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Chapter 34 Chapter 33 Obsession

martyr 雷米 14769Words 2018-03-03
Lin Guodong looked at Luo Shaohua's back, walked across to him, opened the chair and sat down. "Car keys..." Lin Guodong froze before finishing his sentence. The person in front of him, wearing a brown down jacket and a black wool cap, raised his head. Although he was also about sixty years old, he was not Luo Shaohua. "I'm sorry." Lin Guodong immediately stood up, "I've got the wrong person." "Lin Guodong," the stranger put his hands under the table, nodding for him to sit down, "You're right." Lin Guodong's eyes widened: "I don't know you."

The stranger smiled and pouted at the green satchel on the table: "Isn't this what you want?" Lin Guodong thought for a while, and then slowly sat back opposite him. "Who are you?" Lin Guodong looked at the green satchel, "Where is Luo Shaohua?" "He's gone." The stranger's gaze never left Lin Guodong's face, "The person you want to meet today is me." Half an hour ago. Zhang Haisheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe, glanced around, and finally turned to look inside the cafe. That's right.Sitting on the booth for two in the central hall, the person facing the door was Luo Shaohua.

Zhang Haisheng took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. "Hey, where have you been? Come on... yes, it's him... what? Are you crazy! No!" He turned around and looked at Luo Shaohua in the cafe - the latter was staring at the table solemnly.Zhang Haisheng paced back and forth at the door, his tone anxious. "You fucking want to send me in...how much do you say?" He stopped in his tracks, blinking quickly, a desperate look on his face. "Twenty thousand, not a single cent less!" Zhang Haisheng added, "One last time! From now on, your business has nothing to do with me!"

Immediately, he hung up the phone, put his hands in his pockets, and kept taking deep breaths, as if to cheer himself up. A few minutes later, the red taxi stopped in front of the cafe.Zhang Haisheng first took the wheelchair out of the trunk, opened it, carried Ji Qiankun out of the car, and put it on the wheelchair. His gaze was fixed on the black leather bag on Ji Qiankun's body all the time, with a look of fear on his face. "Okay." Ji Qiankun sat down on the wheelchair, "You go in first and sit near him." Zhang Haisheng responded, and then asked, "Where's the money?"

"On me." Ji Qiankun hugged the black leather bag with a calm expression, "I'll give it to you when I'm done." Zhang Haisheng nodded slightly, turned around and walked into the cafe. Ji Qiankun was sitting in a wheelchair, facing the road, calm and relaxed, like a disabled old man basking in the sun.Five minutes later, he checked his watch, turned around and shook his wheelchair, and walked into the cafe. When passing through the glass door, he took out a small rectangular paper package wrapped in yellow tape from his pocket, and threw it into the flower pot at the door.

Luo Shaohua, who was sitting in the middle hall of the cafe, raised his head, looked at Ji Qiankun, and then lowered his head again. Without squinting, Ji Qiankun walked slowly along the aisle towards Luo Shaohua, and went straight to the counter.When passing by Luo Shaohua's table, he suddenly "Ouch", and the mobile phone on his lap fell to the ground and rolled into the bottom of the table. Ji Qiankun bent down in the wheelchair and stretched his arms, trying to pick up the mobile phone on the ground.Luo Shaohua turned his head, saw that he was powerless, said "I'll do it", and bent down to pick up the phone under the table.

The moment he leaned over, Ji Qiankun quickly reached out and threw a small white pill into the coffee cup in front of Luo Shaohua. Luo Shaohua straightened up and handed the phone to Ji Qiankun.The old man thanked him again and again.Luo Shaohua felt that he had known him before, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.Of course, he had no time to be distracted at this moment, he just nodded and continued to stare at the desktop. Ji Qiankun came to the counter in a wheelchair and ordered a cup of Mocha coffee.Immediately, he took out a newspaper from the newspaper shelf next to the counter, flipped through it while waiting for coffee, and glanced at Luo Shaohua from time to time.

Luo Shaohua looked at his watch, took a sip from his coffee cup, and immediately frowned.He looked at the frothy dark brown liquid in the coffee cup, and suddenly felt dizzy. Ji Qiankun immediately threw away the newspaper, took off his coat and purse, took off his hat, took out the things in his pocket and stuffed them into his trouser pocket.He turned his head to look into the counter, and the waiter was turning his back to him, operating the coffee machine. Ji Qiankun nodded to Zhang Haisheng who was sitting obliquely in front of Luo Shaohua, sipping a glass of orange juice.The latter got up immediately, walked quickly to the side of Luo Shaohua who had already prostrated on the table, and took off his black down jacket three times.

Ji Qiankun shook the wheelchair and walked to them, bent down, and stuffed the black leather bag under Luo Shaohua's seat.Zhang Haisheng carried him to the chair opposite Luo Shaohua, and threw Luo Shaohua's clothes to him, while he put Ji Qiankun's coat on the unconscious Luo Shaohua, and put on his hat. In just two minutes, Zhang Haisheng had put Luo Shaohua on the wheelchair and covered him with a blanket.Ji Qiankun was also seated in the booth, and the coats of the two had been switched. Zhang Haisheng was already sweating profusely, he nodded at Ji Qiankun: "Where's the money?"

"Under my pillow." Ji Qiankun smiled, and pouted towards the door, "Hurry up." "Didn't you fucking say..." Ji Qiankun restrained his smile: "Let's go!" Zhang Haisheng glared at him, then pushed Luo Shaohua towards the door. At this time, the waiter shouted from the counter: "Sir, your coffee is ready." Zhang Haisheng walked out of the cafe quickly without looking back. The waiter shrugged and put the coffee cup on the counter. Ji Qiankun grabbed the black wool cap on the table and put it on his head, and turned up his collar to cover his face.At this time, he noticed the green satchel on the table, opened it, and found that there were only a few books in it.He thought for a while, and seemed to realize the true purpose of these books, with a smile on his face.

Immediately, he took out two things from his pocket, pinched them in his left and right hands respectively, lowered his head, and waited quietly for that person. "I have nothing to say to you." Lin Guodong grabbed the green satchel and opened it, the anticipation in his eyes vanished in an instant. Ji Qiankun let out a chuckle. Lin Guodong's face turned pale.He turned the satchel upside down, and a few books clattered down on the table.He still didn't give up, and shook his satchel again and again, but it was empty. He threw the satchel on the ground fiercely, pointed at Ji Qiankun, and shouted fiercely: "Where's my money?" Ji Qiankun seemed to be very happy with Lin Guodong's embarrassment.He was like an old cat having a lot of fun playing with a dying mouse, with an even bigger smile on his face. Circumstances have changed and it is not advisable to stay for long.Lin Guodong gritted his teeth and got up to leave.Ji Qiankun immediately shouted: "Sit down!" Immediately, he put his right hand on the table, holding a black rectangular plastic box with a red button in his palm. "Look under your seat!" Lin Guodong stared at him, slowly sat back in the booth, spread his legs, and quickly glanced under the seat. A black leather bag was placed under him. He immediately raised his head and looked at the stranger opposite. The smile on Ji Qiankun's face has disappeared.He shook the plastic box in his hand to Lin Guodong: "I just need to press this button, and I guarantee that you won't even leave any bones left." Lin Guodong shuddered and looked at him directly: "Who the hell are you?" Ji Qiankun didn't answer immediately, but took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "On the night of August 5, 1991, you hijacked a woman, raped and killed her." Ji Qiankun's expression became gloomy, "After that, you dismembered her into ten pieces and threw them on the side of Highway 177, building In the trash bin in front of the family area of ​​the Design Institute, at No. 163 Honghe Street, next to the water tower in Xiajiang Village, Yanglian Town—am I right?” His tone was calm and sharp, but like a knife, he cut open Lin Guodong's brain, dug out those pictures hidden in the depths of memory one by one, and displayed them bloody in front of Lin Guodong's eyes. Lin Guodong stared at this strange man, his lips trembling, unable to utter a word. "When her body was found, she was naked except for a silver-gray high-heeled sandal." Ji Qiankun continued, "Her clothes must have been destroyed by you. However, there is an ID card in her wallet. You should I see." Lin Guodong's face was ashen.The person in front of him is a life-threatening ghost. "Her name is Feng Nan, she is thirty-four years old, she is a woman with big eyes who loves to smile." Ji Qiankun paused, and when he spoke again, his tone was slow and clear, "I am her husband." Lin Guodong closed his eyes tightly, put his head in his hands, and let out a low moan from his throat.Ji Qiankun looked at him without saying a word, his thumb still resting on the red button. After a long time, Lin Guodong raised his head and squeezed out a few words between his teeth: "What are you going to do?" "What am I going to do?" Ji Qiankun seemed to be talking to himself, and then he smiled, "I have been looking for you for twenty-three years, and I have always wanted to know what kind of person you are." "how did you find me?" "The person who should ask the question is not you." Ji Qiankun shook his head, "It's me." Lin Guodong stared at him firmly: "What if I don't answer you?" "We can go on like this." Ji Qiankun shrugged his shoulders, "I have been waiting for twenty-three years, and I don't care about waiting a little longer." Lin Guodong's lips curled up and his teeth creaked. "Okay, tell me." Ji Qiankun narrowed his eyes and leaned his upper body forward: "Why did you kill my wife?" Lin Guodong thought for a while: "I can only say that she appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time and met a..." His tone was slow, his eyes wandered, and the corners of his eyes kept glancing at Ji Qiankun's right hand holding the black plastic box.At the same time, his hands moved closer to each other on the table. "You'd better sit still!" Ji Qiankun immediately sensed his intention, sat back and pushed the iron table towards him with his arms.Lin Guodong's back pressed against the pillar, and the chair and legs under him were stuck under the iron table, and he couldn't move for a while. "go on!" This low shout made Lin Guodong dare not act rashly anymore, and at the same time startled the waiter who was walking over. "You two," he hesitated, but still walked to the table, "what would you like to drink?" "I don't want anything." Ji Qiankun's eyes refused to leave Lin Guodong for a moment, "Go away!" His tough attitude made the waiter very dissatisfied: "Sir, if you don't want to consume, please..." "Go away!" Ji Qiankun waved his hand, "Let everyone leave, I have a bomb here!" Surprisingly, the waiter was not afraid, but put the tray on the table and looked at Ji Qiankun with contempt: "Old man, are you causing trouble?" Ji Qiankun looked up at him, then at Lin Guodong, and found that the latter was also looking back at him with dubious eyes. He shook his head helplessly, and stretched out his left hand from under the table—also holding a black plastic box with a red button—and pressed it. Almost at the same time, there was a loud noise from the flowerpot at the entrance of the cafe.Debris, dirt, and flowers flew in all directions.The glass door was also shattered, and the cold wind suddenly poured in. The cafe was quiet for a few seconds.Immediately, a few customers screamed and rushed out of the cafe.Tables and chairs were knocked down, and there was a loud bang. The waiter, who was so frightened that he squatted on the ground, covered his head with his dining plate, and ran out scrambling.As soon as he ran to the door, he stepped on broken glass, slipped and fell heavily on the ground. He hurriedly got up, ignoring the cuts on his hands, and shouted at the young men and women behind a table next to the door: "Run, that old man has a bomb on him!" The young couple just stared at the two people sitting opposite each other in the middle hall of the cafe without moving. Du Cheng held the steering wheel in one hand and the phone in the other. Zhang Zhenliang's hurried voice came from the receiver. "The train just left. You were right, Lin Guodong didn't get on the train at all!" "Did you search the station?" "We are searching, and we have not missed every platform. On all the trains departing this afternoon, we have contacted the marshals to prevent him from getting into other trains and escaping." "I see." "Master, where are you?" "I'm going to that cafe right now. Let Xiao Gao continue to locate Luo Shaohua's phone, and if there is any change in the location, let me know immediately." "Okay, master, be careful." "rest assured." Du Cheng hung up the phone, turned the steering wheel sharply, and drove from Xinghua North Street to Dawang Road.He had just turned the corner when he heard a loud bang in front of him. Instinctively, he slowed down the speed of the car, and stared dumbfoundedly at a big cloud of smoke rising from a shop facing the street a hundred meters away.On the signboard on the roof, the letters "TheOne" are clearly recognizable. Du Cheng stomped on the accelerator and drove to the door of the cafe. He saw several people screaming and running out of the door.He cursed secretly, unfastened his seat belt, jumped out of the car, and ran to the cafe. The porch is already a mess.Soil, flowers and plants everywhere.The glass door was shattered, leaving only the metal frame hanging.Du Cheng covered his mouth and nose, and slowly entered the room amidst the thick smoke.His vision was blurred, he could only see the overturned tables and chairs in the cafe, and the two people sitting opposite each other in the atrium. The identity of the person who turned his back to him was unknown, and he seemed to be Luo Shaohua by looking at his clothes.And the person opposite him was none other than Lin Guodong. Du Cheng backed out the door, took out his cell phone, and quickly pressed the number. "Zhenliang, immediately take someone to the 'TheOne' cafe at the intersection of Xinghua North Street and Dawang Road. Lin Guodong is here." Du Cheng fanned the thick smoke in front of him, "Also, call the EOD team over." Ji Qiankun clenched his teeth, feeling his ears buzzing.Lin Guodong, who sat across from him, held his head in his hands, half-folded on the table, and looked at the door in shock. "That's just a little thing." Ji Qiankun pointed to the black leather bag under Lin Guodong's seat, "This one is dozens of times more powerful than it." Lin Guodong's eyes were bloodshot, and his body and face were covered with dust: "You're fucking crazy!" "Now there are only two of us left." Ji Qiankun raised the remote detonator in his hand, "Go on." Lin Guodong roared hysterically, "What the hell did you ask me to say?" "Why did you kill her?" Ji Qiankun also lost control, "Why did you kill my wife?" "Old Ji!" Suddenly, Ji Qiankun heard a shout from behind.He subconsciously turned his head, dumbfounded. Wei Jiong and Yue Xiaohui stood side by side in the aisle, approaching him cautiously. "Old Ji, you..." Wei Jiong kept staring at Ji Qiankun's right hand, "Don't be fooled." Ji Qiankun was already in chaos: "How do you know I'm here?" "You have that portable Wi-Fi with you?" Yue Xiaohui shook her phone, eyes full of panic, "It's automatically connected." Ji Qiankun tightly closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them immediately, with a very annoyed expression on his face.He faced Lin Guodong again, and tilted his head slightly: "You two, go now!" "Old Ji, calm down." Wei Jiong walked slowly to the table, pointing at Lin Guodong, "The police will be here soon, he can't escape..." "Walk!" Wei Jiong was in a hurry, and wanted to go forward to persuade him, but felt that his shoulder was firmly held by someone.He turned around and saw Du Cheng. "Both of you, get out of here immediately!" Du Cheng looked at Ji Qiankun with a sinking face, "Old Ji, I want to arrest Lin Guodong now, and you also come with me." "He can't go anywhere." Ji Qiankun didn't look at him, keeping his eyes on Lin Guodong, "Me too." "Old Ji, the truth of the matter has been found out." Du Cheng tried his best to soften his tone, "I guarantee that Lin Guodong will get the punishment he deserves. You don't have to..." "What kind of punishment? Intentional homicide? Well, yes, he killed a policeman." Ji Qiankun interrupted him, feeling agitated again, "But so what? What about my wife? The court doesn't even have her name. Will bring it up!" Ji Qiankun sat up straight: "So, I should judge him." He poked his chest, "In my court." For a while, the cafe fell silent.The judge looked solemn.The defendant sitting across from him was stuck in his seat, shaking like a fallen leaf. Du Cheng's face was livid.He gritted his teeth, pulled out the pistol from his waist, and lowered the hammer with a click. "Old Ji, don't force me!" "You guys are forcing me!" Ji Qiankun didn't look at him, his tone was firm, "This is between me and him, it has nothing to do with other people. You leave immediately, I don't want to hurt the innocent." Du Cheng cursed secretly, dragged Wei Jiong back to the door.Wei Jiong followed him for a few steps and found that Yue Xiaohui was still standing there, motionless.He immediately broke free from Du Cheng's hand and returned to Yue Xiaohui's side. Dense vehicles of various colors lined up at the intersection of Dawang Road and Anhua Street, waiting for the traffic lights ahead to turn green.A minute later, the road resumed traffic.More than a dozen vehicles crossed the stop line one after another and drove forward at high speed.Suddenly, a taxi in the traffic seemed to lose control and twisted in an S shape on the road.The vehicles around it turned to avoid it one after another, and the horns sounded angrily. The out-of-control taxi snaked forward for tens of meters before coming to an abrupt stop.A middle-aged man jumped out of the passenger seat, ran to the middle of the road, and looked into the taxi in horror.Almost at the same time, the rear door opened, and an elderly man in a black cotton jacket and a light gray wool cap got out of the car, swayed around the rear of the car, and went straight to the driver's seat. He took off the wool cap on his head and threw it on the ground, opened the car door, and dragged the taxi driver out.The driver fell on his back to the road and watched helplessly as the elderly man got into the driver's seat and started the car. After a sharp U-turn, the taxi sped back in the direction it came from. More and more people gathered at the door of the cafe, peeking into the room curiously.They looked at the five people sitting or standing in the middle hall of the cafe, and they all guessed what caused the explosion just now.There are those who talk about debt collection, and there are those who talk about emotional disputes.What's more, it is asserted that foreign terrorists sneaked into the city to wreak havoc. At this time, the urgent siren sounded from far to near.Soon, several police cars, ambulances, and fire engines arrived at high speed.Zhang Zhenliang jumped out of a police car and ran towards the cafe while instructing his colleagues to block the scene. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Du Cheng with a dignified face and Lin Guodong who was constantly sifting through the chaff. "Master!" Zhang Zhenliang quickly walked to the table, and immediately found the remote detonator in Ji Qiankun's hand.Without thinking, he drew out his pistol, pointed it at Ji Qiankun's head, and looked at Du Cheng at the same time. "What... what's going on?" "Block this street and evacuate the crowd." Du Cheng didn't answer him, but directly issued an order, "Let the EOD team, firefighters and first aid be on standby at all times." "Okay." Zhang Zhenliang put down the gun, and his eyes stayed on the remote detonator for a few seconds, "Do you want to find someone to talk to him?" "It's useless." Du Cheng frowned, "I'll do it myself." Zhang Zhenliang nodded: "Master, be careful yourself." After that, he turned and walked towards the door.After taking a few steps, Zhang Zhenliang's eyes suddenly widened. An old man in a black padded jacket staggered through the broken glass door and rushed in staggeringly. "Luo Shaohua?" Zhang Zhenliang noticed that he was holding a long-handled screwdriver in his hand, and hurriedly stopped him, "What are you doing?" Luo Shaohua's eyes were scattered and his whole body was limp, as if he might collapse to the ground at any moment.Facing Zhang Zhenliang's arm blocking him, Luo Shaohua supported him. After standing still, he pushed him away and rushed straight towards Lin Guodong. Amidst Wei Jiong and Yue Xiaohui's exclamations, Du Cheng stepped forward quickly, grabbed Luo Shaohua's wrist, twisted it backhand, put him on the ground, and snatched the screwdriver from his hand at the same time. "What the hell are you trying to do?!" Luo Shaohua sat on the ground, his right wrist was firmly clamped by Du Cheng.However, he still seemed unwilling, and struggled to crawl towards Lin Guodong, growling indistinctly: "Kill...kill him..." Du Cheng's expression was complicated, with both anger and sorrow in his expression.He waved his hand, signaling Zhang Zhenliang to drag Luo Shaohua out. Zhang Zhenliang responded, bent down, put his hands under Luo Shaohua's armpits, and dragged him towards the door.Luo Shaohua was still delirious, his legs were kicking weakly on the ground, and there seemed to be only one thought left in his mind. "I... killed him..." Ji Qiankun has been watching with cold eyes. "Hmph!" He raised his jaw at Lin Guodong who was facing him, "It seems that I am not the only one who wants to kill you today." Before the words fell, everyone present heard a sudden ringing of mobile phones. Ji Qiankun frowned, reached out and took out a mobile phone from the pocket of the brown down jacket on his body.He glanced at the screen and handed it to Du Cheng. "Looking for Luo Shaohua." Du Cheng took the phone and saw the word "wife" displayed on the screen.He turned to look at Luo Shaohua who had just been dragged out of the door, and pressed the answer button. "Sister-in-law, I'm Chengzi...don't ask me this." Du Cheng sighed, "Shaohua is fine...don't come here, he is really fine...well...we will meet at Xinghua North Street and Dawang Road place." He hung up the phone and leaned over to face Ji Qiankun. "Old Ji, I'm going to talk to Luo Shaohua now - he has evidence of Lin Guodong's murder." Du Cheng paused, "Give me some time." The corner of Ji Qiankun's mouth twitched, and he spit out three words: "Half an hour." "Okay." Du Cheng straightened up, turned to look at Wei Jiong and Yue Xiaohui, "You..." Yue Xiaohui stood still, Wei Jiong looked at her, turned around and shook his head at Du Cheng. Du Cheng seemed to have expected this, and there was not much annoyed expression on his face.He patted Ji Qiankun on the shoulder, and quickly ran towards the door. The cafe fell silent again.The four of them sat or stood around the table without saying a word.After a long time, Ji Qiankun sighed, and his tone became gentle: "You guys find a place to sit—sit farther away." The two did so.However, they each took a chair and sat at the table. Yue Xiaohui looked at the black leather bag under Lin Guodong's seat, and pouted at it: "This is it?" "Yeah." Ji Qiankun smiled, "I'm paralyzed, I'm not sure I can kill him, so I can only use this method." Yue Xiaohui also smiled: "You really are not a simple little old man." The tense atmosphere suddenly eased. Ji Qiankun supported the seat with his left hand and slowly adjusted his sitting posture.His tense body began to relax, and he even let out a pleasant moan. Wei Jiong stepped forward to support him and helped him sit on the seat as comfortably as possible. "Thank you." Ji Qiankun let out a long breath, "You two...don't have class today?" "Yes." Yue Xiaohui curled her lips, "I'm sure I'll be criticized when I go back." "Then what should we do?" Ji Qiankun thought for a while, "Just say you are helping the police catch wanted criminals?" "Pull it down." Wei Jiong smiled wryly, "Who would believe it?" All three laughed. Lin Guodong, who had kept his head down all the time, raised his head and looked at them who were laughing together in disbelief.A powerful bomb was placed under his seat, and a large number of policemen with live ammunition stood at the door—and these three people were actually discussing how to make up reasons for skipping classes. "Hello!" Lin Guodong roared, "I'm hungry!" The laughter of the three people suddenly stopped, and they turned their eyes to Lin Guodong in unison, as if they had just discovered that he was also sitting here.Immediately afterwards, Yue Xiaohui picked up the coffee cup on the table and splashed it on Lin Guodong's face. "shut up!" Ji Qiankun wanted to raise his hand to stop it, but it was too late.However, looking at Lin Guodong, whose head and face were covered with dark brown liquid, he seemed relieved.After thinking for a while, Ji Qiankun took out two hundred-yuan bills from his trouser pocket and handed them to Wei Jiong. "Go, get something to eat from the counter—I guess you're starving too." A few minutes later, trays were set on the table, piled high with donuts, cakes, burgers, and pizza, alongside bottles of juice. The sky has gradually darkened, and the lights in the cafe are not very bright.The flashing red and blue police lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows are even more dazzling.Looking out from the cafe, you can see a large number of dignified policemen surrounding the door, peeking into the room from time to time.The voices of various reports and orders mixed with the current sound of the walkie-talkie were transmitted into the cafe through the broken glass door, endlessly. In such an atmosphere, four people sat around the table, eating and drinking in silence.Lao Ji ate slowly and sparingly.Wei Jiong and Yue Xiaohui didn't have much appetite either, so they each ate a donut and sipped their juice.Lin Guodong, on the other hand, put on a posture of going all-out, with both hands up, eating heartily.It's just that his eating patterns are both ugly and crazy. He only takes a few bites of each food and throws it away before reaching out to grab another.Soon, all kinds of leftover food were scattered around him. Gradually, Lin Guodong couldn't eat anymore.He burped, wiped his mouth, and stretched out his hand to Ji Qiankun. "Is there any smoke?" Ji Qiankun looked at him, reached out and groped in his pocket, and found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.He ignored Lin Guodong and handed the cigarette to Wei Jiong. Wei Jiong understood, took out a cigarette and handed it to Lin Guodong, and lit it for him. Ji Qiankun looked at his watch, after a little calculation, his face became dark. "Wei Jiong, Xiao Hui, let's go." Ji Qiankun raised his head and smiled at the two of them, "There are still five minutes." Wei Jiong was stunned for a moment, and after a long while, he stammered and said: "Lao Ji, wait a little longer, Du Cheng may..." "Impossible." Ji Qiankun shook his head, "If Luo Shaohua is willing to hand over the evidence, there is no need to kill Lin Guodong." Ji Qiankun took out a police dagger from his pocket: "He is ready." Thinking of the burning portfolio, Wei Jiong was in a state of confusion. "Thank you for accompanying me on this last journey." Ji Qiankun patted Wei Jiong's shoulder with kind eyes, "Thank you, I have no regrets." Immediately, he turned to Lin Guodong: "Leave the remaining few minutes to me and him." Suddenly, Lin Guodong laughed loudly. "Yes." Lin Guodong stared at the half of the cigarette in his hand, took another sip, "I also have something to tell you." The other three immediately fell silent and stared at him blankly. "Do you want to know what your wife was like before she died?" A chill passed over Wei Jiong's heart.He turned his head to look at Ji Qiankun - the latter trembled and his face became pale. "Go ahead." "Actually, among those four women, my favorite is your wife." Lin Guodong took a puff of smoke slowly, tilted his head, and glanced at Ji Qiankun out of the corner of his eyes, "Long legs, big breasts, fair skin Tender—I'm so happy." "Shut up!" Wei Jiong shouted.He didn't dare to look at Ji Qiankun's face, but he clearly heard his teeth creaking. "I fucked her twice, and I couldn't put it down." Lin Guodong crushed the cigarette butt with his fingers, crossed his arms, hugged his chest, squinted his eyes and looked at Ji Qiankun, "However, after playing with her, I still have to kill her. She's been begging me to let her go or something." He stretched out his hands, opened his five fingers, held them together again, and slowly closed them. "Your wife's neck is so thin, it didn't take me too much effort, Quack!" Ji Qiankun stared at him, his face turned from white to green, and the veins in the hand holding the remote detonator burst out. "After I killed your wife, I carried her into the bathtub." Lin Guodong seemed satisfied with Ji Qiankun's reaction, his tone was more relaxed, and his words were clear, "I plan to saw off her head first. When I saw her neck, and guess what?" Lin Guodong leaned forward with a smile on his face, as if he was telling an extremely funny joke: "She moved. When I sawed off your wife's head, she was still alive!" Yue Xiaohui stood up abruptly, raised her hand and gave Lin Guodong a solid slap across the face. "stop!" It was Ji Qiankun who shouted angrily.His whole body was trembling, his face was black and black, and he seemed to be having difficulty breathing: "You two, get out, right now!" "Old Ji, he wants to provoke you!" Wei Jiong became anxious, reaching out to grab Ji Qiankun's shoulder, "Don't be fooled by him!" The cafe has been heavily surrounded by the police, and it is absolutely impossible for Lin Guodong to escape.Rather than being sent to court, it would be better to die here with Ji Qiankun.If Ji Qiankun completely lost his mind, there might even be two other young people buried with him. I don't suffer.Lin Guodong thought this way, and his desire to die was even stronger. He raised his eyes and nuzzled at the remote detonator in Ji Qiankun's hand: "Do it, you useless! Didn't you always want to kill me? Come on, come on!" "Shut up!" Wei Jiong turned his head and shook Ji Qiankun again and again, "Old Ji, calm down..." "Get out!" Ji Qiankun shook off Wei Jiong's hand and pointed to the door, "I'll give you five seconds—five!" "Old Ji!" Wei Jiong was so anxious that his mind went blank, "If you do this, Lin Guodong is the happiest!" "Four!" "He wants to die, don't be so stupid!" "three!" Wei Jiong jumped up, trying to snatch the remote detonator from Ji Qiankun's hand, but he pushed it away. "two!" Lin Guodong's face was ashen, and he closed his eyes. Wei Jiong cursed, turned around, picked up Yue Xiaohui and ran away.To his surprise, Yue Xiaohui broke free from his hand and stood behind Lin Guodong one step at a time. "Ji Qiankun, you are not qualified to kill him!" Ji Qiankun was stunned, his thumb on the red button was slightly slack.Immediately, his facial features twisted together, and he roared hysterically: "I didn't?!" Ji Qiankun raised his hand and pointed at Lin Guodong, "He killed my wife!" "You killed my mother!" In an Iveco police car outside the cafe. Du Cheng spent a lot of effort, but Luo Shaohua was still delirious, talking nonsense, struggling and kicking on the car seat all the time, muttering "Lin Guodong" and "kill him".Finally, Du Cheng, who couldn't hold back anymore, poured a whole bottle of mineral water on Luo Shaohua's head, and he calmed down a little. Du Cheng half-kneeled in the carriage, pinching Luo Shaohua's chin: "Lao Luo, Lao Luo, look at me!" Although Luo Shaohua stopped struggling, he lowered his head, closed his eyes, and muttered indistinctly. Du Cheng was furious, swung his palms, and slapped Luo Shaohua several times. Luo Shaohua's face immediately turned red and swollen.Under the blow, his eyes finally opened. "Old Luo, everyone knows the purpose of your appointment with Lin Guodong today." Du Cheng stared at Luo Shaohua's eyes, who seemed to be unable to focus, "Do you still remember Ji Qiankun?" This name restored Luo Shaohua's attention a little, and there was life in his eyes. "Ji Qiankun... seems to be..." "Yes." Du Cheng didn't have time to explain to him, and said eagerly, "The situation is as follows: Ji Qiankun hijacked Lin Guodong with a bomb, and there are two people in the cafe." Luo Shaohua stared back at Du Cheng in a daze, with half doubt and half fear in his eyes. "Ji Qiankun wants to blow up Lin Guodong to avenge his wife. If he does this, the consequences will be unimaginable. I can only let him believe that Lin Guodong will be punished by law for the four serial murders before he will stop." Du Cheng sat up straight. , said word by word, "So, I need you to give me the evidence of Lin Guodong's rape and murder." It seemed that it took Luo Shaohua a long time to understand what Du Cheng meant.Immediately, he slowly lowered his head and smiled wryly. "The evidence is indeed with me." Du Cheng immediately asked: "What is it?" "Lin Guodong once borrowed a white Dongfeng pickup truck. I have his loan record in my hand." Luo Shaohua's voice was soft, as if he was talking to himself, "Behind the passenger sun visor of that car, I found the blood of one of the dead." Hearing this, Du Cheng felt mixed feelings.He was happy that he finally found the evidence of Lin Guodong's crime, but he was angry that Luo Shaohua actually concealed these two pieces of evidence for 23 years. "Where is the thing?" Du Cheng patted a young policeman in the driver's seat, signaling him to start the police car, "At your house? Let's go get it right away." "It's late." Tears welled up from Luo Shaohua's eyes, "I've already burned it." Du Cheng did half of the action of fastening his seat belt, turned his head, and stared straight at Luo Shaohua.After a while, he squeezed out a few words between his teeth: "Why?" "My original plan was to destroy the evidence and then kill Lin Guodong. No one will know about the wrong case 23 years ago." Luo Shaohua looked at Du Cheng, his voice choked up, "I don't care, even if the death penalty is sentenced. Because everything started because of me. However, I can't let Ma Jian's death cast any stain on him." Du Cheng's heart was cold.A few seconds later, he punched the car door hard.The tingling pain from his knuckles made his face twitch, and at the same time, another voice kept admonishing him in his mind: calm down, calm down. He looked at his watch. About seven minutes later, Ji Qiankun would detonate the bomb and die with Lin Guodong. Du Cheng acted quickly.He ordered the young policeman in the driver's seat to immediately remove the sun visor from the passenger's seat.Immediately, he took out a ballpoint pen from his satchel, tore off a blank sheet of paper from his notebook, and sat down beside Luo Shaohua. "Do you still remember the content on the rental record form?" He stuffed the pen and paper into Luo Shaohua's arms, "Write it down." Luo Shaohua was a little puzzled: "What are you going to do?" "Make a fake evidence for Ji Qiankun to see." Du Cheng took the sun visor handed over by the young policeman, turned it over, and took out a police dagger from his body, "As long as he hands over the detonator, everything will be easy." Du Cheng pricked his finger with a dagger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and carefully dipped it on the back of the sun visor.Looking back, Luo Shaohua stared blankly at the sun visor in his hand without moving. "What the hell are you still doing? Write quickly!" "This sun visor is made of plastic." Luo Shaohua smiled wryly, "The one in my hand is made of non-woven fabric on the back." "It's okay, Ji Qiankun hasn't seen it again." Du Cheng suppressed his anger, wiped his fingers, and urged, "Hurry up and write." "But Lin Guodong has seen it, can you guarantee that he won't expose you?" Luo Shaohua still didn't move, "If I were him, instead of waiting to go to court and get shot, it would be better to be blown to pieces in an instant." "Then what the hell should I do?" Du Cheng exploded, grabbing Luo Shaohua's collar and shaking it again and again, "What do you want me to do! Do you want to see this place being blown up? Ah?!" Suddenly, the door of the Iveco police car was pulled open, and an anxious Jinfeng appeared outside the car, followed by Zhang Zhenliang. "Chengzi, you..." Jinfeng held a cloth bag in his arms and reached out to grab Du Cheng's arm, "Let him go." Du Cheng looked at Jinfeng, then at Luo Shaohua, shoved him hard on the seat, and sat beside him, panting heavily. Luo Shaohua stared blankly at his wife, and murmured, "Why are you here?" Jin Feng didn't speak, she held the car door and looked her husband up and down.Suddenly, she raised her hand and slapped Luo Shaohua hard. This action seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and she fell backwards.Zhang Zhenliang hurriedly supported her.Luo Shaohua also leaned out half of his body and grabbed Jinfeng's sleeve. Jin Feng threw him away, covered his chest, and panted heavily.After her breathing stabilized, she pointed at Luo Shaohua and said tremblingly, "Shaohua, I slapped my daughter and grandson for this slap. Are you still a man when you leave us like this? Are you still a father and a grandfather?" ?” Luo Shaohua's eyes were filled with tears, he raised a hand towards Jinfeng: "My wife, I..." Before the words fell, Luo Shaohua's eyes blurred, and he was slapped again on the face. Jin Feng's lips turned gray and white, and his breath became more urgent: "I slapped Ma Jian for this slap - he misjudged you, a worthless brother!" For a while, there was silence in the carriage. "Zhenliang has already told me everything." Jin Feng stretched out a hand and gently stroked Luo Shaohua's red and swollen face, her tone became gentle, "If you make a mistake, just admit it. There is nothing to be afraid of. For Ma Jian Save people, die dignifiedly. He didn't discredit the word 'police', but what about you?" Luo Shaohua lowered his head, trembling all over. "Shaohua, don't be afraid. We will bear the responsibilities that should be borne." Jinfeng stroked his hair gently, "Don't let your old fellows underestimate you. No matter how many years you are sentenced, my child and I They are all waiting for you." Finally, Luo Shaohua covered his eyes and burst into tears. Heart-piercing cries echoed in the narrow compartment.There is resentment, there is despair, there is deep regret and guilt.With a gloomy expression, Du Cheng patted Luo Shaohua on the shoulder.Zhang Zhenliang looked at his watch and called him softly. "Master..." Du Cheng raised his head and bit his lips tightly, as if he was making a difficult choice. "Get those two kids out." He waved his hand. "Get the snipers ready." "No need." Jinfeng turned around suddenly, and handed the cloth bag in her arms to Du Cheng. Du Cheng was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously took it, opened it, and found a kraft paper file bag with burnt edges inside. Yue Xiaohui clenched her fists and stared at Ji Qiankun, her chest heaving violently. The words she said just now, like a sharp arrow, pierced Ji Qiankun's heart in an instant.He could only stare back at Yue Xiaohui dumbfounded, his mind went blank. Lin Guodong was also very surprised, and turned to look at Yue Xiaohui. After a long time, the girl's tense body suddenly relaxed.She covered her eyes with her hands and let out a whimper. "I'm sorry, Lao Ji. I shouldn't have told you this." Yue Xiaohui shook her head with a sad tone, "At least I shouldn't say it now." Ji Qiankun looked at her blankly, then at Wei Jiong, and finally even turned his gaze to Lin Guodong, as if he wanted to confirm whether he heard the words with his own ears or just an auditory hallucination. Gradually, Ji Qiankun's eyes refocused, and the souls flying around seemed to return to his body.He lowered his head, not daring to look at Yue Xiaohui again.Her lips trembled for a long time before she managed to utter a few words: "Liang Qingyun is..." "She is my mother." Yue Xiaohui put down her hand covering her eyes, and big tears rolled down her eyes, "You killed my mother on the night of October 27, 1992. Then, dismember the body and throw it away ——" She pointed at Lin Guodong, "The modus operandi is exactly the same as his." Immediately, she turned to Wei Jiong: "I'm sorry, Wei Jiong. On the rooftop of the library that day, I peeked at the contents of that file bag." Ji Qiankun also looked at Wei Jiong.The boy's gaze dodged for a moment, and soon he met his gaze again, looking back at Ji Qiankun bravely. "you……" "Lao Ji, I didn't doubt you at first, I just wanted to help Xiaohui find the murderer who killed her mother." Wei Jiong said slowly, "Later, I gradually realized that the purpose of the murderer imitating Lin Guodong was not some It’s a perverted worship, but I want to tell the police that the murderer who killed those four women is still alive.” Wei Jiong suddenly smiled, as if he was full of apology: "Using such an extreme method to alert the police - who else is such a persistent person besides you?" Ji Qiankun looked at Wei Jiong blankly, as if he was a stranger who had never met. "I'm not willing to confirm this conjecture. However, Du Cheng taught me a method that can infer the murderer's route of throwing the body based on the location where the body was dumped, and then delineate the place where the murderer may live." Wei Jiong's expression gradually became serious Get up, "Your home is within this range." Ji Qiankun smiled miserably: "So you came to test me?" "Yes. From the conversation that day, I know that you can drive, and I can feel the obsession in your heart even more. Moreover, you should still remember that I said that the mobile phone was left in the room, and I asked you for the key to go back to the room to get it—— Actually, I drew the keys of your house." Wei Jiong paused, "Then, I found a hand saw on the cabinet in your bedroom." Ji Qiankun nodded and muttered to himself: "Good boy..." "One day later, you asked Zhang Haisheng to take you to the Yanglong Cemetery." Wei Jiong continued, "You bought two bouquets at the shopping mall. One of them was placed before your wife's grave. The other... ..." He turned his head to Yue Xiaohui: "Put it before the spirit of a woman named Liang Qingyun." Ji Qiankun was silent for a few seconds, his face turned pale: "Why didn't you report me immediately?" Wei Jiong hesitated for a moment: "Because the obsession in your heart is still there. If you had reported you to the police at that time, it would be...it would be too cruel." "Yes, obsession, obsession." Ji Qiankun sighed for a long time, as if pondering these two words, his eyes faded away, "At that time, I had no other way to get the police to restart the investigation. It's gone." He lowered his head halfway, and his voice became lower and lower: "I can only kill a person in exactly the same way to convince the police that Xu Mingliang is innocent and the murderer is still alive. However, Xiaohui, please believe me... ..." Ji Qiankun looked up at Yue Xiaohui with eager and sincere eyes: "I didn't rape your mother, let alone torture her." The girl cried out and shook her head again and again: "Stop talking..." "I know that I am deeply guilty. If this obsession has not been supporting me, I will commit suicide even if I don't turn myself in. Moreover, retribution will come soon." Ji Qiankun lowered his head and looked at himself unconscious legs, "After I killed your mother, for a year and a half, there was no movement from the police. So, I can only go again..." "June 7, 1994." Wei Jiong looked at him, "Right?" "Yeah." Ji Qiankun nodded, "I've already chosen that woman, and when I ran towards her across the road, a truck knocked me down from behind." "You deserve it!" Lin Guodong who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "You are the same as me!" Surprisingly, Ji Qiankun did not refute him.After thinking for a few seconds, he nodded instead. "You're right. You and I, damn it." Ji Qiankun wiped his eyes and showed a smile on his face: "Wei Jiong, Xiao Hui, I don't know if it's fate or fate to meet you. No matter what, I would like to say sorry to you first, and then thank you." He nodded slightly to Yue Xiaohui: "You and Wei Jiong get out of here." Immediately, his eyes moved down to Lin Guodong's face, and at the same time he raised the remote control detonator in his hand, "We two damn people, are you?" Time to make a break." Wei Jiong was shocked, and was about to speak to stop him, when he heard a rush of footsteps behind him——Du Cheng ran in. "Old Ji, don't be impulsive!" Du Cheng's face was covered with sweat, holding a brown paper file bag with burnt edges, "I got the evidence." This sudden change stunned everyone present.Especially Lin Guodong, his face turned pale all of a sudden, staring at the file bag. Du Cheng took out the contents of the portfolio and put them on the table—a piece of yellowed paper and a ball of non-woven fabric. "These can prove that Lin Guodong drove a white pickup truck at night to find his target during each incident. Moreover, there was blood stains from one of the deceased on this vehicle." Du Cheng couldn't help panting: "I found some hairs under Lin Guodong's bed. Among them, maybe your wife's." He faced Lin Guodong with a smile on his withered and swollen cheeks, "Luo Shaohua agreed to testify, You're done." Ji Qiankun stared blankly at the piece of paper and non-woven fabric, tears gradually filled his eyes, and finally, one by one fell on the table. He sat back in his chair, covered his face with his hands, and wept silently. "Officer Du, Wei Jiong, Xiao Hui..." An indistinct voice came from between his fingers, "Thank you...thank you all." Du Cheng felt relieved, and waved to Zhang Zhenliang who was standing at the door. Zhang Zhenliang led a few policemen to the table, grabbed Lin Guodong, who was ashen-faced, and handcuffed him. "Lin Guodong, you are suspected of rape, intentional homicide and robbery." Du Cheng looked at him and announced loudly, "You are under arrest." Zhang Zhenliang and another policeman dragged Lin Guodong out of the cafe.Lin Guodong lowered his head and dragged his feet on the ground like a dead dog.When he was about to reach the door, he suddenly struggled, turned his head and shouted to Ji Qiankun: "Come on, you wretch! You murderer!" Du Cheng watched Lin Guodong coldly as he was dragged out of the cafe and disappeared on the other side of the cordon.Immediately, he slumped down on the chair as if he had lost all strength. "Old Ji," Du Cheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stretched out a hand to Ji Qiankun, "give me the detonator—the EOD team will come in soon." However, to his surprise, Ji Qiankun moved his hand holding the remote detonator to the right side of his body, and at the same time, he gently shook his head towards the door. "Officer Du, take these two children out." He paused for a moment, then added, "Stay out of the warning zone, the farther the better." Du Cheng was confused: "Old Ji, what the hell are you doing?" Ji Qiankun ignored him, but turned to Yue Xiaohui and smiled: "Son, say sorry to your father for me. I killed your mother, so I must accept the punishment." Du Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then said "ah", his face changed drastically: "Old Ji, so you..." Before he finished speaking, Yue Xiaohui stretched out a hand to stop him. She stared at Ji Qiankun for a long time, then shook her head. "Old Ji, you shouldn't die. At least, you shouldn't die like this." Yue Xiaohui bit her lips, as if she had made up her mind, "If I think you deserve to die, I will cut off your beard the second time .” Ji Qiankun began to sob: "My child, I..." "Do you know why I approached Lin Guodong, trying to trap him?" Yue Xiaohui knelt down, put her hand on Ji Qiankun's knee, and looked up at him, "I want you to surrender." Ji Qiankun looked back at her with tears in his eyes.In the dim cafe, the girl's body is emitting more and more intense light. "I know that I will take a lot of risks, and I may even lose my life." Yue Xiaohui smiled, "But I decided to do it, and I recorded all my last words." She took out her phone, opened the picture library, found a video file, and clicked to play. On the screen, Yue Xiaohui stood in front of a wall, her face flushed from the cold. "Wei Jiong, Officer Du, and Lao Ji." The girl smiled unnaturally, as if she was nervous, "If you find this video on my mobile phone, it means that I have already died at the hands of Lin Guodong. " The girl lowered her eyelids, then raised them immediately: "The first thing I need to declare is that I did this completely voluntarily, and I don't want to criticize anyone. If possible, please help take care of my dad and Xiaodouzi—thanks in advance." The girl showed a mischievous smile and quickly restrained herself. "Old Ji, the next paragraph is for you, listen carefully." The girl became focused and her expression was solemn, "I know, you killed my mother. If I don't hate you, obviously Lies. You ruined my life and my father's life, if you are sent to the execution ground now, I will be very willing." The girl stopped suddenly and turned her head to one side, as if trying to hold back tears.A few seconds later, she faced the camera again, her voice still choked with sobs. "But I know why you did that. So I want you to make a promise with me." The girl moved closer to the camera and said each word, "I'll help you catch Lin Guodong. After you fulfill your wish, you can surrender yourself. I I always believe that in this world, besides the fairness of murder, there is also law and order." The girl slowed down her speech: "I always think that you should have a chance to face the mistakes you made, instead of running away." 笑容浮现在女孩的嘴角,纯洁如天使。 “也许这么想有点儿傻吧,但是,这,就是我的执念。” 视频播放结束。 杜成和魏炯默默地看着岳筱慧。她,以及她手中的一点儿光,足以照亮整个夜空。 岳筱慧放下手机,向纪乾坤伸出一只手,脸上的笑容温和又坚定。 “老纪,我们走吧。”
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