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Chapter 41 Fourth, Zeng Guofan tried Zhang Wenxiang, using another method

Zeng Guofan-Black Rain 唐浩明 4133Words 2018-03-14
Mr. Zhang who came to visit was Zhang Zhiwan, Governor of Water Transport.He was the same year as Ma Xinyi, the number one scholar of Daoguang Ding Weike, and he was a man who was admired and admired by everyone in the world.His younger brother Zhang Zhidong Zhongjie Yuan at the age of fifteen, and another third in the palace examination at the age of twenty-six.This time the government and the public were sensationalized.For a time, Nanpi and Zhang brothers became news figures, and all the officials and scholars talked about it with great interest.Zhang Zhiwan was originally in Qingjiangpu to supervise the water transportation, and Ma Xinyi came to Jiangning after he was assassinated.

Zhang Zhiwan reads well and has excellent knowledge, but he is timid and not capable enough in handling things. His younger brother Zhang Zhidong has his strengths but not his weaknesses, so his later achievements are greater than that of his brother Nai.After receiving the edict, Zhang Zhiwan knew that this was not a good job, and he never wanted to intervene in terms of his own wishes, but the sacred order was hard to violate, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take up the post, and made a plan on the way: deal with it temporarily After Zheng Dunjin and Zeng Guofan come, let them handle it.As soon as he dealt with it, he found that the case was really difficult.That day, he and Kuiyu interrogated Zhang Wenxiang.When asked about Zhang's basic situation, he answered very frankly.When asked if anyone instructed him, he smiled and said: "Raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a short time. If you want to kill or cut it, it's up to you. You don't have to ask any more, and I won't answer." Asked, he closed his lips and kept silent, even if he was tortured or tortured.It was obvious that someone was instigating behind his back, but even if he was killed, there was nothing he could do.Zhang Zhiwan had nothing to do, and Kuiyu couldn't think of a good way either.Later, when I heard that Zeng Guofan was coming to take over as Governor Jiang, I didn't bother to re-trial, and listened to the opinion of the academician.

"Master Zhang, the Assassin did say that raising soldiers for a thousand days is only for a short time?" Zeng Guofan thought this was a crucial sentence. "Old Zhongtang, Zhang Wenxiang really said so." Zhang Zhiwan's bright brows and eyes showed doubts. "It is said that during the interrogation of Criminal Zhang, he said that Ma Gushan had connections with the Hui Ministry in Xinjiang. Have you heard of it?" Zeng Guofan recalled the rumor Wu Rulun said. "I've never heard of it." Zhang Zhiwan flatly denied it. "Rumours abound in Jiangning City now that most of the Hui people have the surname Ma. Some people claim that Ma Gushan is from the Hui people and believe in heavenly teachings, and then say that he is a member of the Hui tribe. This is pure nonsense and a slander against Ma Gushan."

"It was the same year after all, and Ma Xinyi's support for Ma Xinyi was unambiguous in terms of right and wrong." Zeng Guofan thought.He said to Zhang Zhiwan sincerely, "Master Zhang, you have tried this case many times, how to decide the case, please come up with an idea!" "No, no, Lao Zhongtang should take the idea!" Zhang Zhiwan was anxious, he thought Zeng Guofan was going to push him out. "Although General Kui and I have interrogated Zhang Wenxiang, he has never disclosed a single word of his vitals, so the case cannot be finalized." "I think this piece of Wenxiang is probably a rascal. Ma Gushan wanted to rectify the social order, and he accidentally hurt him somewhere, so he became murderous. Mr. Zhang, do you think so?" Zeng Guofan looked at Zhang Zhiwan.He has never worked with Zhang Zhiwan, and he is full of admiration for the governor of water transportation.When he was young, Zeng Guofan thought day and night about winning the number one scholar, and he caused a sensation in the country. Who knew that he was listed in the top three in the palace examination. Respect from the heart.His mentality is completely opposite to Zuo Zongtang.There is a story widely circulated in official circles.

At the beginning, Zuo Zongtang was the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang. He visited the sea and the border and came to Wenzhou.Officials of all sizes in Wenzhou city were waiting to be interviewed.As usual, when from large to small.Zuo Zongtang first took a look at the famous thorn of a Taoist priest in Wenchutai, and saw that it read "Daoguang Yisi Branch Jinshi before the Imperial Academy Attendant Read", frowned, threw the famous thorn aside, and then picked up the famous thorn of the prefect of Wenzhou Seeing the words "Xianfeng Renzike Jinshi" written on it, he kept silent and put the famous thorn aside.The third time he picked up the famous thorn of the magistrate of Yongjia, another Jinshi, he didn't even look at the name, and changed another one, and now a smile appeared on his face.This famous card belonged to Huang Weiqing, the prime minister of Yongjia County. His resume stated that he was born as a juren. Zuo Zongtang left the Taoist priest, magistrate, and county magistrate to disappear, but first summoned Huang Weiqing, the county prime minister.When Huang Weiqing came in, the always arrogant Zuo Zongtang looked very polite.Ask him whether it is better to be a Jinshi or a Juren among the officials.Huang Weiqing replied that it is better to raise people than Jinshi.Zuo asked why.Huang said: "When a mortal is a scholar, his whole mind is devoted to managing stereotyped test posts, and he has no time to take care of other things. When he becomes a Jinshi, he will be appointed an official immediately, busy with social affairs all day long, and has no intention of delving into knowledge. It is best It is a success in the township list, a broad-minded mind, a great ambition, and sufficient time to concentrate on studying articles on world affairs and political history. When the time comes to become an official and become a prominent figure, you can calmly display your ambitions, and there are very few dead people who eat nothing."

After hearing this, Zuo Zongtang was overwhelmed and praised repeatedly: "Okay, this is really a good discussion. I was lucky to hear it today. You really deserve to be the best in recent years." After sending Huang Weiqing out, he said to the left and right: "Here A good official, only one Huangxian Cheng. It's a pity that such a knowledgeable person actually subdues his subordinates." After these words spread, the official circles in Zhejiang and Zhejiang burst into laughter. At this time Zhang Zhiwan heard what Zeng Guofan said, which was in line with his thoughts.He is kind and honest, and he firmly believes in the holy teaching of "do not do to others what you would not have done to yourself". He did not want to get involved in this case, so he did not encourage others to investigate it. "Lao Zhongtang's analysis makes sense. Ma Gushan has been an official for many years, so he has no enemies? Sometimes he has grudges against others, and he doesn't know it. There are many people with vicious hearts among gangsters in the world. If he fights himself to death, what can't he do? I I think if the old Zhongtang really can't make a breakthrough after a few trials, he can report it to the court in the future, which is reasonable."

"What a timid and sincere gentleman." When Zhang Zhiwan got up to leave, Zeng Guofan watched his back and said silently. Zeng Guofan is not Zhang Zhiwan, even if he will report to the court in vague language in the future, but his own understanding of this matter must be as clear as water.Estimated that Zheng Dunjin was about to arrive in Jiangning, he decided to interrogate Zhang Wenxiang alone to clarify the matter before Zheng arrived.For an assassin who has long put life and death above all else, torture is of no use!Zeng Guofan secretly ridiculed Kuiyu and Zhang Zhiwan for their lack of knowledge, and he wanted to deal with it in another way.

The next day, Zhang Wenxiang was transferred from Jiangning Prefecture Prison to Yanxun Road Yamen.There is no prison in the Yamen of Yanxun Road, and a small empty room is temporarily replaced.In the afternoon, Zeng Guofan asked Wan Xunbu to lead the way, and he wanted to meet Zhang Wenxiang in person.Wan Xunyu said: "A death row prisoner, Mr. He Lao went to see him in the cell, and asked someone to escort him." "You don't understand, this person is no different from a death row prisoner." Wan Xunzuo led the way, and after passing through the two main houses, a luxurious and exquisite back garden appeared.In the garden, there is a tall rockery made of Taihu Lake stones. There are pavilions and pavilions on the side of the mountain, surrounded by clear moss and flowing springs, surrounded by ancient cypresses and pines, and flower gardens and lawns.

It's late autumn, and the grass and trees have withered in the wild, but here it is colorful, and the spring is still strong. In that winding river, the boats are frivolous, and the fish are swimming in the water.Zeng Guofan passed by here, as if he had arrived in Penglai fairyland.He felt strange, went to the garden and took a closer look, and found that the red flowers and green grass were all tied with colored silk.He couldn't help sighing: "People say that the Yanguan is the little emperor, and this is true. Isn't this a small imperial garden? I have lived in it for half a month, and I haven't found it. I am ashamed!" In the left corner of the garden is a row of Zhang Wenxiang was imprisoned in the low house.

"Zhang Wenxiang, turn around!" Wan Xunzuo yelled viciously at the assassin who was sitting blankly facing the wall. Zhang Wenxiang turned around, looked up at Zeng Guofan, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and quickly lowered his head again.Zeng Guofan saw it clearly.This is a man in his forties, with a wide face and big eyes, thick eyebrows and a thick beard, his lips are tightly closed, his skin is thin and stiff, and there is a fierce and stubborn air between his facial features.Heavy iron shackles were placed on the hands and feet.It seemed to be itching all over his body. He raised his hands, tightened his shoulders a few times, and immediately made a sound of iron shackles colliding.The cell was dark and damp, with a messy layer of dry straw spread in one corner, and a thin black earthen quilt curled up on it.

"Wan Patrol!" Zeng Guofan shouted. "Humble position. What's your order?" Wan Xunxuan came over and bent down to listen. "You change Zhang Wenxiang to a better house, set up a bed, and spread cotton wool. Call a barber, shave his head and beard, let him take a bath, give him two clean clothes, and call the kitchen. Feed him enough." Wan Xunyu looked at the governor in surprise. "One more thing." Zeng Guofan ignored Wan Xunbu's expression. "Starting tomorrow, remove his shackles." "My lord?" Wan Xunzuo's eyes widened. At this moment, Zhang Wenxiang also stared at Zeng Guofan with wide eyes, full of surprise. "Go and do it!" After saying that, he left. Three days later, Wan Xunzuo obeyed the order and took Zhang Wenxiang to the back garden.Zeng Guofan was sitting on the tiger-skin chair, with two Goshhas with foreign pistols in their waists standing on both sides.Compared with three days ago, the assassin's appearance changed greatly, he was energetic and bold.He stood in front of Zeng Guofan, tilted his head slightly, and remained silent. "Zhang Wenxiang." Zeng Guofan asked in his usual slow and steady tone, "I heard that you can pierce five pieces of cowhide with one knife. Is there such a thing?" Zhang Wenxiang nodded. "Bring over the cowhide target." Two Goshhas carried out a target from behind the Taihu rockery, which was covered with five black and yellow buffalo hides. "Give him the knife." Zeng Guofan ordered Wan Xun to arrest him. Wan Xunzhang took out a short knife from his boot and handed it to Zhang Wenxiang.Zhang Wenxiang took the knife and said with a sneer, "Give me the knife, are you not afraid that I will stab you to death?" "There is an injustice and a debtor. I think you will not assassinate me for no reason. In front of me, try your hand!" Zhang Wenxiang nodded slightly, as if he was satisfied with this sentence.He held the handle of the knife in his right hand, touched the tip of the knife a few times with his left hand, turned around, and faced the cowhide target.Then open your hands to form a straight line with your shoulders, inhale with restraint, and exhale again, so three times.Suddenly, he yelled loudly, swung his hands in a few circles in front of his eyes, closed his eyes tightly, jumped up, and after landing, he rushed forward like a hurricane.I saw the right hand holding the knife poke hard at the target, the tip of the knife was exposed two inches from the back, and the five cowhide were torn together! "Okay!" the two Ghoshhas shouted. Zhang Wenxiang let go of his hand, let the knife stay on the target, and then walked up to Zeng Guofan, standing with his hands down as if nothing had happened.Zeng Guofan stroked his beard with his hand, looked at Zhang Wenxiang expressionlessly, and secretly praised him. "Wan Xunyu, go and tell the kitchen that starting from today's dinner, Zhang Wenxiang will be given a catty of pork and half a catty of white wine for every meal!" Zhang Wenxiang was overjoyed when he heard that, he hurriedly bent over and said, "Thank you very much!" Three days later, Zhang Wenxiang, who was brought to Zeng Guofan's meeting room, was already flushed and his spirits were high.Zeng Guofan wore a black cloth robe and put on the azurite hala jacket that he had worn for more than 20 years. He was serene and kind, with a smile on his face. A reunion of old friends. "Sit down!" He pointed to a long bench opposite and said to Zhang Wenxiang. He waved to Wan Xunbao again, "Go out, I won't call, so don't come in." After Wan Xun went out and closed the door, Zeng Guofan said kindly: "Zhang Wenxiang, you are a person who committed a capital crime. You should have been tortured before serving the heavy punishment. The governor saw that you did not run away after the assassination, nor did you make excuses. I know that you are a bright and righteous man. You are young and capable, and you can't be a fool. If you don't have a deep hatred, you will not take this path of killing and destroying yourself. The General, Zhang Caotai, and Mei Fantai interrogated you many times, but you kept silent. The Governor cannot understand your attitude. You are the first person to assassinate the Governor-General in broad daylight over the past two hundred years since the founding of the Qing Dynasty. Ten or twenty years, one hundred or two hundred years, future generations will remember this case. You did it for yourself or for your friends. Since everyone dares to kill, why don’t you dare to say anything? Why stay A cloud of doubts, let future generations speculate wildly? The consequences are very likely to give you a bad name forever." Zhang Wenxiang was both surprised and moved by the fact that these words came from the mouth of an interrogator, and he remained silent for a long time.I looked at Zeng Guofan several times, and saw that his eyes were always kind, with a smile on his face, as if he was waiting patiently, and did not rush him.Do you want to talk?Two thoughts in Zhang Wenxiang's heart were fighting fiercely.In the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you do something for me, I'll tell you everything." "What's the matter, tell me!" Zeng Guofan's tone was still gentle. "You help me kill someone." "Kill who?" Zeng Guofan was slightly surprised. "His name is Shen Mingbiao." "Apply for the title!" Zeng Guofan almost screamed.How could this person whom he hated so much and had hunted down for many years become the assassin's enemy?It's incredible. "Where is the name tag?" "He is now the abbot of Fahua Temple in East Tianmu Mountain, Lin'an County, Zhejiang Province, and his Dharma name is Wufei." "Okay!" Zeng Guofan immediately agreed.He had wanted to kill Shen Mingbiao a long time ago, but he never knew his whereabouts, and now it happened to be a smooth ride, killing two birds with one stone. "I want to check the head." "Can". Ten days later, when Shen Mingbiao's bloody head appeared in front of Zhang Wenxiang, he showed a happy expression on his face, and without waiting for Zeng Guofan's urging, he confessed the cause and effect of assassinating Ma Xinyi.
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