Home Categories Thriller Desperate record

Chapter 35 12. Inexplicable world

Desperate record 张海帆 7284Words 2018-03-23
I walked down, and as soon as I entered the cave, there was a gust of cold air, and the temperature dropped suddenly.It was pitch black inside the cave, and the light from outside only reached a few paces away.I turned on the flashlight. The light of this flashlight is very strong, and the road ahead is clearly illuminated.This hole extends downwards, but there is also no end in sight. This hole seems to be a natural stone cave, but the wall is very smooth, and there are circles of ripple-like marks on it. I stretched out my hand and touched it, and it was smooth and dry.I took a few steps down the steps, feeling even colder.I don't know if I was timid or what, but there were thin beads of sweat on the palm of my hand holding the gun, and I couldn't help but look back.

Commander Xu was standing at the entrance of the cave, staring at me without blinking. When he saw me turn around, the corners of his mouth turned up, as if he was smiling.I turned my head back immediately, mother, do you think I'm a coward?I really can't believe that anything can bite me. Even though I am giving myself courage in this way, it is definitely a lie to say that I am not afraid. It is just that someone can restrain their fear, and I should be able to restrain it. The stairs are also very dry, and there is a slight rustling sound when walking on them. Although the steps of the stairs are not very large, it is not difficult to walk, and the slope is not very shaking.

I gradually went deeper and deeper, and when I looked back, there was no light anymore, and I was completely immersed in the darkness. This passage was terribly quiet. To the sound of my own footsteps rubbing against the ground and my own panting.I wanted to stop several times and turn around and run up.However, I still gritted my teeth and persisted. The strange thing is that the chill in the air is not very strong, but gradually warmed up, which made me feel a little better.Moreover, the dry walls also give people a sense of solidity, so that they will not feel very awkward. However, the sense of disorientation I had when I first arrived at the cave entrance was getting stronger and stronger.This feeling is very strange, the more I go down, I am a little confused, whether my body is inclined or vertical.The further you go down, the feeling reaches a level where even you feel confused.Whether I am walking sideways or backwards, I only know that I am walking forward.

There are no more steps, and the number of broken stones under my feet has begun to increase, but they are still very dry. The stones are laid on the ground in a dense and neat manner, as if they have been smashed. I don't know how to go down. I obviously felt like I was walking upside down, but it didn't look like it, but my body didn't feel like I was hanging upside down, and my center of gravity was still on the ground under my feet. Now I can only say that I am walking forward, not backward, whether it is going up or down, it is not clear at all.This feeling continued until I saw a bright light coming from the front.

When I got closer, I found that there was also a light similar to my flashlight. The strange thing is that as long as I move the flashlight in my hand, the light also moves at the same time.As I got closer, the light got closer and closer. Until very close, I suddenly discovered that the place where the light came out was also a person!It is indeed a person! After walking for such a long time, I was prepared to bump into anything weird, but now, what I saw was a person!This made my hair stand on end. Moreover, I was walking forward, and this person was also walking forward, and I yelled: "Who!" I also heard the other party yell who!Mom, this man doesn't speak, what I hear is an echo.

I stopped, and he stopped too. There was a distance of about 20 meters between the two sides, and I felt that the surrounding air became thicker. It was weirdly sticky, like a floating jelly-like substance in the air. I shone the flashlight up and down on the person opposite, and this person also shone on me, so that I couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.I move the flashlight up, and the other party also moves up.I said nothing, he said nothing, I could only hear the echo from that direction. I confronted this person like this, and slowly took out the pistol, damn it, no matter if this person is a visitor from hell or not, I will give him a shot and see what he can do!However, this kind of confrontation made my forehead light up, and the sticky air made me unable to sweat, and my whole heart was gripped.

I yelled: "Fuck you, are you scaring me! If you don't speak again, I will shoot you!" When I said this, I was already hoarse. The other party still didn't speak, so I roared and fired three shots at that person!There were three gunshots, and then there were three explosions!Holding the flashlight and the gun, I was stunned for a moment. Judging from the sparks that exploded in the air from the three bang bang bang explosions, did the three bullets hit something?The other person was also stunned there. Damn, it wouldn't be that he also fired three bullets, which collided with my bullets.Thinking of this, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that the opposite is a mirror?But from my judgment on three-dimensional things, it is not a mirror.So, is it my hallucination?It's not like, everything around feels so real, sound, light, vibration, etc., this is not an illusion.

So, is it the ghost of the air?This sticky air acts as a mirror?But what was that explosion in the air just now?I shot the flashlight at the top of the cave, and the other party also shot the flashlight at the top of the cave. I shone the flashlight forward along the top of the cave, and the other party also shone the flashlight forward. Finally, the apertures touched together, and the two apertures actually collided like real objects. For a while, then I couldn't go forward. It's not that I can't move, but the light can no longer shine on the roof of the cave, but I go down. I took a few steps forward, and the other party also took a few steps forward. I swallowed my saliva desperately, held up the gun, looked up for a while to see where the light from the flashlight was shining, and looked forward for a while. I am the same person who came over.

The two of us were getting closer and closer. At this time, the light reflected from the ceiling of the cave allowed me to see each other. It is a person, a person who raises a gun like me, and his actions are mirror images of mine, just like me in the mirror.For the first time in my life, my mind was extremely confused, and that person was me!Definitely me, but, he's just the opposite of me!Definitely not a mirror, I use all my physical common sense to tell me, this is not a mirror! I couldn't speak anymore, and I walked towards him in small steps, and he also walked towards me. The air around me became thicker with each step, and in the end I felt that the air had become like porridge The viscous substance sticks to my body, so that walking forward is like drilling inside a kind of jelly, but this kind of jelly is colorless, odorless and invisible.

In the end, I got so close that I could touch this person with my outstretched hand, so I stopped, and I couldn't walk anymore, the front was like an invisible soft wall of air blocking me . I seem to be able to hear the other person breathing heavily, and I am also breathing heavily.Due to the proximity, the light radiated by the torch can also clearly see the other party. This person is me!I'm sure it's me! I slowly raised the gun, and the other party also slowly raised the gun. I pointed the muzzle of the gun at the tip of his nose, and he also pointed the muzzle of the gun at the tip of my nose.I moaned, "Who are you?" I could clearly hear and see him say who you were while I said who you were.

I stretched the gun forward, and he also stretched the gun forward. In the end, the muzzles of the two guns were about to meet, but they couldn't move forward any more, but the muzzles were not touching. With a little distance. I bent down, put down the flashlight, and stretched out my hand, and the other person's movements were exactly the same as mine.It was so weird, my hand slowly approached in the same direction as his.Until I can’t move forward, there is only a little distance between my fingers and his fingers, and I can’t move forward. It’s not that there is a mirror-like object in the middle, but I feel a kind of energy that stops me and prevents me from moving forward. . My fingers moved as if they were moving on a mirror, and he moved in the same way. This is exactly the feeling of a mirror, but my reason tells me that this is not a mirror. I think I'm going crazy, I really think I'm insane, it's all too real, and it's so horrific, I've seen people get blown out of their heads by pistols, but the scene I'm in right now, My will can't be controlled at all. In this way, my will became more and more confused, and even my body was a little weak and I couldn't control it. If it wasn't for the sticky air supporting me, I would really fall to the ground with my feet limp. However, I feel that although my consciousness is getting more and more chaotic, a new kind of consciousness is gradually rising. This consciousness suggests me to pass through him!what!through him!This subconscious feeling became more and more intense, which made me silently stretch my hand forward again, wanting to touch his fingers. The more and more strong hints let me go through him, I can't help moaning in a low voice, no, I can't go through him, it's impossible.However, my fingers actually moved forward, bit by bit!In the end, I actually touched his finger!Can feel the temperature of his fingers.Impossible impossible! The moment our fingers touched, something suddenly spread out between our fingers, quickly expanded horizontally, and spread, even passing through my body and surrounding me. After touching his fingers, my fingers and I merged... This energy pushed me forward and I fell forward.Omg how can I describe this feeling!As my hands are fused, I can touch the flow of his blood, his muscles, his bones.And his hand is also passing through the blood vessels and bones in my body.My hand passed through and left his body, and I could clearly see that his hand came out of my arm, and it was still moving. I clenched my fist, and the opponent's hand also He shook his fist. And the energy also pulls me into contact with him in a wider range, don’t, don’t, I try my best to struggle to prevent all this from happening, but the energy is so strong that I am dragged forward by the energy that just spread out , Then, my shoulders, chest, and his shoulders and chest touched each other, passing through each other. When my heart should also pass through the past, I can feel his heart beating violently, and the blood is rushing.Then, my head and his head also bumped into each other, and I grew my mouth in horror. God, his eyes and mine were getting closer and closer, and my eyes widened. The moment I touched it, I closed my eyes, my head merged with his head, and I could see countless rays of light flashing across my eyes like lightning, thinking buzzingly in my head, and also Without air, I'm traveling through his brain and he's traveling through mine. I didn't open my eyes until the lightning disappeared, most of my body was already "this side", all I could see was that his feet were still "this side", and my whole body had come over .Soon enough, the energy pulled me into one last small step, so that I ended up fully on the side. My whole body trembled violently, and I stayed where I was. The scene just now made my nerves almost collapse. The blood in my body seemed to flow backwards, and all the muscle senses seemed to be incorrect. That energy can pass through my body from the front of me again, and I can feel that after this energy passes through my body again, it shrinks, and finally seems to disappear in a point. I turned my head slowly, and saw that he also turned his head slowly, his expression was also so flustered and terrified, is it the same as mine?I looked at him and walked forward, and he looked at me and walked forward. Then, I yelled, grabbed his flashlight on the ground, and ran forward desperately with both feet, making an indistinct hissing sound from my mouth, ah~~ah~~ The air in front of me gradually became less viscous, and after I ran frantically for dozens of meters, I returned to the original state in the cave.I couldn't control it anymore and fell to the ground.Leaning against the wall and gasping for breath, oh my god, what happened to me just now. I raised the flashlight to illuminate the way back, and there was no more light coming over like me, as if everything just now had never happened.I was panting like this, sitting on the ground without any thinking ability for a long time. I didn't stand up until I felt that I had recovered a little bit of reason, and ran forward in a hurry. I didn't dare to look back at all, I only dared to run forward.After running for a long time, he fell to the ground again due to nervousness and exhaustion. After the fall, my feeling of not being up, down, left, or right was better, and I began to know whether I was going down or up.I can now make it clear that I will go further. I gasped on the ground for a long time before standing up again and walking forward. I can be sure that I have not taken a step back from the beginning to the end, but now I am going up again. I stepped up and walked forward, and the stairs began to appear again, but the stairs were going up, and I couldn't care so much. I climbed up, and after a long time, I finally saw the light at the end of the front.So I quickened my pace even more, and I can finally go out! When I was approaching the entrance of the cave, my consciousness became really clear. With the ability to think, am I going back the same way now? Or come to the other end of this hole, what is the other end?All me?Or hell, heaven? After experiencing the scene of meeting myself in the cave, and traveling through the past, this kind of panic is still lingering in my heart. What happened to me?Everything around me is so real, it doesn't seem to be any different. I stared at the entrance of the cave. If I saw Commander Xu, what would he say?What should I do if it is an unknown world?I stared at the hole and imagined possible future scenarios.Suddenly, I feel very familiar again. Everything from the time I crossed myself just now seems to have happened and experienced, until now, and the strange thing is that my thoughts were not interrupted at this point, but suddenly As we moved forward, I could see Commander Xu standing at the entrance of the cave, his eyes shining slightly, looking at me and saying, "Where are you from?" It ended here.This feels very real, is it my imagination? I turned my attention away from the entrance of the cave. My head ached and I was tired from the imagining just now, so I focused on my feet and climbed up at a fast pace wholeheartedly. I finally walked out of the cave, and my eyes were bright. After I got used to it, I realized that I was still in the cave I came down from.Commander Xu stood aside. When he saw me, his eyes shone slightly, and he looked at me and said, "Where are you from?" I didn't think about anything, and the first feeling I felt when I saw Commander Xu was that it was finally not an unknown world, but my starting point.So he ignored him, swayed a few steps, panted heavily and sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall. Commander Xu didn't speak, but just looked at me carefully.I didn't pay attention to him either. I didn't raise my head until my breathing became calmer, and looked at Commander Xu. I didn't expect that when I saw Commander Xu, Commander Xu actually took two steps back in fright, with a terrified look in his eyes. I said, "Where do I come from? Haha? I'm going down from here, coming up from here!" Commander Xu's eyes turned cold: "You came up before you finished walking?" I said, "How do I know, I didn't take a step back. Walk straight up and here it is." Commander Xu asked, "Then did you encounter anything inside?" I paused, Commander Xu had already chased after me and said, "What did you meet?" I said, "Don't worry, I have to think about how to tell you about what happened to me." Commander Xu said, "Just tell the truth about your experience." Then, I organized my physical knowledge and language, and said: "It's dark down there. When I reach a certain level, I don't feel the feeling of up, down, left, and right. Then, the air becomes thicker, and it's hard to walk. Then, I see Is there a person?" Commander Xu said, "Who!" I said, "Don't think I'm making things up. Everything I say is true." Commander Xu said, "No way! Did you see yourself?" I said, "Yes! I saw myself, can you believe it? I saw myself, and it wasn't me in the mirror." Commander Xu said, "Go on, what happened after you saw yourself?" I said, "I exchanged with him." Commander Xu said, "Exchange?" I said, "I don't know how to explain it. I merged with him, got in from his body, and then got out again. It's as if we are both made of water." Commander Xu was silent for a while, and said, "Why did they merge?" I said, "I don't know, it's just a fusion. Alas... Then I kept going forward, and I didn't expect to come back." Commander Xu said, "Okay. I see." Then he turned around, pulled up his collar, and said, "The black system." Just as I was wondering, the cave made a low, wow-wow sound, beep... beep... beep... beep... repeating like this.Very harsh. I stood up and wanted to ask Commander Xu what happened, whether I had completed the task or not, but seeing Commander Xu's serious face, I stopped, slowly got up, and sat on the bench not far from the entrance of the cave. On a stone pier. The cylinder I got off opened again, and several people in black uniforms and black helmets ran out, ran to my side, helped me up, and I said, "What are you doing?" Commander Xu said: "We will protect you with the strictest methods in the world. You don't have to worry." I said, "Damn, are you going to lock me up? Are you going to kill me? You can kill me if you want to." Commander Xu didn't speak, and those black uniforms with black helmets controlled me very carefully and led me into the cylinder.rose up. As soon as I got to the ground, I was taken aback. The originally quiet hall became busy. Except for the sound of beeps, there were people coming and going. I don’t know what machines were roaring. Everyone looked at me nervously. I.I was inexplicably, and had already been taken out a few steps, and a man took out a huge dress and put it on me from behind.Before I had time to shout and struggle, these people had already been put into the clothes, and they put a pullover of the clothes on my head tightly. Fortunately, this is a transparent headgear. At the same time, each of them put their feet in the clothes one by one. One person quickly pulled a zipper, and I was completely wrapped in the clothes.Just as I was feeling short of breath, I felt that the clothes were quickly inflated and hardened, and fresh air was poured into the clothes. My hands were also wrapped, and I touched them, and the clothes were getting hard quickly. It later turned into a very hard leather-like shell. If I'm not mistaken, I'm a hard zongzi right now. All this happened too fast, the time for these people to put me in this dress will not exceed 30 seconds, but all my resistance is meaningless, as if they have mastered the movement of all the joints of my body, As soon as I started, my hand was pinched and put into the clothes along my own strength.These people are really well-trained to describe. I was inside the clothes, and I could only vaguely hear outside voices, and then I was carried upstairs, and walked back to the place when I came.I saw Commander Xu appeared next to me again, but he was also wearing a black helmet, and then he and two other people inserted something into the wall, and the wall opened a round door, and I was brought in. This time it was not a small passage, but a few steps into a brightly lit small room. I was pushed to sit in a corner of the room. There was nothing in this room, only a leather sofa surrounding the room.Soon the door of this room was closed.Commander Xu, two other people, and a few people with me, a total of eight people sat down. The room started to move, moving forward. Then it got faster and faster, and I could hear a bang, as if our room was spit out from somewhere, moving forward in a straight line.God, such a large room can't be used in the second passage! I yelled loudly inside the clothes, but no one seemed to be able to hear what I said. The clothes I was wearing were also fixed on the seat, making me unable to move at all.I thought: "It's over, why give me a chance, now that I am bound like this, there is no chance of escape at all, black dog, farewell, Yuqiao, farewell!" The room was running at high speed, but it also stopped slowly. I could hear the sound of huge metal snapping together. Then the room was lifted up, and it seemed to turn half a circle in the air, and then it was put somewhere again. There was another bang, as if it had been launched. After doing this two or three times in a row, the room finally stopped.Then the door of the room opened and I was carried down almost by them.As soon as I got out of the room, I realized that this was the end of another passage, and this room was actually spherical. And the moving channel of this room is a straight and straight spherical channel that I saw, which just has the size of this room.Is this world so crazy?Are we bouncing around in the underworld like marbles?I think these are beyond my common sense. I thought China was not a very developed country, but seeing this kind of scene, I believe that there are too many other things that I don't know. Our room is embedded in the metal floor like a big leather ball, and there is a huge circular hole, which holds the big steel ball room, which looks very funny.Why does the target move me in such a laborious way, can't it just put me in a car and take me away?However, these people probably don't have any ordinary people's logic at all, and they must have their reasons for doing so. They carried me around the room half a circle, and with the joint efforts of Commander Xu and two other people, I opened a heavy metal iron door.Then after walking a few steps inside, I changed elevators, went up and down three or four times, and finally locked me in a soft looking room. The color matching of this room is very comfortable, and It looks very soft. They pinned me to a seat, walked out, and locked the door. I scolded their ancestors for eighteen generations loudly, and I heard a voice from the top of my clothes: "This place is very safe. After a while, the clothes will soften and you can remove them by yourself." Sure enough, my clothes slowly leaked air. I struggled, and my hands came out, and I threw my panda gloves to the ground, and took off the coat in threes and fives. toss aside. This room is really nice. If I hadn't been locked up here, I would have thought it was a modernist room with all the furniture, and it looked like it was made of very good materials, reflecting the soft room light cleanly. .
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