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Chapter 6 Chapter 5 Liming's Encounter

2001 A Space Odyssey 阿瑟·克拉克 787Words 2018-03-14
When Mochizuki led his group of orangutans down the river valley in the twilight of dawn, he stopped uncertainly at a familiar spot.He knew something was missing, but he couldn't remember what it was.He didn't bother with the question because he had more important things on his mind this morning. He would never know what the crystal plate had done to him; and none of his companions wondered why he paused here for a moment on his way down to the valley, as they surrounded him in the morning mist. "Those ape-men" were on their own side of the river beach, in a safe zone that had never been violated in their own territory. In the morning light, they saw Mochizuki and a dozen male apes from his clan. They were just tufts at first. .They immediately started calling like sentries asking for passwords, but this time, unlike usual, there was no answer.

Mochizuki and his party walked steadily and purposefully—and above all, silently—down the hills that rose above the river; as they approached, “the ape-men” suddenly fell silent.Their routine calls fell silent, replaced by growing fear.They are not clear, but aware of what is new.Realize that this encounter will be very different from the past. Mochizuki's team stopped by the water, and "those ape-men" regained their courage for a moment.Under One Ear's leadership, they resumed their battle hymn half-heartedly.But the battle song only sang for a few seconds before they were petrified by a terrifying image.

Mochizuki raised his arms high, revealing what had hitherto been hidden behind his companion's matted fur.Mochizuki is holding a thick branch with a bloody leopard head stuck in it.The leopard's bloody mouth was propped open with a branch, and a row of fangs flashed a gloomy white light in the morning light. Most of the "those ape-men" were too frightened to move, and some slowly staggered back. It was this sign of encouragement that Mochizuki was waiting for.Holding the bloody booty aloft, he began wading across the river.His companions hesitated for a while, but also rushed over.

When Mochizuki landed on the other side, One Ear still stood firm.Perhaps it was bravery, perhaps stupidity; perhaps it was because he could not believe that such a violation had actually taken place.Whether it is a coward or a hero, it makes no difference in the end. His ignorant mind has been hit hard by the leopard's head. Mochizuki Ren stood next to the new defeated general, at a loss, unable to comprehend the miraculous fact that the dead leopard can still bite people.At this time, he became the master of the world, and he didn't know what to do next. However, he will think of what to do.

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