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Chapter 18 Volume 16

Read Wei Caotang Notes 纪昀 17840Words 2018-03-23
●The world is just a matter of reason.However, reason sometimes interferes with each other. There are aunts who abuse their brides-in-law, who are cruel and unreasonable, and flee back to their mother's house.The mother is pitiful and hides in another place, and the strange cloud has not been seen. Because of the lawsuit, I can see that Mr. Zhu and his neighbors should see their contacts as evidence. Helping people get divorced, doubts can't be resolved, begging for lottery from God, and the lottery can't be found after holding up the tube repeatedly, and the lottery is all out, even God can't decide.Mr. Xin Tongfu heard it and said: "The gods are so humble."A ten-year-old girl, who is being tortured every day, has no kindness and righteousness, and it is not an exaggeration to let her escape to death.

●Ge Xiaolian Zhongfang, after the examination in Dingyou Township, dreamed to a place, saw several quatrains written on the screen, woke up and remembered two sentences: I know that I am the first immortal in Penglai, because of how clear and shallow it has been for many years.Ren Zichun met Li Sheng of Jingzhou in Hejian, and occasionally talked about it. Li Hai said: "This brother from the rest of the family also wrote plum blossoms on the screen, but the sentences are not working. I don't know why he entered the dream of the king?"There is no cause and fate before, and there is no test in the future, so what does Zhou Guan's six dreams belong to?

●Xin Qixie, that is, Zibuyu's name change, and the rooster's egg thing, now we know that it actually happened.It is as big as a finger, and the top is shaped like a peanut from Fujian. It cannot be perfectly round, and there are spots on the outside, which reflect the sun. It is as deep red as amber, and it is very effective for dotting the eyes.De Shao Si Kongcheng, Wang Fuxian Chengpei, all tasted the combination of medicines.Although it is not easy to get, one can be worth ten gold.A Shaosnondis said: Although it is rare, it is actually done by human beings.Close the cage with fat and strong roosters, and vertically group the females around the outside of the cage, so that they are close to each other, but cannot touch each other.This is also reasonable, but chickens have the air of the wind, so they eat sores, and their eggs are formed by smoldering and smoldering, and they must accumulate heat. I don't know why it can improve eyesight.Also, what is not mentioned in the herbal medicine, and what is not mentioned in the medical scriptures, how do you know that it can improve eyesight? This is incomprehensible.Wang Fuxian said: There are people who sell snake eggs to cheaters, but if they are not popular in the sun, they are false entrustments.It is also necessary to know.

Wife Shen said: There are three people in the house, Zhao and his mother, who were employed by the Guo family. Over a year after his mother died, one night, it seemed like a dream but not a dream. Hearing his mother's language, he said: "Tomorrow it will snow heavily, and a chicken will freeze to death on the wall. The master will come with you." Er be careful not to eat.I tried to steal three hundred coins from the master, and the underworld judged it as a chicken to pay for this life, and the eggs were enough to go away.The next day, as said.Zhao San refused to eat, so wept and buried him.After repeated questioning, he began to tell the truth, which is the internal affairs of the past few years.However, there must be antecedent reasons for those who provide chariots and rides to be slaughtered and boiled.People don't know their ears, and those who are cunning and stealing in this generation will have consequences, people don't think about their ears.

●When Yu was eleven or twelve years old, I heard that Cong Shu Canruo said that there was a person named Qi who was in Heilongjiang for crimes and died for several years.His son is a little older, and he wants to return to his bones, but he is too poor to go, and he is always frowning like a deep worry.One day, I occasionally got a few liters of beans, but I thought they were fine powder, kneaded them into balls with water, and covered them with ochre. I was deceived by a drug seller, and I took a few pennies for my mouth and ears.Those who buy the medicine along the way will heal even if they are in critical condition.Turning around and telling each other, it was quite a good price, but by reaching the garrison, I got my father's bone and returned it in a suitcase.On the way home, I met three thieves in Woji. They hurriedly abandoned their axe and ran away with their suitcases.The thief chased after him, opened the suitcase and saw the bones, asked strangely why, stated it with tears, released it with sympathy, and donated it as a gift.During the party's thanksgiving, a bandit suddenly mourned and said: "This man is so weak, and he still seeks his father's bones thousands of miles away. My dignified husband, who claims to be a hero, can't take care of him?"You gentlemen live well, I am going to Suzhou now.After finishing speaking, he waved his hands and went west, but his disciples called out to other wives, and never looked back.Gai's feelings are deep, but it is a pity that there is little wind in the past, and it has not been handed down to the world. I wrote all the books for Luanyang to spend the summer, but I forgot it.On March 3rd of Guichou, I stayed in Zhilu, Haidian, and I happened to recall that because I recorded it to supplement the legacy of Zhicheng, Tang also had hidden virtues, and ghosts did not disappear. Is there any way to enlighten my heart with silence?

●Li Panmu said that in his hometown there was an old man in the garden who was over 60 years old. He slept with several guests in the same room.One night, when the lights were still on, I saw the cloth quilt wriggling and tossing, as if someone handed it over.Even if you ask, you don't say anything, and even in the daytime, you may suddenly go to a remote place, or close the door for no reason, strange and stalking it, and there are always tiles and stones flying.People know that it is the basis of a charm, and they can't hide it for a long time. They said that when they first saw a young man in the garden, they seemed to have known each other, but they couldn't remember it. The Fourth King and I were close friends before, and later suddenly took advantage of Xu Kui's power to usurp my land. I sued the official, but I was flogged. , Sentenced the king to be my wife for twenty years, but I didn't expect me to fall into the body of a fox because of my career, and there are still four years left.Than me to form the Tao, you can re-enter reincarnation and reincarnate in this world, although the previous cause is ambiguous, the old debt is hard to get rid of, and the long-term fate is entangled. When I meet here, the karma is good, and I can’t wait for you to fall into a female body again, so I beg for repayment. This cause and effect is over.I was astonished, but he suddenly booed me with anger, bewildered and drunk like a dream, already polluted by it, since the day will arrive once or twice, and I regret it when I go, but when I come, I am willing to do it, and I forget what I did Old man, I don't know why.One night, I first heard the sound of intimacy, gradually heard the sound of moaning, gradually heard the sound of begging slowly, and gradually heard the sound of begging for forgiveness, and finally lost my voice after the rooster crowed, and laughed loudly on the beam and said: "This is enough to be beaten for thirty years." .If it is, then it will not come.After repairing the thatched hut, I saw circles drawn with white powder on the beams. Ten circles formed a line. Counting them, I got 1440, which is exactly the number of days in four years.But I know that it is recorded as a lewd fund, counting its coming and going, it is less than four years, and it is almost a day at a time.Or say: It is the fox who wants to flatter this old man, so he makes up such words.However, the fox is charming, pleasing its color, capturing its fine ears, chicken skin and white hair, what color is pleasing, and what fineness can be captured.It is also obvious that it is not charming.And in the year of holding a stick, it is too unfeeling to talk about the goodness of dividing the peaches and to accept it.It is the existence of the opposite sex in the body, the long-standing roots are not lost, and the natural phase is like a magnetic needle, which is also clear.What the fox said is absolutely not empty words, but the grievances are entangled, and there are many changes, and it has not stopped until after three lives, so he should be careful not to create reasons.

●Wen Shui Li Xiusheng said that in his hometown, there was a young man traveling in the mountains, and he met a young woman riding a donkey alone, with a red skirt and blue collar, quite elegant, and often looked sideways.The young man is so cautious, worrying or attracting suspicion, he keeps walking behind for dozens of steps, without even looking at him.In the depths of the forest valley, the woman suddenly pressed the bridle and couldn't do it. Waiting for him to catch up, she said: "Your heart is upright, and it is hard to get. I don't want to harm you. This is not the way to go to a certain place. If you go by mistake, you can go under a certain tree." Detour to a certain direction, and travel obliquely for three or four miles, and you will have a way.After speaking, he jumped from the back of the donkey and went straight to the tree end. His body gradually grew more than ten feet, and the Russian wind picked up the leaves and flew away.Looking at the donkey again, it is a fox.The young man has almost lost his soul, almost flying to Tianyecha or something like that?If you make a little intimacy with your partner, I don't know what happened.

Gui Chou will try, a son in Shaanxi, encountered a ghost in a house, suddenly fell into a frenzy, and everyone huddled out to return to the residence, and the ghost followed him. Since his head touched the wall, his skin and bones were broken. He escaped to the outer city, and the ghost followed him again. At the end, the soldier stabbed himself to death with a blade.A piece of paper written in handwriting before death, and handed over to his friend, is Tianwang's meticulous and meticulous horoscope.Although I don't know what happened, it is clear that it is retribution. Nanpi Haozi clearly said that some scholars were studying in monk temples, and occasionally they were spinning in the empty courtyard, and suddenly there was a flying tile hitting their backs, and I heard a saying in the house: You can see others, but others cannot see you. Self-introduction and avoidance, anti-hate others?Fang was stunned, and the house said again: "The little servant girl is rude, so I will flog you immediately. Don't mind, sir. However, there are many empty houses where my generation lives. Whenever you encounter such a place, sir, you should face the wall and turn it. Don't face the door and window, then There is no contact between the two.This fox can be said to be able to restrain itself.Yu Chang said that child servants and official servants competed with others and were invincible, and their longevity was humiliated, which is similar to the way of the world.The most disgraceful thing in the world is to go against reason, not to ask the truth of reason, but to seek what I belong to, so that no one can offend me, and I am proud of it.In the past, there was an official who privately owned Xu Kui, and tried every means to protect him. I joked: "After each of us, there should be an inscription, so that the coffin can be concluded. There is no excuse for anyone, and people will be proud of it.Forgive you and feel honored.Or Fen wrote a book saying: Fair life likes to shelter officials and servants. Although they are subject to the law of disgrace, they are also taboo one by one.Why is it now time to take humiliation as glory, and glory as humiliation?The former teacher Dong Wenke said: Nothing can be recorded in the record, that is, it cannot be done absolutely.Si Yan forgives me.

●Shilu Chuanyan——Shi’s name is unknown, and it is suspected that it’s Shi’s name. In Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, all surnames are ordered to remove one word, because Shi’s name is also——There are Jia Yuhuai, who walk in the alley by chance, see A girl with bright looks, almost like heaven and man, visited her neighbors privately, saying: "The newcomer has not passed the moon, and only the old mother and a few maidservants live together. I don't know why or who."Jia Yin bribed the matchmaker, his mother named Jin in Hangzhou, and the same son and daughter went to live with her son-in-law. Unfortunately, the son fell ill and died on a boat. The two servants took advantage of the gap to steal and escape. They were lonely and lonely, afraid of being raped. The right to live in the tax house is waiting for relatives to welcome them. It is not yet known whether they are willing to come.Weeping at the end of the speech, the matchmaker thought that he had no home and no landlord, what would he do in the future, and if he had a daughter, why not seek a good son-in-law here, and also have something to rely on in his old age?The mother said: "It's very kind, and I don't ask for more dowry coins, but a weak girl is pampered for a long time, and I don't want to be hasty. If there is someone who can make clothes and dowries, which is worth a thousand gold, I will agree."What I do is still his family's property, I only go to the other side to read it, and I don't take the slender mustard to return.The matchmaker told Jia that Jia had a good private plan, and within ten days, he would create a splendid gold and pearl embroidery, which was extremely gorgeous, and everything was useful, and everything was exquisite.It is very satisfying to greet the day first and invite my mother to come and watch.The next day, the flute and drum came to the door, but it was firmly closed.After waiting for a few moments, they didn't respond to calls. I asked the neighbors, but they didn't see him moving. As a last resort, I looked into the wall, but there was no one there. I searched all the rooms, but there were only a few skulls on the broken bed, and I knew that he was not human. Looking back at home, nothing is lost, but there is no use for it. You can only get half the price for heavy vends.Or it can be said: Mei had no intention of seducing Jia, and Jia spied on Jia indiscriminately, and instead went after Mei, so Mei teased her, which is only natural.Or it is also said: rich and stingy, scheming can tell the truth, breaking the taboo of ghosts and gods, so the charm is reversed by beauty, which is also reasonable and appropriate.

●According to Xuan Shi Zhi, Li Sheng in Longxi suffered from carbuncle in his left breast. One day the carbuncle collapsed, and some pheasants flew out from his breast.According to Wen Qilu, Li Yanji, Cui Yaofeng's nephew, suffered from a tumor in his left eye, and when he was dissected, the oriole went away.It's all incomprehensible.Zage Xuelang, I saw that his relatives were serving as a servant girl, and there was a sore on his neck, and a white bat came out of the sore.Knowing that the two things recorded by the people of the Tang Dynasty are true, it is not only outside the Liuhe, but it does not matter.

●Cao Mutang Zongcheng, there is a picture of the drunken Zhongkui painted by the jixian. Every family has a fragrance of cattail wine, and Jinshi in the south also has a cup of wine. There are no demons and plagues during the Taiping Festival, and you can wander around to the drunken country.The painters and the questioners are all cunning with their brushes.One day when I woke up from an afternoon nap, I heard the maidservant outside the window whispering about ghosts. There was a Wang who lived in Xishan, and she said that she used to guard the melon fields every night. She saw two lights coming from outside the forest in the distance, and the noise of people talking was a big ghost. The little ghost staggered and walked, knowing that Zhong Kui must be drunk?The world is so big, there is everything, if you draw a person at will, you will often meet someone who will be like you, and if you name it at will, there will always be someone who is the same as it, unintentionally collaborating, this is the nature of chemical engineering. ●It is said that Mr. Wei Huanji tasted books in the mountain temple, and all the pens and inks on the couch were naturally dust-free without being wiped.I didn't pay attention at first, but later I was a little strange. When I came home late one day, the door had not been opened yet, and I heard rustling in the room. I eavesdropped from the gap, and saw a person who was fixing the book case, and suddenly went to cover it. The person glanced through the back window.Urgently calling for the order to approach, the man stood outside the window, with a very respectful expression, and asked you why you are so strange, the chime turned and said: "A certain fox is also a Confucianist, and he dares not come close to a fair person. He respects the public privately, so he steals every day." Do not be surprised if you are a servant.The gentleman talked through the window very logically.Although I dare not enter the house, I do not avoid meeting Mr.Mr. also speaks from time to time.I asked one day, do you think I can be a sage?Said: Taoism, which is taught by the public, is different from the sages.Sages rely on the doctrine of the mean, encourage practice with sincerity, and seek practicality with practical learning; Taoism focuses on subtle language, regulates qi first, and then Yilun, respects life, and pays little attention to merit, and its intention is slightly different.Sages have a heart for right and wrong, no heart for others, a heart for inductiveness, and no heart for harshness; Daoism has its own sects, and they cannot but fight. Once they have fought, they cannot accidentally slander them in order to win, and use their opinions to produce various effects. , So it is not enough to make Confucius and Mencius see.The spirit of masculinity and integrity is worthy of confronting ghosts and gods, so those who respect the public are here.The public follows its nature, and it is also here to be a sage and a sage.If the public speaks, each of them has their own affairs, and it is not known to the fools.The public sent it silently, and later said to the language disciples: It was because of the party disaster in the Ming Dynasty.However, his choice of emotion and hypocrisy can certainly serve as a warning to the world's lecturers. ●The Nanyi Temple in Cangzhou is facing the river, the gate of the mountain collapsed in the river, and the two stone beasts sank together.When I was more than ten years old, the monk raised money to rebuild it, and asked for two stone beasts in the water, but he couldn't get it.Thinking that he was going down the river, he took a few small boats and dragged iron and palladium to search for more than ten li, but there was no trace.A lecturer set up a tent in the temple, heard it and said with a smile: "Your generation can't study physics, right and wrong, how can you take it with you for the skyrocketing?"The stone is hard and heavy, the sand is loose and floating, buried in the sand, gradually sinking and deepening.Seeking it along the river, isn't it also upside down?It is true that everyone believed it. When an old river soldier heard it, he laughed and said: "Whenever a stone is lost in the river, you should seek it from the upper stream."The cover stone is hard and heavy, and the sand is loose and floating. The water cannot wash away the stone. middle.If it is bitten again, the stone will turn again, and turn endlessly, and then go back against the current and up.If you seek the lower stream, it will be solid, and if you seek it in the middle, won't it be more extreme?As the saying goes, the fruit can be found miles away.However, in the affairs of the world, one only knows one of them, and there are many of them without knowing the two, so can one make reasonable assumptions? ●Jiaohe and his friends said that there was a farmer who was quite frivolous, and when he met a woman in a neighboring village on the way, he stared at her with eyes.Fang smiled and picked it, and those who were suitable to go with him went together, so they all dispersed.Looking at the sun and meeting various roads again, a woman riding a black oxen seems to look forward to each other.The peasants were overjoyed, and after the rain, the wild waters criss-crossed, and the cattle moved very quickly in the muddy water, soaking their bodies and feet, staggering--the sound is so loud, and pouting--every time, compared to the door, the breath is not good.When the woman went down the cow, she suddenly felt that her appearance was different, and she stared at an old man, in a trance and bewildered, as if in a dream. The old man stood up in amazement, and asked what he was doing.Staggered back.The next day, the old willow in front of the gate peeled off the bark for more than three feet, and wrote a large book on it, saying that privately spying on a virgin, she was punished by walking in mud for ten miles, but she knew it was played by a demon.Neighbors asked strange questions, and they couldn't hide themselves. They were ashamed and remorseful for their father's death, so they changed their careers.Although this charm plays tricks, it can be called a good teacher.The friend said again, when a man saw a fox sleeping under a tree, he threw a tile at it, but it missed, and the tile broke with a sound, and the fox jumped away in surprise.When Guifu entered the gate, he suddenly saw his wife hanged on the tree. He was terrified and called for help. His wife ran out, but the person hanging on the tree was gone.But when he heard the eaves, he laughed and said, "I'm also surprised."This is also enough to be a warning for those who are proficient. ●In the same year, Chen Banjiang said that there is a Taoist priest who is good at talismans, exorcising ghosts and binding evil spirits, and has spiritual responses, so he only eats vegetables and drinks tea.Not subject to baht gold inch silk also.After a long time, the technique gradually fails, and every ten times he loses four or five, and then he is covered by the crowd of ghosts. Seeing the embarrassment and humiliation, he flees in embarrassment and loses to his teacher.When the teacher arrives, he goes up to the altar to summon the generals, and holds the group's charms. He knows that although the scholars don't take anything, their disciples often ask for people's wealth, and in order to practice the law, they also steal their talismans and capture the fox girl.Because the fox girl stole her magic weapon, the anger of the gods did not come down, and those who hated her words were able to succeed.Master Lianbi sighed and said: This is not the charm of defeating you, the defeat of your disciples, nor the defeat of your disciples, if you don't observe your disciples, you can defeat yourself.Laier is lucky if he keeps the precepts and suffers from poverty.Yu Meihu He You!Flick the clothes and go.Husband Tianjun is calm, all body obeys orders, this is a common saying among Confucians.However, how can a treacherous person stop being greedy because of his master's innocence?Banjiang's remarks were slightly ironic when he met a certain Ling in the Yu family when he was an official in Zhili.This order is not realized, so Qingfeng has two sleeves, and the pawn is made of bad voices, which is a pity. ●There was a young man in the house who dug his wife's tomb for no reason, and saw the coffin several times.At that time, the plowmen were all over the fields, and when they saw them scrambling and digging, they suspected that they had epilepsy, and they rallied to stop them.Asked why, he refused to vomit, but was restrained by many hands, unable to dig again, and the hammer went away bitterly, it is impossible to fathom the reason.On the next day, a shepherd suddenly came to the tomb and said from Laos in a frenzy, "you are spreading rumors, and you have many flesh and bones. Now you are slandering Huangquan?"I have to ask God, not your loan.Because of the whole story, he gnawed his tongue and died.Gai young man relied on his toughness, looked forward to his own strength, and regarded the village party as nothing. There is a sound, but I dare not go forward, I lie in the grass and peep, under the moonlight, I see seven or eight black shadows coming to the tomb, and I sit with my wife and play with each other.Those who have heard of it will tell the young man, and the young man is among them, and there is a sudden action.Fortunately, Fang Thief got a plan, but he didn't expect ghosts to have spirits.It's advisable for the villain to cheat.However, the spirit of a young man depends on his mausoleum, which is a trick or a taboo.Therefore, it is said: A gentleman does not want to be superior to others. ●Cong Sun Shubao, the nephew of the Liu family in Yanshan, said that his grandfather had close relatives, and all seven daughters were married. Among them, the first son-in-law Yemeng and the six son-in-laws were connected with red strings, which was suspected to be ominous.When his wife died, all his sons-in-law went to hang him. This man recalled that it was a nightmare, and he dared not sleep and eat with the six of them.Occasionally or get together, also sit for a while and avoid it.It is strange to ask, and to explain the reason, they all suspect that there is something wrong with it, so it is true.One night, they bought wine and invited them to have a drink together, and they went to the outside house privately to prevent them from escaping. The fire broke out in the funeral palace, and all seven people were burned.But I realized that if this person has no dreams, he would not avoid the six people, if he did not avoid the six people, the master would not kill the household, and if he did not control the household, the seven people might not be burnt to death.The gods lure them with a dream, so that no one can get rid of them.I don't know why, the sons-in-law of the same family died at the same time, and I don't know why, the seven daughters were born in this family together, and became widowed at the same time, it must not be a coincidence. ●Zhou Mi'an said that there was a widow in his family who raised a son who was fifteen or sixteen years old. Occasionally, he saw an old father with a young daughter, who was hungry, cold and exhausted, and unable to walk. Handwritten wedding post, stay overnight.Although the woman is weak, she is good at handling. She can do wells and mortars, and she also does acupuncture, so the family can be well-off.The aunt first commits to her will, does everything she can, manages food and daily life carefully, often three or four times a night, when she is sick, she sits by the couch every day, and can't sleep for ten months, she loves her more than her son.The aunt died of illness, and she paid dozens of gold and her husband's envoy to treat the coffin quilt.When the husband asked him, the girl returned for a long time, and said, "I tell you the truth, I am also the one who avoids thunder and robbery by foxes."Where a fox encounters a thunder catastrophe, only those who are virtuous and lucrative can avoid it, but it is not easy to meet them suddenly, and they are all protected by ghosts and gods when they meet, so they cannot be approached suddenly.In addition, if you practice good karma early, you can avoid it. However, good karma is not easy to cultivate, and small good karma is not enough to survive the catastrophe. Because you are transformed into a monarch's wife, you will serve your aunt. Now, under the protection of your aunt, you can avoid the punishment of heaven, so the camp is generous. The funeral is declared, why do you doubt it?The son was so weak, and was terrified by hearing it, that he dared not live together, so the daughter wept and left.Later, in the period of sacrifice and sweeping, there must be traces of burning wine and wine on the tomb of her aunt, which is suspected to be the work of her daughter.It's a coincidence that Yu died, not true love for his aunt.However, if you do something, you still invite gods and blessings, and faith and filial piety are the most virtuous. ●I heard that there was a village girl who was seduced by foxes at the age of 13 or 14. Every night she slept together laughing and talking, just like a husband and wife. However, the girl is not crazy or sick. She eats and lives like ordinary people, and the girl is very peaceful.Hu Heng gave money, rice, cloth and silk, which were enough for the family, and made hairpin clothes for women, and quilt pillows and mattresses, which were worth more than hundreds of gold.The father-in-law is also very relieved.If it was more than one year old, the fox suddenly called his father-in-law and said: "I will return to the mountain, and your daughter-in-law's dowry is also prepared, but I am in a hurry to find a good son-in-law, and I will not come again."Your daughter is still perfect, no doubt I will always abandon it.Because the daughter has no mother, Qian's neighbor's wife tested it, and it was true.In recent years in Yu Township, the maidservants and maidservants have spoken with certainty, and it is almost the same as returning the maidservant to Guaiyu.The fox's charmer, I have never heard of such a person, and his long-cherished fate should be fulfilled, and his long-cherished debt should be paid? ●Yang Yuting said that there is a carpenter in Denglai, and his son is 14 or 5 years old, very handsome, and he is quite intelligent in reading in class.One day, when I came back from the school alone, I met a Taoist priest who recited a mantra to him. I felt lost and involuntary, and I walked with him. I arrived at a thatched hut in the valley, where there were no people living there. However, the mouth is silent and cannot make a sound, and the limbs are slow and cannot be lifted.He recited the mantra again, and took off all his clothes. The Taoist tucked himself up on the couch, stroked and leaned against him, and sang a few words. He exposed his body and approached him. Suddenly he got up and sat down. !After pondering for a long time, he lay down on his side again, looked around, and said with emotion: "Such a beautiful girl is rare in a thousand years. If you defeat my Tao, it's not a pity to practice Qi for another two hundred years."Fighting against each other, the situation is absolutely unreasonable, when there is no time, he turned around and said to himself: two hundred years of hard work, but it is not easy.He sat down on the couch, standing like a wooden chicken, circling the house like a mill, suddenly drew the dagger on the wall, stabbed himself in the arm, blood was like a spring, leaned on the bed and moaned for about an hour, threw the sword and called the son, saying: I lost a few times, and I also lost a few times. Fortunately, I was spared today.Even reciting the mantra to him, the child felt as if he had been unshackled, and hurriedly got up and put on his clothes.The Taoist priest led out the door, pointed to the way home, breathed out flames, burned himself in the hermitage, and lost his place in an instant, not knowing whether he was a demon or a fairy.Yu said that demons indulge in adultery, and they have absolutely no worries.This is the valley drinking Yanyan, and has been resting for many years. When I miss a thought, the demonic obstacle arises.Fortunately, the power of Dao is deep, so I suddenly become confused and enlightened, and can rein in the cliff ear.Lao Tzu said that if you don't see what you want, you can keep your mind from being confused. If you have seen it, you can't think about it without great wisdom, and you can't cut it without great supernatural powers.This Taoist priest was in a sea of ​​desire and could not be stopped, but he made a decisive decision to sever the root of love with the poison of Chu, which can be said to prove the fruit of heaven in the hell.It can be taught by changing its mind, but it doesn't matter what happened before. ●When Zhu Qiupu first entered Hanlin, he rented a small house on Hengjie Street, and finally there were dilapidated houses with several couplets for storing sundries.One day I came to inspect it by chance, and saw that there seemed to be handwriting on the dust wall. Wiping Diguan, it was two quatrains in regular script. .The second said: facing the silver vat in the evening, sitting on the window with affection, without pity and loneliness, I am a pair with the shadow.The ink is faded and has been for many years.There is also a section of running script, peeling and incomplete, playing with its sentence structure, which seems to be the same word, but the last two sentences can be distinguished, saying: "The grandson of heaven, don't be disappointed to block the Milky Way, you still have the morning glory to remember each other."I don't know who the charming girl is, she expresses her gratitude to the plum blossoms, but she is not afraid of people's knowledge, and she is too unrestrained and romantic.Yu said: "The three chapters of plum blossoms are not inscribed by women themselves?"Qiupu said: "The old saying is like this, and the heart will eventually have a character. I recalled that there was a saying in Confucianism that it was made by a woman's parents."In this case, what Song Dai Minyin said is true or close to it.When Ni Yujiang heard about it, he said: "The second language at the end of the detailed Ci is the work of a woman who misses her. It is also the one who changed the way of getting rid of it. Is it true that both of them are lost?"Now that the autumn garden has replaced the wallpaper, I have to count poems. One of them says: "The door is covered with flowers and empty, and Liang Kongyan will not come, but there are still a pair of little maidservants with shoes printed on the moss."The second said: I have been lazy in dressing for a long time, and when I open the incense dowel, I hold a mirror to look at it, and I originally gave it to Zhao Balcony.Another poem said: "Lights are seen from the window of the building at night, the clouds and mountains seem to be blocked by thousands of layers, the house is turned into a homeless guest, the next courtyard is really a retired monk, there is nothing in the mirror, and it has never met in a dream, waiter Er persuaded Zhizhi to return to Wenjin, but failed due to laziness and mental illness.Then Yu Jiang's words are believed.Later, it was recited by Cheng Wengong, who thought for a long time and said: I know it, but I don't say it.Then he said: "It's also appropriate to speak negatively and not answer." Li Shu said in six words, there was a tenant who lived in the wilderness, and heard the sound of soldiers fighting overnight, and the whole family was shocked. They climbed up the wall and looked at it, but saw nothing, but the sound of the battle remained the same until the cock crowed and stopped, and they knew it was a ghost. , Come back the next day.He was sick and chattering endlessly, and they conspired to ambush and shoot him, but they ran away in response to the sound of chirping.Then, from the house up and down, the voices of all voices joined together and said: "He robbed me as a hostage, and I also robbed him as a hostage. Mutual control is in the community. To decide the outcome, why do you preface your affairs, and you shoot me with a gun?Now we come to your house together, if you hold up the gun, I will go, and if you put the gun, I will come again. Can you keep firing the gun from dusk to dawn every night?Thinking of the truth in his words, he knelt down and thanked him, and sent them away with a large set of paper money for wine and food.However, the sound of war has since ceased.If you can't do something, if you don't do it, you will lose a lot;Ghosts do not interfere with humans, but humans oppose ghosts. Ghosts have their own words, so why not open the door and steal?Mencius said that if there are fighters in the neighborhood, if you are sent to save them with tasseled crowns, you will be confused, even if you close the door. ●Yisong Linshe said that there is Zhao Yanhong, who is straightforward, extremely jealous, and blames others for their mistakes every time, without any taboos.Occasionally, I saw the neighbor's wife chatting with the young man, and suddenly told her husband, who had found traces of the investigation, because he waited for his private meeting to kill him in parallel, and brought his head to call the official.After half a year, Zhao suddenly went mad from Laos, talking to his neighbor's wife and demanding his life, and he bit off his tongue to death.Husbands and sluts who are idle are sincerely guilty, but only their relatives can seize them, and only their husbands can kill them, and they are not the ones who are punished by disorderly officials and thieves.What's more, the reputation of the one who is lost, and the family's door of the one who is tarnished, are not the ones who are treacherous giants, the weak prey on the strong, abuse the flames, and make everyone angry.The law uses the meaning of concealing evil and promoting good, that is, turning words to others, which has hurt Shengde.If Boren died by me, he would still be punished for his crimes. What's more, if he told his husband directly, what was his sincerity?Wandering souls are fierce, but they are not without words. After watching things for half a year, they can only get compensation, and they must ask God, which is to follow the punishment of heaven.However, taking criticism as straight is not the way of loyalty, nor is it the way of nourishing happiness. Censor Fogonglun, an old friend of Yao Angong, said that a servant in your family was chased by his master for wandering, and he hated his second bone. He made rumors and falsely accused his master of being thin and unrepairable. Chiseling.It was spread for a while, and the master also heard it a little bit, but there was no way to clamp his mouth, and there was no way to argue with it. The women's generation only had the fragrance of fennel to appeal to their spirits.One day, the slave and his party were sitting in a tea shop, Fang Dazhang chatted, the four people listened, and suddenly there was a groan. , To be eaten by a group of dogs, and the wreckage is in a mess, only then did I know it was the retribution of a bad heart.The Buddha is gentle in nature, and he doesn't like to hear about people's faults. Every child servant, maidservant, and maid who speaks of the loss of the old master must be good at sending envoys away. Learn from this slave.Chang Yuyun said: Song Dangjin heard Pingshuo Han Xin--youren's speeches are true, so-called Pinghua, there are dozens of them in the Yongle Canon-then reprimand them, or ask for their reasons, saying: Tell me Han Xin, you must He also told Han Xin that I was Wu Keting.Qiangu laughed at him for being contemptuous, but he didn't know that he was extremely clever.But he likes to talk about Han Xin to me, but he doesn't want to talk about me to Han Xin, that's really embarrassing.The theory of true understanding of people is also. ●Fujian Quanzhou Examination Institute, so the Haiphong Road Administration also had a magnificent room, but in the Ming Dynasty, there were many infants killed by the soldiers.In another three years, the school envoys came only twice, and the emptiness was closed for a long time, and there were many ghosts.A Yuzhai's servant said that after dusk, people in ancient clothes could be faintly seen coming and going in secret, and they would ignore it immediately.Yu Yinlin is a county, and Sun Jieting, a close friend of the time, also saw a man in a red robe with a gauze cap enter the slave's room, and the slave is a nightmare.Because of his courage, Jieting spat at the window and said, "I was born as a noble official, and died as a troublemaker for children and servants. Why don't you respect yourself?"The slave woke up suddenly, and was never seen again.It means that his soul lives in this room, so he wants to drive the slave out.Once reprimanded, know the reason and stop? ●In the common folk, when a person is seriously ill, he privately cuts off a piece of his clothing and burns it. If the ashes are covered with white characters mottled like seals, he will die, and if there is no handwriting, he will live.Or the joint paper is a quilt, and the seams are not glued, but they are pounded on the anvil with a weighing hammer. Those who join the seams will die, and those who do not fit will live.Try it, nine times out of ten, there is no reason to test it. Lin Shengpei, Putian, heard that there were people in Quanzhou who suddenly looked at their own shadows under the lamp, and felt that they did not resemble their own shape. After careful examination, they moved and turned sideways. , the hands and feet are hooked and bent like bird claws, just like a strange ghost.Horrified, he called his wife to come and see, and she saw the same thing.Since it is like this every night, I can't explain why, and I don't know what to do in fear.A nearby school teacher heard it and said: "The demon does not thrive on its own, but thrives on people. You have evil thoughts in your yin, which causes a Rakshasa feeling and manifests itself?"The man was terrified and convinced, and said: I really have a feud with a certain family, and I plan to kill one of them, so that there will be no seeds left, and I will jump to follow the mother of the duck. Raising ducks is a business, and people in Fujian call it duck mother cloud.It's so strange now, is it because the fruit of the gods surprised me?And quitting is a conspiracy, whether Guanzi's words are verified or not.In the evening, the ghost disappears, and if this true thought is transferred, it will be a blessing and a curse. Ding Yushi Zhixi said that when he met Yuan in Tianjin, there was a young man watching the lantern, and when he came home at night, he met a very beautiful young woman, wandering astray, as if waiting for something, her clothes were fragrant and her hair was beautiful, she was very charming.At first, I thought that a wandering girl who had lost her spouse would pick up words, but would not answer, and would not answer when asked her surname and where she lived.Invited to home for a little rest, firmly refused.Forced to return together, the powder of cypress wine was not yet clear, so he made Zao sit between his wife and sister and drink together.She was very shy at the beginning, but then she gradually flirted with each other, flirting with each other, and persuaded each other with his wife and sister.The young man was ecstatic, showing a little intention of staying overnight, then smiled and said: "The fate is not abandoned, so I will temporarily borrow the Jun's house to remove my makeup. I am afraid that my partners will treat each other, so I can't stay for a long time."He took off his clothes, rolled them up, bowed his head and walked straight.It is also a flower puller in the society - a female make-up in the autumn song team, commonly known as a flower puller, young people are angry, chase outside the door to fight, neighbors gather to ask, and those who have seen their strong invitations cannot be blamed Entering people's homes at night; those who saw their singing in person could not blame the women for changing makeup, but laughed and left.This is really an insult to yourself. ●Old servant Lu Taiyan, his uncle was sitting under the jujube tree in the courtyard on a moonlit night, and saw his neighbor’s daughter showing half of her body on the wall, asked her for jujubes, and threw dozens of jujubes at her. Shougua, his parents are already asleep, because he pointed to the wall and looked forward to the ladder.His uncle knew it, and climbed up the ladder, expecting that as soon as the girl got off, there must be a few oranges inside the wall, stretching out her feet to try, but they fell into the mud.Hearing the sound, the daughter, father and brother turned to stare at him, and they were greatly beaten, and everyone felt sorry for him.However, the neighbor's daughter has not returned in the day, so she knows that she is being played by a charm.As mentioned above, the cow-riding woman was picked first by the farmer's son, but there is no reason for this, and there is no such thing as a misfortune.However, even if the recruit does not go, how can the charm use its skills? It is still said that it is self-obtaining. ●Li Shaoting said that a friend visited a monastery for summer vacation. The meditation room was very clean, and the back window was made of boards.A friend placed him under the couch, and the moon was shining one night. There was a gap beside the pillow like the top of a finger, which seemed to be shimmering. After suspicion, it was a monk's secret room. The paper hole in the hole was an empty garden, a place for coffins, which meant that there must be ghosts , Because I was lying on my side on the pillow, I could see it with just one eye. In the middle of the night, there seemed to be a black shadow, like a person coming and going under a tree, and I could tell a man and a woman apart by watching, but I couldn't see the eyebrows.There are about dozens of coffins in the house, but the number of ghosts seen is only three to five, and the number is no more than ten, or they gradually dissipate over time, or have they entered the wheel?If it is like this for more than a month, it will not tell anyone, and the ghost will not be aware of it.One night, I saw two ghosts stalking behind a tree, circling seven or eight feet away from the window, in a more violent state than a human being, and I couldn't help laughing, and then they disappeared.I peeped again the next night, but I didn't see a ghost.After a few days of severe cold and fever, he was suspicious of ghosts, so he moved to another temple.It changes like a ghost, and it is inevitable that it is unexpected, so that people can see its insidiousness, ten eyes and ten hands, almost no false words.However, if the wisdom comes from the ghosts, the dead will inevitably be driven away by the ghosts. It is ominous for those who observe deep fish, which is what they call it. ● On one day in Urumqi, Wengong Township, a university scholar, the military station reported that the deported criminal Wang Mou had fled, but there was no trace of arrest. After a long time, I heard that he and a Wu Mou were both from Fujian. They were escorted to the exhibition hall in Hami. The army sent to Taiwan did not understand Hokkien, so they could not tell who was Wu or the king. Wu claimed that the deceased was Wu, and pretended to be Wang. Wu was arrested, so Wu was lucky to escape.However, there is no supporting evidence for the matter, doubts cannot be clarified, and there is no way to investigate.The military official Bahabu said that there was a silk seller's wife, who was very handsome, and suddenly got a strange disease, and she just lay down in a coma all day long, and several people were eating.So for more than two years, one day playing the trombone, stiff as a corpse, pouring into Jingye, a little bit able to speak, the soul of Ziyun was taken by the city god judge, forced to be a concubine, and don't take a hungry ghost to take his form, At the end of a certain day, the underworld ordered the summoning, and the judge ordered the ghosts to serve, don't take a hungry ghost to arrive, the hungry ghosts are also happy to be reincarnated, and they are willing to take their place.When I was interrogated in the court of the City God, I found out that the falsehood was false, and I was sent to prison as a judge and a ghost, and I was sent back.The statue of the later judge shattered without reason, and the woman died for another two years.Counting his resurrection to death, rather than getting sick to his resurrection, the number of days is just right, knowing that he was robbed in vain, and he still has the life he deserves.However, there are also underworld divisions who have replaced A with B, but it is a pity that the city god heard it. ●Li Ating said that there were foxes in Luanzhou people's houses who lived in their warehouses, and they were not very troublesome, or occasionally threw bricks and tiles, and stole food and drinks.Later, the sorcerer impeached and ruled, killed several foxes, and left a talisman saying: If it comes again, it will be burned, and the fox fruit will be removed.However, she often assumes the form of her family's wife, goes out at night to have sex with the young neighbors, and even assumes the form of her youngest son, lying and rising with all the rascals, making ugly noises.People don't know.One day when I went to the Buddhist temple, I heard the sound of laughter in the Zen room, peeking at the hole paper, it was his daughter sitting with the monks, very angry.Going back to get the blade, his daughter came out from the inner room, and she first realized that she was revenge for the fox, and then extended to the sorcerer, who said: "It has escaped, and I don't know what to do."Husbands and foxes are small nuisances to others, and they are always there, so you don't need to be punished, and even if you are punished, the crime will not lead to death.Although there is a talisman to rely on, the fox can no longer succeed, but the coincidence of repaying each other is that the death is born outside the preparedness.However, a gentleman is not strong enough to win against a villain, and he will definitely suffer backlash; even if he is strong enough to win, but the machine is hidden, changing all kinds of ways, it is also deeply terrifying. ●Songfu Tangge Xueyan, there is a tomb guarder from your family in Haidian, occasionally seeing several dogs chasing a fox, bloody hair and blood, I feel sorry for him, beat the dog with a stick, put the fox in the room, wait for it to rest, and send it to Go into the wilderness.After a few days, a woman's money came in at night, her appearance was peerless.Horrified, I asked where I came from, and worshiped again: "I am a fox girl. I was in a catastrophe yesterday, and Meng Jun was born again. Now I am here to blow the pillow mat for you."The guard of the tomb has no malicious intentions, because he accepted it, and after two months of intimacy, he became thinner and thinner day by day, but he loved him without doubt.One day we went to bed together, and heard the call out of the window, saying: "Liu lowly maidservant, I raised Chuangfu to heal, and I didn't repay my kindness immediately. Why do you have to pretend to be my name? Mr. Meilang is sick, and he is not afraid of getting rid of it. The clan party says I am responsible." Righteousness, how can I understand myself.That is to say, the governor came from you, and the lord rescued me, and I sat and watched him die, how can I be at ease.Today, my sister-in-law came to kill you.The woman was startled and wanted to run away, but countless women's volleyball team entered the door and shot to death.The keeper of the tomb has been deluded for a long time, regretful and angry, and reprimanded this girl for being unscrupulous and robbed her of her love.The woman repeated her self-reporting, but in the end she couldn't see it, and she jumped up with her blade, wanting to avenge the other woman, but the woman cried bitterly and jumped over the wall.The tomb guard is said by others later, and he still hates it.This is the so-called loyal and see slander, trust and see doubt also. ●董曲江前辈言,有讲学者,性乖僻,好以苛礼绳生徒。生徒苦之,然其人颇负端方名,不能诋其非也。塾后有小圃,一夕散步月下,见花间隐隐有人影,时积雨初晴,土垣微圮,疑为邻里窃蔬者,迫而诘之,则一丽人匿树后,跪答曰:身是狐女,畏公正人不敢近,故夜来折花,不虞为公所见,乞曲恕。言词柔婉,顾盼间百媚俱生,讲学者惑之,挑与语,宛转相就。且云妾能隐形,往来无迹。即有人在侧,亦不睹,不至为生徒知也。因相燕昵,比天欲晓,讲学者促之行,曰:外有人声,我自能从窗隙去,公无虑。俄晓日满窗,执经者麇至,女仍垂帐偃卧,讲学者心摇摇,然尚冀人不见。忽外言某媪来迓女,女披衣径出,坐皋比上理鬓讫,敛衽谢曰:未携妆具,且归梳沐,暇日再来访,索昨夕缠头锦耳。乃里中新来角妓,诸生徒贿使为此也。讲学者大沮,生徒课毕归早餐,已自负衣装遁矣。外有余必中不足,岂不信乎? ●曲江又言,济南有贵公子,妾与妻相继殁,一日,独坐荷亭,似睡非睡,恍惚若见其亡姬,素所怜爱,即亦不畏,问何以能返,曰:鬼有地界,土神禁不许阑入,今日明日,值娘子诵经期,连放焰口,得来领法食也。问娘子来否,曰:娘子狱事未竟,安得自来。问施食无盖于亡者,作焰口何益,曰:天心仁爱,佛法慈悲,赈人者佛天喜,赈鬼者佛天亦喜,是为亡者资冥福,非为其自来食也。问泉下况味何似,曰:堕女身者妾夙业,充下陈者君夙缘,业缘俱满,静待转轮,亦无大苦乐,但乏一小婢供驱使,君能为焚一偶人乎?懵腾而醒,姑信其有,为作偶人焚之,次夕见梦,则一小婢相随矣。夫束刍缚竹,剪纸裂缯,假合成质,何亦通灵?盖精气抟结,万物成形,形不虚立,秉气含精,虽久而腐朽,犹砽蠕以化,芝菌以蒸,故人之精气未散者为鬼,布帛之精气,鬼之衣服亦如生。其于物也,既有其质,精气斯凝。以质为范,象肖以成,火化其渣滓,不化其菁英。故体为灰烬,而神聚幽冥,如人殂谢,魄降而魂升。夏作明器,殷周相承,圣人所以知鬼神之情也。若夫金洗春条,未砿佳城,殡宫寥寂,彳亍夜行,投畀炎火,微闻咿嘤。是则衰气所召,妖以人兴,抑或他物之所凭矣。(有樊媪者在东光见有是事) ●朱子颖运使言,昔官叙永同知时,由成都回署,偶遇茂林,停舆小憩,遥见万峰之顶,似有人家,而削立千仞,实非人迹所到。适携西洋远镜,试以窥之,见草屋三楹,向阳启户,有老翁倚松立,一幼女坐檐下,手有所持,似俯首缝补,柱屋似有对联,望不了了,俄云气磣郁,遂不复睹,后重过其地,林麓依然。再以远镜窥之,空山而已。其仙灵之宅,误为人见,遂更移居欤。 ●潘南田画有逸气,而性情孤峭,使酒骂座,落落然不合于时。偶为余作梅花横幅,余题一绝曰:水边篱落影横斜,曾在孤山处士家,只怪硂枝蟠似铁,风流毕竟让桃花。盖戏之也,后余从军塞外,侍姬辈嫌其敝黯,竟以桃花一幅易之。然则细琐之事,亦似皆前定矣。 ●青县王恩溥,先祖母张太夫人乳母孙也,一日,自兴济夜归,月明如昼,见大树下数人聚饮,杯盘狼藉,一少年邀之入座,一老翁嗔语少年曰:素不相知,勿恶作剧。又正色谓恩溥曰:君宜速去,我辈非人,恐小儿等于君不利。恩溥大怖,狼狈奔走,得至家,殆无气以动。后于亲串家作吊,突见是翁,惊仆欲绝,惟连呼鬼鬼,老翁笑掖之起,曰:仆耽曲蘖,日恒不足,前值月夜,荷邻里相邀,酒已无多,遇君适至,恐增一客则不满枯肠,故诡语遣君,君乃竟以为真耶?宾客满堂,莫不绝倒。中一客目击此事,恒向人说之。偶夜过废祠,见数人轰饮,亦邀入座,觉酒味有异,心方疑讶,乃为群鬼挤入深淖,化磷火荧荧散。东方渐白,有耕者救之乃出。缘此胆破,翻疑恩溥所见为真鬼。后途遇此翁,竟不敢接谈。此表兄张自修所说。戴君恩诏则曰:实有此事,而所传殊倒置,乃此客先遇鬼,而恩溥闻之,偶夜过某村,值一多年未晤之友,邀之共饮,疑其已死,绝裾奔逃。后相晤于姻家,大遭诟谇也。二说未审孰是,然由张所说,知不可偶经一事,遂谓事事皆然,致失于误信;由戴所说,知亦不可偶经一事,遂谓事事皆然,反败于多疑也。 ●李秋崖言,一老儒家有狐,居其空仓中,三四十年未尝为祟。恒与人对语,亦颇知书,或邀之饮亦肯出,但不见其形耳。老儒殁后,其子亦诸生,与狐酬酢如其父,狐不甚答,久乃渐肆扰。生故设帐于家,而兼为人作讼牒,凡所批课文,皆不遗失,凡作讼牒,则甫具草,辄碎裂,或从手中掣其笔,凡修脯所入,毫厘不失,凡刀笔所得,虽扃锁严密,辄盗去;凡学子出入,皆无所见,凡讼者至,或瓦石击头面流血,或檐际作人语,对众发其阴谋。生苦之,延道士劾治,登坛召将,摄狐至,狐侃侃辨曰:其父不以异类视我,与我交至厚,我亦不以异类自外,视其父如兄弟;今其子自堕家声,作种种恶业,不陨身不止。我不忍坐视,故挠之使改图,所攫金皆埋其父墓中,将待其倾覆,周其妻子,实无他肠。不虞炼师之见谴,生死惟命。道士蹶然下座,三揖而握手曰:使我亡友有此子,吾不能也。微我不能,恐能者千百无一二,此举乃出尔曹乎?不别主人,太息径去。其子愧不自容,誓辍是业,竟得考终。 ●乾隆丙辰丁已间,户部员外郎长公泰,有仆妇年二十余,中风昏眩,气奄奄如缕,至夜而绝,次日方为营棺敛,手足忽动,渐能屈伸,俄起坐,问此何处。众以为犹谵语也,既而环视室中,意若省悟,喟然者数四,默默无语,从此病顿愈。然察其语音行步,皆似男子,亦不能自梳沐,见其夫若不相识。觉有异,细诘其由,始自言本男子,数日前死,魂至冥司,主者检算未尽,然当谪为女身,命借此妇尸复生,觉倏如睡去,倏如梦醒,则已卧板榻上矣。问其姓名里贯,坚不肯言,惟曰:事已至此,何必更为前世辱。遂不穷究。初不肯与仆同寝,后无词可拒,乃曲从,然每一荐枕,辄饮泣至晓。或窃闻其自语曰:读书二十年,作官三十余年,乃忍耻受奴子辱耶?其夫又尝闻呓语曰:积金徒供儿辈乐,多亦何为。呼醒问之,则曰未言,知其深讳,亦姑置之。长公恶言神怪事,禁家人勿传,故事不甚彰。然亦颇有知之者,越三载余,终郁郁病死,讫不知其为谁也。 ●先师裘文达公言,有郭生刚直负气,偶中秋燕集,与朋友论鬼神,自云不畏,众请宿某凶宅以验之,郭慨然仗剑往。宅约数十间,秋草满庭,荒芜蒙翳,扃户独坐,寂无见闻。四鼓后,有人当户立,郭奋剑欲起,其人挥袖一拂,觉口噤体僵,有如梦魇,然心目仍了了,其人磬折致词曰:君固豪士,为人所激因至此。好胜者常情,亦不怪君,既蒙枉顾,本应稍尽宾主意,然今日佳节,眷属皆出赏月,礼别内外,实不欲公见,公又夜深无所归,今筹一策,拟请君入瓮,幸君勿嗔,觞酒豆肉,聊以破闷,亦幸勿见弃。遂有数人舁郭置大荷缸中,上覆方桌,压以巨石。俄隔缸笑语杂盢,约男妇数十,呼酒行炙,一一可辨,忽觉酒香触鼻,暗中摸索,有壶一杯一小盘四,横阁象箸二,方苦饥渴,且姑饮啖。复有数童子绕缸唱艳歌,有人扣缸语曰:主人命娱宾也,亦靡靡可听。良久又扣缸语曰:郭君勿罪,大众皆醉,不能举巨石,君且姑耐,贵友行至矣。语讫遂寂,次日,众见门不启,疑有变,逾垣而入,郭闻人声,在缸内大号,众竭力移石,乃闯然出,述所见闻,莫不拊掌。视缸中器具,似皆己物,还家讯问,则昨夕家燕,并酒肴失之,方诟谇大索也。此魅可云狡狯矣。然闻之,使人笑不使人怒,当出瓮时,虽郭生亦自哑然也。真恶作剧哉。余容若曰:是犹玩弄为戏也,曩客秦陇间,闻有少年,随塾师读书山寺,相传寺楼有魅,时出媚人,私念狐女必绝艳,每夕诣楼外祷以媟词,冀有所遇。一夜徘徊树下,见小鬟招手,心知狐女至,跃然相就。小鬟悄语曰:君是解人,不烦絮说,娘子甚悦君,然此何等事,乃公然致祝,主人怒君甚,以君贵人,不敢祟,惟约束娘子颇严,今夜幸他出,娘子使来私招君,君宜速往。少年随之行,觉深闺曲硁,都非寺内旧门径,至一房,朱眔半开,虽无灯,隐隐见床帐,小鬟曰:娘子初会,觉腼腆,已卧帐内,君第解衣,径登榻,无出一言,恐他婢闻也。语讫径去,少年喜不自禁,遽揭其被,拥于怀而接唇,忽其人惊起大呼。却立愕视,则室庐皆不见,乃塾师睡檐下乘凉也,塾师怒,大施夏楚,不得已吐实,竟遭斥逐。此乃真恶作剧矣。文达公曰:郭生恃客气,故仅为魅侮;此生怀邪心,故竟为魅陷。二生各自取耳,岂魅有善恶哉。 ●李村有农家妇,每早晚出馌,辄见女子随左右,问同行者则不见,意大恐怖,后乃渐随至家,然恒在院中,或在墙隅,不入寝室。妇逼视即却走,妇返即仍前,知为冤对,因遥问之。女子曰:汝前生与我皆贵家妾,汝妒我宠,以奸盗诬我,致幽死,今来取偿。讵汝今生事姑孝,恒为善神所护,我不能近,故日日相随,揆度事势,万万无可相报理,汝倘作道场度我,我得转轮,即亦解冤矣。妇辞以贫女子,曰:汝贫非虚语,能发念诵佛号万声,亦可度我。问此安得能度鬼,曰:常人诵佛号,佛不闻也。特念念如对佛,自摄此心而已。若忠臣孝子,诚感神明,一诵佛号,则声闻三界,故其力与经忏等。汝是孝妇,知必应也。妇如所说,发念持诵,每诵一声,则见女子一拜,至满万声,女子不见矣。此事故老时说之,知笃志事亲,胜信心礼佛。 ●又闻洼东有刘某者,母爱其幼弟,刘爱弟更甚于母,弟婴痼疾,母忧之废寝食,刘经营疗治,至鬻其子供医药,尝语妻曰:弟不救,则母可虑,毋宁我死耳。妻感之,鬻及硃衣,无怨言。弟病笃,刘夫妇昼夜泣守,有丐者,夜栖土神祠,闻鬼语曰:刘某夫妇轮守其弟,神光照烁,猝不能入,有违冥限,奈何?土神曰:兵家声东而击西,汝知之乎?次日,其母灶下卒中恶,夫妇奔视,母苏而弟已绝矣。盖鬼以计取之也。后夫妇并年八十余乃卒,奴子刘琪之女,嫁于洼东,言闻诸故老,曰:刘自奉母以外,诸事蠢蠢如一牛,有告以某忤其母者,刘掉头曰:世宁有是人,人宁有是事,汝毋造言!其痴多类此,传以为笑,不知乃天性纯挚,直以尽孝为自然,故有是疑耳!元人王彦章墓诗曰:谁信人间有冯道,即此意矣。 ●景少司马
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