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Conditions for falling in love with dessert

Conditions for falling in love with dessert


  • light novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 66014

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 first quarter

"I hate sweets. Even if it's work, don't even think about me touching it." The above are the inner words of Takashi Muto. Cakes, chocolates, biscuits, ice cream, why would anyone like that sweet taste?Desserts like sundaes are even more unbearable, they are bombs made of sugar and cream. Sweet tooth man?What the hell!If you want something sweet, just drink coffee with sugar.Every time I see a group of people excitedly discussing about custard sauce and condensed milk, it is really childish.Don't these people feel ashamed? Muto, who joined the basketball club in high school, has a very strong physique. Although he is already very masculine, it is normal for him to lack interest in desserts.

"I'm afraid of sweets." As long as others hear him say that, no matter what kind of dessert they have, they will automatically skip him.The whole class knew that he hated sweets, and no girl would send chocolates even on Valentine's Day. Muto didn't even get the "favor chocolate", but he didn't care at all.Being with girls is like getting in touch with desserts.To him, it was more terrifying than a horror movie. However, not long after entering university, Muto met a girl who hated sweets for the first time in a fellowship.She has a hearty personality, which is not related to the common personality of girls such as delicate and polite. She also said that she not only likes spicy food, but also likes to drink heavily. It seems that she has a lot of alcohol.

Sitting opposite Muto, she took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Muto.The two first chatted politely about topics such as "the food is too sweet recently" and "the taste is very monotonous". , the two talked more and more vigorously. Muto has never met a fellow with such similar tastes, and he has never been happier than this.Muto was intoxicated in the joy of meeting "the opposite sex who can talk to him" for the first time.After the friendship ended, the two exchanged mobile phone numbers and emails, and made an appointment to watch movies and have dinner together on the next holiday.

Later, they ate food that each other thought was delicious, drank wine that they thought was delicious, and went out together.As the two get closer. However, they broke up anyway. It wasn't because of the quarrel, nor was it because the words were not speculative, it can only be said that the two of them neglected to communicate, their relationship faded, and the relationship ended without a problem. Whenever thinking of the days when the two were together, Muto still can't help thinking: We must have broken up because we were too similar. Although the two have similar ideas and temperaments, and get along very happily, they are so similar that they seem to be looking in a mirror.But having said that, if you want to maintain a relationship, if there is no complementarity, you will look at each other and hate each other, right?

The so-called like-mindedness should not be about how similar two people are, but about being able to tolerate each other's differences, right? After this idea took root in Muto's heart, he never developed a new relationship.While thinking "It's really hard to find happiness", Muto entered his thirties like this. Muto works in the planning department of the Ashiya branch of Xifu Department Store. After experiencing the experience of underground food courts and men's clothing stores, he finally entered this department as he wished.The planning department is the star department of a department store.Muto has been here for more than six years. Although he has not proposed a project on his own, his dream is to hope that the project he leads can be staged in a department store.

Unexpectedly, this dream came true unexpectedly, but in the way Muto didn't like to see the most.
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