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Chapter 21 Twenty, rest

When I woke up, the surroundings were quiet, and the sound of roaring water could no longer be heard. I was wrapped in a blanket and felt warm.When I opened my eyes, it turned out that Wang Sichuan and the others were sleeping next to me. It was indeed more comfortable for several people to squeeze together than to sleep alone. I sat up cautiously, and in the dim light, I found myself lying on a cobblestone shoal with a moisture-proof blanket on the ground and a small bonfire beside it. Several black shadows sat there, obviously keeping vigil. A person saw me sitting up and ran over. I saw that it was one of the engineers brought by the old cat. He asked me how I felt?

I moved around and found that my hands and feet were quite inconvenient. I touched them and found that they were all bandaged. It seems that I was seriously injured during the chaos just now, but other than this, there is no other discomfort. He said it was ok. The engineer helped me to stand up, and I walked to the edge of the campfire and asked him where this was. The engineer told me that it was a cave wall protruding from the edge of the dark river. After I fell into a coma, they had been drifting for four hours, but he didn't know where it was.Everyone was exhausted to death, and finally saw a dry place, so they came up to rest.As he spoke, he handed me the cooked food.

I looked at it while eating, and found that there were folds on the ground similar to skirts. I took a flashlight and looked at the distance. It turned out that the angle of the cave wall here is very gentle. After thousands of years of erosion, a huge group of stone terraces has been formed, layer by layer. Yes, there's a lot more down there, all the way down to the water. The raft was stranded on the side, and everyone was staggering, snoring one after another, and the ground was not pebbles, but the ground was full of raised stone tumors, thanks to how we fell asleep. We are in the middle of the stone terraces. After a few layers of huge terraces, there is the cave wall. It is the driest place, and our backpacks are piled there. The width of the terraces is not large, but it is very long.

I took a flashlight and looked around, but I couldn't see the cave wall opposite the dark river. Obviously, the dark river is much wider here than when we first came in.Except for our voices, there is silence here, not even the sound of the water flowing in the dark river can be heard. It’s rare to have such a quiet environment. It’s a waste not to take a good rest. I gradually relaxed in my heart. After I was full, I found a place to urinate and lay down next to Wang Sichuan. Soon, I fell asleep again. . When he woke up this time, everyone else was awake. Three bonfires were burning vigorously, boiling tea and boiling water. Several people were wiping their wounds, and their clothes were almost dry.

The old cat was sitting there, talking to Pei Qing and Wang Sichuan. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to sit among them. When Wang Sichuan saw me, he patted me, saying that you are really good at fucking, and you fainted in time, and gave your close comrade-in-arms me a major meritorious service. Do you know who dragged you all the way yesterday?That's me, remember to go back and report to me for third-class merit. I nodded in embarrassment, and said in my heart that I didn't want to either. This is innate. What can I do? To be honest, my physique is really not suitable for this job. When I joined the army, I drank three bottles of water to barely reach the weight limit. Otherwise, my body and chest are like a piano keyboard. The recruiters thought I was Had a big stomach disease.But who told me to devote myself to this career with so much enthusiasm at that time, the so-called lack of physical strength, I think my spirit is still very strong.Fortunately, I have grown a lot stronger in the past few years.

It was very embarrassing to be tired and dizzy as a soldier in those years. I will not let Wang Sichuan continue to taunt me and ask what they are talking about? Pei Qing told me that the old cat had drawn a section map of the terrain, and they were studying the trend of the underground river behind to see how to go down. I was very puzzled when I heard this, and asked, "Why do you still have to go down? Aren't you a rescue team?" A few people stopped talking, and the old cat took a puff of the cigarette, the flame flickered, and sighed. I asked again, and Wang Sichuan said dryly: "The old cat said that we are not what they want to save."

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