Home Categories Internet fantasy The Lord of the Rings, Part Two: The Two Towers

Chapter 20 Section 5 Window to the West

When Sam awoke, he thought he had only slept a few hours, but he was surprised to find that not only was the time come, but Faramir had returned.He brought a lot of people back together. The survivors of the great battle just now seemed to be gathered on this slope, about two or three hundred.They formed a horseshoe, with Faramir sitting in the center and Frodo standing before him in what looked like a trial of prisoners. Sam crawled out from under the tree, and no one noticed him, so he sat down at the end of the line, just in time to see all that was going on.He listened and watched intently, ready to rush to his master if necessary.He could see Faramir's face, now unmasked; a grave, regal face, and wisdom in those ever-moving eyes.When he looked at Frodo, there was deep doubt in his gray eyes.

Sam soon heard that the General was dissatisfied with several parts of Frodo's explanation: he wanted to find out what role Frodo played in the expedition from Rivendell?Why did he leave Boromir?Where are you going now?He also kept questioning Isildur's nemesis repeatedly. Obviously, he thought that Frodo deliberately hid some important keys from him. "But, literally, it's the arrival of the halfling that will revive Isildur's nemesis," he insisted. "If you're the halfling in the poem, you will undoubtedly , whatever it was, brought it to that meeting, and Boromir saw it too. My inference

Is there something wrong? " Frodo made no answer. "Then!" said Faramir, "I would like to know more about it from you. For Boromir's concerns are as much mine as mine. At least in the ancient legends, the one who killed Isildur Goblin arrows. But goblin arrows are everywhere, and the sight of them alone doesn't make Boromir of Gondor think the end is near. Do you carry such things with you? You say it Still hidden, but not because you choose to hide it?" "No, it is not of my choice," answered Frodo, "that it is not mine. It is no mortal thing, strong or weak; and if any man could bear the burden, I would Said he was Aragorn, the captain of the expedition."

"Then why isn't Boromir, the prince of the city built by the son of Elendil, entitled to it?" "Because Aragorn is the direct descendant of Elendil's son Isildur, and the long sword he inherited is Elendil's holy sword!" There were murmurs among the crowd, and some even shouted, "Sword of Elendil! The Sword of Elendil has come to Minas Tirith! Things will change!" But Faramir remained unmoved. . "Perhaps," said he, "but this is a great matter, and even if this Aragorn should come to our country, we must have more certain evidence. When I left six days ago, he either None of your companions came to Minas Tirith."

"Borromir will take my word for it," said Frodo. "If the Boromir is here, he can answer all your questions. Since he came to Raros Falls many days ago, and is going straight to you city; if you return to your country, you may soon learn the answer from him. My mission in the expedition is a secret known to all members, because it was revealed by Elrond of Imlatri in the meeting The mission assigned to me. In order to carry out that mission, I must come to this land, but I was ordered not to reveal this mission to anyone other than the members of the expedition. I can only say that any good army that resists the forces of the devil, the best Don't hinder my work."

Whatever he might think, Frodo's tone was proud, and Sam felt sympathetic; but it was evident that Faramir did not take it seriously. "In that case!" he said, "you asked me to mind my own business and return home without disturbing you. When Boromir appears, he will tell me everything. You mean when he comes back! You are Boromir's friend?" In Frodo's mind, the expression of Boromir snatching the Lord of the Rings appeared vividly. He hesitated for a moment, and Faramir's eyes became sharper. "Borromir was a brave ally in our expedition," said Frodo at last. "Yes, I am his friend, as I see it."

Faramir grinned gravely. "So, would you be sad to learn that Boromir had passed away?" "Of course I shall be sorry!" Frodo replied lightly.Then, noticing the look in Faramir's eyes, he stammered back, "Passed?" He repeated, "You mean he's dead, are you sure? You were just trying to play word games with me and set me up." ? Or are you trying to trick me?" "Even if you were a half-orc, I will not deceive you," said Faramir. "So, how did he die? How did you know? Didn't you just say that none of the members of the expedition arrived in your city before you left?"

"Concerning his death, I am still seeking details from his friends and companions." "However, when we parted, he was still alive and well. As far as I know, although there are many dangers and challenges in this world, he has no reason to die!" "There are many dangers in this world indeed," said Faramir, "and treachery is one of them." Sam listened to this conversation and grew impatient and angry.The last sentence exceeded the limit of his endurance, so he rushed into the crowd without thinking about his own life, and stood beside his master. "Let me interrupt, Mr. Frodo," he said, "but enough time has been wasted, and he has no right to speak to you in this way. After all you have suffered for them and others, he And it shouldn't be done."

"Listen, my lord general!" He stood in front of Faramir with his head held high and his hands on his hips, with the expression on his face as if he was telling a young hobbit not to enter other people's orchards casually.Everyone whispered about this, but some people also had weird smiles on their faces: it was not common for them to see the general sitting on the ground, face to face with an angry hobbit. "Listen!" he said, "what on earth are you implying? Before Mordor sends all the orcs to hunt us down, let's open the skylight and tell the truth! If you think my master killed Boromir, then Run away from the scene, then your head must be broken! But, no matter what, at least speak out what you think! Then let us know what you plan to do. I think it's a pity that people who keep saying they want to fight the devil can't let Everyone else does their part. If the Demon Lord can see the current situation, he will be very happy, maybe he thought he had a new ally!"

"Be patient!" said Faramir without anger. "Don't speak before your master, for he is much wiser than you, and I don't need anyone to tell me about the danger. Time to come, I hope to be able to judge justly in difficult situations. If I had been as impatient as you, I might have killed you long ago; Agreed. But I don't want to kill humans or birds for no reason, even if I have to, I don't feel any pleasure; likewise, I don't waste time on empty talk. Don't worry, sit on your Next to Master, please be quiet!" Sam blushed and sat down.Faramir turned again to Frodo. "You just asked me how I know Denethor's son has passed away. There are many ways to pass the news of death. As the saying goes, Night Breeze often passes the news to the blood relatives——Borromir is my brother!"

A shadow flitted across his face. "Do you still remember Prince Boromir, do you have any special things with you?" Frodo thought for a moment, fearing some further snare, and not knowing how the debate would end, he could not conceive of how he had managed to save the Ring from the proud Boromir. Escaped so many brave soldiers.However, he vaguely understood in his heart that although Faramir and his brother looked similar in appearance, he was a less self-centered, more serious and wise person. "I remember Boromir carrying a horn with him," he said at last. "Your memory is good, which means you should have seen him," said Faramir. "Then maybe you can recall carefully: it is a horn polished by the horn of the bison of the Eastern Continent, decorated with sterling silver, and has ancient characters written on it. It is a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation by the eldest son of our family, It is said that as long as the horn is blown in the ancient kingdom of Gondor, its sound will reach people's ears." "Five days before I set off, that is, eleven days before today, I heard the sound of the horn. It sounded like it was coming from the north, but it was quite faint, as if it was the sound of the horn lingering from memory. My father and I both thought it was a bad omen because we hadn't heard from him since he left and the border guards hadn't seen him. On the third night after that I met another Strange omen." "That night I sat beside the great river Anduin, watching the flowing river under the gray moonlight, and heard the sound of willows fluttering in my ears. We kept watching the river bank like this, because Osgi Rias is now partly in the Lord's hands, and from there he will send troops to attack us. But, in the middle of the night, the whole world seemed to fall into a deep sleep, and then I saw, or in my In the dream, a small gray boat floating on the water appeared. The design of the small boat was very special, with a high bow, and there was no oars or helm in the boat.” "I immediately felt that something was out of the ordinary, for there seemed to be a pale light all around the ship. Immediately I went to the shore and began to step into the water, feeling a force pulling me; then, the ship remained what it was. It floated towards me at a fast speed, and it floated to my hand, but I didn't reach out to touch it. It was very deep, as if it contained some heavy object; in my eyes, it seemed to be filled with clear water, and those rays of light That's where it came from, and there's a warrior sleeping in the water." "He had a broken sword on his knee, and I saw many scars on his body—that was my dead brother, Boromir. I knew what he was wearing, his sword, and his handsome face. , only one thing was missing: his horn. Also, there was one thing I was not familiar with: a beautiful belt of gold leaves strung around his waist. Boromir! I cried out: you Where did you go? Oh, Boromir! But then he disappeared. The boat drifted down the river, and flowed into the river, shining. It looked like a dream, but it wasn't a dream, Because I didn't wake up. I'm pretty sure he's dead, and his body is now flowing into the sea via the great river." "Alas!" said Frodo, "this is indeed the Boromir I knew, for the golden belt was presented by Queen Galadriel in Lothlorien. Wearing the same elven gray she gave us, and this brooch is of the same workmanship." He touched the green and silver leaf-shaped brooch at his throat. Faramir looked at the pin carefully. "It's beautiful!" said he. "Yes, it is indeed the same workmanship. So you have passed through the Land of Lorien? In ancient times it was called Loren Lindorion, but no man has set foot on it for many years. I've entered," he murmured softly, looking at Frodo with fresh eyes. "There are many mysteries I'm only now beginning to understand. Will you tell me more? For if Boromir dies in It would be a pity to see the place where I came from.” "I have told you all I know," said Frodo, "but your story disturbs me very much. I think that what you see may be but a hallucination, some shadowy vision of the past or future. , unless it is the devil's trick. I have seen the face of a heroic warrior in the swamp of death, perhaps also under the influence of his evil magic." "No, it is not so," said Faramir, "for his tricks would fill the heart with disgust, but I was filled with regret and sorrow." "But how could this be?" asked Frodo. "No ship can go through the rocky mountains of Tolbranda, and Boromir's proposal is to go across the Treemu and then Rohan. Back home. But how is it possible that a ship, passing through the many waterfalls and rapids along the way, arrived safely where you were?" "I do not know," said Faramir, "but where did the ship come from?" "From Lórien," said Frodo, "we rowed all the way across Anduin to the Falls in these three ships, which were also made by Elves." "You have passed through the hidden land," said Faramir, "but it seems that you do not understand its power. If humans have dealt with the Enchanted Queen of the Golden Forest, what follows may be unexpected. Because according to the legend, it is extremely dangerous for mortals to step into a world where the sun does not shine, and not many people in ancient times could leave without being affected.” "Borromir! Oh, Boromir!" he yelled. "The undead queen, what did she say to you? What did she see? What did you think of? Why did you go to Loren Lindoryan instead of following your previous plan, riding Luo Khan's steed returns home?" Then he turned to Frodo again, and spoke again in a low voice. "Frodo, son of Drogo, I think you should be able to answer these questions, but perhaps not here and now. However, if you still think that what I see and hear is only an illusion, then I can tell you this The Horn of Boromir returned to his hometown in real, not a phantom. The Horn drifted to the shore, but it seemed to be cut in half by an ax or a long sword, and half was where the Watchers of Gondor were stationed. It was found in the north of the place where the Shumu River flows; the other half was found in the river by someone with a mission. It seems very coincidental, but according to the old proverb, the dead will not let themselves be wronged Of the sea. At this moment, the shard of the trumpet passed down from generation to generation by the eldest son is on King Denethor's knee, and he sits on the throne waiting for new news. Don't you know anything about the broken horn?" "Yes, I do not know at all," said Frodo, "but if you hear me right, the day the horn was sounded was the day when I and my servant left the expedition. The story you have just told It made me very scared. Because, if Boromir was in danger at the time and was even killed in battle, I was very worried about whether other partners would also encounter misfortune? They are all my friends who have been born and died together. Can you put your doubts aside Step aside, let me go? I'm very tired and full of sorrow and fear, but I still have a task to do before I meet the same fate. And if there are only two left in the expedition ha More than men, we cannot delay. Go back, Faramir, brave general of Gondor, and seize the opportunity to defend your city well, while I must face the end and go where I must go!" "I share your misgivings," said Faramir, "but it is evident that you are overdoing it. Who will arrange for Boromir's funeral unless the inhabitants of Lorien arrange it for him? Of course not. Goblins or servants of the Nameless, I guess some of your companions survived." "However, whatever fate befell them, Frodo, I no longer doubt you. If these hard times have given me the power to judge hearts, then perhaps I can also deduce the thoughts of halflings. .But—" He smiled for a long time: "Frodo, you have a strange temperament, maybe an elf smell, but you seem to have more responsibilities than I thought at first. I should bring you back to Minas Tirith and accept my king's judgment. However, if I make a wrong choice, it may affect the fate of my city-state. Therefore, I cannot make a hasty decision. However, We cannot continue to delay here." He jumped up and gave orders to those around him.The surrounding crowd immediately dispersed into many groups, scattered in different directions, and quickly disappeared into the shadow of rocks and trees.Soon, only Maberon and Damla remained in place. "It is your turn now, Frodo and Samwise, and you two will go with me and my two guards," said Faramir. "If you plan to go south, you cannot now go on that The road is gone. This road will be very dangerous for several days in the future. After we carry out this raid, the place will be under stricter monitoring. I think that since you are all quite tired today, I am afraid that you will not be able to How far we have gone, we are going to a secret hideout about ten miles away from here. Orcs and the spies of the devil have not found that place so far, even if they find it, we can be there Stand out for a long time. You can rest there with us for a while, and in the morning I will decide what to do with you and me." Frodo had no choice but to obey the request, or an order in disguise.At least for now, it seems that this is a reasonable approach, because what these Gondor warriors did just now has exposed Ithilien to a high degree of danger. They set off at once, Mablung and Damrah in front, and Faramir and Frodo and Sam behind.They rounded the pool where the hobbits had washed, crossed the stream, climbed a slope, and entered the forest, downhill and westward.They talked in hushed tones as they walked with the quickest hobbit stride. "I interrupted that conversation," said Faramir, "not only because Mr. Sam reminded me that time was short, but also because we were discussing topics that could no longer be discussed in public. For this reason, I stopped asking about my brother's condition and the details of Isildor's slayer. You are not quite telling the truth, Frodo." "I have not lied, and have told you all I could," answered Frodo. "I don't blame you," said Faramir. "It seems to me that you conveyed parts of the truth with considerable skill in difficult times, but I guessed a good deal from what you did not say. You The relationship with Boromir is not very good, or there was a conflict when you left, you, and Mr. Samweis are the same, I think it may be a little unpleasant. Although I love him very much and want to avenge him, But I know him well. The Isildur Buster, I presume it's in you, and the cause of your expedition's mutual suspicion. It's clearly some kind of powerful item, and such a thing among allies This will not promote the friendship between the two parties, especially if one party learns the truth from ancient legends. Is my guess close?" "Close indeed," said Frodo, "but not quite right. There was no suspicion in the expedition, but there was indecision: we were not sure which way to go after we had left Emynmore. Still, Even so, the ancient legends tell us not to judge this—object hastily.” "Ah, then it is exactly as I thought: the dispute you have encountered is limited to Boromir, and he hopes to take this thing to Minas Tirith. What a pity! Fate prevents you from telling me The long-awaited truth also prevented me from exploring the truth from the last person who saw him: what was he thinking in the last moment of his life. Whether he made mistakes before, but I know one thing: he The sacrifice was not in vain, at least his efforts before death allowed him to rest in peace, and the expression on his face was more peaceful than any other moment in his life.” "But, Frodo, pardon me for pressing you so hastily at first about Isildor's Slayer. It was not the right time for me to think. We had a hard fight, My mind is in turmoil. However, when I talk to you, I draw closer and closer to the truth, and finally I deliberately avoid the subject. Although our family is of Númenor blood, it is not Irael. A direct descendant of Randir, our blood goes straight from Madir, who was then prime minister, and acted as regent during the king's personal conquest. That king was Iano, the last of Anarion's blood , and he died childless. So from that day onwards, the Vizier started to inherit the throne of the city, and that was a story many generations ago. I still remember when Boromir was a child, when we studied the ancestors together The fact that his father wasn't really a king had always made him very unhappy when he was talking about the city's past and the history of the city. "If the king never returns, how many centuries will it take for the chancellor to become king?" he would say." In other less loyal countries, maybe only a few years," my father replied: "In Gondor, even ten thousand years will not change." Alas! Poor Boromir, does this make you understand About his behavior?" "True," said Frodo, "but he has always treated Aragorn with respect." "I have no doubt of that," said Faramir. "If he identifies with Aragorn's blood, as you say, he will indeed have great respect for him. But the critical moment has not yet come, and they will No chance to reach Minas Tirith, to be rivals in war." "But I am still very hesitant. In the Denethor family, since ancient times, a lot of attention has been devoted to ancient legends. In my family's treasure house, there are many ancient histories: books or slates, written on grass leaves, rocks, The records on the parchment, and even the various languages ​​written on the silver and gold leaves. Some are completely incomprehensible now, and as for other records, not many people have opened them. Because I have learned Many languages, so I can understand most of the accounts that brought the gray saint to our city. I saw him when I was a child, and he only came twice after that three times." "The Saint in Grey?" asked Frodo. "Has he a name?" "We call him Mithranda, after the custom of the Elves," said Faramir, "and he did not say much. I have many names among the peoples," he said: among the Elves it is Mithranda, Tarkon among the Dwarves; I used to call myself Oroin when I was in the Old West, Incanus in the South, and Gandalf in the North, but I never went to the East. " "Gandalf!" said Frodo, "I knew it was he. Gandalf the Grey, my dearest friend and leader of our expedition, died in Moria!" "Mithranda was sacrificed!" said Faramir. "Your expedition seems to have been cursed with doom. It is hard for me to believe that a man of such wisdom and power could have died like this, taking countless lives with him. Knowledge. He has performed many miracles in our country. Are you sure? Is it possible that he is only away temporarily?" "Unfortunately, I am sure," said Frodo, "I saw him fall into the abyss with my own eyes." "I can see that there is a rather grisly story behind it," said Faramir. "Perhaps you can tell me later. I now think that this Mithranda is not merely a scholar who writes history, but is A great figure who manipulated history behind the scenes. If he could interpret that prophecy for us at that time, maybe we can clearly understand the meaning of the prophecy without sending a messenger, but he may not do so, because Polo Mo was destined to go on a journey. Mithranda never told us what the future holds, nor stated his purpose. I don't know how he got Denethor's permission, only that he is free to consult our Records. When he was willing to teach me (this opportunity is extremely rare), I did not learn much from him. He has been searching for relevant records about the battle of Dagola at the founding of Gondor. We The devil who did not want to mention his name was overthrown in this battle. He is also very concerned about the story about Isildur, but we cannot provide much information in this regard, because even we Unsure of his whereabouts." Faramir lowered his voice and continued: "But at least I know, or guess so much, and have kept it a secret in my heart till now: before he left Gondor and the world, Isildur from Something was taken from the hand, and this, I suppose, was the answer to Mithranda's question; but, at the time, it seemed that this was only a detail of interest to the student of history. Even after the prophecy appeared in our dream, I It also didn't occur to me that it was the same thing as Isildur's nemesis. Because Isildur was shot in an ambush by orcs, which is the only legend we know, and Mithranda didn't tell us Further news. However, I really can't guess what it is, but it must be some kind of powerful item that will bring bad luck, perhaps some kind of evil weapon made by the Dark Lord. If that A weapon that can be used to gain an advantage, I have no doubt that the proud, fearless, and often unthinking Boromir who put the victory of Minas Tirith first (and his personal glory) , may want to get this thing, and even be tempted by it. I should not have let him go! In the opinion of my king and elders, it should be me to carry out this task; but he volunteered to go, Since he is the eldest son and has more combat experience, I can only let Xian." "Don't worry! Even if such a thing is lying on the side of the road, I will not want to reach out. Even if Minas Tirith is about to fall, and only I can save it, I am not willing to use the weapon of the demon king against the enemy. No , Frodo son of Drogo, I need no such victory." "So did Elrond's council," said Frodo; "so did I, and I would not have anything to do with it if I had a choice." "As far as I am," said Faramir, "I would rather see the White Tree bloom again, the Silver Crown return to my city, Minas Tirith at peace, Minas Anor restored, full of Bright and beautiful, as dignified as Queen of queens: not queen of slaves, nay, not even queen of good hearts among willing slaves. War is necessary when we fight against the evil that devours all means, but I do not love the sharpness of the blade, the point of the arrow, nor the glory of the warrior. I love the cities of Numenor that they fought to defend, and I would rather have men remember Its beauty, its antiquity, and its wisdom are not to be feared by its power; unless, this power comes from respect for the wise men of old." "Therefore, don't be afraid! I'm not going to ask you to tell me further information, and I'm not even going to ask you if my guess just now is close to the truth. However, if you are willing to believe me, maybe I can give you some advice, Even, to assist you in your mission." Frodo did not answer, but almost bowed to his own desire for help and advice, to tell this young man who had a great responsibility, and his words sounded calm and wise, as if he knew everything already.But something stopped him, and his heart was full of fear and sadness: if he and Sam were really the last survivors of the Nine, he would be the only one who kept the secret, and would rather be misunderstood than be reckless leaked secrets.When he looked at Faramir and listened to his words, Boromir's dramatic transformation process under the temptation of the Lord of the Rings also vividly appeared in his mind: although they are not exactly the same, they are similar in many ways . For a moment they walked in silence, like gray and green shadows passed under the old trees, and the footsteps were imperceptible; superior.Sam did not intervene in this conversation at all, he just listened quietly, and at the same time, he also used the good hearing of the hobbit to analyze all the sounds around him.He noticed one thing. During the whole conversation, the name Gollum did not come up once.He was very happy, but he didn't dare to hope that this name would disappear forever.He soon noticed that although there were only three of them walking together, there were many other humans nearby: not just Damra and Mabelon moving through the shadows, but others wandering nearby, all in the form of Different routes to the same location.Once, as if impelled by some discomfort of being spied on, he turned his head suddenly and saw a small black figure disappearing among the trees; "I'm not 100 percent sure yet," he said to himself. "If neither of these people are going to think about him anymore, why am I reminding them? I wish I could forget him!" So they went on, and the woods slowly became thinner and the terrain gradually sloped down.Then they turned quickly to the right again, and came to a small river in a narrow valley: it was the same river that flowed from the distant pond, now a foaming torrent over many rocks.Looking to the west, they could see the Anduin, the great river, shrouded in dim twilight, and surrounded by meadows. "At last, however, I am sorry to offend both of you," said Faramir, "and I hope you will forgive one who has not ordered you to be killed or bound up to now, and from now on needs to be covered. Keep your eyes on the two of you. This is a strict order from our superiors, and no outsider, not even the hussars of Rohan who fought alongside us, can see the road we are about to embark on." "As usual, please," said Frodo, "the Elves demanded the same even when we crossed the borders of Lothlorien. Gimli the Dwarf would not accept it, but we hobbits do." Rather uncontroversial." "I will take you nowhere like the dwellings of the elves," said Faramir, "but I am glad that you will take this advice gracefully without my use of force." He whispered softly, and Mabelon and Damla immediately walked out of the forest and came back to him. "Blindfold these guests, please," said Faramir. "Tighten it, but don't make them uncomfortable. Don't tie their hands. They'll promise they won't try to peek. I'd rather believe they would." Take the initiative to close your eyes, but when people are about to fall, they will naturally open their eyes. I can't take this risk. Please lead them so that they don't fall." Two guards shaded the hobbit's eyes with green scarves, and pulled their hoods almost over their mouths.They quickly took each other's hand and continued walking forward.All that Frodo and Sam knew of this last stretch of the road was guesswork in the dark.After a while, they found themselves on a steep downward slope, the road narrowed continuously, and they soon had to move forward in single file.The guard walked behind the two of them, put his hands on their shoulders, and guided them along the walls on both sides.Sometimes they come to rough terrain and are temporarily picked up and then put back on the ground.The sound of the water flow was always on the right, and it became more and more clear and louder. At last, the group of people stopped.Mabelon and Damla turned them around several times, completely disorienting them, and then they climbed for a while, the temperature became colder, and the sound of the water became weaker.然后他们又被抱著走下许多阶楼梯,绕过一个转角,突然间,他们又听见清楚的水流冲激河床的声音,这水声似乎将他们团团包围,细小的水滴落在他们全身。到了最后,他们终于又被放回地面,他们呆立了片刻,心中忐忑不安,完全不知道自己身在何方,也没有人对他们说话。 然后,法拉墨的声音从后方传来。「解下他们的眼罩!」他说。两名守卫很快的拿掉他们的领巾和兜帽,他们眨著眼睛,深吸了一口气。 他们站在打磨过的石板上,地上湿湿的,身后彷佛是从岩石中凿出来的大门和石阶。他们眼前则有一道水幕不停的流动著,近到让佛罗多可以轻易地伸出手来触摸这流水。这瀑布面对著西方,落日光芒成束地溅洒在瀑布上,红光被折射成许多道多彩的光芒。彷佛他们面对的是一座精灵的高塔,窗廉上是挂著多彩珠宝和金银的华美景象,这里似乎有著红宝石、蓝宝石和紫晶石,一切都被熊熊的阳炎所吞食。 「至少我们来的时机刚巧,希望能够弥补你们的耐心,」法拉墨说:「这是落日之窗,汉那斯安南,万泉之地伊西立安中最美丽的瀑布,只有极少数的外人曾经看过这里,可惜的是之后并没有华丽的厅堂可以与之相匹配。请进吧!」当他说话的时候,太阳已经落下,流水中的火焰也跟著慢慢地消逝。他们转过身,进入低矮的拱门,立刻发现自己进入了一个石制的大厅,又宽又广,连屋顶都高低不平。潮湿的墙壁上插著几支点燃的火把,让室内充满著微弱的光芒,其他人则是三三两两的从另一边的窄门走进来。当哈比人的眼睛习惯这黑暗之后,他们发现洞穴比之前想像大得多了,里面装满了各式各样的补给和武器。 「好啦,这就是我们的避难所,」法拉墨说:「并不是个很舒服的地方,但至少可以让你安全地度过一夜,至少这里不会那么潮湿,你也有食物可以吃,只是不能生火。古代的时候流水流进这个大厅,从那扇拱门流出去;但是,古代的巧匠在上面的峡谷中把河道做了改变,让流水从更高的地方化成瀑布流了下来。为了避免流水再度进入这个洞穴,当时的工匠把所有的入口都封闭了,只剩下少数的几个。现在要离开只有两个出口:一个就是你蒙著眼进来的地方,另一个则是穿过那水幕,落进一个满是尖锐岩石的池塘中。你们先休息吧,我们来负责晚饭!」 哈比人被带到一个角落,还有两张低矮的床铺可以让他们歇脚。在此同时,人们忙碌地在洞穴中奔波,井然有序的在处理千头万绪的事务。他们从墙壁上取下克难的桌板,把它架在架子上,上面放满了餐具,大部分的餐具都十分朴实,不过每个的作工都十分细致。圆盘子、碗、碟都是用打磨光滑的木头或是褐色的黏土所制作的,偶而可以看到桌上摆著黄铜的杯子或是小盆,一个朴素的银杯则是放在最中间的将军座位上。 法拉墨和每一个走进来的士兵交谈,柔声地询问他们。有些人是刚执行完追杀南方人的任务,其他人则是负责担任后卫,肃清道路上的障碍。所有的南方人都已经被消灭了,唯一的例外只有姆马克,没有人知道它的下落如何。直到目前为止,他们都还没有发现敌人有任何动作,在路上连半兽人的间谍都没有。 「安朋,你什么都没发现吗?」法拉墨询问最后走进来的人。 「没有,大人,」那男子说:「至少没有半兽人。但是,我发现,或是我以为自己看见了某种奇怪的东西。当时天色已经快要黑了,人的视力往往会把东西夸大,或许那只不过是只松鼠。」山姆一听见这描述,立刻竖起耳朵。「但如果是这样,那就是只黑色的松鼠,而且它还没有尾巴。它看起来像是地上的一道阴影一般,当我一注意到它的时候,它就像只松鼠一样飞快地爬上树。您不准我们随意射杀鸟兽,因此我也没有浪费箭矢,反正当时天色也已经太暗了,我实在无法瞄准,那身影也在一瞬间消失在树叶的遮掩中。不过我还是在那边停留了一阵子,因为那景况看起来很可疑,后来我才匆忙地赶回来。我认为我转过头的时候,听见有什么东西对著我发出嘶嘶声,或许是只大松鼠,或许在无名者的阴影之下,有什么幽暗密林来的野兽跑进了我们的森林,根据传说,那边有怪异的黑色松鼠。」 「或许吧,」法拉墨说:「但如果真是这样,这也是个坏兆头,我们可不想要幽暗密林的动物逃到伊西立安的森林来,」山姆认为他在说这个话的时候,飞快地瞄了哈比人一眼,但山姆还是不动声色。他和佛罗多就这么在火把的光芒下躺著,人们压低著声音四处移动,佛罗多就这么睡著了。 山姆挣扎著,和自己内心的想法不停争辩。「他或许没问题,」他想:「或许没这么简单,华美的言辞可能包藏祸心,」他打了个哈欠。「我可以睡上一整个星期,最好把握现在这个时间息,就算我死撑著不睡觉,四周都是这么高大的人类,山姆·詹吉啊!你又能够干些什么?我想一点用也没用,不过,你还是得要熬下去才行。」他最后竟然还是做到了。洞口的光芒渐渐黯淡下来,水幕也不再折射外光进入,慢慢消失在阴影之中。水声的节奏单调而持续著,不管是早晨、傍晚或是深夜,它呢喃著让人昏昏欲睡的节奏,山姆不 停地揉著眼睛。 又有更多的火把被点亮了,他们开了一桶葡萄酒,储藏食物的桶子也被打开,人们从瀑布里面取了很多水,有些人开始在水盆中洗手。部下们把一个铜盆和白色的毛巾,送到法拉墨面前让他盥洗。 「叫醒我们的客人,」他说:「也给他们一些水,是该用餐的时候了。」 佛罗多坐了起来,伸了个懒腰。山姆并不习惯受人服侍,惊讶地发现一名高大的男子向他行礼,手中捧著一盆水。 「先生,麻烦你把水放在地上就好!」他说:「对你我来说都比较方便。」 然后,在那人惊讶的目光下他把头泡进水中,对脖子和耳朵泼水。「你的故乡习惯在吃晚饭前洗头吗?」伺候哈比人的男子问道。 「不,多半都在早餐前,」山姆说:「但是如果你缺乏睡眠,泼冷水在脖子上的效果和春天的及时雨浇在莴苣上一样。好啦!我清醒多了,准备吃晚餐了。」 他们被带到法拉墨旁边的位子,为了方便他们吃饭,两人的座位是板凳上面放了小桶子,然后再垫上许多张毛皮的杰作。在用餐之前,法拉墨和所有的部下都转向西方,沉默了片刻。法拉墨示意山姆和佛罗多也跟著照做。 「这是我们的习惯,我们会面对努曼诺尔,更是向精灵之乡致敬,也是向那精灵之乡以外的世外桃源致意。你们在用餐前有这样的礼仪吗?」 「没有,」佛罗多突然间觉得自己像个乡巴佬一样。「但是,如果我们受邀用餐,我们会向主人行礼,在吃完之后也会再度行礼,感谢他们的招待。」 「我们也会这样做。」法拉墨说。 在经过这么长的野外旅行和扎营,以及在荒野中独处了那么久的时间之后,这顿饭对哈比人来说像是难得的大餐。他们可以饮用冰凉、香气四溢的醇黄美酒,可以吃著面包和奶油,享受腌肉和乾果,以及上好的红色乳酪,而且可以使用乾净的刀叉和碟子,或是以双手享用这一切。佛罗多和山姆对所有的食物都照单全收,第一份、第二份,甚至是第三份都是如此。美酒流入他们的血管和疲倦的四肢,自从离开罗瑞安之后,他们很久没有这么轻松的感觉了。 在用餐完毕之后,法拉墨带领两人来到洞穴后一个比较隐密的空间里面,藉著一道廉幕和外面隔开。此地安放了一张椅子和两张凳子,壁龛中放著一盏黏土烧制的油灯。 「你们可能很快又会昏昏欲睡了,」他说:「特别是这位山姆魏斯先生,他在吃饭前连眼都没闭,我不知道他是为了不好意思,还是为了担心我的一举一动。不过,刚吃过饭就睡觉,中间还隔很长一段时间无法用餐对身体实在不好。 我们先聊聊天吧!你们从瑞文戴尔一路到这边来,中间一定有很多的故事可以和我分享,或许你们也愿意倾听有关这块土地的故事。告诉我有关波罗莫、苍老的米斯兰达,罗斯洛立安美丽的居民的故事。 " 佛罗多不再觉得昏昏欲睡,反而很想要和大家聊聊天。不过,虽然食物和美酒让他放松下来,但并没有让他丧失警觉性。山姆自顾自地哼著歌,在佛罗多开口之后,起初他只是甘愿于倾听,偶尔会发出同意的声音。 佛罗多描述了整段旅程中的许多经历,不过,他总是会在关键时刻,把故事带离远征队的任务和魔戒,同时,还刻意强调波罗莫在这趟冒险中的英勇事迹,包括在对抗荒野的恶狼时、在高山上和暴风雪搏斗时,在甘道夫丧生的摩瑞亚矿坑中。法拉墨对于桥上的一战极为动容。 「逃离半兽人,对波罗莫来说一定很难忍受,」他说:「即使是躲避你所说的那个妖兽炎魔也是一样。不过,他还是最后一个离开的!」 「他的确是最后一个离开的,」佛罗多说:「亚拉冈也被迫扛下了领导我们的责任。在甘道夫牺牲之后,只有他知道我们该怎么走。如果不是为了要照顾我们这些弱小的队员,我想他和波罗莫都不会愿意离开的。」 「或许吧,但如果波罗莫和米斯兰达一起葬身在该处会好一点,」法拉墨说:「而不要继续去面对拉洛斯瀑布的命运。」 「也许,不过,现在换你告诉我你们的遭遇了,」佛罗多说,再度刻意将话题转开。「这样我才能够更了解米那斯伊西尔和奥斯吉力亚斯,以及永不陷落的米那斯提力斯。在这场漫长的战争中,你的城市有什么战胜的希望?」 「我们有什么希望?」法拉墨回答:「从很久以前我们就不抱持希望了,如果伊兰迪尔的圣剑重临,或许可以协助我们重拾希望;但是,除非精灵或是人类的援军到来,否则那也只不过是昙花一现而已。因为敌长我消,我们是个人口不断减少的民族,是个已经步入秋天的国度。」 「努曼诺尔的人类,绝大多数散居在大陆海岸边的区域,但是其中大部分都已经受到邪恶的诱惑而堕落了。许多人沈陷入黑暗和邪恶的诱惑中,有些人则是无所事事,丧失斗志;有些则是彼此征战,互相削弱力量,直到他们被野人所征服为止。」 「我们在刚铎从不碰触这些邪恶的知识,也不会让无名者在我邦中受到尊崇。西方所迁来的古老智慧和美丽,只存在于伊兰迪尔子嗣的国度中,现在依旧没有消散。但是,即使刚铎也面临不同程度的腐败,我们一点一点的退化、偏安于一角,认为魔王陷入了沈睡;但事实上,他只是被赶走,并没有被彻底的消灭。」 「死亡之气四处蔓延,因为努曼诺尔人的家乡虽然毁灭了,但是他们依旧渴求著万世不变的永生不死。国王建造著比生者住宅还要豪华的陵墓,对于古代的先祖名讳,记忆得比自己子孙之名还要清楚。毫无子嗣的国王枯坐在衰败的王宫中,思索著继承人的问题,在密室中衰老的人们试验著强效的不死药,或是在高而寒冷的塔中观测星象,而安诺瑞安一系的国王,没有留下任何的血脉。但是,宰 相们相形之下却显得更为睿智、更为幸运。睿智,是因为他们从海岸边徵召我族中活跃的血族,也从山脉中找寻饱经历练的同胞。他们和北方骄傲的民族签下了和约,他们虽然经常攻击我们,却是自傲、勇敢的民族,也和我们之间有著远亲的关系,和野蛮的东方人或是残酷的哈拉德人完全不同。 " 「因此,到了第十二代宰相西立安的年代时(我父则是第二十六代),他们骑马前来援助我们在赛勒布兰特上的血战,消灭了侵占我们北方省分的敌人。他们就是洛汗人,牧马王,我们将该处的疆土分封给他们,并且将那边改名为洛汗国,因为那里本来就是我帝国中地广人稀的一个省分。他们就成了我们的忠实盟友,对我们一直十分的支持,只要我们有需要,他们就会前来支援;同时,他们也协助我们守卫北方边境和洛汗隘口这个要冲。」 「他们从我们的历史和文化中尽可能地学习,在必要的时候,他们的王族也会使用我们的语言。不过,在大多数的状况下他们还是坚持祖先的文化和记忆,使用自己的北方语言。我们和他们一直十分友好,他们是高壮的男子和美丽的女子,都同样的骁勇善战,金色头发、明亮的双眸,勇气十足的民族。他们让我们想起了远古时候,人类活力十足的初民。根据我们的历史记载,这些骠骑们的确和我们拥有相关连的血缘,他们的祖先也和努曼诺尔人一样是来自于人类最早的三个家族,不是金发哈多,或许是精灵之友。他的子嗣拒绝听从主神的召唤,留在这块大陆上,没有渡海前往西方。」 「因此在我们的历史记载中,就将人类分成了上民,西方之人,也就是努曼诺尔人;以及中民,曙光之民,也就是洛汗人和他们依旧居住在北方大地的同胞;最后就是野民,黑暗之人。」 「但是,就如同洛汗人变得更文明、更温和的同时,我们也变得更像他们,再也无法声称自己是什么上民了。我们也成为了所谓的中民,曙光之民,但却还拥有别的记忆。因此,我们虽然和骠骑们一样热爱战争和荣誉,以及任何本身良善的事物,它们算是种磨练,也是种手段;我们却也依旧认为战士不应该只知道杀戮和使用武器,但也照样最推崇战士,因为这是我们在这黑暗时代中的需求。我的哥哥波罗莫,是骁勇的战士,也是刚铎的第一勇士;米那斯提力斯已经有许久没有这么勇敢、身先士卒的战士了,也没有人能够像他那样吹响皇家的号角。」法拉墨叹了口气,陷入沉默中。 「大人,你的故事中似乎都没有提到有关精灵的事,」山姆鼓起勇气问道。他注意到法拉墨似乎用著非常尊敬的语气来描述精灵;即使法拉墨彬彬有礼、提供了美酒佳肴,但真正赢得山姆信任和尊敬的,还是他的这种态度。 「山姆魏斯先生,我的确没有,」法拉墨说,「因为我并没有特别研究精灵的历史,但是你也触及到了我们逐渐从努曼诺尔人退化为中土居民的一个关键。如果米斯兰达确实和你们同行,而你们也和爱隆交谈过,那么你们应该知道:努曼诺尔人的祖先伊甸们,在第一场大战中和精灵们并肩作战,也因此赢得了海中王国的奖赏,可以从那边眺望到精灵之乡。但是,在这黑暗的年代中,中土世界上的人类和精灵在魔王的诡计下彼此猜忌,随著时间的流逝,慢慢地走上不同的道路。人类现在会怀疑和畏惧精灵,却又对他们一无所知,我们这些刚铎的居民也变得和其他人类一样,像是洛汗人一样,即使他们也同样是黑暗魔君的敌人,依旧会害怕精灵,对黄金森林充满了恐惧。在我们之中依旧有人千方百计的想和精灵往来,甚至有些人会秘密前往罗瑞安,却极少有人会回来。我不是这样的人,因为我认为凡人不应该主动去寻找这些长生不死的种族。但是,你们和白女皇交谈的经验依旧让我十分羡慕。」 「罗瑞安的女皇!凯兰崔尔!」山姆大喊著:「你应该见见她才对,真的,大人!我只是个哈比人,在家乡的工作是个园丁,但我不擅长吟诗作对,或许偶尔会来上一两首打油诗,但是真正优美的诗歌就不行了,所以我没办法对你彻底描述一切,这得要变成诗歌才能够表现其万一。你得要去找神行客,啊,就是亚拉冈啦,或者是老比尔博先生,才能够听到这些歌曲,但我真希望我能够为她做一首歌。大人,她真的很美!漂亮极了!有些时候像是花海中的高大神木,有些时候又像是纤细美丽的白色雏菊,如同钻石般的坚硬、如同月光般的柔软,好似阳光一样温暖,冰冷如同霜雪一般,傲气如同远方覆雪的山巅,快乐如同戴著花冠在春天跳舞的女子……不过,这都只是我自己的胡言乱语,都无法描述她真正的美貌。」 「那么她一定真的非常美了,」法拉墨说:「美到让人觉得危险。」 「我对于你所谓的危险不太了解,」山姆说:「但是我刚刚才想到,人们多半会把自己背负的危险带入罗瑞安森林,也因此才会在那边遇到危险。或许你的确可以称她为危险,因为她拥有极度让人慑服的力量;你如果对她贸然采取任何的行动,可能都会像是船只撞上岩石一样破碎,或是像哈比人在河中溺水一样,但是,你不能因此责怪河流或是岩石。说到波罗莫──」他停了下来,胀红著脸不敢再继续。 「怎么样?你刚刚要说波罗莫如何?」法拉墨追问道:「你准备要说什么?他把自己的危险带进罗瑞安?」 「是的,大人,请您见谅,我认为您的哥哥的确是个好人,但你应该也对他有些了解。从瑞文戴尔出发以后,我就一路观察他,仔细注意他的一言一行;请您原谅我的小心眼,不过我这都是为了主人的安全,对波罗莫没有任何不敬的意思。我个人认为,他在罗瑞安第一次清楚地了解自己,意识到我早就猜到的那个想法:他真正想要的东西。从那一刻,他才知道自己想要的是魔王的戒指!」 「山姆!」佛罗多大吃一惊地喊道。他刚刚正陷入沉思,才醒神却发现自己已经太迟了。 「天哪!我干了什么好事!」山姆脸色煞白,接著又涨成猪肝色。「我又来了!老爸常常对我说:你如果想要张开大嘴,最好把脚塞进去!他这次又对了。喔,天哪,天哪!」 「听著,大人!」他转过身,鼓起所有的勇气面对法拉墨。「请您千万不要因为仆人的愚蠢而占我主人的便宜。你之前的话一直都冠冕堂皇,一直谈著有关精灵什么的,让我丧失了戒心。但是,我们常说冠冕堂皇者必有其可取之处,此刻正好是证明你真正人格的机会!」 「看起来的确是,」法拉墨非常轻柔、非常慢地说,脸上露出奇异的笑容:「原来这就是一切谜团的解答!被人认为早已被摧毁的魔戒。波罗莫试著抢夺这枚戒指?你们逃了出来?然后一路奔逃,竟然来到我的面前!在这块荒野中,你们这两名哈比人落在我手里,而我还有一群部队听我的号令,戒中之戒就在我的面前。这真是太幸运了!这是刚铎大将法拉墨展现高洁德行的机会!哈!」 他站了起来,高大而严肃,双眼中闪动著光芒。 「对波罗莫来说真是太严酷了!这是太严苛的考验了!」他说:「我的心情变得更沉重了,你们两位远方的旅人,竟然背负著人类的重担!可惜的是,你们对于人类的判断力并没有我对于半身人一样的准确。刚铎都是言出必行的人。我们极少开口,但只要誓言一出,我们就会谨守诺言,死而后已。我之前说过,就算在路边发现它,我也不愿拿走它,即使我渴望这拥有无比力量的物品,就算我当时并不知道它是什么,但我也会把这句话当作誓言,谨守我的承诺。」 「我并不是利欲薰心的人,或者这么说,我知道有些危险是人类必须躲避的。安心坐下!山姆魏斯,不要担心,如果你刚刚是不小心说漏了嘴,就把它当作命运的安排吧。你的那颗心不只忠诚,更刁钻精明,看得比你的那双眼睛要清楚。或许你现在会觉得很奇怪,但这件事情让我知道却是毫无影响的,甚至对于你最敬爱的主人是有帮助的,如果在我的能力范围之内,我甚至可以给予他协助。不要担心,但是,也请你不要再提到这东西了,一次就够了!」 哈比人回到座位上,非常安静地坐著。人们重新又转回头去吃吃喝喝,以为刚刚将军和小客人们聊得太起劲了,现在已经恢复了平静。 「好吧,佛罗多,我们终于对彼此都开诚布公了,」法拉墨说:「如果你是由于其他人的要求,才不情愿地收下这东西,那么我对你致上敬意及同情;而且,我也对于你竟然能够拥有这种自制力,可以将它收起来而不去用它,也感到十分敬佩。对我来说,你代表了一个全新的种族,更带来了一个全新的世界。你的同胞们都像你一样吗?那么你的国度一定是个和平安祥的地方,园丁在那边一定极受尊敬。」 「我们那里并不是天堂,」佛罗多说;「但的确很尊敬园丁。」 「不过,即使在花园里面,人们也一定会觉得疲倦的,就像是这世界上的所有生物一样。你又离家很远,疲惫不堪,今晚就聊到这里为止,睡吧,两位,把握时间好好休息,不要担心!我不想要看它、碰触它,甚至是更了解它(我目前所知道的就已经够了),否则那危险将会尾随著我,可能让我在考验中败给佛罗多先生。两位可以尽管休息──不过,如果你们愿意的话,在那之前,请先告诉我你们想去哪里,要做些什么。因为我必须观察、等待和周详的思考。时间过得很快,明天一早,我们就必须赶快前往指定的会合地点。」 虽然起初的震惊已经过去了,但佛罗多还是觉得自己在微微地发抖,他突然间觉得自己的双肩彷佛有千斤般沉重,他已经没有办法再强打起精神了。「我得要找条路进入魔多,」他用微弱的声音说:「我准备要前往葛哥洛斯盆地,我必须要找到火之山,并且将这东西丢进末日裂隙中。甘道夫是这样告诉我的,我不认为我有能力到达那里。」 法拉墨极为惊讶地打量著他。然后,突然间,法拉墨抱住摇摇晃晃的佛罗多,温柔地将他抱起,并且将他放在小床上,替他盖好被子,他立刻就陷入了深深的沈睡中。 旁边的另外一张床是给他的仆人睡的。山姆迟疑了片刻,然后深深一鞠躬: 「晚安,将军大人,」他说:「大人,你接受了考验。」 「是吗?」法拉墨说。 「是的,大人,你也证实了你的人格是最高洁的。」 法拉墨笑了:「山姆魏斯先生,你真是个唐突的仆人,不过,我还是认为有德者的称赞是最值得珍惜的。不过,您的赞美其实对我没有多大的意义,因为我本来就没有受到任何的引诱或是有冲动做出别的决定。」 「啊,好吧,大人,」山姆说:「你说过我的主人有种精灵的气质,你的看法很正确。请容我补上一句,你也有种特殊的气质,大人。这让我想起,想起──好吧,巫师甘道夫。」 「或许吧,」法拉墨说:「你看到的气质,可能是来自遥远的努曼诺尔。晚安!」
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