这种物质的一方。不大不小,这只是流感的一般性连续爆发。我们今晚收到报告说,在其他一些国家,其中包括俄罗斯和红色中国,也爆发了这种流感。因此,我们……” (一连串的咳嗽和喷嚏) “我们请你们保持镇静,请相信,本周末或下周初,那些尚未好转的人就会得到流感疫苗。在某些地区,已出动国民警卫队来保护大众免受流氓、阿飞和散布骇人消息者之害。不过,正规军占领城市以及新闻受到管制的谣言,绝对不是真的。我的美国同胞们,那都是一些无中生有的谎言,我对此感到羞愧……” 亚特兰大第一浸礼会正面的墙上用红色喷漆写着: “亲爱的耶稣,我就要见到您了。您的朋友,美国。又及:我希望本周末之前仍有空房间。”
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