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Chapter 15 Primer

Back to Charon 郝景芳 575Words 2018-03-14
Exile always becomes the truth at the moment of returning home. During the 1,800 days and nights when Luo Ying was away from home, she never realized that she had been exiled from her homeland.Homeland is a kind of imagination in her heart, she only thinks of its warmth, its memory, its big heart, but she never thinks about its shape.Imagination chooses according to her mood, just like gas surrounds her, there is no conflict between gas and people, and there is no gap between her and her homeland. The distance between her and it seems to be only a physical distance. Before she left home, the homeland had no shape of its own, it was an existence much larger than her, she was in it, the sky and the earth were all in it, she couldn't see its edge, nor could it see its limit.When she was far away from home, the homeland had no shape of its own, it was at the far end of the sky, compared with the sky of a foreign land, it was too small, it only shone a little in the sky, without details or outlines.The homes of these moments are all homes with gentle complexions. No matter how big or small, there is no sharp corner, no moment when it rubs against human flesh and white bones.She can always immerse herself in the homeland, whether with her whole body or her whole heart.

But all the mistakes are exposed at the moment of returning home after being away from home for a long time.At that moment, the crack became a real existence, visible and tangible, as clear as the distance between one person and another.She is like a jigsaw puzzle, falling from the map of her homeland, thinking that she can put it back together after walking around, but when she returns home, she finds that there is no gap for her on the map.Her shape didn't fit the void she had left, and couldn't fit in.She only really lost her home at that moment. Luo Ying and her companions are doomed not to return home, and the ship they are on is eternally oscillating at the Lagrangian point between the two worlds.Eternal oscillation means that one cannot convert.Their fate, therefore, became wandering in the firmament.

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