Home Categories light novel Conditions for falling in love with dessert

Chapter 21 first quarter

As soon as Muto heard that the new product was completed, he rushed to the "Goldfinch" as if flying. His heart was restless. What kind of French almond panna cotta will Morisawa Xiaori make?Can you tell the difference from "Cold Obella" produced by "Phyllis Bianca"?No, Xia Zhi is not the chef yet, no matter how new she cooks, it is impossible to easily surpass the masterpieces of famous chefs. What are the features that "Cold Obella" doesn't have? — Just find this is enough.Because this is not a dessert contest, but just like the name of the event "Dessert Carnival" literally means: this is a "dessert festival", the primary goal is to make the guests participating in the event happy and improve performance at the same time, so the more types of products More is better, and "Goldfinch" has its unique advantages.

Can Natsuori Morisawa accomplish this mission?
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