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Chapter 18 Intermission Excerpt from Lazarus Long's Notebook

Always stash some beer in a dark corner. * Since ancient times, the only animal in the galaxy that has threatened mankind - man himself.So, man has to compete with himself.Rivalry is essential, and in this he has no enemies to help him. * Men are more emotional than women, and thinking is disturbed. * The game is naturally tampered with.Don't be put off by this; if you don't bet, you won't win. * Any priest or monk is guilty until proven innocent. * Always listen to the experts.They will tell you what not to do and why.Then let it go. * Shoot fast, don't care if it's accurate or not.This will scramble the other side so that you have time to fire the perfect second shot.

* There is no conclusive evidence that there is life after death, but there is also no evidence of any kind that it does not exist.How, you will soon find out.So why bother with this problem? * If it can't be expressed in numbers, then it must not be science, just an opinion. * People have known for a long time that one horse can run faster than another but which horse?This difference is the most critical. * A fake fortuneteller is tolerable.But if someone really masters divination, he should be shot and killed as soon as he is discovered.The actual punishment she received was less than half of what she should have suffered.

* Illusions are often useful.When a mother always thinks her children are beautiful, intelligent, and kind, it is these absurd ideas that keep her from drowning them at birth. * The vast majority of "scientists" are just people who rinse bottles and sort buttons. * "Pacifist man," the term itself is an oxymoron.The vast majority of people who call themselves "pacifists" are not pacifists, but disguises.Whenever the wind changes, they hoist the Jolly Roger. * Breastfeeding doesn't make a woman's breasts look dull; it makes them look more alive, happier, and therefore more attractive.

* A generation that forgets history has no past — and no future. * A poet who reads his work in public is likely to have other disgusting habits. * What a wonderful world it would be if there were girls! * Small change is often found under the seat cushions. * The fact that many "mature wise men" are similar in that they are tired is surprising different. * If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people either. * Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes.Remember this; it might turn him into your friend.If that doesn't make him a friend, you can kill him without hatred -- and fast.

* A motion to adjourn is always appropriate. * No country that relies on forced conscripts to fight has a right to survive.In the long run, no country has ever had such a right.Roman women used to say to their sons, "Come back with your shield, or come back lying on it." Later, this custom declined, and so did Rome. * There are many strange and baseless "crimes" in the laws of human beings, and the most surprising of them is "blasphemy"-"indecency" and "public exposure" compete for second place. * Rule of thumb: No building is ever completed according to plan or within budget.

* All societies develop and build on rules that protect pregnant women and young children.All other rules are superfluous, excesses, ornaments, luxuries, or stupidity.In emergencies, these rules can - and must - be thrown out in favor of this primary rule.Because the need of the species to prosper is the only universally applicable moral rule, it is impossible to base it on any other rule.Building a "perfect society" on any basis other than the principle of "women and children first" is an act of ignorance, not only that, but it will inevitably lead to genocide.And yet, fantasy-filled idealists (they're all male) have been trying endlessly to do just that.No doubt they will keep trying.

* All human beings are not created equal. * Money is a powerful aphrodisiac, but flowers are almost as effective. * Cruel people kill for pleasure.Fools kill because of hatred. * There is only one way to comfort a widow.But remember the dangers of doing this. * When a need pops up—and it will—you have to be able to figure it out yourself.Don't depend on others.Relying on others won't make things better: only worse. * Product surplus!Enjoy life and have fun.A temperate life belongs to the monks. * It is probably better to be a living dog than a dead lion.But it's probably better, and often easier, to be a living lion.

* One man's principles make another laugh. * Sex should be friendly' otherwise use mechanical toys; it's more hygienic. * Men rarely (if ever) create a god better than they are.Most deities behave and behave like spoiled children. * Never try to awaken a person's "good nature".He may not have that at all.It may be to your advantage to inspire his selfishness. * Little girls, like butterflies, don't need any excuses for whatever they do. * You can have peace, or you can have freedom.Never expect you to have both. * Don't make irreversible decisions when you're tired or hungry.Note: Circumstances may force you to do certain things, so think ahead!

* Put your clothes and guns where they can be found in the dark. * What is an elephant: a mouse made according to the specifications set by the government. * From ancient times to the present, poverty has been the normal state of a person.Progress that breaks this situation—here or elsewhere, now or in the past—is the achievement of a very small number of people.These people are often slighted, condemned, and almost always opposed by ordinary people.As long as the creativity of these very few is suppressed, or (as it sometimes happens) driven out of a society, the society regresses into a state of wretched poverty.

This is called "bad luck". * The beauty of space travel is that it makes colonization of other planets possible. * Women are not a piece of property, and husbands who don't think so live in a dream world. * A second beauty of space travel is that the great distances make waging war very difficult, often impractical, and almost always unnecessary.It may also be a loss for many, since war is the most popular pastime of our species, adding color and meaning to a dull and stupid life.But for wise men who fight only when necessary—and never fight for fun—the difficulty of waging war is a boon.

* Sperm-egg union leads to more sperm-egg unions in the next generation.This may be the purpose of the universe. * For those who "love nature" and condemn "man-made things" that "destroy nature", there is a contradiction hidden in their hearts.It can be seen from the words and sentences they choose.The words imply that they don't think humans and man-made things are part of "nature" - but beavers and beaver-built dams are.But this is only the most superficial absurdity, and there are deeper conflicts...By declaring a love for beaver dams (dams built by beavers for their own purposes) and a hatred of man-made dams (dams built by humans for their own purposes), the "naturalist" shows his respect for Hatred of one's own race—that is, hatred of oneself. The self-loathing displayed by the "naturalists" is understandable; what a poor bunch they are.But we should not hate them, the feeling of hatred is too strong; pity and contempt should be the proper words. For me, whether I like it or not, I am a human being, and not a beaver but a human being is the species to which I belong, or can belong.Luckily for me, I like to belong to a group of men and women.It's a good arrangement for me and perfectly "natural". Believe it or not, there have been "naturalists" who opposed the first human flight to the moon, which they believed to be "unnatural" and an "act of destruction of nature." * "No man is an island." While each feels like an individual and acts in individual ways, our entire species is a single organism, always growing and branching—and thus requiring frequent Prune the shoots to ensure healthy growth of the organism. There is no need to argue the necessity of this; anyone with eyes can see that any organism that grows unchecked will always die from the poison it has brewed.The only question worth asking is the timing of pruning: before birth or after birth. As a hopelessly sentimentalist, I'm in favor of the former approach - the killing disturbs me, even if it's "he's dead, I'm alive, that's what I want". But that might be a matter of preference.Some monks believe that even being killed in a war, dying at birth, or dying tragically of starvation is better than never having lived.They may be right. But I don't like that perception -- and I don't need to. * Democracy is built on the assumption that a million people are smarter than one.How about this assumption?Is something missing? * Dictatorships are built on the assumption that one person is smarter than a million.As with the previous assumption, let's think about it again.Who will be the dictator? * Any government can function if powers and responsibilities are equal.This doesn't ensure that there will be a government; it just ensures that it will work.But such governments are rare.The vast majority of people want to manage affairs' but don't want to take responsibility.In the past, this was known as the "backseat dictating syndrome." * What are the facts?Ask yourself again and again, again and again - what is the truth?Avoid wise thoughts, ignore divine revelation, forget "astrological predictions", avoid existing conclusions, don't care what your neighbors think'never care about the unfathomable "historical verdict" - answer what is the truth, precisely How many digits after the decimal point?You are bound to sail into an unknown future; the truth is your only clue.Go find the facts! * No money, no education, no legislation can save a stupid man.Stupidity is not original sin, and victims do not become stupid voluntarily.But stupidity is the only universal first crime; the sentence is death, there is no right of appeal, and execution is automatic and without mercy. * God is omnipotent, omniscient, and infinitely good—that's what the label says.If you can believe in the existence of these three gods at the same time, I have a good business waiting for you here.Checks are not accepted.Only cash, and in small denominations. * Courage is the complement of fear.A fearless man cannot be brave. (And he's an idiot, too.) * Two of the greatest achievements of the human mind have been the creation of the very similar concepts of "loyalty" and "responsibility."When these two concepts are mocked - run away from that place!You may be able to save yourself, but it will be too late to save that society.It is already doomed. * A boomerang bust never misses a meal.Only a poor fool would be ashamed of a cheap meal, so he had to tighten his belt. * The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its plausibility.vice versa. * A person who cannot handle math is not fully human.At best he is a bearable, almost human being who has learned to put on his shoes, take a shower, and not make a mess of his room. * The parts in motion should be lubricated at the joints to avoid excessive wear.Honorific words and formal etiquette provide the lubricant for friction between people.Often, the young, seldom traveled, innocent, and unsophisticated people denigrate these etiquettes as "hypocrisy," "meaningless," or "dishonest," and disdain to use them.No matter how "pure" their motives, they are throwing sand into a well-oiled machine. * A human being should be able to change a child's diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a pig, fly a spaceship, design a building, write poetry, do accounting, build a wall, join a broken bone, care for the dying, carry out orders, give orders, communicate with Humans cooperate, act independently, solve equations, analyze a new problem, fertilize, program, cook a delicious meal, fight efficiently, and die bravely.Specialization is for insects. * The more love you give, the more and more you will be able to love.For you, love has no limits.If one has enough time, one can love all those who are virtuous and have a sense of justice. * Masturbation is cheap, hygienic, convenient, and has no ill consequences—you don't even have to rush home in the freezing cold.But it is lonely. * Beware of altruism.It is based on self-deception and is the root of all evil. * When you want to do something that you feel is "selfless," examine your motives carefully and remove any self-deception.Then, if you still want to do it, do it with all your might! * The most absurd concept that human beings have dreamed up is the god of creation, the creator and ruler of the universe, who wants to get excessive love from his people.The pious prayers of his people can move him, and if he doesn't get these praises, he will be angry.And yet this ludicrous fantasy, not based on an iota of fact, underpins the oldest, largest, and least rewarding industry in history. * The second most absurd concept is that sexual intercourse is inherently sinful. * Writing doesn’t have to be something to be ashamed of ~ but do it in private and wash your hands when you’re done. * If the interest is seven percent, compounded every quarter, two hundred years from now, one hundred dollars will be worth one hundred million dollars—the problem is that by that time, the money will be worthless. * Don't bother him with trivial things, my dear, and don't let your past mistakes be a burden to him.The happiest way to be in a relationship with a guy is to never tell him anything he doesn't need to know. * Honey, when a real lady takes off her clothes, she takes off her dignity at the same time, and then she's as coquettish as a whore.At other times, you can act modest and dignified, befitting of who you are. * Everyone lies about sex. * If men were really robots, as behaviorists claim, then it would be impossible for behavioral psychologists to create that amazing doctrine called "behavioral psychology."So they were wrong to begin with -- just as smart as the research chemists, but making the same mistakes. * I've never heard that there's anything bigger in the universe than having sex with the woman you love the most and having a baby with her passionate help. * You should keep it in your mind and follow it wholeheartedly. * How do you know if an "intellectual" really has weight?Here's a litmus test - find out what he thinks about astrology. * Taxation is not for the benefit of taxpayers. * There is no such thing as a "small gamble for pleasure".You're either there to gouge out the hearts of other chumps and eat them - or become a chump.If you don't like the choice - don't bet. * All bills were paid by the time the ship took off.No regrets. * When I was a military instructor for the first time, I had no experience at all.What I taught those lads must have killed some of them.War is a very serious business, and the inexperienced cannot teach others. * A capable and confident person is not jealous.Jealousy is a sign of mental insecurity. * Money is the sincerest form of flattery. Women like to be flattered. The same goes for men. * You have to live to learn, otherwise you won't live very long. * When women insist on absolute equality with men, they are always treated unfairly without exception.Their gender and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper strategy should be to claim privileges—where available.They should never just settle for equality.For women, "equality" is a disaster. * .It's more enjoyable—and safer—to leave more room for war. * What is "magic" to one person is mere art to another. "Supernatural ability" is a meaningless term. * "We (I) (you) must—" This sentence actually indicates what things don't need to be done. "You know it without saying it", this sentence is very dangerous, with hidden murderous intentions. "Well known" means you'd better look it up yourself.Such clichés are reliable beacons, so long as the message behind them is properly understood. * Don't make your children so comfortable that they become disabled. * Give her a foot massage. * If you are one of those rare creative people, then never force yourself to come up with an idea; if you do, it will die.Be patient, it will be figured out when the time comes.Learn to wait. * Never press a young person's personal information - especially about sex.They are in the process of growing up. There are sensitive spots all over their bodies.They abhor any invasion of their privacy (and rightfully so).Oh sure, they make mistakes too - but that's their business, not yours. (You make mistakes yourself, don't you?) * Never underestimate the power of human folly.
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