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Chapter 22 twenty one

Shanghai Fortress 江南 1118Words 2018-03-13
I found the boarding pass in a rusty locker. On the basement of Hang Lung Plaza, there is a sign with the name "Lin Lan" on the locker. A neatly organized locker is empty and empty, except for a card lying on the cold iron sheet. On July 16, 2007, the flight from Shanghai to Lanzhou, the last flight, was fully loaded with important figures from the city government and those on the protection list.One of the seats was supposed to be mine. How did she get this ticket?Maybe through the colonel who likes her, I know that besides Super Star, there is another colonel in the logistics department who likes her very much, but the colonel's daughter is already eight years old.She can tell the colonel that I want a plane ticket, and I want to send a friend out of Shanghai.They parted ways at the gate of the airport and came out to meet a boy wearing a flying helmet.

Cool, she got tickets. I used to watch a TV series called "Epiphyllum Dream". It said that before the liberation of Shanghai, the hero came to the airport with a gun and gold bars. He put the gun and gold bars on the counter and said that I wanted a ticket to leave.Then he gave the ticket to his beloved woman who didn't belong to him, and walked away.It’s also very cool. Actually, I also had a gun at that time, and I could have rushed into Pudong Airport with my gun and pointed at the senior colonel’s forehead, saying that I want a plane ticket, and then I could give it to Lin Lan.

Will Lin Lan be happy?Will she hug me? But the situation is the opposite... Lin Lan got the ticket, perhaps through such an ambiguous channel.They parted at the airport. Outside the gate of the airport stood a boy with a flying helmet who was about to meet her. They might even hug each other. The colonel said that the captain, I have always been... Don't do this?I will be really sad. "What's the matter, general?" The sentinel came behind me. "It's nothing... Thinking of a friend from a long time ago, can you leave me alone for a while?" The sentry went out, and when he got to the door, I said to him, "Turn off the light by the way."

So I stood alone in the dark, holding a long-expired boarding pass. I squatted there for a long time, thinking about the book I read recently. , Zweig's novel, I read it when I was in college, and now I'm re-reading it.After so many years, do you still remember that old vase, remember the white roses blooming on it, no hands put new flowers on it on your birthday, the vase is covered with dust. A long time later, you went to Stockholm, sat down in that black-and-white and gray cafe, drank the coffee served by the waiter, the bitter liquid flowed over the back of your tongue, and your tears fell down.

A woman who is always on the lookout and has no hope at all, her soul will go looking for this man after many years, like a ghost floating in the air unreliable.Playing the chords of those times and events, the sirens sang bewitching songs. I think of Lin Lan's smile, think of her yelling at me, think of her bowing her head in the crowd, think of the many rambling words we have said, I think I can sort out some clues from them, but I can't figure it out.What a troublesome woman, Yang Jiannan said, "So you don't know..." It cannot be traced back, so many years have passed, you can only follow the lingering rhyme of the string to ponder the past events, and those past events have melted away like water, gradually turning into a pale piece.

I'm really just a fool, I don't understand people's hearts, especially girls' hearts.The most unconfident thing in my life is guessing a woman's heart. "Hey, do you have a cigarette to borrow?" I yelled towards the door where there was only a ray of light left.
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