Home Categories historical fiction glory and dreams

Chapter 2 foreword

glory and dreams 威廉·曼彻斯特 612Words 2018-03-14
·In August 1978, this set of books was "issued internally" by the China Commercial Press, and was republished in 1988.From then on until the new edition came out, only old copies of the book were in circulation.A set of four thin and yellowed volumes has been speculated on the Internet. The price of each set of four volumes is 5.85 yuan, but now it has risen to 320 yuan, and the supply is in short supply. ·Its publication had aroused great repercussions among Chinese readers at that time and in the long years since then, and even had a great impact on the writing of a large number of Chinese journalists. In the late 1970s, young people who entered the journalism industry were one of the criteria for their "class".Known as a must-read for media professionals.

After 25 years, a generation finally waited for the reprint of the Chinese version of William Manchester.We will once again relive the historical illusion that William Manchester created in our adolescence. william manchester In 1932, when the first page of the recorded history was turned, William Manchester was only ten years old, but he was already a voracious reader of newspapers.As the son of a Massachusetts working man, he knew the pain of the Depression firsthand. In 1936, Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected as President of the United States.This year, at the age of 14, he became a volunteer at the Democratic Party headquarters in Springfield, Massachusetts.He served in the Marine Corps after Pearl Harbor and was seriously wounded on the Japanese island of Okinawa.After recovering from his injuries, he was admitted to university.

While in school, he wrote a book of literary criticism.His first book was written at the age of 27, titled "Peace Disruptors", a biography of Mencken.The book was an immediate critical success. He has been the leading reporter and writer for The Baltimore Sun since the 1940s. The Manchester book was translated into 17 languages ​​and Braille.Among them, the two best-selling books are "Krupp's Arms" and "Death of the President".is his tenth book.
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