Home Categories detective reasoning Ten Deadly Sins 4

Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Two

Ten Deadly Sins 4 蜘蛛 3508Words 2018-03-03
This bottle is very similar to the jade bottle held by Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is slender and white porcelain like jade.The bloody bottle was pulled out from the woman's body. Master Cao simply wiped it a few times, and asked two policemen to take pictures and videotape it. When Xiao Taozi was measuring the body of the bottle, her hands trembled in panic, and the bottle hit the ground and broke. Xiao Taozi hurriedly went to pick it up, and with an ouch, she gasped, the fragments pricked her finger. Everyone hurried over to check the injury, Song political commissar asked Xiao Taozi to carry out emergency disinfection immediately.Xiao Taozi cried, afraid of contracting AIDS.The special case team comforted them one after another. The wound was not big. Even if the fragments were stained with HIV blood and pricked a finger, there was a certain chance of infection.

Political commissar Song said: Xiao Taozi, you should check it several times in the past three months. Don't worry, it will be fine. Master Cao said: Some medicines, such as zidolamidivudine tablets and lopinavir and ritonavir tablets, have good preventive and blocking effects, and if taken within 24 hours of the incident, they will not block HIV. The breaking success rate is close to 100%. Xiao Taozi sat down on the ground, and said dejectedly: If I say 90%, I still believe it. Is this 100% possible? What can I do... This accident cast a shadow over everyone's heart. Although the bottle in the deceased's body was broken, it has been photographed for evidence and still has criminal investigation value.Political commissar Song called a meeting of the police officers. At the meeting, Professor Liang made deployment arrangements. The nature of the case is bad and there is no need to delay. Next, we need to do detailed work around three points.

1. The murderer stuffed a bottle into Diewu's yin. Where did the bottle come from? Whether it was an antique or a common ceramic ornament, whether it was new or old, you need to find an expert to find out. 2. The genitals of the deceased were stitched up by the murderer. What is the material of the twine, what is it generally used for, and what kind of needle is used. 3. Finding out the deceased's interpersonal relationship is the focus of the work, and a lot of police force must be invested. Every unit where Die Wu worked and the school where Die Wu studied before her death must be visited one by one, and detailed records should be made to understand how Die Wu suffered from the disease. of AIDS.

Bao Zhan said: The crime took place in a square, close to the canal, and there must be a dock by the river. The dock workers and warehouse keepers would also use twine to sew the sacks. As far as I know, the needles used to sew the sacks are relatively large, which is also in line with the deceased’s Needle-like features of the pussy. Political Commissar Song said: That's right, we should conduct a key investigation on several piers along the canal to find insiders or witnesses. Su Mei said: Die Wu has AIDS, and the forensic doctor was very cautious during the autopsy, for fear of infection, but the murderer smashed Die Wu to death with an ashtray, and sewed her underside with a needle and thread. May not know Die Wu is an AIDS patient.

Professor Liang said: Maybe the murderer is an AIDS patient, so he is not afraid of being infected. Hualong said: I think this case is very simple. Die Wu transmitted HIV to others, and they killed her.Then, cork the bottle and sew it up. These modus operandi also reflected that the murderer hated Die Wu very much and killed her to prevent her from harming others. Professor Liang said: It is too early to draw conclusions, but we can be sure that the murderer is a young and middle-aged male, and it is very likely that he had sexual relations with the deceased. I am inclined to commit the crime by an acquaintance. .Of course, the possibility of random crimes committed by strangers cannot be ruled out, and there are similar cases abroad.

According to Die Wu's parents, Die Wu has never had a boyfriend or been in love. However, the results of the police investigation were stunned. The girl had sex with several men. The police made a lot of interrogation notes and interviewed almost everyone who knew Die Wu, even teachers and classmates back then.It can be seen from this that the good girl in the eyes of her parents is very bad, she is simply a womanizer. Die Wu once worked as a cashier and shopping guide in Ginza Mall. Many colleagues were impressed by her. One colleague told the police: This girl messes with men and women, like a bus, anyone can get on it, and her private life is indiscreet. Many colleagues in our supermarket have fucked her, but she has a good heart and is a good person. Whenever she sees a disabled person, she will help her. , How did you die at such a young age?

Die Wu also worked in a photo studio. A makeup artist told the police: Die Wu is a super nympho, lustful, and has mental problems. Many grooms who come to us to take wedding photos have been seduced by her. One of the men even had sex with her in the changing room. You call this What's the matter, that man is getting married in a few days and messing around with her... A primary school teacher reported that Die Wu had precocious puberty, and she had menarche in the third grade of primary school. In the fifth grade, she was about ten years old. The teacher noticed that this child would put a coin, sometimes an eraser or a pen on the stool, and then Riding on a stool and rubbing...

The teacher said: She masturbated at such a young age, or in such a weird way, so I remember her name, I told others, and others regarded it as a terrible story. Since then, I no longer believe that children are innocent cute too. The classmate claimed that when Die Wu was in junior college, as long as she saw any handsome guy in the school, she would be able to successfully drag her under the pomegranate skirt. She also talked about teaching skills with her roommates in the dormitory, and the roommates called her a nymphomaniac in private. Roommate A said: She has such strong desires that she can tremble at night with the quilt sandwiched between her.

Roommate B said: female sex monsters generally like female superiors, and Die Wu's unique trick is: electric motor buttocks! Roommate C said: We are all very envious of her. She is average in appearance and not outstanding in talent and appearance, but she can successfully handle those handsome guys. Roommate Ding said: There are two kinds of extreme women in the world, one is the woman that men want to rape, and the other is the woman who wants to rape men.Women who men want to rape can be seen everywhere, on the street and on TV, there are clouds of beautiful women; women who want to rape men are rare in the world.Die Wu raped men, not using violence, but using "Viagra".She can always find a reason to sit alone with those handsome guys and drink, and then quietly put "Viagra" in the wine. This aphrodisiac drug can make impotent men erect, let alone normal men. After taking the medicine, it takes less than half an hour As soon as his body became hot and his body reacted, Die Wu only needed a little teasing to stimulate the primitive animal nature in the man's heart and finally complete the mating.

The police officer who took the record asked suspiciously: Where did she buy the medicine from?That's not rape, is it? Roommate Ding said: From the pharmacy, although it is a prescription drug, it is sold for money, and it costs more than 100 yuan a pill. In fact, half a pill is enough for normal people.This is also considered rape. From a legal perspective, when the victim cannot refuse to have sex due to the influence of alcohol or drugs, having sex with him is also considered rape.However, in our country, it is not illegal for a woman to rape a man, besides, no male victim has reported the crime crying...

The roommates at that time had graduated and went their separate ways. They still remembered the story of Die Wu, and told the police about the old news about Die Wu. . After a lot of interviews and investigations, the special case team made a list of people who had sex with Die Wu, a total of fifty-three men. Su Mei stuck out her tongue and said: There are so many, you are indeed a womanizer! Hualong said: There must be others we haven't found out, and she must have played with more men than this. Bao Zhan said: I noticed that some of them are disabled. Su Mei said: "This girl really does not refuse anyone who comes, she will eat anything when she is hungry, her taste is too strong." Professor Liang said: Die Wu has been suffering from AIDS for half a year. Judging from the time of her relationship, half a year ago, all the people who had sex with her were able-bodied people. Half a year later, almost all of them were disabled. AIDS is a watershed, which shows that What's the problem? Hualong said: Damn, this bad girl intentionally infects the disabled with HIV? Bao Zhan said: During the investigation, I don't think she has such a bad heart, she is still a kind girl. Professor Liang said: Die Wu is a devotee! Muhammad is a kind of sexual orientation, which refers to a person who is obsessed with disabled people or keen to become disabled. Generally, it can be divided into muhammiji, masquerading as disabled and self-mutilation.Devotees usually have a tendency to be interested in disabled people in their teens, and most people are aware of this tendency by the age of 15 or so.Some devotees will deliberately meet disabled people, date them, and even have sex. Adherents usually search a large number of pictures, videos, and texts of disabled persons on the Internet. There are many forums set up by devotees on the Internet, where devotees exchange pictures and video materials they have collected, and publish their own writings. Murmur novel.Most devotees are also masqueraders and self-mutilators, often fantasizing about being amputees. This is a secretive group. The terms related to devotees mostly use English abbreviations to indicate the types of disabilities. Over time, it has become a "special term" for this group.Adherents often refer to themselves and each other with one letter, such as: D: Devotee, adherents. P: Pretender, pretending to be disabled. W: Wannabe, self-harm. A: amputee, amputee. PPS: Post-poliomyelitis. P: Poliomyelitis, children's hemp. AP: apotemnophilia, someone who derives sexual gratification from fantasizing about being an amputee. AC: acrotomophilia, a person who seeks a real or imaginary amputee partner for sexual gratification. Su Mei logged on to some devotee websites and forums, and learned more about devotees. Die Wu is a DMM, that is to say—a devotee girl.In this group, WCGG and WCMM are very popular, WCGG is the older brother in a wheelchair, and WCMM refers to the younger sister in a wheelchair. Hualong said: What a fucking pervert. Su Mei said: Uncle Liang, you are a wheelchair uncle, have you ever met a devotee? Bao Zhan said: Xiaomei, don't make such a joke. Professor Liang said: At present, there is no evidence to show that paranoia is a kind of mental illness.Venus, the goddess with broken arms, gives people a sense of beauty precisely because of her incomplete charm.There were many fashionable girls wearing blindfolds on the streets of Shibuya, Japan. In fact, they were not blind, but also pretended to be disabled.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were some blind prostitutes in Yangzhou brothels, and there were many prostitutes. The police found a wheelchair, a plaster cast and an aluminum alloy crutch at Die Wu's home.Obviously, this girl has acted as a disabled person many times. The parents' explanation for these things is: Die Wu has worked as a volunteer in a training center for the disabled. These things were brought back from the training center and temporarily placed at home. Die Wu's mother reported one incident to the police. Six months ago, Die Wu became listless. She seemed to be seriously ill and preoccupied, but she kept her mouth shut.One night, my mother visited Die Wu's room. Mother bent down, touched Die Wu's forehead, and asked: What's the matter, Xiao Wu, you're still not asleep. Die Wu said: Mom, I had a strange dream. Mother said: What did you dream about. Die Wu said: There was an old monk, sitting in the temple, there were several ginkgo trees growing in the courtyard, the leaves were fluttering, and there was the sound of bells ringing. Mother said: What happened later? Die Wu said: Mom, I dare not say, it may be disrespectful to Buddha. My mother said: You are kind-hearted, and your parents are dedicated to the Buddha. Tell me, it's okay, the Buddha will not blame you. Die Wu said: The old monk actually bowed to me, saying that I am a Guanyin Bodhisattva who came down to earth...
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