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Chapter 8 Section 6

Cocklebur 乐小米 3704Words 2018-03-13
At that time, Xu Nuan didn't know that the reason why this man named Zhuang Yi let her, Xu Die, and Zhao Xiaoxiong go on that snowy night was not because of his conscience.But just when he was about to throw Xu Die into the boiling broth, a phone call changed Xu Nuan's fate. On the phone, a man said to Zhuang Yi, boss, I have found the whereabouts of the girl you are looking for. Zhuang Yi held Xiaodie in one hand and the phone in the other, and asked, where is it? The man said that the girl lived in an unfinished building on Shuncheng Road, which was originally developed by Hefeng Enterprise. Later, it was acquired by you, and it was unfinished... Hey, boss, boss...

Zhuang Yi was stunned. His original anger had been replaced by shock. Shuncheng Road.Peaceful enterprise.Unfinished building. Unfinished building!Hefeng Enterprise!Shuncheng Road! Isn't it the area under my feet? The man on the other end of the phone continued to shout, boss, hello, boss... hello... Zhuang Yi came back to his senses, responded, and said, I got it. The man on the phone smiled and said, Boss, the guy surnamed Meng is really lucky. Although the girl lives in an unfinished building, she is really a beauty, tsk tsk... Zhuang Yi hangs up the phone in a distraught state. He obviously didn't expect that this important chess piece that he has been looking for in the past few months will almost be sent to see God by his furious self tonight.

He smiled wryly, if the call came later, probably something bad would happen.To deal with the guy surnamed Meng, it needs to be redeployed. He looked at Xu Nuan who was unconscious on the ground. For the first time, he realized that the girl in front of him was indeed as beautiful as the subordinates said on the phone.This discovery made him even more upset on this dry and quiet snowy night. He called Shunzi and the gang of brothers who were beating Zhao Xiaoxiong to stop, looked at Zhao Xiaoxiong who was lying on the ground, in shape, then pointed to the little girl in his arms, and said, take them back and find a doctor, I don't want anyone to die.

Shunzi was taken aback, puzzled, but he knew that he only had to follow the boss's order, instead of asking why. That night, Xu Nuan was sent to Zhuang Yi's home. Zhuang Yi stayed by her side all night, looking at the information about Xu Nuan collected by others on the desk.Those experiences of hers really made him sigh.He felt sorry for her, but what can he do?Who made her destined to be the pawn he needed?Even pawns that can be destroyed if need be. This is Zhuang Yi. Zhuang Yi, the leader of Shengshi Hefeng Group. He always knows what he wants and has an infinite desire to win.Even, for this victory, he could start planning many years ago, devoting enough time and energy, just to obtain the final victory.

He closed Xu Nuan's profile, handed it to Shunzi, and told him by the way, to keep an eye on Zhao Xiaoxiong...if possible...just...make him shut up forever. There was a hint of murderous intent in Zhuang Yi's eyes, and Shunzi instantly understood it. If Xu Nuan is his chess piece, then he definitely doesn't want this chess piece to be restrained by too many people and things, and he doesn't want the branches and vines stretched out by too many people and things to affect the perfection of this chess piece. And if he needed to restrain Xu Nuan, the three-year-old girl who was running a fever that caused pneumonia would be enough.

enough. However, Zhao Xiaoxiong was lucky enough. He eventually survived.Because that night, he was brutally beaten, probably because Zhuang Yi's kick was too hard, which caused his brain soft tissue injury, and he became confused and dazed. To be precise, people are stupid. To put it nicely, it is amnesia. On TV, apart from losing memory, people with amnesia still behaved normally, but Zhao Xiaoxiong was quite unlucky. Not only was his mind in a daze, he even walked in a daze.The whole person is equivalent to abolished. Shunzi asked Zhuang Yi, boss, what should I do? Zhuang Yi was basking in the sun by the swimming pool, drinking tea and reading a book at the same time. He thought for a while, closed the book, sighed, and said, how should I put it, God has the virtue of good life.

Shunzi was very moved at the time, feeling that her boss was really worthy of being a lay disciple of Master Shixuan, and he was really kind. What happened to Zhao Xiaoxiong made Xu Nuan hate Zhuang Yi to death. However, in order to survive, and also for Xu Die, it was destined that she could only hate, not resist. From then on, Xu Nuan could only silently accept whatever arrangement Zhuang Yi made for her, as silent as a lonely ice and snow.Sometimes, Zhuang Yi felt chills. In this way, Xu Nuan and Zhuang Yi hated and contradicted each other.In the competition between them, there is an invisible moat, if anyone loses balance and falls, he will be crushed to pieces.

For Xu Die's sake, and also to survive, Xu Nuan fulfilled the promise of "listening to Zhuang Yi's words". Zhuang Yi said, from now on, your name will be Xu Nuan. Then, her name is Xu Nuan.Although this name with the word "warm" made her feel no warmth. Zhuang Yi said, Xu Nuan, go study. Then, she goes to study.Although those unfamiliar symbols gave her a splitting headache, the harder she worked, the more stubborn she was to study them seriously. Zhuang Yi sneered and said, in fact, it is just for you to mix a diploma and coat it with a layer of shiny copper water. You really regard yourself as gold and swear to shine?Xu Nuan remained silent.

Zhuang Yi said, Xu Nuan, don't touch strangers.After class, you can go home quietly and stay for me. Therefore, Xu Nuan didn't come into contact with any strangers.When getting along with anyone, maintain the proper measure and distance.Including best friend Lin Xin.Sometimes, this makes Lin Xin very upset, she said, Xu Nuan, how can you be polite to me like this?Xu Nuan explained to her that it was not out of politeness, but just a habit. Once, Xu Nuan couldn't help asking Zhuang Yi, why did you keep me by your side?Why are you giving me these?What exactly are you trying to do?

Zhuang Yi smiled and said that the university is still not in vain, and he can use the word "exactly".However, I think you just need to listen to me and don't need to ask so many why. Xu Nuan said, but... Zhuang Yi stretched his waist and showed a smile, but his eyes were sharp. He said, don't you think that if a chess piece has too many thoughts of its own, the chess player will lose control of the chess game. I don't want my chess game to become mess! Xu Nuan bit her lower lip and said, what if I insist on being a chess piece with my own thoughts? Zhuang Yi smiled, and he said, very good, I respect your decision.Then he paused, turned around and approached Xu Nuan, the pressure he brought made Xu Nuan feel extremely nervous, she subconsciously took a few steps back, behind her was a solid wall.

Zhuang Yi pulled her into his arms and said word for word, don't challenge my patience!Xu Die has to go to kindergarten tomorrow.You don't want her to have the opportunity to see the sun tomorrow, and if you go to school to get that big red flower, you should insist on your own thoughts! Xu Nuan was silent from then on. She didn't dare, didn't dare to gamble with Xu Die's life, on that snowy night, she already knew that he was a demon! Zhuang Yi proved to Xu Nuan with practical actions that if the person who dominates you doesn't want you to live clearly, then you can only live in a muddle. Later, controlling Xu Nuan's thoughts and arranging Xu Nuan's life became Zhuang Yi's habit. Gradually, his arrangements for her also became trivial, so trivial that Shunzi next to him couldn't help but feel terrified. He was extremely worried that his boss, who was in charge of the wind and rain, would even ask Xu Nuan what underwear to wear and what kind of underwear Xu Nuan would wear in the future. What kind of underwear to wear must be arranged as a whole. But, obviously, Zhuang Yi didn't notice these subtle changes in himself. Zhuang Yi, who is not aware of it, will naturally not know that the greatest tragedy in the world is not falling in love with someone and not knowing it, but getting used to someone without knowing it. Another tragedy in this world is that no matter how clear the bystanders are, the authorities are also confused. Therefore, when Shunzi saw that his boss Zhuang Yi's behavior was a little different from before, he didn't dare to say a word—Boss, do you care too much about Xu Nuan? Once, when Zhuang Yi was shopping with his female companion, he saw a light green doll shirt in the window. The doll shirt had a hint of innocence and temptation, which reminded him of Xu Nuan.That day, he bought the clothes back and threw them to Xu Nuan. Xu Nuan never resisted. He asks her to listen to him. Well, of course she would listen to him. She was wearing that light green doll shirt, and behind it appeared the story of the heroine in the novel, which was badly written after changing clothes—the eyes glowed with water, fair skin, long hair like waterfalls, and the light green shirt A peach-like complexion on the face. She looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly felt a little dazed. In the romance novels that Lin Xin lent her, after the heroines changed their clothes, the male protagonists would stare at the little white rabbits with eyes like big bad wolves. Stare at the heroine, and then, praise, you are so beautiful. Xu Nuan's face blushed suddenly, she would inexplicably long for the man who brutally controlled her destiny to praise her. Standing in front of the mirror, Xu Nuan cautiously looked at Zhuang Yi in the mirror, who was frowning. He took a sip of ice water, sighed and said, "It's a pity that such a beautiful dress looks like a rag on you. If I had known I would have hung it on a bamboo pole, it probably would have looked better on you." After Zhuang Yi said these words, he turned and left. From then on, Xu Nuan understood that the scenes in the novel are difficult to happen in reality, especially when facing a cold-blooded man like Zhuang Yi, but this does not prevent her from continuing to read romance novels with Lin Xin .A woman whose life is too miserable always hopes to paralyze herself with stories.Xu Nuan occasionally fantasized that many years later, she would meet Meng Gu on the streets of a certain city. It has been seven years respectively. I don't know if Meng Gu will remember her when we meet again?And at that time, will I forget that Meng Gu betrayed the oath? Or, as early as nineteen years old, the night she sold her body, the relationship between her and Meng Gu was destined to be impossible.He is still the man in this world that she can't let go of the most, but he is also the person she least wants to see. In addition to bringing Xu Nuan fantasy, romance novels have another advantage, that is, they let Xu Nuan know a lot of Chinese characters, and whenever she sees a word she doesn't know, she will look it up in the dictionary. In this way, for four years, Zhuang Yi and Xu Nuan have been in such a subtle stalemate. Zhuang Yi maintains his public image as a refined businessman, and no one can smell blood on his golden resume. As for Xu Nuan, every time he saw Zhuang Yi, who was as handsome as jade, on TV or in newspapers, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and cursed fiercely in his heart, hypocrisy! Therefore, when Lin Xin discussed Zhuang Yi with her classmates full of longing, she was always silent. Sometimes, it is really torture to bury the truth in the stomach, not to mention, this torture lasted for four years. Now Xu Nuan is still a woman imprisoned by Zhuang Yi, she doesn't know what purpose he keeps her, and she doesn't know why he knows her details so thoroughly. Now, all she knows is that on the day of the "Hefeng" Scholarship Awards Ceremony, after those reporters brought the news of Liang Xiaoshuang's suicide and Li Le's car crash, they made this man named Zhuang Yi rush to her residence overnight and warned her like a demon. For days, she couldn't leave the apartment!Can't go to school! Now, he was sitting reclined on the sofa, the light reflected on his handsome face, and there was a hint of fatigue in his eyes. Zhuang Yi tugged on his collar and loosened the crimson tie. He said to Xu Nuan, go!Pour me a glass of water, iced. The tone of the order cannot be refused. Why is it always ice water? No wonder his heart is also cold. When Xu Nuan went to pour water, he suddenly wanted to get some rat poison to poison him.However, she was just thinking about it.
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