Home Categories detective reasoning Ten Deadly Sins 4

Chapter 12 Chapter Ten Shemale Infestation

Ten Deadly Sins 4 蜘蛛 4392Words 2018-03-03
Zhang Angang's mother is a doctor. The white coat is hanging on the hanger, the curtains are closed tightly, and there is a bloody smell in the room. The female doctor wanted to close the door, but Bao Zhan showed his identity as a policeman and rushed in. He opened the bedroom door, and Zhang Angang was lying on the bed, motionless, covered with a blood-stained white sheet, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. In a washbasin in front of the bed, there is a whole set of male genitals floating. The female doctor suddenly went berserk, she gritted her teeth, and with a ferocious expression, she took out a pair of scissors and stabbed Su Mei's face fiercely. Before Hualong could stop her, she turned around and hugged Su Mei in her arms, and stabbed Hualong's back with the scissors.The strength of the female doctor was astonishing, everyone took a lot of effort to hold down her hand waving the scissors, she laughed hysterically and said: Haha, you police are trash, trash.

In the interrogation room, the female doctor regained her composure. Her confession was too unbelievable and unbelievable. The police who interrogated her became the audience. She said that she had been waiting for this day for sixteen years. Sixteen years ago, the female doctor lived in the family courtyard of the county hospital. It was a small courtyard full of cockscombs and roses. Garlic seedlings were planted in the flower pots in the corner, and an old sycamore tree grew against the courtyard wall. tree, with one end of the clothesline tied to the tree. The female doctor once had a daughter who was well-behaved and beautiful, but very timid.

At that time, I lived in a bungalow. When my daughter slept at night, she felt that there was someone on the roof, and she could hear footsteps and the sound of grinding things.The family courtyard is surrounded by one-story houses, and the roofs are connected into one piece. You only need to step on a low wall somewhere, or climb up to the roof by climbing branches. The daughter woke up the mother, and the mother said: Silly girl, I will take you to the roof. On a summer night, the sky is full of stars, and the female doctor and her daughter are sleeping on the roof with a mat and a quilt.

In the middle of the night, my daughter woke up urgently to urinate. She sat up on the roof and wanted to urinate but dared not.The shadows of the trees were whirling, there was no sound, and the pale moonlight shone on the small courtyard. She rubbed her eyes and her hair stood on end in fright—she saw a person squatting on the tree. The daughter and the man on the tree looked at each other through the darkness, and they couldn't see each other's faces clearly. The daughter didn't yell, and comforted herself, thinking that she might be dazzled, she lay down again and hugged her mother tightly.

The next night, the female doctor was on the night shift. The daughter locked the door, turned on all the lights, and fell asleep in a daze.In the middle of the night, I heard movement in the room outside. I thought it was my mother who came back. The daughter was wearing only a vest and underwear, with bare legs. When she opened the bedroom door, a strange man was standing outside the door and looking at her viciously. That night, her daughter was raped and killed. When the female doctor came home, she passed a strange man in a dark alley. The female doctor heard the man's heavy breathing and guessed that he might be suffering from asthma.

After returning home, she was stunned, looked at her daughter's body, and finally let out a heart-piercing cry. The next day, she went crazy and chopped down the plane tree in the courtyard. The police told her that the murderer might have climbed the tree and jumped into the family courtyard to commit the crime. This rape and murder case happened in 1994. The murderer sneaked into the family courtyard of the county hospital at night and cut a girl's throat with scissors. The police found it strange that the murderer did not violate the victim's vagina, but cut it open with scissors. Legs, perverted sexual assault on wounds.

In the interrogation room, the female doctor asked the four members of the special case team and Captain Yuan Fang, which one of you has children. Captain Yuan Fang said: I have a daughter who is in junior high school. The female doctor said: If someone raped and killed your daughter, what would you do? Captain Yuan Fang said: I will shoot him with my own hands. The female doctor said: You know how I do it, right? Life is a lonely journey. We are all on the same bus. In this life, we can only accompany the limited journey. When we reach our respective destinations, we wave and get off the bus.

The female doctor is a miserable woman. She lost her mother when she was young, her father when she was young, and her husband left her due to illness when she was young.She and her daughter depend on each other for life, and her daughter is her everything. She tied her daughter's hair on the roof under the starlight, and she bought her daughter Dacron shirts and corduroy pants. These old clothes that were popular back then are still kept in the closet by her. She lost her daughter and lived alone in this world. She thought about committing suicide, but the moment her head got stuck in the noose, she gave up again.She said to herself: Damn it's not me!

The world is full of turmoil and troubles, and there are only three reasons: I can't see through it, I can't think about it, and I can't let it go. When she was insomnia, she would look out the dark window and mutter to herself, she really wanted to say something to the murderer. In Nanjing, a little girl was carried into a cornfield by gangsters on the way home from school. When the gangsters took off the little girl's pants and forced her into it, the little girl said a word: If my grandma found out, she would beat me to death.In Chengdu, a young girl was sexually assaulted in a roadside toilet. After being chased by the crowd, the criminal was caught. The father of the young girl said to the criminal: Oh, my daughter is not yet an adult.

The daughter of a female doctor was raped and murdered. What she most wanted to say to the murderer was: I raised your child... This sentence is shocking, every word is full of the power of hatred, and the pervert must be dealt with in a perverted way. Searching the Internet for "girl raped and giving birth to children as evidence" reveals a real case of gang rape in which a 13-year-old girl gave birth to the rapist's child as evidence.There was also a bizarre piece of news in a certain place. A woman was raped by an official. The official refused to admit it, found a relationship to settle it, and got away with it. After the woman became pregnant, she went to another place to give birth to a child. The rapist was caught after a paternity test.

What is the fate of the rapist's child after it is born? On the night of the incident, the female doctor looked at her daughter's body and was distraught. Before the police arrived, she collected the murderer's semen.When the police inspected the scene, she returned to the hospital where she worked and quietly deposited the murderer's semen in the hospital's sperm bank.It was 1994, and the criminal investigation technology using DNA to solve crimes had not yet been popularized. The original purpose of the female doctor's sperm preservation was just to wait for the opportunity.She didn't believe that the police could solve the case. Sure enough, a year later, the case was left alone.At that time, the technology of artificial insemination was mature, and the sperm frozen by the hospital's professional equipment could be stored for 20 years. Later, the neighbors in the family courtyard saw that the female doctor had adopted a baby boy. No one knew that it was because she had paid a migrant girl to be a surrogate. The baby boy was the child of the murderer! The female doctor named the baby boy Zhang Angang. Without heart, without love, without smile, she is like a walking dead, only living for revenge. Finding the murderer is the only motivation for her to live. When the female doctor passed by the murderer, out of professional sensitivity, she guessed that the murderer had asthma.This has been verified by Zhang Angang. Asthma is a genetic disease.In those years, the female doctor studied medicine assiduously and became an asthma expert. She focused on asthma patients.For more than ten years, she observed every asthma patient who visited the doctor, made a list of suspects, and conducted some secret investigations, hoping to find the murderer. The female doctor doesn't love Zhang Angang, Zhang Angang is just a tool for revenge. He came to this world, maybe just to meet another self in the world. Since elementary school, the female doctor dressed Zhang Angang as a girl. This behavior may contain the longing for the lost daughter. In fact, it is more out of abnormal psychology. The female doctor tortured the murderer's child in a vicious way to vent hate. His mother kept instilling in Zhang Angang the idea that "men are dirty" and "it's good to be a girl". Zhang Angang had a flaw in his identity since he was a child.In elementary school, he thought he was a girl. In middle school, his sexual consciousness began to awaken, and he realized that there was a difference between himself and a real girl. In middle school, Zhang Angang had short hair, liked to wear pink clothes, used girly skin care products, and behaved like a girl. The bad boys in the class often teased him, and kindly called him: little sweet girl. When the boys are out of class, they will play with each other's dicks. They call out "Monkey Stealing Peach", or "Invincible Milk Grabber", and then attack each other's body. There are often boys smiling and grabbing Zhang Angang's lower body or touching his chest behind his back, saying: So you are a man. Zhang Ang Ang stomped and scolded: You bunch of perverts, I don't want to play with you anymore. A bad boy blocked Zhang Angang in the corner of the classroom. Zhang Angang was protecting his chest. The bad boy held his head down and kissed him. Zhang Angang blushed, stamped his feet, and said softly: You hate me so much. . Once, the boy joked too much, pressed Zhang Angang on the table, and stabbed his ass with a broom. After returning home, he cried and told his mother that he complained that he was often bullied by boys, and even when he went to the bathroom, someone followed him. The female doctor said coldly, "I'll bring you some medicine tomorrow. After taking it, you won't have to go to the men's restroom." The female doctor began to give Zhang Angang estrogen. Zhang Angang's breasts swelled, his skin became smooth, his waist became slender, and his buttocks turned up. He grew long hair, put on a bra, and a skirt. Pretty girl. When she was in high school, the female doctor was transferred to a hospital in the city, and Zhang Angang went to a new school.In this new environment, no one knew him, and he completely abandoned his identity as a boy and became a ladyboy. Transvestites are not transvestites, let alone hermaphrodites. The shemale has breasts, and looks exactly like a woman, except that there is an extra penis on the lower body. Thailand holds a shemale beauty pageant every year, and the winners are all beautiful and magnificent. If you don't say they are shemale, everyone will think that the winners are real beauties. Zhang Angang has never been in a relationship, and there is a handsome boy who has been pursuing him. He refused in a panic, and dare not continue to develop, otherwise sooner or later, there will be an embarrassing scene: the two of them hug each other hard. Zhang Angang has a good friend, Annie, and Annie doesn't know that Zhang Angang is actually a boy. The surviving image of a boy swinging on two braids, his head is empty, and his mother stuffs things into it day and night. Boy and girl become one and fall in trouble at the same time. The female doctor denied that she killed the host Xia Jin, but confessed to the crime of killing Annie. Just as Bao Zhan reasoned, the female doctor committed the crime by imitation. Sixteen years later, the murderer committed the crime again and raped and killed the host Xia Jin in the same way. The TV station made a detailed report, and the female doctor realized that the murderer who raped and killed her daughter had appeared again.This time, she chose to take the initiative. She used a cruel way of self-destruction to tell the whole world and the murderer: I have been waiting for you. Must kill to commemorate each lonely evening. Must kill to remember every colorful snow. Must kill to cool down the warmth of humanity and refuse to go to heaven. Must kill to gather the lightning of rainy nights and go to hell. The female doctor bought a pair of flower scissors and went to pick up Zhang Angang from school every night. She scouted the campus for three consecutive days and chose the carport as the crime scene.On the third night, Zhang Angang disclosed the information that his friend Annie was called to the office for a lecture, and the female doctor asked Zhang Angang to go home first.After Annie left the office, she deliberately delayed for a while. Her bicycle was locked with that of her classmate Guard Sang. She wanted to wait until Guard Sang left before leaving by herself. The campus was empty, and Annie was killed in the carport. The female doctor dragged Annie to the power distribution room, and smeared Zhang Angang's semen and semen spots on Annie's legs, faking the illusion of being raped and murdered. The special case team inquired about the source of the semen, and the female doctor confessed that Zhang Angang was in puberty, coupled with long-term use of estrogen, sexual dysfunction, and frequent nocturnal emission during that time.The female doctor collected the semen with a needle, and got the semen spots from Zhang Angang's changed underwear. Semen may be degraded by a humid environment, but DNA can be detected after a few years in semen spots under cool, dark conditions. The vagina is open, like a wound. The real wound is on the heart. There are three purposes for female doctors to imitate crimes: Want to put the blame on the murderer. Two, in order to put pressure on the police to capture the murderer who raped and murdered her daughter. Three, she doesn't want to live anymore and wants to end it all. The murderer's recommitment deeply irritated the female doctor, and the resentment for more than ten years was finally vented on the murderer's child.Zhang Angang once practiced holding his breath in a water basin, and later, his testicles were floating in that basin. The female doctor said to Zhang Angang: You are not my own. Your biological father is a rapist. I found a surrogate to give birth to you. Your biological mother is a migrant girl. You can’t find it in any village now. I realized that your classmate Anne was killed by me. Zhang Angang couldn't accept the truth, she was only shocked and unbelievable, she shook her head, her eyes were red, and tears flowed down. Zhang Angang shouted: Mom...you are lying. The female doctor said: Don't call my mother, you are not worthy, I will kill more people until those useless policemen catch me. Zhang Angang bit his lip, trembling all over, exhaled loudly due to asthma attack, there seemed to be a hoarse monster in his chest. The female doctor took out a syringe and said coldly: Next, I will turn you into a real girl. The police conducted a psychiatric examination for the female doctor, and the results not only showed that she was mentally normal, but also had a high IQ. Su Mei said: She could have killed Zhang Ang Ang, but she didn't do it, why? Hualong said: Yes, she castrated the child. Bao Zhan said: She wants to keep this child alive and use this child to find the murderer, just like fishing bait. Professor Liang said: The media will expose this bizarre case. Through the police and the TV station, she let the murderer know that she has a child, which was originally a boy, but turned into a girl. She tortured the murderer through this method.And the most important point is that she knows what our police will do next.According to the criminal mind profile, we tend to think that the murderer is relatively withdrawn, single, and now has an extra child.This demon will definitely go to see what his child looks like, and there may be contact. The police only need to monitor Zhang Angang closely. It is only a matter of time before the murderer is caught. The female doctor agreed with the analysis of the special case team, and she added something frankly, which is what she wanted to say to the murderer—— Your child is beautiful, would you find and rape your own child? Your child will spend the rest of his life moaning and moaning day and night under someone else. I'm in hell, waiting for you.
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