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Ten Deadly Sins 4 蜘蛛 638Words 2018-03-03
Enjoy it, like lying in a brand new coffin. — Hitchcock An American magazine has named four of the scariest roads, each known for hauntings and murders. At night, when walking alone on a dark and lonely road, even an atheist can be afraid.In addition to ghosts and gods, demons who rob, rape and kill people may also hide here.This kind of road is always full of potential dangers. Although it was a false alarm and nothing happened, I have already experienced catastrophe in my heart and narrowly escaped death. The four roads are: Annnan Road in Scotland, Clinton Road in New Jersey, Bragg Road, and Bucket Road.

Annan Road, Scotland — Since the 1950s, this road has been haunted by strange ghosts.The two brothers drove through here at night, and the journey was calm and without warning, a big white bird hit the car window, and then a hysterical old woman appeared, and an equally crazy old man came towards the car.After the vehicle ran over, there was no corpse on the ground, only a series of scalp-numbing sneers came. CLINTON ROAD, N.J. — A ten-mile stretch of densely tree-lined, uninhabited road filled with numerous cult killings.Local teenagers often come here for excitement, they want to witness the cult's sacrifice ceremony, and there are also young people who want to take the initiative to dedicate themselves to Satan.

PRAGUE ROAD - For decades, this country road leading from rural Texas to Texas has earned the famous nickname "The Ghost Road."When passing through this road, the darkness and inner loneliness make people extremely horrified. As long as pedestrians know that many people have committed suicide on the side of the road, they will think of some supernatural things, and it is difficult to distinguish what is an illusion and what is real. Bucket Road - This road has a long history, and a horror legend has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is believed that a headless man gallops down this road on a horse, looking for his own head.The novel and the movie "Legend of the Headless Horseman" all come from this.

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