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Chapter 31 30. Air defense alarm

The siren sound from nowhere reverberated in the empty darkness, and the frequency became more and more rapid, and we exhausted our eyesight, but we couldn't see any changes in the darkness. There was an atmosphere of unease in the air, which made people just Want to run away.However, the surrounding environment made us have nowhere to go, and we had no choice but to stand on the top of the plane and wait for the crisis under the alarm with our hands tied. However, unexpectedly, after the alarm sounded for about five minutes, it suddenly stopped, but before we could react, there was a huge roar, like some mechanically distorted sound, and the sound of the sound in the dark downstream The sound of water also rang loudly.

I looked in the direction of the sound anxiously, not knowing what happened there, and even the wreckage of the plane under my feet trembled slightly.Looking down, the surrounding water became more surging, and the water level actually dropped. Could it be a dam!I suddenly realized.The alarm and sound just now are indeed the characteristics of the opening of the dam to release water. The Japanese actually built a dam in the underground river? I can't believe it, but since a bomber can "crash" in the underground river, it seems reasonable to build a dam.The deputy squad leader and I looked at each other, and we both looked at the receding water level, a little dazed.

The water level dropped rapidly, and after half an hour, it dropped below those sacks. Countless body bags and the fuselage of the plane emerged from the water. It was the corpses below that floated up, a large stretch, and it was hard to breathe just looking at it. Fortunately, we also saw a plank road paved with temporary iron mesh panels, appearing in the middle of the underwater sacks.The iron mesh panels are submerged in water, but walking on them will certainly not be too difficult. Although we don't know whether the drainage is man-made or controlled by the automatic machinery here, we know that this is an excellent opportunity to get out of the predicament. We immediately climbed off the plane, climbed along the sacks all the way down to the plank road, the plank road There are body bags and wooden boards under it, which are badly decayed but can still bear our weight.We ran forward quickly.

Soon the water level dropped below the plank road, so we didn’t have to wade in the water anymore. After running for more than 100 meters, the sound of the roaring water was even more shocking. We felt that we were already close to the dam.The plane was no longer visible at this time, and the huge rails appeared underwater, more than ten times wider than the rails of ordinary trains. Judging from the rails and the location of the plane, it should be used to slide the plane. At the same time, we also saw a lot of huge transformers on both sides of the railroad track. Those are the auxiliary equipment of the huge hydroelectric power generation equipment. Under the torrent here, some of them seem to be operating and making roaring sounds, but if you don’t listen carefully, you can tell not come out.

In addition, there are cranes, indicator lights and collapsed iron sentry towers. As the water surface drops rapidly, all kinds of severely corroded things are exposed to the water surface. I really didn't expect so many things to be submerged under the water, but the strange thing is, how could these things be set in the river? Further on, we finally saw the dam. It can't really be called a dam, because there is only a long section of concrete wall standing there, and many places have cracked and cracked.But, in an underground river, you can't build very tall buildings, and this dam was probably just a temporary thing built by the Japanese.

We saw the alarm generator below the dam - a row of huge iron horns, and we don't know which one issued the alarm just now.At the end of the plank road, there is a temporary wire ladder that can climb to the top of the dam. Looking up, it was only a few tens of meters at most. Looking at the wet waterline on the dam, I felt lingering fear. The deputy squad leader asked me, should I climb up? I really wanted to see what was behind the dam, so I nodded, and the two of them, one in front of the other, carefully stepped on the wire ladder that looked extremely unstable. Fortunately, the wire ladder was quite stable. We climbed up the dam one after another. As soon as we got up to the dam, a strong wind blew over, almost blowing me back directly, so I squatted down quickly.

I originally estimated that there must be a huge waterfall on the other side of the general dam, and this time it was true. I have already heard the sound of water pouring down, and the sound reached its peak here. However, it is not just a waterfall. After I stood firm, I saw the other side of the dam, which was an abyss. The sound of hitting the surface of the water makes it impossible to know how deep it is below. What scares me the most is that not only the bottom of the dam, but also the other part of the dam is completely dark, like a huge underground cavity. My flashlight has no lighting effect here.There is no way of knowing how big it is.

I felt a sense of emptiness and oppression, which I didn't have in the river just now. Coupled with the strong cold wind coming from the darkness, I couldn't get close to the outer edge of the dam.We squatted on the dam.The deputy squad leader asked me: "There seems to be nothing outside here? It's like the universe... what place is it?" I searched the vocabulary in my brain, but there is no geological name to name this place. This seems to be a huge geological gap. There seems to be only one possibility for such a large space, that is, a large number of karst cave systems have ended their life and collapsed suddenly, forming a giant cave system. Underground cavity.

This is a wonder in geology. I can actually see such a rare geological phenomenon in my lifetime. I suddenly feel like I am going to cry. Just when I was shocked by the huge space in front of me, there was a sudden "boom", several beams of light suddenly lit up from other parts of the dam, and some of them went out in an instant, leaving only two beams, one on the left and one on the left. The right one slanted out from the dam and shot into the darkness in front of us. We were taken aback, apparently someone had turned on the searchlights - there were people in the dam! The deputy squad leader became alert and said softly, "Could there be any Japanese here?"

I wondered how it was possible, and said pleasantly: "No, it might be Wang Sichuan!" As I said that, I wanted to yell and tell him that we are here. But before I could yell out, a wave of extreme fear suddenly enveloped me, I froze all over, my eyes saw the place where the searchlight was shining, and I couldn't move a step away. I have always believed that fear and fright are two different things. Fear comes from something that happens suddenly. Even if the thing itself is not scary, it will still make people feel frightened because of its sudden appearance or disappearance.But fear is not. Fear is an emotion after thinking, and there is a brewing process. For example, our fear of darkness is an emotion brought about by imaginative thinking. Darkness itself is not terrible.

If you ask me what I saw in that abyss to be able to use the word fear, I cannot answer because, in fact, I saw nothing. I could see nothing in the light of the searchlights, and this was the source of my inexplicable, extreme fear. In my own mind, how big is this huge empty space?I already have a quantitative concept, and I think its hugeness is compared with other underground cavities I have seen and heard, but when the searchlight lights shine out, I find that the word huge has already It is impossible to describe the size of this space. In the army and in my usual exploration life, I deeply know that the search distance of military searchlights can reach 1,500 meters to 2,000 meters-what is this concept?In other words, I can see objects up to a kilometer away.Not counting the low-light extension two kilometers away. But I saw here that the beam of light shot straight into the darkness in the distance, and finally turned into a thin line.There was no reflection, and nothing could be illuminated. The light disappeared completely in nothingness, as if swallowed by darkness. It felt like a searchlight shooting into the night sky, so I didn't realize it at first, but then I remembered it, and I was stunned. The deputy squad leader saw that my face was wrong, so he couldn't understand it at first, but after listening to my explanation, he also froze. At this time, my cold sweat also came down, and an idea came out of my heart uncontrollably.I immediately understood why the little devil had to work so hard to transport a bomber here. Could it be that they actually want to fly into this abyss?
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