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Chapter 17 Chapter 17 A Telegram

from earth to moon 儒勒·凡尔纳 484Words 2018-03-23
The great work of the Cannon Club may be said to be over, but there are still two months to go before the day when the cannonball will be fired on the moon.Two months, to everyone's eagerness, was almost as long as two years. Until now, every smallest detail of the project was published day by day in the various newspapers, and everyone's eyes were greedy every day, Follow these reports with enthusiasm.But what everyone is worried about is that from now on, the "interesting bonus" distributed to the public will be greatly reduced, and everyone will lose this soul-stirring spiritual food that they have every day.

In fact, there was no need to worry, because at this time a most unexpected, strange, unbelievable, and improbable piece of news threw the panting crowd into a frenzy again, and set the whole world into a frenzy. One day, it was September 30th, at 3:46 in the afternoon, a telegram was sent from the island of Valencia in Ireland to the submarine wire between Newfoundland and the continental United States, and it was sent to Barbican. Here comes the place where the chairman lives.Chairman Barbicane opened the envelope to read the telegram. Although he had strong self-control, his lips turned pale and his eyes blurred when he saw this telegram with only a few dozen words.

The original text of the telegram, now inscribed on the arch of the Cannon Club, reads: Barbican, Danpa, FL, USA Please use conical cylindrical shells instead of spherical shells.I'll be flying by.Now go to the United States on the Atlanta. Michel Ardan Paris France September 30 at 4:00 am
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