Home Categories science fiction head down

Chapter 4 Chapter Four

head down 倪匡 8994Words 2018-03-14
Yuan Zhenxia nodded: "Yes." Shi Nai laughed: "Why do you respect me when you hear that I have a doctoral title, and ignore my status as a head-down master?" Yuan Zhenxia had no choice but to be honest: "Maybe it's because I don't know anything about the head drop technique. For example, I don't understand why you have to kiss one before you die if you want to find out if you have been poisoned by the heavenly flower to drop your head." woman?" Sneaker said: "This is the difference between metaphysics and science. Metaphysics is not without reason, but no one understands the reason. Kissing a newly dead opposite sex is often used in head-bending techniques. It may be a newly dead person. There is also bioelectricity being emitted. This bioelectricity is different from the bioelectricity emitted by living people, it may be due to other reasons, who knows!"

Yuan Zhenxia was very interested: "Jiangtou, are you using bacteria to control reproduction?" Shi Nai spread his hands: "It's too complicated, some are, and some are not. For example, 'raising ghosts', it is completely spiritual and witchcraft, and has nothing to do with bacteria." A question spun around Yuan Zhenxia's throat a few times, but he finally asked it out: "Master, you also...have a ghost?" Shi Nai smiled rather sinisterly: "No one will answer your question directly." Yuan Zhenxia had no choice but to laugh at himself: "Yes, I am so stupid!"

After learning that Shi Nai also has a wealth of scientific knowledge, there are naturally many topics to talk about.During the flight of less than six hours, Yuan Zhenxia not only didn't feel bored, but also had colorful conversations, which made him hear many things he hadn't heard before.He also told Snare about the weird things in his experience, such as the horrible results of the "blood curse" and so on. When the plane obviously began to lower its flight altitude, it passed through the clouds and could already see the rolling hills below and the river flowing between them.When the plane came to a low altitude of only 1,000 meters, Shi Nai and Yuan Zhenxia began to prepare for skydiving.Then, they sat on the specially prepared chairs, and simultaneously pressed a red button, the automatic bounce device, and they bounced straight out of the cabin!

In the air, Yuan Zhenxia looked down—he had practiced skydiving, and while falling, he looked at the terrain below without feeling dizzy.Below is a large lake surrounded by mountains. Looking down from the air, the lake is extremely calm.Yuan Zhenxia naturally knew that this lake was within the territory of that country, but he was not sure where it was. He only speculated from the flight time that this lake was probably in the north of the country. In the lake, there are several small islands that look like leaves floating on the water.The destination they landed on was one of the small islands that was similar in shape to a duck's paw.When both of them opened their parachutes, they controlled the wind direction and soon landed on a piece of grass on the small island.

The grassland is not very big, and the small island is covered with a kind of tree with tall branches and full of white flowers, and the fragrance of flowers makes people feel drunk.Looking up, every tree is hung with huge honeycombs, at least one cubic meter in size.Thousands of thumb-sized, yellow and black wild bees, some gathered beside the hive, some flew noisily among the flowers, and some circled around on the grass.Yuan Zhenxia had never seen that kind of wild bees before, so when some were flying towards him, he naturally avoided them. Shi Nai said in a deep voice: "This kind of wild bee is called 'hornet bee' in local language. After being stabbed by it, ordinary people can only live for about seven minutes."

Yuan Zhenxia was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to say. Shi Nai continued: "They are particularly sensitive to warm-blooded animals, so there are no warm-blooded animals on this island, not even a single hare. If there were any, in less than a minute, countless tiger heads would be attracted Bee, sting it to death!" Yuan Zhenxia felt a little dry in his throat, and looked at the Hornet flying and circling in front of him: "Then...we..." Shi Nai laughed: "After taking a special medicine that I made, the hornet will not come to attack within twelve hours. Therefore, if you live on this island, you must take that special medicine constantly. You mentioned that you were afraid of being followed. I don’t think you need to worry too much. Thousands of hornets are the best guards. The intruders will die within a minute after landing on the island!”

Yuan Zhenxia felt his throat itchy: "I... haven't... taken any medicine!" Shi Nai's expression was very interesting: "The lower head master wants others to take the medicine, of course he has his special method——I put it in the cup of coffee you drank on the plane!" Yuan Zhenxia couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Then, do I count as a fall?" Shi Nai did not deny at all: "Of course, avoiding the bee drop is life-saving. Many people who go into the mountains to collect wild honey will take the bee drop and miasma drop before setting off, otherwise, they will never return. "

Yuan Zhenxia probed: "Twelve hours? Then you have to take food continuously?" Sneaker said, "Of course it is." Yuan Zhenxia was helpless: "I have a request, don't put that drug in my drink again, I would rather swallow it face to face!" Shi Nai smiled and said, "It's all yours respect—oh, by the way, by the way, no matter what method Chu Jun wants me to use, I will invite you to come. If you refuse to agree, you must come..." Yuan Zhenxia was horrified, and lost his voice: "You are not on me, why did you drop your head!" Shi Nai shrugged: "I'm about to attack you, and you have already agreed!"

Yuan Zhenxia let out a sigh of relief, but he suddenly remembered Huang Juan.The technique of this head drop master is so superb, and Huang Juan is clearly hostile to him, will it be... They were talking and walking forward.When Yuan Zhenxia thought of this, he stopped and looked at Shi Nai. Shi Nai shook his head: "We don't drop heads casually to people. Because almost every kind of head drop is extremely complicated to make, and it's not easy to get. How can we waste it casually?" Yuan Zhenxia walked carefully among a large group of buzzing hornets, thinking in his heart: the future of man is really unpredictable.Ten hours ago, how could he have imagined that he would suddenly be in such a wild place?

After passing through a large forest, there is a large rock in front, which is very steep.In the rock, there is a crack that can only be walked in sideways. Due to the flowing water, a bright green moss grows on the rock.Shi Nai walked in front, and Yuan Zhenxia saw him picking this kind of moss, put it in his mouth, chewed it with relish, and motioned Yuan Zhenxia to try it too. Yuan Zhenxia didn't follow suit, he was just thinking, this head-down master, I don't know what weird and mysterious things he will do.He seems to hold the power of life, and he can use the head-down technique to do anything!

However, no matter how powerful he is, he still can't save the poisonous Jiangtou who was poisoned by the crown prince of Taining.You can tell by looking at his exhausted appearance in the past month. The crack in the rock is only about 20 meters long, and when it reaches the end, it suddenly opens up.It turned out that the rock surrounded a small basin, and there was a mountain stream flowing through the flat land, and beside the stream were three houses made of very rough wood.Yuan Zhenxia saw the two "Paradise Flowers" planted on the open space in front of the house all at once. The other plants near the two Paradise Flowers had all withered, which was naturally because they couldn't withstand the poison of the Paradise Flowers. . Then, the door of the room in the middle was pushed open, and Xi Taining, the prince, came out. At this time, it was the time when the setting sun was slanting, and the golden sunlight reflected on Chu Jun's face, so that Yuan Zhenxia could clearly see that he was also much haggard.Over the past month, the anxiety in his heart must have increased every day! He took a few steps forward, forced a smile, and said dryly, "Doctor Yuan, it's very kind of you to come." Yuan Zhenxia walked over to shake hands with him, looked into his sunken eyes, and didn't know what to say.After thinking for a while, he said, "I knew you were a big shot a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to have such an identity." The prince was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at Shi Nai.Yuan Zhenxia hurriedly said, "Your identity was told to me by a lady we all know!" The prince's voice was a little trembling: "She... knows my situation?" Yuan Zhenxia repeated Huang Juan's words, and concluded: "Being hit by a head drop is something she can't accept at all, so don't worry." The prince sighed: "The reason why I invited you here is because you also know her..." When he was talking here, he paused, looking very absent-minded, and then said: "Please come in and sit down." He turned around and walked in first, Yuan Zhenxia followed behind.As soon as he entered the room, he gave the boss a fright. For a moment, he didn't know whether to keep going in or get out! What Yuan Zhenxia saw was not a terrifying sight. What he saw was a very fair-skinned woman, completely naked, curled up on a rather small shelf, one person high.The curve of the woman's back was very moving, she was lying on the shelf, motionless, only her back was slightly rising and falling with her breathing.A head of long black hair, half hanging down, covering her face, and half scattered on her bare back, looks very attractive. Seeing this situation, Yuan Zhenxia's first thought was: This woman must be the female companion of Prince Taining.Although the prince was condescending, he was worried, but he lived here alone, and with his status, power and money, it was only natural to find a beautiful woman as his companion. But what Yuan Zhenxia didn't understand was why this woman—judging from her elastic, plump and smooth skin, she should be a beautiful woman—had to use such a weird posture to lean on a shelf?Could it be that the prince is still interested in playing perverted games in such a bad state of mind? While Yuan Zhenxia was in a daze, Shi Nai, who was behind him, had strode forward and surpassed him.While walking forward, Shi Nai quickly took off his own coat, came to the girl's side, and covered the girl's naked body with the coat. Shi Nai used his clothes to cover the naked woman's body, the movement seemed quite natural, but Yuan Zhenxia was taken aback for a moment.Because Shi Nai's coat was covering the girl's upper body, not the lower body.Moreover, it seems that Shi Nai's purpose is not to cover the girl's body with the jacket, but to cover the girl's head and face! After putting his coat on, he said a word in a very soft voice—Yuan Zhenxia couldn't understand what he said, only saw him supporting the girl and getting off the shelf. Although the girl's head and face were covered by clothes, her entire body was still naked.Although curious, but in terms of politeness, Yuan Zhenxia naturally couldn't stare directly at the carcass of others, so he turned his head away.And Shi Nai supported the girl, passed by his side, and walked out. When Yuan Zhenxia turned his head away, his eyes swept over the girl's calf, and saw the girl's slender feet as smooth as jade.Just such a pair of slender feet can already arouse a lot of reverie. Yuan Zhenxia couldn't understand it himself. It's not like he hasn't seen beautiful women before. Huang Juan and Haitang are the most beautiful women among beauties.But for some reason, this young girl has a special power that can make people dizzy and fascinated. He hadn't even seen the girl's face before, and he felt a stirring feeling in his heart! Moreover, Yuan Zhenxia also deeply felt that this feeling has nothing to do with carnal desire.It's just a kind of reverie like being in a fairyland, peaceful and sweet, completely detached from the worldly beauty! And why, within ten seconds of a glance, would make his thoughts rippling with that thick romantic feeling?He really couldn't say it, so he had to attribute it to the unique attraction of beautiful women. Hearing the footsteps of Shi Nai helping the girl out of the house, Yuan Zhenxia took a slow breath and regained his composure.Only then did he see clearly what was going on in the room. At this time, Prince Taining had already sat down on a chair made of natural tree roots in the corner with a very strange shape, holding his head in his hands. Yuan Zhenxia saw many cabinets against the wall, more than half of which were filled with books.In the other half, there were many extremely weird things—about fifty specimen bottles, and in the bottles were insects of various sizes that Yuan Zhenxia could only recognize one-third of at most. Yuan Zhenxia took a few steps forward, and his eyes stopped on one of the specimen bottles.Inside the bottle was a rectangular, about the size of a pack of cigarettes, with scales on its back, seemingly headless and tailless, its color was emerald green, and it didn't look like a snake, nor did it look like a frog. On the wall, there are still many corpses of birds and beasts.A kind of steel spike was also used to nail many reptiles to the wall. There are more than 30 species of lizards alone, and more than half of them are alive and writhing. Beside the chair that Prince Chu was sitting on was a rather oddly shaped earthen jar, about half the height of a person.The earthen pot was placed on a stove. At this time, there was no fire in the stove, but there were a few wisps of faint smoke coming out of the stove. All in all, everything in this room is unparalleled and indescribably weird! Yuan Zhenxia was immediately sure that this place would definitely not be the prince's palace.Such a strange place should belong to——He hadn't thought of the answer, but Shi Nai's voice sounded behind him: "This has always been my residence. The residence of a head-down master, in the eyes of ordinary people, is always It's kind of weird." Yuan Zhenxia swallowed involuntarily.The residence of a head-bending master is a mysterious kingdom of witchcraft and unfathomable, boundless and profound head-bending techniques.Here, only the head-bending technique is the master, and everything is beyond the reach of modern civilization and modern science! He took a breath: "It's not just weird, it's just...a bit unbelievable. All of this...is all related to the lowering of the head?" Shi Nai had already walked to his side: "It can be said this way—an emerald toad fished out from the depths of the mud, put together with a whole set of German pharmacology, this may represent me!" When Shi Nai said this, he pointed at the strange green thing that Yuan Zhenxia had noticed just now. Yuan Zhenxia said "Oh": "This thing is called...'Emerald Toad', does it live in the mud?" Shi Nai nodded: "Yes, as far as I know, no more than three have been found in the whole world. The lower head made of it can make people look beautiful even in the worst case!" Yuan Zhenxia thought for a while: "Changing the activity of human visual nerve?" Shi Nai shook his head: "It's not that simple. Not only do we need to change the activity of the visual nerve, but we also need to change the activity of other sensory nerves. To make the smelly ones fragrant, the rough ones greasy, and the ugly ones beautiful. Naturally, people's psychological states must also be changed. Extremely complicated. As for why it has such a function, and who first thought of it having this function, it is completely unknown!" Yuan Zhenxia felt almost intoxicated when he heard it, and he still wanted to ask countless questions.He felt that just in this room alone, he could stay for at least three to five years to fill the gap in his understanding of head lowering technique! However, before he could ask any more questions, the prince raised his head, lowered his hands, and said, "Please sit down!" In the room, there were several chairs also made of natural tree roots. Yuan Zhenxia found the one closest to the prince and sat down.He felt a little thirsty, but before he could open his mouth, a girl walked in lightly with a tray. Yuan Zhenxia immediately confirmed that the girl who walked in was the one who was helped out by Shi Nai just now.At this time, she was wearing a traditional long skirt, and when she walked, she was even more swaying.The plate in her hand was made of bamboo, and the hands holding the plate were dazzlingly white with neatly manicured nails.Yuan Zhenxia thought in his heart: such hands are worthy of being called "jade hands"! On the plate, there were three bowls filled with a golden-yellow liquid that seemed to be quite thick.It exudes a refreshing fragrance, with a sweet taste in the fragrance. She was still barefoot, her toes were small and neatly arranged, and there was no dirt or dust on her white skin. After she walked in, she put the plate on the shelf where she was lying down just now, and walked out without a word. (Seems a bit wrong, doesn't it?) (Described for a long time, this girl already has the feeling of a fairy, but what is her face, why didn't she mention a word?) (No, it's impossible to mention it at all!) The girl was tall and slender, and although the long skirt did not wrap her body tightly, there was no doubt that the curves of her body were the most impeccable female body beauty. But Yuan Zhenxia couldn't see her face because she was wearing a very strange mask. That mask is made of very thin bamboo threads, not very tight.Therefore, it is guessed that people wearing such a mask can vaguely see things through the gaps between the bamboo threads, but they cannot see her face at all. And because this girl's figure is so graceful and outstanding, even though the bamboo silk mask is very weird, people don't pay attention to it, but they are just intoxicated in her state that can bring people an indescribable sense of comfort, Don't care about other things. When the girl was still walking out with that light, moving, and leisurely pace, Yuan Zhenxia said sincerely: "This... If there is a fairy in the lake, she should be it!" Yuan Zhenxia was praising the girl, Prince Taining straightened his body suddenly, and his voice was extremely excited: "You...have this feeling without even seeing her face?" Yuan Zhenxia said without hesitation, "Yes!" Chu Jun raised his head, Yuan Zhenxia looked at him, and found that there were faint tears flowing in his eyes, which surprised Yuan Zhenxia. Chu Jun was muttering to himself: "You know you can't blame me, you can't blame me! She was originally the fairy in the lake, the fairy on the mountain, and the fairy where everything in the world is!" Yuan Zhenxia didn't understand what the prince was talking to himself, what did he mean?But at least he could understand that he was praising the beauty of that girl. In this way, the girl's face must match her figure, and she is extremely beautiful.But why wear a mask made of bamboo silk? Yuan Zhenxia immediately thought that when the girl was lying on the shelf, Shi Nai had taken off her shirt to cover her head and face.Does this unusual move have any special significance? At this time, Yuan Zhenxia's doubts had reached the extreme. He had many questions to ask, but he didn't know how to ask them. He came, but at this time, Yuan Zhenxia knew nothing about the prince except that he had been shot. He thought for a while and said, "Excuse me, what is your purpose for seeing me?" At this time, the sun was setting, the sky had already darkened rapidly, and the light in the house was even darker.Coupled with the weird things in the house, it is enough to make the atmosphere extraordinarily eerie. Yuan Zhenxia's question did not receive a direct answer.In the darkness, the prince's eyes looked very empty, he bowed his body: "We may have a long conversation, eat something first, and maintain the necessary physical strength." When Chu Jun was speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the three bowls brought in by the girl. Shi Nai hurried over and handed him a bowl, and he immediately sat on the rim of the bowl and drank it one mouthful at a time. Shi Nai also gave Yuan Zhenxia a bowl.Although the thought of eating in the residence of a descendant master makes me feel a little hairy, who knows how many kinds of descendants are in this bowl of delicious and sweet food?And no one knows what the consequences will be after hitting those heads down?But Qishi couldn't stop eating and drinking, and Yuan Zhenxia was really very hungry, he just hesitated for a moment, and then sipped on the rim of the bowl. The bowl of things, the entrance is very sweet, the taste is excellent. While drinking, Shi Nai explained: "This is prepared with hornet honey. Among all natural foods, there is nothing more nutritious than it! Especially the first time I eat it Because there are many kinds of heterogeneous proteins and amino acids that the human body has never been in contact with, it is even more refreshing. There are even natural phenyl acids in honey, so that people will not feel hungry Feeling. The original doctor should know that Phenylpropandolamine has been commonly used to suppress the feeling of hunger!" Yuan Zhenxia swallowed and said, "Yes! Yes!" Although he agreed, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart: honey alone is quite different, who knows what else is there besides honey?Shi Nai didn't continue to explain. After drinking it, there is no strange feeling, but the sense of hunger and thirst no longer exists.All three put down their bowls, and Shi Nai went over to light an oil lamp.When Yuan Zhenxia saw the oil lamp, it was made of some animal's skull. It probably looked like a human skull, and the light was not bright, flickering erratically, making it even more eerie than when there was no light. Shi Nai carefully turned on the light, because he was right next to the light, the dark yellow light reflected on his face, and contrasted with his eyes staring at the light, there was a deep light.His lips moved quickly, making a series of sounds like spells. Seeing this scene, Yuan Zhenxia felt cold, and couldn't help but ask, "What... are you doing?" Shi Nai read for a while, then retreated to the seat, and replied nonchalantly: "I perform a head-bending technique, so that no one can eavesdrop on what is said here. Those who eavesdrop will definitely get bad rewards." Yuan Zhenxia smiled wryly: "Didn't you say that there are no other people on the island? To prevent...that girl from eavesdropping?" Shi Nai said: "No, just in case! Moreover, after the operation, the three of us can also prevent the three of us from leaking out what we said here!" When Yuan Zhenxia heard this, he couldn't help being shocked and angry, this was obviously a head-down technique aimed at him! He stood up abruptly, and said loudly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in hearing anything here! Please withdraw your head lowering technique, and I can leave immediately. What kind of hospitality is this?" At this time, Yuan Zhenxia was not only angry, but also had a strange fear in his heart. Although he has been in contact with the "blood curse" of black witchcraft, he has also dealt with completely unpredictable alien creatures, and even dealt with the "devil king" who bought human souls, but in his past experience, he has never been like that. Uncomfortable feeling too! This time, he actually became the target of the head-down technique! Prince Taining suddenly laughed: "Doctor, haven't you always believed in the existence of head lowering technique?" Yuan Zhenxia said in a deep voice: "It's not that I don't believe it, but I don't understand it. No matter what, I don't want to be the target of the operation, and I don't want to be treated like this." Chu Jun sighed: "Don't be too nervous, Doctor Yuan. Or, please forgive me, in fact, it won't do you any harm!" Yuan Zhenxia still persisted, looking directly at Shi Nai. Shi Nai sighed: "Okay! But since you don't know anything about head lowering techniques, my actions are meaningless to you!" Yuan Zhenxia just hummed: "I was invited to come here, and I should be regarded as someone who can help you!" Chu Jun hurriedly said: "Yes! Yes!" Shi Nai came to the lamp again, his eyes were still shining, and he was chanting incantations rapidly.At the same time, he waved his hand at Yuan Zhenxia three times before retreating. Since the atmosphere just now was not very good, after the three sat down, there was an embarrassing silence amidst the deep yellow and flickering lights. After a while, the prince was the first to break the silence.He said slowly: "Doctor Yuan, the stories you are about to hear include the secrets of the palace, changes in a country's political situation, a man's obsession with a woman, and the role of the mysterious head-bending technique in the conspiracy, and Please don't be surprised by the activities of the international cabal." Yuan Zhenxia was still annoyed, and said coldly: "Okay, this is the most popular subject of western best-selling novels at present, and I am interested to hear it." The prince smiled bitterly, then stopped again, as if he didn't know how to start. After about a minute, Taining Chujun began his narration: "You already know my identity, and I believe you also have a certain degree of understanding of our country's political situation. The monarch is close to being a symbolic head of state, but also Respected by the people. No matter how turbulent the political situation is, the monarch will not be disturbed, honorable but has no real power." Yuan Zhenxia listened quietly. The prince continued: "If all the people who can ascend to the throne of the monarch are like my father, then this situation may last for a long time, and no matter how domineering the military group is, they will not want to overthrow this system. But..." When he said this, he took a deep breath: "However, I am a very ambitious person. As early as five years ago, I knew that I would become the monarch of a country in a short time. I don't want To be a monarch in name, but to be a real monarch, at least, like King Carlos of Spain, he must play a practical role in the politics of a country. "To do this, we must change the long-term status of soldiers holding real power. This is not an easy task, and it has to be done in secret. Once my ambition is exposed, I will not be able to become a monarch in name!" When the prince said this, Yuan Zhenxia made a gesture and interrupted him: "Really, prince, I am not interested in your country's political situation at all, and it has nothing to do with me!" Chu Jun's voice was a little sad: "Please listen patiently, it will be related!" Yuan Zhenxia smiled wryly.He is just an ordinary doctor, no matter how he thinks, he never imagined that he would have anything to do with such a big event as the crown prince of a country wanting to seize power from the army group! Chu Jundao: "I started activities. The activities are multi-faceted. I have also cultivated a group of cronies. Without showing any traces, I have placed some middle-level and low-level officers in the army. However, the upper-level structure of the army is deeply rooted. , the needle can’t be inserted, and if we don’t break through this point, we can’t achieve our goal. So, under an arrangement, I met with General Kars in secret.” Yuan Zhenxia moved his body a bit, knowing a country's conspiracy, and since then it has spread into an international conspiracy. This meeting was naturally extremely secret, and the meeting place was on a luxurious and well-equipped yacht on the picturesque coast of the Mediterranean Sea.Under tight security, there were only five people in the meeting cabin—except for General Kars, Huang Juan, and Prince Taining, there were two other people.If their identities are publicly stated, and it is said that they have had secret talks with General Kars for the same purpose, it will definitely be regarded as a joke on April Fool's Day, and no one will believe it. . These two people, one is a high-level member of the French intelligence authority, and is a supporter of the Prince of Taining.The other is the chief figure of a government-in-exile of a neighboring country of Taining country. Although his country has been occupied by another powerful neighboring country, he can still control tens of thousands of troops. strength. France and General Kars have always been open enemies (although there is a large amount of arms deals secretly, including various types of missiles), the head of the government-in-exile has a fairly deep relationship with the French, but he never communicates openly. The participants in the meeting were such a strange combination, but what they were discussing was: after the success of the plan of supporting the prince, what benefits they could have, and what kind of support the prince asked for. During the meeting, Prince Taining seemed very excited: "Through various channels, young people who are loyal to the royal family are sent abroad, and in a secret place, they are trained to become a new army—the most well-equipped new army!" General Kars, as usual, looked like a savior, stabbing the ground, and did not speak easily.But since he participated in person, he naturally expressed his great interest in this matter. Huang Juan asked, "How many people are you planning?" Taining Crown Prince took a sudden breath: "Three thousand to five thousand people, and within 24 hours, they can return home quickly and take effect." The French coughed dryly: "If the time is three years, the cost for 3,000 people to achieve this goal will be at least two billion U.S. dollars." General Kars said in a deep voice: "Not enough, at least double it, don't forget our prince's request. I think at least one squadron of air force equipped with air-to-ground missiles can succeed in one fell swoop!" Prince Taining swallowed involuntarily.As the crown prince of a country, the royal family naturally accumulated a lot of wealth, but that was only relative to ordinary rich people, and he couldn't make the decision to sell the palace.Ten million dollars is enough for a super playboy to squander for a while, but for military operations, it is not enough to buy a phantom fighter from France! Therefore, although he clearly felt the general's ridicule, he was still silent.The reason for the silence is simple: if he needs four billion US dollars of "principal", he can't even provide one-tenth of it. His "capital" is only because he is the prince of a country!
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