Home Categories youth city Shanghai Fortress

Chapter 19 eighteen

Shanghai Fortress 江南 6895Words 2018-03-13
July 16, 2008, 15:30. The ground crew put on fully enclosed flight suits for us. They surrounded me to check the oxygen tubes, guns, utility knives, and parachutes. The big pig and the second pig on my left and right were also surrounded by busy ground crew .The roof of the hangar was tested open, and looking through the gaping opening, I saw clouds moving swiftly like galloping horses in the overcast sky. Through the visors of the UV-blocking helmet, I see Boss smoking a cigarette, leaning against the steel siding.At this time, the old guy was as rogue as a street boy, with a bewildered and arrogant expression in his silence and contempt.I heard that he was also a top-notch pilot before, and he personally went to the battlefield and shot down the enemy.

I can't hear the sound, the city and I have been separated by this flight suit.The ground staff who checked my equipment gave me a thumbs up to say it was okay, and I also gave a thumbs up to express my thanks.Someone at the back handed me a folding chair and helped me to sit down. Beside me was the silent Harrier, and the ground crew slowly tore off the silver-gray rain cape on it. "The takeoff time is scheduled at 16:20, don't sit all the time, stand up and move around occasionally." The voice of the boss came from the secret channel, "Don't look heroic. The ground crew around you think you just want to Go do a series of experiments in Project Z."

When he said this, the boss took off his cigarette, squirmed his lips against the headset, and greeted the oncoming people with a smile. "Understood." Our three voices sounded in the earphone together. After all, he is not a veteran old fox like the boss. At this time, the three of us, including the big pig, couldn't control the tension.We stood up mechanically, like dogs on a leash, and circled the chair monotonously.After a while, I finally couldn't help laughing out "puchi". "What are you laughing at?" The boss's voice was still calm in the earphones.

"I'm thinking we're so dumb." "That's right." "Will Shanghai really sink into the ground?" I said, "Thousands of square kilometers of ground will sink into the ground for one kilometer? Is there such a hole in the ground?" "I don't know how the Alpha civilization did it, but since New York can land and sink, so can Shanghai. Different civilizations have different understandings of technology and materials. Maybe those things find it difficult to make a steamed bun, hollowing out thousands of The underground structure of square kilometers is too simple."

"What are we? Are we really little ants?" "It's the little ant, you think you are important, you are too naive." When the boss said this, he held the door of the hangar and looked outside, his lips moved slightly, no one knew he was talking to us, " Just like Lin Lan." I was taken aback, and glanced under the objective lens of the helmet, and found that the boss had switched to the one-on-one channel, while the big pig and the two pigs were still walking around slowly. "It is said that there are 20,000 people who are suitable for a person to be with him in the world. Have you heard of it?" the boss said.

"No." I looked at his back. "I read it in the newspaper. In fact, if you meet any one of the 20,000 people, you may fall in love with her like crazy. It's a pity that many people may not meet such a person in their lifetime, and some people are even less lucky and meet more than one at a time. One." The boss said leisurely, "If you meet someone, let's meet him. If you like someone, there is no other way, even the court-martial can't stop it. Let God's be God's, Caesar's be Caesar's, you like it Who can't help it." I smiled, it seems that there is a reason why Sister Shen likes such a person, at least I can't say that.

"But you have to understand, no matter what, it's only one in 20,000 love." The boss's voice gradually faded, and also became cold, "There are still 19,999 people in the world, you should love, you don't None of them. There are more unlucky people, that is, when they grow up to the same age, they marry someone, marry someone, quarrel and have children, and that’s how it goes.” "It's no big deal," said the eldest at last. The channel fell silent and we never spoke again. 16:06. The alarm beeping suddenly sounded in the helmet, and I froze for a moment.

"Attention All, Attention All, Emergency Alert, Emergency Alert, Level 1 Air Raid! Level 1 Air Strike!" Hell, at this terrible time, the Delta civilization has launched a new air strike! The big pig and the two pigs and I were stunned for a moment, and we rushed to the hangar door to have a look.Everything I saw this time made my scalp tingle: dark things appeared from behind the fast-moving churning clouds, they gathered together, like a black demon wind, hovering in the air, approaching the surface of the defensive circle again and again, and then they were about to touch Instantly change direction and leave.All this can be seen clearly with the naked eye.The terrible "hip-hop" sounded again, piercing through the helmet and piercing the eardrums!

"Damn, how can there be such a sound..." I said. The bubble defense blocks the sound, the only time we heard this sound was when the Shanghai Cannon opened a bubble hole and pierced the bubble defense, leaving a huge hole. "For the program of flattening the defense circle, energy has been stored since 24 hours ago. Now the defense layer is as thin as a piece of paper, and there are countless holes in places we can't see..." the big pig whispered, "They are aware of it. !" The gorgeous purple light illuminated the sky for a moment, it was a powerful stream of light, directly hitting the bubble interface above Pudong Airport! Three seconds later, I felt someone punch me hard in the chest, and then It's like pulling my chest apart.

Shockwave! The fragility of the bubble defense makes the operator in front of the console have to activate the elastic defense. The elastic defense can bear higher light pressure, but the price is that the fluctuation will bring an air wave impact no less than a nuclear weapon strike to the surface structure. .The moment just now was just a trifle. When the real shock comes, we will be squeezed into minced meat at any time. "Take off! Emergency take off!" The old guy was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and shouted, "Take off! There is enough fuel for you to support, keep hovering at low altitude, and wait for further orders!"

He was right, only those three planes were entered into the Bubble Defense Flat's operating software, and if they all fell in this hangar, we wouldn't even find a spare Harrier.Or the implementation plan was too sloppy, and did not fully consider the emergency measures for air strikes at this time. We scrambled into the cabin, and the gap in the roof of the hangar opened. "Ground control tower, request scramble, request scramble, Gray Eagle One confirms!" "Gray Eagle II confirmed!" "Grey Eagle Three Confirmed!" I said. This was the first time I had flown such a fighter myself, and the Gray Eagle III, unlike the one, was single-seat and there was no old road behind me.I pressed my chest, and the ring was strung on the chain that hung my ID card.Old Lu, if you don’t die, bless me, if you die, bless me, I have no doubts that I can handle this bubble structure, but I don’t want to stall and fall to my death before that! I'll take your ring to that girl, what's it called?Weng Yang?Mmm, Weng Yang! I believe that the task given to me by the old road is a good omen, I have a premonition that I can complete this task, so I will not die before completing this task, I still have things to do... Amidst the roar of the Pegasus engine, I held the joystick tightly and controlled this restless flying beast to take off vertically. The wings were trembling, as if they would shatter at any moment.I looked up at the zenith, and the planes of Big Pig and Er Zhu were already shadows in the distance.Finally I gained full control, I felt that this thing listened to my control, the fuselage suddenly seemed to be lighter, the surrounding light surrounded me, I vacated the hangar, and went up to the sky! "Ground control tower, ground control tower, at an altitude of 800 meters, we are maintaining a low-altitude level flight, with a speed of Mach 0.6, and a direction of 224 degrees southwest, waiting for further orders." Big Pig's voice came from the headset, he is the captain. "Very good, keep this direction, the southwest area has not been hit! Don't take it lightly, you will turn into fireworks if you encounter a shock wave in the air!" The boss's voice sounded on the ground control channel, it seems that the old guy has taken over there . "Keep evacuated in a straight line and keep up with me." Big Pig said. "Understood!" Erzhu replied. I held the joystick, my hands trembled slightly, and my palms were sweaty. Looking down at the city from 800 meters in the air, the streets and buildings flashed quickly.If you stare at it carefully, you will feel dizzy, but I stare at the bottom, looking at the buildings that cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions.When I first came to Shanghai, I took a China Eastern flight, and Big Pig was sitting next to me. When he landed, he casually pointed to the neighborhoods below and said, "Each one is worth tens of billions." At that time, I felt that I was so fucking insignificant, even the windows of a small rough house in a community were not worth selling me.And how many communities are there in Shanghai?Maybe hundreds, maybe thousands, not including Lu Yiyi's mansion facing the lake. But now everything is different. The moment I hold the joystick, I suddenly realize that I have a lot of power.Yes, Shanghai is sinking.Follow-up rescue work?Who knows how many survived.And I have a Harrier, I can get out of here, though I might get shot down by those whoops.The wealth, honor and power of the past are nothing now, so what is Yang Jiannan?Those glorious photos of him under the spotlight were only used on the death list in the end. Today, there are only three exemptions for death in Shanghai, and I have one. How do I want to use this power? Actually... I know... Last night when I was sleeping side by side with the big pig and the two pigs on the temporary camp bed set up at Pudong Airport, the big pig asked me why you always look outside, and I said I was thinking about something Will I go crazy at the moment. Yes, I'm a crazy person when things go wrong! I pulled the joystick as hard as I could, and the Gray Eagle III made a huge, ethereal arc through the air, completely off course from its original course. "Jiang Yang, what are you doing?!" Big Pig was also stunned. I silently turned off all radio systems.Now I'm free unless they shoot me down with SAMs. The direction is 294 degrees northwest, and the speed is Mach 0.7. This high speed will make a terrible noise on the ground.I have crossed the Huangpu River, and the distance is only one subway stop away... I slowed down and looked down at the ground.The whole city was in commotion, and so many people suddenly poured out from the streets and alleys that had been invisible all along, and they didn't know where to go.Because it is not facing traditional air raids, Shanghai did not consider air-raid shelters.But now they urgently need a closed space to comfort their hearts. This optical flow bombardment seemed to be aimless, and the entire bubble defense interface was evenly attacked.The delta civilization seems to have realized that they can make the whole thing collapse instead of just punching through a hole.The impact caused by the elastic defense swept across the ground one after another. The simple house on the old construction site suddenly collapsed inward as if it had been pinched by a giant hand, and then all the fragments of the heat shield splashed around like it was thrown out by an explosion. .As if a hurricane swept across the street, the cars that had been parked there for a long time overturned and rolled over, all the leaves were torn from the branches, and they rolled wildly, like a sharp knife scraping, and the scales of fish fell sharply. The city is crying, and I can hear the voice, from the children hiding in the corner of the alley to the majestic buildings in the CED district. But this is just the beginning.Just 800 meters below me, I watched West Nanjing Road crack open along the middle, the seemingly solid surface now as fragile as cheese.After the road surface collapsed, the bottom was bottomless black, and the cracks opened to both sides, and soon became about 10 meters wide, as spectacular as the ancient landmass splitting up millions of years ago. I looked at the timer on my wrist, at 16:20, the Shanghai Luchen Project started on time. 16:45.The blocks after the split will slowly sink.This is an operation performed on the earth by a great civilization. It may be an honor to be able to see it, but it is a pity that those who see it will die.Some of the old houses facing the street began to collapse. I saw a girl crying while hugging a tree by the street.It is not her misfortune that no one can save her, but the fate of a whole age. I turned on the hover, and below me was the CITIC Plaza with only the outer metal structure left.The flow of people surged crazily on the street, like a disturbed ant nest.Countless people in military uniforms poured out of the building, mixing with the aimless civilians on the street.They were stopped by the sinking ditch, and turned back to find another way.I saw a gendarme blowing his whistle as if shouting something, then he suddenly dropped his whistle and blended into the crowd.The collapse of the surrounding old buildings is accelerating, and someone is crushed under the masonry. The huge Jack&Jones advertisement hanging on the Westgate Square two years ago finally fell down and covered many people.Immediately, they got out from below and ran as hard as they could, and then many feet stepped on the advertisement. I have no place to land. I gritted my teeth and aimed at the roof of CITIC Pacific.The moment the plane landed was so exciting that I was about to cry. The old road never taught me to land vertically.I stepped on the air intake hatch and jumped down. I am really lucky that CITIC Pacific has such a flat roof. If I have a big light box like Hang Lung Plaza, I will really be finished. Now I am running like crazy in the aisle on the 30th floor of CITIC Pacific Plaza. I am surrounded by people who are running away with their heads covered. Sometimes I mix with the flow of people, and sometimes we go in two opposite directions.I was panting as I pressed Lin Lan's desk, there was no one there, and a few blank papers were scattered. Those loose handwritings belonged to Lin Lan, some of them said "so I will annoy the beautiful woman", and some wrote "if life is only as it was first seen".The rest of the space is full of scattered lines. If you look at it this way, it looks like a running horse; at another look, it looks like a monkey grabbing its butt, and at another look, it’s just a little beast in the shabu-shabu restaurant that year. I couldn't breathe anymore, I looked at the little beast and said, why are you still here... haven't you already left? The building was getting more and more empty, and I saw countless faces flash by in front of me, some of them I knew, some of them were familiar, but no one said a word to me.Someone huddled in the corner of the aisle and wept. It seemed that someone was completely desperate.The air defense sirens they had been relying on were completely silent this time, and the army cut off all communication.There is no way, such an action is too late to evacuate and guide. I still ran with all my might. CITIC Pacific Plaza is really big. Ivy Bookstore here, SPR COFFEE over there, KENZO on the first floor, POSH LIFE on the fifth floor, combat readiness reference room on the ninth floor, general liaison department on the 11th floor, 23rd floor The logistics headquarters on the 3rd floor, the first bubble defense control room on the 30th floor... I couldn't hold on anymore, but Lin Lan was nowhere. I ended up lying on the elevator door, feeling like my heart was going to jump out of my throat. The elevator stopped and the doors opened automatically.I saw the ruins of the 31st floor again.Like a person who fell into the water grabbing the last straw, I rushed out, I couldn't bear it anymore, I yelled loudly, Lin Lan, where are you? Lin Lan, Lin Lan, Lin Lan, Lin Lan, Lin Lan, Lin Lan, Lin Lan... A figure suddenly appeared from behind the pillar.I was so ecstatic that I wanted to pounce on her and hug her, but I also wanted to lie down like this and rest forever. But in just a second, I suddenly stopped.It was a man carrying the rank of colonel. I was familiar with his face and his sharp eyes.The two men gasped slightly for each other, but neither spoke. "Where is Lin Lan?" We suddenly shouted the same sentence. Yang Jiannan's voice was far deeper and more majestic than mine, and I suffered a disadvantage in terms of momentum.There was a hint of ferocity in his expression, and he took a step forward.Without ambiguity, I drew a pistol from behind my flight suit.In this city where only the military police can hold weapons, Yang Jiannan would not have a gun, but I do.The boss put this gun in my hand and said that you are authorized to use force against anyone who hinders the implementation of Plan S! "Boy, I don't have the time or the mood! Don't play with me! You can't afford it now!" I licked my teeth, the muzzle of the gun remained motionless. The space was filled with the panting sounds of the two of us. Yang Jiannan is really an awesome person. He stopped and looked at the muzzle of my gun without any look of fear. "Shanghai Lu Shen Project! You still started it." I nodded. "Is there no way to stop?" "It's too late. We are only responsible for the flattening of the bubble defense circle. The remaining 41 A-level officers are already starting to sink the entire city." "A lot of people will die." "We could have carried it longer if you hadn't fired then." "Plan S shouldn't have been drawn up at all! Why did so many people die for those Alpha civilizations that no one has ever seen?" Yang Jiannan's voice was torn. "I don't know, soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty!" I felt as if I had been stabbed by a needle, I didn't want to continue this conversation, and slowly retreated towards the elevator entrance with my gun in hand. I pressed the elevator button behind my back, and the door slowly opened. "Are you here to find her?" Yang Jiannan said. "nonsense." "Does she like you?" "I don't know!" I began to fret, "You don't fucking talk nonsense!" "So you don't know..." Yang Jiannan said in a low voice. The elevator doors closed, and I half-kneeled on the floor in the acceleration of the descent, gasping for breath.The elevator door opened again, and I saw the shopping mall on the first floor, which was almost empty, and outside the glass doors were crowds of people crying and shouting like a chaotic tide. I hid the pistol back in my flight suit and rushed out the gate.I thought Lin Lan might be among these people, but she didn't know I was looking for her.I called her name loudly, but no one could hear me. Answer me, I am here to save you! Answer me...or you will really die. The blood seemed to well up to the top of my head, and I couldn't cry anymore.The damn arrhythmia happened again at this time.I leaned against the wall and looked at those flowing people, adjusting my breathing with a big mouth.After getting better, I took a few steps forward, when a person who was thrown out by the crowd hit me hard in my arms. "You...you...you..." I seemed to see a ghost, "Shouldn't you fly to Lanzhou with your parents?" I ran into Lu Yiyi again. "What... what Lanzhou?" Lu Yiyi's already big eyes widened, filled with fear like a small animal.She stared blankly at me for five seconds, then rushed up and hugged my neck, shaking from crying, "Why did you turn off your phone last night?" I shook her: "Didn't you already go to Lanzhou?" "I don't know! I don't know anything! They...they locked me at home and didn't let me go out. I jumped out of the window and slept in Tangtang's dormitory..." Hell! On the last shuttle this afternoon, all the high-level members of the municipal party committee and their families left.This girl is really wayward. "What are you running around for?" I looked at her bitterly, she was crying, tears and snot sticking to my hand. "I... I went shopping... I went shopping... What happened? What the hell? Are we going to die?" The paper bag in her hand fell, and the box inside was knocked open, and what rolled out was the silver satin Gucci tie.There was a buzzing in my head.Why the hell did I get old and gave birth to me on the goddamn July 17th?If I was born half a month late, this girl might already be in Lanzhou. It's okay! It's okay! Don't be afraid!" I cupped her face, "I'm here! I'm here!" Lu Yiyi looked up at me. "What did you say? Don't die, live well." I patted Lu Yiyi's face. She looked at me, stopped crying, her face was full of confusion. I hugged her and kissed her hard on the lips, as hard as cracking the cap of a bottle of beer with my teeth.Lu Yiyi froze for a moment, then suddenly hugged me tightly, pressing her face firmly against the chest of my flight suit. We drilled out from the exit on the top floor of CITIC Pacific Plaza. I was surprised to find another man in the uniform of a cleaner, beating on the canopy of my Harrier with a wrench.His eyes were red, revealing a faint madness. "What are you doing?!" I yelled. "I'm leaving this place, I'm leaving this place, you're killing us all! What did you do?" He continued to pound the canopy with a terrifying sound. I drew the gun from my belt, and Yiyi hugged my arms tightly and buried her face in my chest.When he raised the trigger again, the gun in my hand rang, and the bullet pierced his shoulder and pushed him down. "You kill me! You kill me! You soldiers, if you don't kill us, we will die if you stay!" He rolled on the ground a few times and shouted at us mournfully. "A lot of people have died, but what should be done has to be done...it doesn't matter if you are a soldier or not." I threw the first aid kit on the flight suit to him. I suddenly understood this when I saw Lu Yiyi and that silver tie.You can go crazy once in a while, but the things that need to be done are still to be done.You are just a small person, it is rare to be able to do something big, so cherish this opportunity.It doesn't matter if a person dies, and it doesn't matter if you die, but some things cannot be avoided. Trees need to sprout and people need to grow up. I helped Lu Yiyi climb up the air intake, and I sat in first. "There is no seat for me." Lu Yiyi said. "Why is there no place?" I pulled her arm hard and let her sit on my lap, "I have reserved this place for you." I took out the spare flight helmet from under the cockpit and put it on her head, pinching her face.Lu Yiyi smiled, and I smiled too, pulling off the mask for her.I think thanks to the fact that you are a girl who is not too tall, if you were a different person, you would really have to bear the canopy. The plane rose slowly under the huge wind pressure, and I looked down at the crumbling city below, with people coming and going. The population of Shanghai is really large, 18 million people.I'm sorry, Lin Lan, I can't find you among the 18 million people... I pushed the joystick forward, fully turned on the power, and the Harrier turned into level flight with a slight shock.
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