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Chapter 28 Twenty-seven, leech

My brain buzzed, and I quickly shone the flashlight into the water. At first, I couldn't see anything. When we squatted down to take a closer look, everyone's brains were numb, and the water under our feet was full of ants. Locusts, but the color of leeches is so similar to the color of the bottom that you can't detect them unless you look down. These leeches were almost crowded around our feet, and they went straight to the gaps in our shoes one by one.The feeling of moving made me feel hairy all over. We all pulled up our feet and shook them vigorously. Wang Sichuan even threw one of them into my neck.

I yelled and said to shoot it off quickly, and then the deputy squad leader also lifted up the trousers. We looked at God, how could this be, it was full of bulging leeches sucking on it, and we lifted it up, and Wang Sichuan wondered: Why? So many of these things here? A little soldier said, it is the water temperature, the water temperature here is high, not so bitingly cold. Although leeches are disgusting, they are not fatal. We just look at them everywhere, and feel really uncomfortable, and once they get into the skin, it is very difficult to deal with. When we were in the south, we heard that leeches would burrow into male genitals, but we didn’t know it. , so I was quite frightened and touched the root of my thigh.Wang Sichuan asked me what I was doing, and when I told him this, he was also shocked and said, "Why don't you take it out and tie a knot first?"

I asked if you could be more civilized, and the deputy squad leader on the other side said to leave quickly, there are too many leeches here, and I can't stay any longer. We knew it was useless to deal with it now, so we had to speed up and run.Because of the pressure under our feet, we ran so fast that no one noticed what was going on underwater. In the end, we only ran a few tens of meters, and suddenly the deputy squad leader who was running first disappeared in a blink of an eye. Wang Sichuan and I hadn't reacted yet, and we followed our feet. I felt bad, but it was too late. It turned out that a slope suddenly appeared here, because the trend suddenly went down after getting up. We walked too fast, and all One foot in the air.

Immediately after that, the sky was dark and the sky was dark. Wang Sichuan and I rolled all the way down, and we did not know how many somersaults when we hugged each other. Our heads, joints, and buttocks hit more than a dozen places in a second, and I felt like vomiting. The flashlight was knocked off. Wang Sichuan had great strength and desperately tried to grab one side with his hands, but the cave wall was too slippery and he couldn't catch it for a long time.There was chaos in front of my eyes, and I finally stabilized my body when I rolled. Before I could think of how to stop, my body was empty again, and the bottom of my butt was suddenly empty, and I suddenly became a free fall.

I finished my thoughts in an instant, is there a cliff below here?Are you going to fall to your death this time? But before I could think of the tragic situation of my falling to death, there was a bang, my whole body went cold, and my whole body had already fallen into the water.My butt fell into the water, and my whole body went numb from the slap, and then I immediately felt the power of the water flow, and was rushed forward in an instant. Wang Sichuan still hugged me tightly and refused to let go. I kicked him away vigorously, kicked up my feet, and managed to surface. It was pitch black all around, and I only felt myself spinning in the water, but from my ears and the speed I felt, I should have fallen into another dark river with rough waves.And to my surprise, listening to the sound of roaring water all around, the scale and flow of this underground river are far greater than the one I came in. This is a real underground river!

sky!I struggled in panic, yelled, and was instantly swallowed up by the roaring sound of water. I was rolled up, and I rushed out without knowing how far, and rushed straight into the dark depths. Such an experience was absolutely unpleasant. To be honest, I have no intuitive memory, because I couldn't see anything at the time, I could only hear the sound of water, so the surrounding scenes were all from my imagination, not deep.The only feeling I remember now is the panic that I was about to be rushed into the depths of the earth.In the dark, I have been being washed down like this, not knowing when I will die, and not knowing where I will die in the end.

It wasn't until the first deputy squad leader who was rushed down on the other side turned on the flashlight that I escaped from this nightmare. In that extreme darkness, the light of this flashlight was like the hope of life. Swimming with all the strength in his body, he found that the deputy squad leader's head was covered with blood, but he seemed to be fine. Two people paddled the water, looking for the remaining people. Wang Sichuan didn't know where he was going, and the other three little soldiers were behind us. I don't know if they also fell down. The deputy squad leader took a flashlight to look around, and I found that, as I imagined in the dark, this underground river was so wide that I couldn't see the edge, only a choppy ocean.

"Where is this place!" The deputy squad leader asked me hoarsely, inexplicably horrified. I couldn't understand it at all, so I could only pull him hard, and the two of them struggled to maintain their balance, so they could barely float on the water. The speed of the torrent was astonishing, and we quickly poured down the dark river.I soon felt powerless, and the icy river and whirlpool quickly consumed my energy. Fortunately, the deputy squad leader's physical strength was amazing. In the end, he almost dragged the two of us by himself. I wanted him to leave me alone, but he didn't even have the strength to say this.

I don't know how long they have been drifting. When the two of them ran out of fuel and their lamps were dry, they suddenly bumped into something on their backs, and both of them were stopped in the rapids. I was so cold that I couldn't feel it. The impact should have been very severe. I felt a suffocation, but it didn't hurt at all. The two of them touched it with difficulty, only to realize that there was an iron net under the torrent, which was pressed under the water. We couldn't see it, and it seemed to intercept the sundries in the water. I felt a lot of branches stuck on the net. something like that.

Blessed by God, tears came down from my eyes, and I rushed over to the iron net, and the deputy squad leader hurriedly used a flashlight to take pictures of the underwater situation.The iron grid is incomplete, and it's a stroke of luck that we bumped into it. He and I looked at each other, and we didn't know what kind of expression it was, neither was it smiling, nor was it crying. I was still wondering why there was an iron net blocking this place. Could it be that the Japanese have been here too? Just thinking about it, both the deputy squad leader and I felt something was wrong, as if the light of the flashlight was reflected in front, thinking that the deputy squad leader raised the flashlight and shined it behind the iron grid.

After taking a photo, he and I opened our mouths wide open, and a scene that was extremely unexpected to me appeared in front of me. I saw a huge Japanese "Miyama" bomber submerged in the river behind the iron net. Most of the fuselage was underwater, leaving a huge black shadow. The nose and one wing protruded from the water. above.The most surprising thing is that this giant bomber has obviously crashed completely, and what is in front of me is a complete wreckage.
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