Home Categories science fiction 3001 A Space Odyssey

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3001 A Space Odyssey 阿瑟·克拉克 459Words 2018-03-14
Miss Prinkle - a series of important messages from the earth Record Dear Indira - I didn't mean to be dramatic, but this may be my last message from Ganymede.By the time you receive it, I'll be on my way to Europa. It was a hasty decision, and no one was more surprised than myself, but I thought it through very carefully.As you can guess, Ted Khan is the main reason...if I don't come back, let him explain. Please don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not taking this as a suicide mission!But I was 90% convinced by Ted's arguments, he aroused my curiosity, and I would never forgive myself if I turned down this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Perhaps it should be said that it is a once-in-a-lifetime chance...

I'll be flying Goliath's little one-man space shuttle, the Peregrine -- how I wish I could demonstrate it to my old NASA colleagues!Judging by past records, the most likely outcome was that I would be pushed off course before I could land on Europa.Even so, I can learn something... And if it (presumably the local slab, the "Great Wall") decides to deal with me like it did with the detectors in the past, I won't know.I'm ready to take that risk. Thank you for everything and best regards Anderson.Sending back love from Ganymede - hopefully next time from Europa. store

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