Home Categories Thriller Desperate record

Chapter 7 7. Half the people at the train station are catching a man in underwear

Desperate record 张海帆 3167Words 2018-03-23
I don't know if running naked is a lucky thing. The two men in blue uniforms were also instinctively stunned when they saw me running naked, but their reactions were also very good. It can be seen that they were very skilled immediately. Encircle up. It's a pity that I was naked, and their big hands wiped my body and tried to hug me. Only then did I know that it is easiest to be controlled by people when I am wearing clothes. My brain was filled with the desire to survive, and with a couple of twists and turns I managed to break free from their encirclement and strayed out of the corridor.

This time is the time when people who get off work go home one after another, and it is not dark in early autumn.So, I, a naked person, was chased by four people in blue uniforms under the surprised shouts and staring salutes of the people in the community. I walked past a building, facing the exit of the community, but three more men in plain clothes rushed towards me viciously. At this time, it was very easy to tell that they were in the same group, because the targets were all me, and they were separated from each other. From far away, they could feel the burning and murderous look in their eyes.

The sound of footsteps and shouts behind me was also close at hand, and I seemed to have no way out, only the 2-meter-high fence not far away was cold.The three guys oncoming were already groping in their arms. "Gun!" I subconsciously thought. I don't know where the momentum came from. I rushed towards the wall, jumped desperately, and grabbed the top of the wall. With a lift of my arm, my whole body rolled over like inertia.It landed steadily in the flower bed on the side of the road outside. I didn't think about anything, I jumped out immediately, and a woman passing by immediately screamed.I still smiled at her, hehe, it’s strange, I did smile at her.

Then I ran wildly. This is a relatively lively street. People come and go at this time. Naturally, I, a streaker, was a sensational scene in the street at that time!A few others ran after me to see what I was going to do. Soon, I heard the sound of cars roaring abnormally in the back. When I turned around, three cars, 7 or 8 people, were chasing me on the road desperately. Can't run on the street!Relying on my familiarity with the road here, I started to turn into the small alley, making seven turns and eight turns. I don't know how long I ran, how many women I frightened, and how many roads I crossed.Finally, my surroundings became quiet, and I hid in a flower bed next to a garbage room. At this time, it was also dark.

I'm not out of breath, and I feel like I can keep running for a long time, which is probably the benefit of my long run.I squatted there, listening and watching the movement around me vigilantly.However, soon, I heard the sharp brakes of cars not far away, and some shouts like orders. Here they come!They found me again, great! I jumped out of the flower bed and ran into the silent alley. Fortunately, I finally put on the underwear I had been holding in my hand, and on the way I tore off a pair of sweatpants and shirt, and got a pair Travel shoes.Although it is tight, it fits well. When I was about to run out of this alley, I found a group of people chasing me from the other side of the alley, and I began to realize that they knew where I was and could accurately determine where I was.This consciousness is getting stronger and stronger, and I strongly realize that if this is the case, I will eventually be surrounded by them, and there is no possibility of escape.

I climbed over two walls, and soon I felt a severe pain in my head, which almost stopped me from moving forward, and the back of my neck began to throb. I touched it and felt a vein-like thing on the back of my head The tail shook violently. I didn't feel surprised, I just controlled myself desperately, and kept telling myself to hold on, but my pace still slowed down. When I heard the voices of the pursuers coming from the front, back, left, and right, I roared, not because of fear, but because the pain was unbearable. However, after the roar, the pain suddenly decreased.Soon there was no feeling, and the body was extraordinarily light.

I jumped into a stinky ditch in front of a group of people in blue uniforms. Immediately next to me, there was the sound of something shooting into the water. This should be a kind of silenced pistol. I know they are already very Definitely want my life. I don't know if it was my luck or a coincidence, I quickly found a bridge pier, and under the cover of the pier, I climbed over the stinking ditch and escaped. The reason why I say I escaped is because I didn't hear those people following me like a shadow during the rest of the journey.I understand that maybe they did lose track of me, perhaps thanks to the severe brain pain not long ago.

I found a quiet place and stayed there. Apart from the sewage and stench all over my body, the sweatpants were not disappointing. From front to back, they became standard crotch pants. It was already dark, except for the sound of cars in the distance and the sound of the TV in the room next to it, the world was as quiet as death. I squatted alone in this corner, trying to blend in with the darkness. I thought about it a lot, from my graduation, to my work, falling in love, making friends, getting to know Xiaoyun, Chen Kai's death, Chen Ying's death to the appearance of another Xiaoyun.

I know that all of mine has nothing to do with me. I may never have imagined that I would become the person I am today, facing a life of pain that I may not be able to imagine in the future alone.Maybe, tomorrow I will die, and then I will be published in the newspapers or disappear without a sound. No one will remember me, even my parents may be implicated. I don't know why I got to where I am today, is it because of the spot I found?If I forget about this spot, if I don't see this spot by chance, and if I don't stab it with a knife, maybe I will still live in peace. No one can blame, only myself, it's something I found for myself.

My eyes were red, my nose was sore, and I was so sad that I buried my head deeply between my legs.Choking. Forget it, let’s face it, what I know may be just the tip of the iceberg, this kind of inhuman force, the only thing I can do is to find a way to survive, one more day to live is one day. I admit that I used to be very afraid of death, but now in this situation, when this kind of death is standing by your side and will kill you at any time, I am not so afraid of death. Not long after staying here, I got up again and started my escape career. I decided to leave Beijing. I figured out the direction and where I was. It should be in Chaoyang District and Fengtai District. I could choose to go to Beijing Railway Station, mix with migrant workers, and escape from Beijing.

In this way, we found out the direction and walked towards Beijing Railway Station. After a few big intersections, everything was normal, and I wasn't afraid of the police, as I believed they had nothing to do with the incident.It's just that I am in such a mess, if the police notice me, let me go to the police station to stay. With the supernatural powers of these blue uniforms, they will definitely find me quickly. The city of Beijing seems to be too advanced. I didn't finally find a pipe in a flower bed with water until I was approaching the Beijing Railway Station. I cleaned myself. Sadly, maybe it was the night because I had a pair of pants None were stolen. So I wore these crotch pants and came to Beijing Railway Station. Beijing Station is still extremely lively at night, and the sweet radio sound from the huge speakers pulls me back to this real society. I have no money with me, nothing.It might be difficult for me to sneak into the train station like this.Because the trousers are open, I always feel that I am only wearing a pair of underwear, and I will feel a little embarrassed when seeing people look at me. However, when I was mingling with migrant workers in the square, I noticed that someone looked at me in the wrong way, but I didn't know who it was, I only knew that someone in a large group of people was looking at me. Gradually, I found that the atmosphere around me was not quite right. After looking around, I felt that someone was approaching me, with murderous intent, a strong murderous intent. I stood up, and soon, I found that someone was already running towards me, I pushed the person in front of me away, and quickened my pace.The footsteps behind are getting faster, yes, it must be them! I ran up and knocked some people back and forth, and someone started yelling: "Grab him! Grab him!" and the noise increased, until finally the whole square was filled with harsh squeaking! The people in half the square seemed to be moving, and more and more people stood up and chased me. I forgot where I grabbed a short pole-like stick, waved it, and hit a few The people coming from the front were clearly dressed as migrant workers, but their eyes had already surpassed those of migrant workers. My sweatpants and top were torn apart, and at some point the sweatpants were half the leg, so I became a real panties-only person.I roared, my eyes were red, and the stick in my hand was dancing rapidly, as long as anyone stood in my way, I would ruthlessly hit the stick. I rushed towards the entrance, just in time to get into the station, there was a mass of dark heads, and I almost crawled over them.Although these people who entered the station complained loudly, they blocked the people behind from approaching me.When I rushed into the station, looking back, you would never believe it—half of the train station square rushed here, densely packed, as many people as the tide. The police are so cute, they yelled at me, but they didn't rush, they just ran after me.I ran and yelled loudly: "Get out of the way, get out of the way!" It would definitely be a spectacular sight, a half-naked person in panties with literally hundreds or thousands of people chasing after him.A huge triangular arrow is formed. After knocking down an innocent policeman, I rushed onto the platform, jumped off the train track, and ran toward a truck that was coming in or out.The huge loudspeaker at the train station roared strangely: "A half-naked psycho with a weapon broke in. All the police and security guards, please kill them immediately if you find it! Repeat, there are armed..." Hold!I cursed at the sky.
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