Home Categories science fiction the second type of person

Chapter 11 Chapter Ten Where Did They Go Back?

the second type of person 倪匡 9712Words 2018-03-14
I just wanted to drink some wine at this moment, so I walked over to open the wine cabinet. There was a lot of wine in the wine cabinet. I took a bottle, opened it, poured a glass, drank it all in one gulp, and poured another glass. Bai Su said at this time: "The four of them are a little bit different, they—their hearts are very kind." I snorted, "That sounds right." Bai Sudao: "Their actual behavior is also the same. Like Captain Mackey, there is no doubt that they are in their hands. They don't know how to deal with it. Killing people to silence them is the most straightforward way for us."

I almost jumped up: "What do you mean 'for us'?" Bai Su said: "For us, it is for us humans." I let out a haha, and drank the wine in the glass in another gulp: "These four people are also human beings." Bai Su paused for a moment: "Even if they are human beings, they are also the second type of human beings." I said loudly: "There is only one kind of people, there is no second and third kind. They can't kill people, so what's so special about it, there are very few people in the world who are real murderers, most, most of them don't kill people! "

Bai Su shook his head and said: "In their hearts, there is absolutely no thought of harming others." I was a little annoyed: "Don't make me laugh, ma'am, they put us in a coma, took Captain Mackey away, and crashed a plane and killed a lot of people, and they said they don't hurt people ?” Bai Su said: "That's because they have important secrets and they don't want others to know." I said: "Everyone has a secret, and they don't want others to know about it. Very few people do so many hurtful things in order to maintain their secrets."

I deliberately emphasized the words "things that hurt people" in order to refute Bai Su's argument. Bai Su laughed: "You didn't understand what I meant. I mean, their hearts are very peaceful──" I waved my hand: "Okay, who is violent, you? Me?" Bai Su sighed: "We." I don't want to argue anymore: "Don't waste time, contact the police quickly, and get these four guys—" Bai Su was obviously very protective of them, as soon as he heard me call them "guys", he gave me a look: "Don't call them that." I laughed out loud: "You said it yourself. They are not human beings. What should I call them?"

Bai Su said: "Okay, contact the police." I walked to a corner, picked up the phone, and just picked up the phone. Before I dialed the number of the police station, I heard the siren of a police car, approaching from a distance, and passed it quickly. I was taken aback for a moment, and in that moment, I saw at least three cars coming at a gallop with their headlights on, and the one in front even hit the wall. Immediately afterwards, many people jumped out of the car and rushed in.One of the leaders was the Director. When the director saw me and Bai Su, he was also taken aback: "What are you doing here?"

I said, "What are you doing here?" The director didn't answer my question immediately, but directed his subordinates: "Security to every corner, search carefully!" After all the people he brought had dispersed, he glared at us again, and I hurriedly said, "I'm here to look for Dabao." The director lost his voice: "Is he not there?" It's a very simple question, to be, or not to be.But for a while, I didn't know how to answer it.what do i say?Said to see Dabao, fainted, and then, after hearing his voice, opened the door, he was gone.

This process is too complicated to explain clearly. Just when I was thinking about it and didn't know how to answer, Bai Su said: "Yes, Dabao is not here." When the director heard this, he immediately showed a very angry and anxious expression, and shouted to a senior police officer beside him: "Immediately issue a warrant to arrest him and bring him to justice." I was taken aback: "He—what did he do?" The director said bitterly: "We arrested a person who participated in the robbery of Maji. He confessed the person who paid them to do this. The drawing expert drew this person, you see."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it. On it was a sketch of a person's face. Anyone who knew Dabao could tell it was Dabao at a glance. I hurriedly said, "According to my investigation, Dabao, Vince, Lian Neng, and Berlioz are all accomplices. You should not only order one to be wanted, but all four of them should be brought to justice." The director blinked, looked at me, and I said, "Send someone to search their residence immediately!" The director said "hmm": "I will do this." Originally, I planned to contact the police, but now there is no need to do so.Bai Su and I looked at each other and walked out together.

We left Dabao's house, and I said, "Do you think he will come back?" Bai Su said: "No more." I glanced at the huge greenhouse: "If he doesn't come back, and the plants in the greenhouse are left unattended, wouldn't they all die?" Bai Su frowned, without making a sound, I said: "I don't care about the plants next to me, those strange plants in the nursery──" Bai Su looked at me, and I spread my hands, expressing no malice: "I'm just curious, I want to get it back, continue to cultivate, and see what kind of monster it is."

Bai Su took a deep breath: "Okay." I immediately strode towards the greenhouse. When I got to the door of the greenhouse, I found the door was open. There were several detectives searching in the greenhouse. I went straight to the big fern, and opened the big fern, which was full of spores. But the cover of the nursery was opened, and the four strange-shaped plants disappeared, leaving only four deep holes. I couldn't help becoming furious, and turned around to drink to the police officer in the greenhouse: "Who pulled out the three plants here?" The few police officers looked at me inexplicably.Of course, these three strange plants were taken away by Dabao and the others.I definitely don't think they have time to do something when they "disappear", which is what happened when Bai Su and I were unconscious.

I walked out of the greenhouse in a rage, and just happened to come out from the back door of the house, and I immediately said: "Director, Markey is in the hands of these four people. As far as I know, these four people will take him to a Go somewhere, I suggest you notify all airports, ports, sea, land and air blockades, and don't let these four people flee your country with Markey." The director snorted: "The order has already been conveyed. Are you two planning to leave the country?" I said: "I want to stay for a few days, and I want to know what the police can find in the residence of the four of them." The director's expression softened a little: "Okay, as long as there are special discoveries, I will definitely notify you." I looked back at the greenhouse, and there was still a mysterious atmosphere in the whole greenhouse, but I couldn't tell where the mystery was. After returning to the hotel, I hardly ever went out for the next two or three days, just thinking hard, Bai Su was busier than me, and still ran around to collect information about the four of Vince. The newspapers published photos of Vince, Lennon, Dabao, and Berlioz, and on the TV, every hour, a photo of the four of them was broadcast, indicating that they were the four people "the police are eager to meet". The police also went through various investigations and obtained all the information of Vince and the other four, but the so-called information is not a lot, and it will not be more than Bai Su's investigation. The residences of Vince and the other four were thoroughly searched, but nothing was found. What's even more strange is that the four of Vince, Berlioz, Lian Neng and Dabao, together with Mackey, disappeared completely.Police are urging anyone who has seen them in the last three days to report immediately, but no one has seen them.On the fourth day, even Bai Su had to give up, she sighed: "Let's go back." This is a very common sentence, but I feel bored when I hear it.It's not that I don't want to go home, but that Vince and the others have said the same thing in Dabao's study. I muttered: "Go back! Go back! We go back, of course we go home. Dabao and the others go back, where are we going back?" In the past few days, we have studied and discussed this issue at least 17 or 18 times, each time with no results at all, and it is impossible to guess. Bai Su looked at me sympathetically, and comforted me: "Not everything will have an answer, this matter, I'm afraid it will always be a mystery." I smiled bitterly and said, "I have a mystery in my heart, like a fishbone in my throat, I don't know how to solve it." Bai Su shook his head, while making a phone call to book a flight with the airline.Three hours later, we were waiting at the airport for our flight.In the airport lobby, while waiting to board the plane, I suddenly saw a middle-aged man surrounded by several people walking over who looked proud.This middle-aged man, I recognize him as Okun, the vice president of the airline. Okun also saw us, but as soon as he saw us, he immediately turned his head away and pretended not to see us.I couldn't help feeling angry, I walked forward and said loudly: "Qi Shiyu is dead, you are very happy!" Okun looked extremely annoyed: "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about." I wanted to say a few more words to ridicule him, but Bai Su was already pulling my clothes hard behind me, I was angry with Ao Kun, actually there was no reason for it, but I didn't like him, so I still said loudly: "Be careful Point, there are eccentric people in your airline, these eccentric people have a characteristic, there is a greenhouse behind their residences." It doesn't make sense for me to say this, but Ao Kun's face, in an instant, was extremely ugly.It gave me great pleasure to see him exasperated, like a urchin after a successful prank. Ao Kun ignored me and walked forward. The staff all glared at me and followed.I was afraid that Bai Su would blame me, so I didn't dare to turn my head away, but I heard Bai Su whisper behind me: "God, his face." As soon as I heard Bai Su say this, I couldn't help being stunned. Okun's complexion: I mentioned that there are some weird people in his airline. These people have a greenhouse. Okun's complexion is extremely ugly, it is a strange dark green. People's complexions are rarely so ugly, but I am no stranger to such ugly complexions. I have seen such ugly colors on the faces of several people, including Lian Neng and Dabao. I immediately looked up and saw that Ao Kun had already walked more than ten steps, and I shouted: "Ao Kun!" While screaming, I ran towards him. Okun stood up, but didn't turn around. The staff around him looked at me aggressively. I didn't want to cause trouble, so I ran forward , while saying: "Mr. Okun, I would like to ask you a few questions." Ao Kun let out a muffled snort, and turned around. His face was still very ugly, but it no longer had that dark green color. Two staff members came over and stopped in front of me. I said again: "Mr. Ao Kun also has a greenhouse?" Okun was startled for a moment, but didn't answer right away. I raised my voice: "You grew up in an orphanage! You are just like Lian Neng and the others!" He didn't answer any of my questions, but from his actions, it was already certain that my guess was completely true, and Okun didn't dare to answer my question directly. He was about to leave, and I chased after him. At this moment, two tall staff members, one on each side, punched me. He raised his foot and stomped heavily on the insteps of those two people. When the two staff members were screaming strangely, I rushed to Okun's back and grabbed his clothes: "Come back! Mr. Okun, there are too many mysteries to be solved by you, you can't go!" After Okun was caught by me, he struggled hard, but he couldn't get away. He let out an extremely angry roar, and several staff members around him also shouted angrily. Two security guards at the airport rushed run over.They obviously recognized Okun, so as soon as they saw him being restrained by me, one of them, indiscriminately, immediately drew out a gun, pointed it at my waist, and shouted: "Let go!" I said loudly: "Don't let go. Bai Su, hurry up and notify the director." The damn security guard pulled the safety button of the pistol: "If you don't let go, I will shoot." Amid the noise, more security guards rushed over. I saw that Bai Su was already running towards the phone booth, and knowing that the chief would come soon, I let go of my hand, pointed at Ao Kun, and said to the security guards, "Don't Let him go, he's connected to many serious cases." Ao Kun's expression was extremely angry, and he repeatedly said: "Crazy! A lunatic who ran out of nowhere!" Several security guards didn't listen to me and just surrounded me.My situation looks very bad, but my mood is extremely light, I laughed: "Maybe, I ran out of the orphanage." A police officer in the uniform of a senior police officer also came over in a hurry. I saw Bai Su had come back, and she said from a long distance: "The director will be there immediately, and he can explain everything once he arrives." The senior police officer glared at me, and we pointed at Okun: "I'm going to file a very serious complaint against this gentleman. Don't care about his status, just watch him closely!" I didn't believe those security guards would listen to me, so I stood very close to him, and Bai Su also knew what I was thinking, and stood side by side with me, monitoring Ao Kun. The senior police officer looked a little hesitant, as if he didn't know what to do. There were already many people watching, he thought about it: "Please come to my office, okay?" Aokun said angrily: "Why am I going? This lunatic, what is he accusing me of?" He looked directly at me: "What are you accusing me of?" I said leisurely: "A plane crash, Captain Mackey escaped from the detention center and was kidnapped, as well as Mr. Qi Shiyu's death, are all related to you." I spoke quite slowly, but my tone was very firm. At that moment, the dark green color appeared on Okun's face again. Although it was only fleeting, I was more sure that he, Vince, Berlios and the others It's a gang. The senior police officer heard me accuse Okun like this, obviously he never expected the situation to be so serious in advance, he was taken aback, and immediately said: "Mr. Okun, please—" Ao Kun snorted: "You listen to this lunatic, you will bear all the consequences!" I immediately said: "If you don't listen to me, you will bear all the consequences." The senior police officer asked Okun, "Mr. Okun, please—" At this time, there were more and more people onlookers, and Ao Kun might feel that this stalemate is not an option, so he nodded with a very ugly expression, and walked forward surrounded by several staff members, Bai Su and I were afraid that he would escape, Follow him side by side. Not long after arriving at the chief security officer's office, the chief of police rushed in and shouted, "Where is it?" I pointed to Ao Kun: "It is him. In him, I believe that all mysteries can be solved." The Chief of Police glanced at Ao Kun and was stunned for a moment. He recognized Ao Kun: "Are you kidding me? He is——" I interrupted him: "Don't worry about his identity, he is in the same group as Berlioz and the other four." The director said: "What evidence is there?" I was taken aback, "What evidence is there?"Indeed, what proof do I have?It is impossible to conclude that a person is a criminal or has done some weird things based on the fact that a strange dark green color appears on his face when he is angry. For a while, I couldn't answer, so I hurriedly looked at Bai Su, only to see that she also had a helpless expression on her face.I said: "Put him up first, ask slowly, he will definitely tell." In an instant, the director became furious and yelled at me: "You think we are barbarians? Are you in Uganda?" I took a step back: "Director, you—" The director stopped talking to me: "If you want to leave, please go, you have caused enough trouble." After scolding me viciously, he turned around again and apologized repeatedly to Okun.The security chief also looked extremely embarrassed, he couldn't stop apologizing, and Ao Kun walked out proudly. Bai Su and I looked at each other and left together, I whispered: "We're not leaving." Bai Su nodded, agreeing.We originally left in a situation of extreme helplessness, but inadvertently discovered that Okun and Berlioz were in the same group. This was an extremely important discovery. Of course we refused to leave just like that. We must be in Okun's place On the body, more things were discovered. We went back to the hotel, and Bai Su immediately went out to collect information about Ao Kun, while I lingered at the gate of Ao Kun's office building. In the evening, I saw Okun driving away in a car, and I hurriedly followed, until I reached Okun's residence. Okun drove the car into the garage. Behind Okun's residence, there is also a huge greenhouse. This further proves that Okun and Berlioz have a common hobby.This hobby is not very peculiar, but when it cooperates with their behavior, there is an indescribable mysterious atmosphere. I know at this time, if I go to Ao Kun, I will definitely be kicked out by him. I'd better go back to the hotel and discuss it with Bai Su to see what information she found. I watched the lights in Ao Kun's residence come on, and then I got in the car and returned to the hotel. After a while, Bai Su's cheeks flushed with excitement, and as soon as he entered the room, he said, "Ao Kun grew up in an orphanage. " I hurriedly said: "Behind his residence is a large greenhouse." Bai Su said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go find him." I waved my hand: "If he doesn't welcome, we-" I made a gesture, Bai Su laughed, and we left the hotel immediately, but at the entrance of the lobby, we met the chief of police with an angry face. When he saw me, he yelled: "If you follow Ao Mr. Kun, I can arrest you." I smiled and said, "What is the charge?" The director said: "Threatening the safety of others with actions." I spread my hands: "I didn't threaten his safety at all, and I didn't even say anything." As I said, I patted the director on the shoulder: "If you go to visit Mr. Okun with us, I guarantee you will find something unexpected." The chief's expression was still very angry, Bai Su said. "I can make the same pledge." The director obviously trusted Bai Su's guarantee.He thought for a while: "I still don't understand what information you want to find on him." Bai Su said: "Until now, I don't know, but as long as I talk to him, I will definitely find out." The director took a deep breath and nodded reluctantly. Fearing that he would change his mind, I escorted him into the car. On the way to Okun's residence, I said, "Berlioz and the others have a lot in common with Okun. Their behavior is very strange——" Then, I gave a few examples, but the director widened his eyes when he heard this: "Mr. Wei, if the examples you give can prove that one person is guilty, the whole world will be a sinner." I said: "Don't worry, I at least know that they have a huge secret related to their identities. Captain Mackey lost his freedom because he knew this secret." The director snorted and said, "Why didn't Markey tell the police their secret?" I had no choice but to say: "I don't understand this point either. I believe Ao Kun can also solve this mystery." The director didn't say anything, but his expression showed obvious distrust. The car arrived at the door of Aokun's residence, the house was brightly lit, and the greenhouse behind the house was also brightly lit. After Bai Su parked the car, I couldn't wait to get out of the car and pressed the doorbell vigorously. The doorbell rang and rang, but still no one answered.Feeling something was wrong, I kicked the door hard, turned the handle, and the door swung open. I glanced back at the Director, who stepped in and said loudly, "Mr. Okun." Although the lights were on in the house, no one answered.Bai Su took a breath: "We are late." I kicked a sofa hard and yelled, "Okun, come out." The director hurriedly said: "Don't mess around, Mr. Okun may have gone out." I jumped up. "Greenhouse! One of their strange behaviors is to sunbathe in the greenhouse." As I said that, I rushed to the back of the house and came to the door of the greenhouse, but the door of the greenhouse was locked from the outside. The director said: "He may go out temporarily, we can wait for him at the door." Bai Su shook her head and said: "He won't come back." After she said this, she paused and added: "He will never come back." I knew in my heart that Bai Su's conjecture was correct, but the chief of police, who didn't know the reason, looked at Bai Su with a very puzzled expression, not knowing what Bai Su was based on. Okun is the vice president of a large-scale airline company. He has a successful career and an outstanding position in society. Why did he leave suddenly and never come back?It just doesn't make sense. However, it turned out that Bai Su's speculation was correct. The mysterious disappearance of the vice president of the airline company became big news on the third day. The police tried their best to find out where he went, but to no avail. Like the four of them, Okun and Berlioz disappeared suddenly.Bai Su and I only set off home on the tenth day after Ao Kun disappeared. During these ten days, we tried our best to find Ao Kun. This, of course, also includes collecting information about Okun.But Okun's information is similar to that of Berlioz and the other four, which is pitifully scarce. According to the information, he was found at the gate of the orphanage. After growing up, he studied in middle school and later went to university.Okun was older than Berlioz and the others, and had always been single.According to the information, his whereabouts were unknown during the Second World War, and he did not reappear until after the end of the war. Little is known about Okun's private life, except that he likes to grow plants and owns a huge greenhouse. His neighbors often see him working in the greenhouse, sometimes not coming out for hours. Judging from the data, the five of them have very similarities.But those similarities can't explain anything.For example, they all grew up in an orphanage, so what does that mean?For example, they all own a greenhouse, so what does that mean?For another example, they live in northern Europe, and the stoves in their dwellings have obviously never been used. What does this mean? When we got home, these mysteries haunted me to the point of restlessness. Bai Su and I also made speculations.Our guess is that since they mentioned "going back" during the conversation, they must have gone somewhere after they disappeared. what a place!Since the word "go back" is used, it must be where they came from, but the mystery is here, they all came from the orphanage. We assume that the five of them came from a very mysterious area, or in other words, were sent out by a very mysterious area.The person who sent them put them at the gate of the orphanage, so that the orphanage had a record of adoption.At that time, they were all babies. To make such an assumption, further assumptions must be made.Berlioz and his group, and many others, have a "base area". If you think about it from this aspect, they are very similar to Soviet spies, and the Soviet secret service agencies used similar tricks.However, it seems that the method practiced from infancy has not been heard of.Could it be that after they grow up, send someone to contact them and say that they are Russians? This seems very unlikely──Bai Su overturned my hypothesis. While overthrowing my hypothesis, Bai Su cited some unexplainable examples, such as their "incarnation" and their "disappearance" extremely quickly. Bai Su's speculation is that they are aliens, not Earthlings.It's also more in line with Markey's line: "They're not people!" If not, Markey's words, there is no explanation at all. But Markey resolutely refused to speak. Bai Su speculated that it was because what happened in the cabin at that time might be so weird that Markey thought it would be useless for him to speak. No one would believe his words, only as he was Drunk, so it's better not to say. Bai Su's speculation is not without reason, when I asked her: "What do you think might happen in the cabin?", Bai Su said: "Who knows, maybe these aliens suddenly showed their original shape. " I snorted: "Yes, eight pairs of feet, sixty-four eyes, and a nine-sided body!" Bai Su glared at me: "It may be much weirder than what you described." I sighed and spread my hands, Bai Su also sighed: "We actually have quite a few chances to solve those mysteries, at least I once had a chance." I looked at her, not knowing what she was referring to, Bai Su said: "That time, when I came out of Huangtang's house, I met Berlioz. He threatened me to get into the car, as if he wanted to explain something to me, and wanted to take me to He wanted to go somewhere, but suddenly, he changed his mind." I sighed: "I also missed an opportunity. At the airport, I should have broken Okun's arm." Bai Su ignored me and muttered to himself: "If they are aliens, what is the purpose of coming to Earth?" I don't bother with her, alien!I disagree with her analysis at all. After discussing and speculating without any results, for about half a month, since the matter had not progressed at all, I had no choice but to give up thinking about it even though I felt extremely uncomfortable.That afternoon, I just came back from the outside, and as soon as I entered the living room, I saw a man in rags, sitting on the white velvet sofa I newly bought. Not only was the man dressed in rags, but he was also covered in mud, and he hadn't even wiped off the mud on his face, so that as soon as I entered, when he looked at me, I only saw his two rolling eyes. As soon as he saw me, he jumped up: "Aha, it's finally you." I stayed for a while, although I recognized who he was when he called out, but I still said: "I'm sorry, I can't recognize who you are until the mud on your face is washed off .” The guy came up to me and punched me on the shoulder: "You won't recognize who I am until I wash my face." I smiled wryly, helplessly.What this guy said is true. I have known him for a long time, and I have never seen his face and hands clean. This person has a single gender and a name.The first time I knew him, when I heard his name, I couldn't help laughing and said, "Good name, why not just call it Unrequited Love?" The man said seriously, "My brother's name is Shan Si." Shan's family is very rich, the ancestor started a business, the two brothers have their own hobbies, the single-minded one is planting flowers, Shan Si's hobby is amazing, and there are only three people in the world who have the same hobby as him, according to him.Shansi's hobby has nothing to do with this story, and it would take too long to mention it, so let's just skip it. The ability to grow flowers in one phase is great. He is a botanist. He has several papers on botany and is a recognized authority in the world.Especially about the genetics of plants and the feelings of plants, I have more experience. After I saw him, although I didn't know why he came to me, I couldn't help but slapped myself on the head hard. After I came back, I spent two or three days going to the library to search for information, trying to find the name of the plant in the Dabao Greenhouse Nursery. I blamed myself for not thinking of single phase!Asking him is more effective than checking it yourself for a year. Shan Xiang saw that I suddenly hit myself, and couldn't help but stunned: "What's wrong?" I grabbed him, pressed him to sit down, asked Lao Cai to make tea, and said, "I have a question for you." Shan Xiang frowned, and when he frowned, some dried mud appeared on his eyebrows, which fell down with his movements, but he ignored it, and said, "I don't know anything except plants." I said, "It's about plants." I took the shape of that thing, and what it looked like after I took one of the pieces off.Telling him in detail, Shanxiang kept blinking and frowning, and the mud particles kept falling down. When I finished speaking, he shook his head and said, "I never knew there was such a plant, are you kidding me?" I replied: "The bastard is only joking with you." Shan Xiang sighed: "I should go to further study, where the hell did you see this plant?" I said: "In Northern Europe——" I just said three words, and Shan Xiang jumped up straight, clenched his fists, and dangled in front of me, viciously.I know why he suddenly did this, because the plants I described are succulents, and there are absolutely no tropical succulents in Northern Europe.So I hurriedly said: "—in a greenhouse." Shan Xiangyi listened to the second half of the sentence, and turned away fiercely: "Please, don't split the sentence into two parts, okay?" I laughed and said, "It's you who are impatient, and you're about to kill someone after listening to half of it." Shan Xiang said: "That greenhouse belongs to a botanist?" I shook my head and said, "No, it's a flight engineer on an aircraft—" This time, I was only halfway through the speech, and Shan Xiang interrupted me: "Aha, I know this person, this person...has golden hair, his name is...is... " I never expected that Shan Xiang would know Da Bao, I saw that he couldn't remember his name for a while, so I said, "His name is Da Bao." Shanxiang tapped his fingers together and made a "get" sound: "Yes, it's called Dabao." When his fingers touched each other, a small piece of mud flew straight towards me. Fortunately, I had sharp eyesight and quick hands, so I stretched out my hand and slapped it away.I hurriedly asked, "How do you know him?" Shan Xiangdao: "This person is very interested in plants. Three years ago, I published a paper on plant emotions, which proved that plants are treated differently and have different radio wave test responses. He came to see me and discussed this with me. issues." I couldn't help being very surprised: "How can a flight engineer have common sense in this area?" Shan Xiang cried out: "Common sense? He is extremely knowledgeable! He even asked me a question, saying that the plant's induction comes from the plant's nervous system. I said, so far, no one has dared to say that plants have a nervous system." —I have a recording of the conversation between him and me, which is very exciting. Do you want to listen to it?" I know that Shan Xiang's so-called "very brilliant" may just be a series of lengthy technical terms that make people cramp, but the matter is related to Dabao, and I really want to hear it. So I said, "OK, now?" Shan Xiang stood up again: "I forgot, I want you to come to my place once, I am the person who discovered cell cultured orchids, you know, there are already dozens of new orchid species named after me." I nodded to show I know. Shan Xiang said again: "Recently, I have cultivated a new species, go and have a look, if you like that light yellow flower, I can name it after you." I waved my hands: "No need, I don't want to associate my name with something as delicate as orchid." Shan Xiang showed a very disappointed expression: "This is a very rare honor." I said: "I know, except for a few of you nympho, no one will know that I have this honor." Shan Xiang had a helpless expression: "Everyone has their own aspirations, and I won't force you—" He still refused to give up, and suddenly said: "Maybe your Madam is interested, Bai Sulan, what a nice name." I took him by the arm and walked out: "This can be discussed slowly, you take me to listen to the conversation between you and Dabao first." I pulled Shanxiang out, got into the car, and drove straight to his residence.
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