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Chapter 13 Volume Eleven Huai Xi Magazine One

Read Wei Caotang Notes 纪昀 21600Words 2018-03-23
●I was in charge of Wutai again, and every time there was a meeting of the judiciary, I lived in Zhixiyuan for many days.I borrowed a few couplets from Yuan's son-in-law, and the list is called the old house in Huaixi.It is tens of miles away from the city, except for the official business, the guests are very rare, the days are long and there are many free time, just sitting quietly.There used to be Luanyang Xiaoxialu, such as I heard the second book, which was published by the bookstore. The reason was that friends and friends gathered together, and they often told each other with different stories. The day is straight.It's okay if you can't remember it all.After searching for it over the years, I found four more volumes. Sun Shuxin recorded it as a single sheet, titled Huaixi Magazine.Its style is still the same as the previous two books.Since now, have you been too lazy to write?So you think the three records of the dust are okay, or you can't be idle if you are old, and there are some embellishments?It is thought that Yi Jian's Bing Zhi can also be.Renzi in June, watching chess and Taoism.

Sui Shu records that Princess Lanling died as a martyr to her husband, and she is listed at the top of the female biographies. is positive.Zhang Zuolin, a doctor in Cangzhou, said that there are young women in his hometown who marry before their husbands die, and when they are two years old, their husbands die again.Ask about a neighbor's wife's illness. The neighbor's wife suddenly looked at her ex-husband and said: "Ergan is guarding for someone, not for me, why?"The young woman resolutely said to her: "You don't look at me with hair knots. For three years, I haven't spoken a single word in my liver. I'm safe for you. He doesn't despise me by marrying again. During the two years, I have been kind and righteous, and I can't rest easy." Keep for him.If you don't reflect on yourself, you dare to blame others?The ghost retreated at a loss for words.This is similar to the case of Princess Lanling.Gai Yiyu told everyone to meet me, and everyone will repay him;However, among the five relationships, only friends share righteousness, don't care about rewards, and are kind.That is to say, if you care about giving back, you are still straight.Brothers belong to heaven, and it is no longer possible to repay charity. Kuang Junchen, father and son, couples, righteousness belongs to the three principles.People from Yuyang Mountain built the Yurang Bridge. The poem said: "The water beside the Guoshi Bridge has been hated for thousands of years. It is like hearing that Uncle Li, who died to repay Ju Aogong."It is said that it can be honest and thin, and Si Yan agrees.However, Uncle Zhu Li was exiled because he didn't know, but he stood up and died, because he was ashamed that the king didn't know his ministers-seeing Liu Xiang's talk about the court, it was like resentment, especially to compare right and wrong with the king, not to defend the country for the king.Its deeds can be windy, but its words are not consistent with righteousness.Or the mistake of the recorder?

●Jiangning Wang Jinying, courtesy name Juzhuang, is also a scholar from Yu Renwu branch school.He likes to be a poet, but his talent is a little weak, but his beauty is not vulgar, and he is quite close to the four spirits in the late Song Dynasty.I tasted the painting art of chrysanthemums, and I parodied his physique and titled them. Some of them used chrysanthemum as the name, and followed the flowers into the painting, saying that Ju Zhuang was very happy, so we can still know it.He has written several volumes of poems and talks, but they have not yet been written.Frost carves summer green, whose drafts do not know where they are lost.I still remember one of the sayings: An abandoned house in Jiangning, there are slight handwriting on the wall, and the dust is watching. There are five quatrains. Only fly when the cauliflower is yellow.The second said: "Swallows in the Six Dynasties have passed through the years, and the flowers on the Suzaku bridge have been destroyed. You don't need to ask Wang Xie in melancholy. When Liu Lang left, he never returned."The third is: the deserted pond and the abandoned hall are full of fragrant grasses. When I was young, I sang songs.The fourth said: The soil and flowers surrounded the ruined wall, and there were peach leaves and peach roots in it. In the middle of the night, I walked all over the steps and under the moon, and the poor sock ended up without a trace.The fifth said: In the Qingming Festival, orioles sing everywhere, and the spring breeze does not touch the withered willow branches, but the double stone beasts in Yingjiaxi, remember that you once hung gold silk.The character is also Yingwei, but he doesn't know his name, and he doesn't know how to speak ghost words.Yu said that after the destruction of the King of Fortune, there were old words from the Ming Dynasty.

●Dong Qiu's original words, when he was an official of Juye, there were filial piety poems written by the guards, and they were brought to the side of the shrine.One day during the autumn sacrifice, the gatekeeper got up to sweep at night, and his wife was still in bed. In his dream, he saw dozens of generations of women entering the temple hand in hand. , really true.It's strange to ask that he didn't invite Jingbiao, why did he come with him?A woman replied: How can the world's praises spread all over the poor villages and houses.There are those who are obliterated and not visible, and ghosts and gods are in pain. Even though there is no place in the temple, they are invited to come and eat, or they hide their flaws and filth, and they are full of fragrance. Although they are in the temple, they are not allowed to enter.So the two of us got here.This matter is quite news.However, with God's reasoning, it seems to be the case.He also offered a gift to the county official Wei, who murmured to himself at the end of his life: I am idle in Cao, and I say that I have never done any evil deeds.The invention of two things.Believe in loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, move the world and move ghosts and gods.

●The family uncle's words and deeds, there is a farmer's wife and sister-in-law who are both handsome and beautiful, enjoying the coolness on a moonlit night, sleeping together under the eaves, and suddenly seeing a red-haired and blue-faced ghost, coming out from behind the cowshed, dancing and throwing, as if to eat.At that time, all the men went out to guard the garden, and my aunt and sister-in-law were afraid to speak.One by one, the ghosts grabbed and raped them.Fang jumped up the short wall, suddenly lost his voice, and threw himself on the ground. Seeing that he had not moved for a long time, he dared to call someone.Neighbors tend to look at it, and there is a ghost inside the wall, which is the evil Shaomou in the house, who has become unconscious and does not know anyone.There is a ghost standing outside the wall, and there are clay puppets in the Shegong Temple.The elders said that the society has a spirit, and they discussed until dawn to report the game.A young man said in a dumb voice: "A certain Jiaheng has five drums out of dung, and I play with ghosts in the shrine and put them on the side of the road, and then startle away and make a smile. I don't expect to meet this false ghost and mistake it for a real ghost. I'm startled. What's the spirit of the society? .An old man in the middle said: A certain Jia carries dung every day, why don't you play with it another day, and there are so many tricks to play with it today, why do you suddenly hold this earthen puppet, why can't you put the earthen puppet anywhere? It is also outside the wall of this house alone, and the gods are actually relying on it, and you don't know it.They all sacrificed gold to sacrifice, and their evil little ones went away for their parents, and they were sleepy for several days, but they didn't wake up.

●In Baicheng Village, 15 miles southwest of Taigu County, Shanxi Province, there is a Shrine of Confusion.The natives are very strict in their service, and the slightest disrespect will cause hailstorms. However, they don't know who the god is, and they don't know how they got this name.After checking the general records, it is known as Hutu temple.It was built in the third year of the Yuan Dynasty, and its original name was Liying Hutu Temple. ●There are often objects in stones.Jiang Shaoshu Yun Shixuan wrote in his notes that when he saw a stone, he made a picture of Tai Chi, which is like a spiral spiral, even divided into black and white.Yan Jiezi tasted a Yingde inkstone mountain, with white veins on it, and the four characters of high mountain and small moon, which are clear and distinct.It is not inlaid, not carved, nor stained, it is really natural, and it is not different.There are both mountains and land, as well as rocks and mountains. How can it be predicted that there will be Cheng Miao's official script since the opening?That is to say, it is predicted that there will be Fu in Dongpo and Chibi?That is to say, this stone is pregnant with mountains. After Song Dynasty, who used to imitate this word, who made to inscribe this word?However, the ingenuity of nature is omnipresent, and the essence is knotted, forming a self-contained article.It is very predictable.The handed down Hetu Luoshu originated from the Northern Song Dynasty, which was never seen before the Tang Dynasty. The Hetu is made of black and white circles of fifty-five, and the Luoshu is made of black and white circles of forty-five. According to the annotations of Kong Anguo's Analects, Hetu is called the Eight Diagrams. (The annotations to the Analects of Kong Anguo are no longer circulated today. This article is quoted by He Yan’s Anthology of Analects.) It is the gate of Kong’s family, and there is no such fifty-five points. How did Chen Tuan get it?Zhiluoshu is called a book, and when it has characters, it has forty-five circles, which is the same as Hetu. It should be called Luotu, not a book.Liu Xiang and Liu Xin ban Gu, and said that Luoshu has literature, and Kong Yingda Shangshu is just and recorded the number of words in detail. (Hong Fanchu said the Five Elements and One Chapter on the first day, and Shu said that the Five Elements Chronicle contains this chapter. It is said that the sixty-five characters are all in the Luoshu text. , which was added by Yu. There are 18 characters for respecting and using agriculture. Da Liu and Gu think that the turtle back comes first, with a total of 38 characters. Cross and so on. Although the number of words mentioned is different, it shows that from Han to Tang, Luoshu has no false pictures of black and white dots.) Looking at this inkstone mountain, I know that the stone patterns form characters, and it is not false. said. (Mingtang Jiushifa Guiwen, first saw Northern Qi Lu Bian Da Daili's annotation. Zhu Zi said it by Zheng Kangcheng, and occasionally misremembered it.) So the Taiyi Nine Palaces were really received by the god Yu. (The Luoshu used by contemporary artisans is the method of Taiyi's practice of the nine palaces, which is based on Yi Wei's dry chisel, that is, the so-called Taiyi family in Hanshu Yiwenzhi, which was not called Luoshu in the Ming Dynasty.)

●Cousin Liu Xiangwan said that in the past when he was an official in Fujian, he heard that there was a young woman who was always quiet.At the foot of the mountain where the dead are buried, on the eve of every month, the soul is often seen in the distance, but it is tied to the tree, and it is invisible when it is approaching. It is inexplicable.Yu said: This is what is shown. People can't explain why they are condemned, but they must make people see that they are condemned. It shows what people don't know, and ghosts and gods know it. ●Chen Taichang Fengya said that a boy who was 14 or 15 years old would groan every time he slept, suspecting that he was ill.Asked, there is no cloud.Since then, he babbled from time to time, unable to wake up, and his words were quite clear.Listen to the words that are all obscene, and their groans are also affected by the sound of obscenity.However, he did not speak at the end of the question.Knowing that it is a charm, I gave it to the public, and the public in Yemeng said: "The charm is sincere."It is beyond my power.It was issued to the City God.After one night, the clay sculptures in the Temple of the City God controlled the horse pawns, and they died for no reason.At the beginning, I realized that the so-called force cannot be controlled by the public.However, a Zou ear may not be loved by the City God; even if the City God loves, the god is upright and intelligent, and he will not use the love to protect a Zou.As soon as the ultimatum is presented and punished, the City God's mind is clear.Those in the society, who are trying to figure out fear, forbear and dare not speak, how do they see the city god.So what does the city god think of this communal father?

●Three words in Zhao Taishou's book, whoever meets a fox girl at night, picks her up close, but suddenly disappears.Oviva shot down its cap.When I woke up the next day, I saw a poem written on the window paper, saying: The deep courtyard is full of flowers, which should only be picked by butterflies, and there are worms under the grass, and there are basil.The language is very frivolous, but the style is charming, so it is better not to love the poor. ●Tian Baiyan said that he tried to help the shamans with his friends, and his immortals called themselves real mountain people, and he was also a gentleman in the late Song Dynasty.According to the poetry collection of mountain people, it is now recorded in Siku Quanshu.Advocate peace and negotiation, and report to the outside world that a certain guest has come, but the ghost suddenly does not move.He came back the next day, and everyone kowtowed at the reason for his sudden departure yesterday. The judge said: "These two monarchs, one of them is too sophisticated, and they are too familiar with the world. It is better to avoid it; one's mind is too close, etiquette is too clear, and when talking with others, he is constantly scrutinizing every word, and there is no end to blame.Later, Duke Yao An heard about it, and said: "This immortal is a scholar who is a scholar, but his ability is not great."

●From my brother Maoyuan’s words, Qianlong Bingchen Township Examination, sitting in the autumn brand name, one person continued to enter the number, the number army asked the name and origin, handed over to congratulate and said: Yesterday, a dream woman held an apricot flower to plug in the number, and told me: Tomorrow A certain person from a certain county came to say that the apricot blossoms are here, and the name and surname of the monarch fit the place of origin. Isn't it a good omen.The man turned pale in astonishment, he couldn't understand the examination tools, and came out complaining of illness.Someone in the village who knew about it said: "In this life, there is a little maid named Xinghua, who forced him into chaos and abandoned her.

●According to Sun Shusen's words, some Jin people entrusted their assets to their younger brothers to do business abroad. The guest took a wife and gave birth to a son. After more than ten years, the wife died of illness and returned home with the son.The younger brother was afraid that he would claim back his assets, and falsely accused his son of adopting a different surname, so he was not allowed to inherit his father's business.The official is so condescending, he doesn't ask his businessman whether he is fake, but follows the ancient method of blood test, and fortunately the blood matches, he flogs his younger brother.My younger brother didn't believe in blood dripping, and he had a son, but the result of blood pricking and test was not satisfactory, so he appealed.It is said that the county magistrate's decision is insufficient.The villagers hate him for being greedy and greedy, and no one cares about him.Qian said: "His wife has always been intimate with her, and her son is not her son, so the blood should not match."All the mouths are clear, there is a test, the pawn proves the rape, and the wife is pleasing to him, and she bows her head to seduce him. The younger brother is ashamed, and he leaves his wife and son, and flees. The property is returned to his brother. Those who quickly.According to Chen Ye's blood dripping, see the biographies of the sages in Runan.This has been said since the Han Dynasty.However, I heard that the old officials said: "Flesh and blood must be united, and it is normal; or put the utensils on the ice and snow in the winter months, and freeze them to make them extremely cold, or wipe the utensils with salt and vinegar in the summer months, so that they have a sour and salty taste. The blood that is dripped will coagulate as soon as it enters the device, even close relatives are not compatible, so dripping blood is not enough to be trusted.However, if this order does not pierce blood, then Shang's younger brother will not appeal, and if Shang's younger brother does not appeal, then his wife's wild connate will not be defeated.If this is almost possible, it is not entirely to blame for the ancient times of this order.

●The boa constrictor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, more than recorded in Luanyang Xiaoxia Lu, I saw its traces twice, it is not like nothing.Officials are afraid of it, and no one dares to go deep into the storehouse.In the second month of Renzi, according to the order of the Institute of Seminary, Yu Qiku inspected it, but saw nothing, knowing that the emperor's order was coming, and Bailing was overwhelmed.Dean Shu Mulugong said that there was also a giant python in the tomb of the cabinet scholar Zhagong, and Hengyao saw it coming in and out. There are two locust trees in front of the tomb, a few feet apart, hanging from one tree at the head and tail, and its body is like a rainbow. .After burying the mother, I buried her in the appropriate place, sacrificed and wished her, and she led her thousands of people to go.After the burial, I will return.When it goes away, it moves like the wind, but gradually shrinks, until it is only a few feet long. It can be big or small, and it already has the skill of a dragon.Naiwu Duchayuan python, its circumference is like a pillar, and it can go in and out of the window lattice, the gap is only an inch, and it is still the same.It was the moon and Wang Jiaoxue's deputy minister who were in Shanxi together. Ma Observer met an official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who said that there were also two pythons in the storage place of sulfur in the West Shiku. .The most unique thing is that every time you open the key, you will see a pile of sulfur indoors, lei lei like a rockery, enough for taking, and taking it all back again.It means that if you don't want people to enter the warehouse, no one dares to enter.Maybe it is the god who keeps the treasury, why?The Shan Hai Jing records that the gods of the mountains have a snake body and a bird head, with various shapes, not necessarily in human form. The elder brother Qinghu said that there was a man named Wang Zhensheng who lost his beloved son in his old age and was in great pain. He happened to pass by his tomb one night, wandering and mourning, unable to go. Shaking his hand, retreating, and talking to him, the spirit is Somo, it seems that he doesn't want to hear it.The ghost asked why, and the ghost said: "Father and son are destined to live together. If the fate is exhausted, you will be for you, and I will be for me. Why bother to ask each other."Turn around and go.Since then, Zhensheng's pain has disappeared.The guest said: "To enable Xihe to understand this meaning, he should not lose his understanding."The elder brother said: "This filial son is very affectionate, and he made this change to eliminate his father's grief and thoughts, just like the meaning of Xi Chao Mi Zha."Irrational also.If people keep this view, father, son, brother, husband and wife, all regard it as an accidental meeting, and it is getting thinner day by day. ●Na Yiji, a certain public, has a beautiful appearance, a charming smile, and is kind and pleasing, but when she sits alone, she is calm and thoughtful.I am not surprised to see it.One day, he said he was sick, and the key household lay down during the day, and the window paper of a certain male cave peeped at it, and then painted it with fat and powder, and tidied up the hairpins, necklaces, shirts and skirts one by one, and then displayed wine and fruit. He knelt down and said, "I'm a concubine who is the favored maidservant of a certain Imperial Academy."Hanlin is about to die, and Mrs. Du will not be tolerant. She is worried about entering the brothel, so she is sent out first. When I leave, I make a private request: I don't hate you for marrying, and I will be more comforted when you marry. But on the day of my death, you will be in the secret room , Beautiful make-up sacrificed to me privately, if my soul comes, I will take cigarettes around you as a testament.A certain gentleman said: "Xu Xuan has lived up to Empress Li, and the Song master is not guilty. Why don't I listen to you."Ji bows again, burns incense, and tears fall into Zu.The smoked fruit curled around his cheeks three times, and gradually wound around his feet.Wen Tingyun's Bodhidharma Zhiqu, smashed musk deer into dust, the fragrance is not extinguished, and the lotus is twisted to make an inch of silk, what is this called 欤?Although don't hug the pipa, you have already owed the old favor, but you leave your body and stay in your heart, it's not like you are in the same bed and have separate dreams. ●Women built workshops during the Jiaohe festival, and they completed the collection in person. Cousins ​​and sisters joked with each other since they were young, and asked jokingly: You are now white-headed and chaste. I don’t know that in the past forty years, you have been tempted by the moon and the night. no?The festival woman said: People are not grass and trees, so how can they be ruthless, but feel that the rituals cannot be exceeded, the righteousness cannot be borne, and self-control is not enough.One day, after the sweeping of the Qingming Festival, he suddenly seemed dizzy, murmured and babbled, and helped him return, until night was Su.Gu Qizi said: "Seeing your father in a daze, I will greet you soon, and comfort me even more, saying that ghosts and gods know everything that people do in this world."Fortunately, I have no blemishes in my life, otherwise, when we meet in Huangquan, how can we face each other.The more half a year, the fruit dies.This is what Wang Xiaolianmei preface said.In Mei's preface, he said: "Buddha's precept against evil intentions is the fundamental skill in eradicating them, and only high-class people can't do it."Ordinary people are disturbed by each other, why don't they think about it, but if they are afraid and dare not do it, it is also wise.This woman's descendants are quite taboo to say this, and I dare not mention her clan.However, his words are bright and upright, as bright as the sun and blue sky, the so-called being bright and not self-deceiving, so why bother to hide it. ●When Mr. Yao An was in charge of Nanxincang, the back wall of a wall collapsed for no reason. When he dug it, he found a dead rat close to a stone, which was as huge as a cat.Cover the wall of the rat's hole to breed living creatures, and the hole is also full, until the bottom of the wall is completely empty, and it will be covered and pressed if the force is not enough.The public colleague Fu Gonghai said: If the villain's house is used to expand his own house, it is almost forgotten that his house is the child's house?Yu said that Li Linfu and Yang Guozhong didn't understand this reasoning, so it's not like a rat. ●The great-great-grandfather, Duke Runsheng, met a monk in Xiangyang. Ben Huideng was also the guest behind the prime minister, and he was well informed about the bandits.The monk said: In my words, the actions of human beings in kalpas are not the actions of heaven.In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, the killing, prostitution and looting were so tragic that Huang Chao's bleeding for three thousand miles was not worth mentioning.From the middle period onwards, the officials were greedy and abused, the gentlemen were violent, and the folk customs were also corrupt and fraudulent.It is to subdue resentment below, dry up God's wrath, accumulate a hundred years of injustice and anger, and let it out for a day.From what I've seen and heard, those who suffer the most are those who suffer the most.Is it possible to say the number of days?In the past, among the thieves, I saw him binding a family member to kneel in front of the tent, and holding his wife and concubine to drink, asked if he dared to be angry, and said no.Would you like to be enslaved?If you say a wish, you will release the bondage and make wine on the side.The spectator might not be able to bear it too much, and an old man who traps a thief said: I am the first to know the cause and effect. It is his ancestor who tried to adjust the servant woman.That is one end, and so on.A proud man in the seat said: "A giant fish swallows a small fish, and a bird of prey fights against a group of birds. The gods are angry. Why are people angry alone?"The monk turned his head and said: "That fish and bird ears, are mermaids and birds also?"The rich man brushed off his clothes.Tomorrow, I will invite visitors to visit the temple where I live. I want to humiliate them, so I packed them up and removed them to the wall, and wrote twenty words in a big book: You don't need to say anything, and I don't need to say anything. There is no one downstairs, but there is a bright moon upstairs.It's also a dark story for those who are suspected of stabbing the powerful.The late hero died and overthrew his ancestor. ●There is a Lang official who overturns his boat in the Weihe River, and a concubine drowns in Yan, and asks for her corpse, holding a handful of millet in each palm.Xian thought it was strange, and an old man at the river bank said: "It's not strange. Anyone who sinks in the water looks up at the dark and down at the light, panicked and confused, and will seek out from the bright place. His hands are full of earth, so the test for drowning people, If there is mud but no mud on the ten nails, don't give up life and death.First, there was a boat transporting millet that sank at the bottom of the water, and the millet had not yet rotted, so it was full of hands and ears.This theory can be described as nuanced.But because the top is dark and the bottom is bright, we can't say why.According to Zhang Heng Lingxian: The sun is like fire, the moon is like water, fire is the outer light, water is the scenery.And Liu Shao's Chronicle of Characters said: "Fire sun shines outside, but cannot be seen from inside, and gold and water are reflected inside, so it cannot be seen from outside."However, the upper part is dark and the lower part is bright, which solidifies the nature of water. ●Cheng Nianlun's name is Sixiao, during the period of Guiyou and Jiaxu during the Qianlong period, he came to visit the capital, and became a national player. Rugao Maoxiangzhu said: "You and I are both second-hand, and there is no first-hand at that time. I suddenly came from Xionger."One day, Uncle Wu Hui, a doorman, and others supported the spirit, and asked the immortal if he was good at playing, and the judge said he could.Ask Ken if he will play against ordinary people, and the verdict is yes.At that time, Nian Lun lived in Yu's family, and because they played games together, every game notation is counted by sons, and Xiangxi notation is counted by roads. When playing with Qixian, it is done with elephant tricks, such as the ninth road and the third road. , the judgment is ninety-three, and the rest follow suit.For the first few times, Nian Lun was at a loss, thinking that the magic was unpredictable, and was afraid of losing his reputation. He pondered and pondered until his back was sweating and his hands were trembling.After a while, he seemed to feel that there was no other difference, so he let go of the attack, but the ghost was completely wiped out, and the room was in an uproar.Jihu Dashu said: I am a ghost, and I came to play for a while. I asked Zhang Sanfeng to play the game. Because I played the game roughly, I answered the question quickly. I don’t think this gentleman will be troubled by seeing it. I am passing away now.Uncle Hui said with emotion: "On the road to Chang'an, ghosts can also deceive people."Yu Xi said: When you lose, you tell the truth. You are still a blunt ghost on the Chang'an Road. ●Mr. Shen Qianju of Jingzhou boasted that Yao Angong Guisi was also in the same year.But he is solitary and stand alone, he does not take anything, and has the style of an old man.Clothes must be thin and gowns, and food must be coarse. My disciples offered sacrificial meat and carried it to the market to buy tofu, saying: "It's not a hobby, but I'm not used to eating it."Trying to return from the Hejian Sui trial, let the boy control a donkey, and when the boy is tired of walking, let the boy ride and control it by himself.When it rains at dusk, I stay in the broken shrine. There is only one couplet in the shrine.Waking up in the middle of the night, I heard a whisper in the shrine saying: If you want to go out to avoid the public, you can't get out if you are a public household.The master said: You live indoors, and I live outdoors. The two do not harm each other, so why avoid it.After a long time, he said in a low voice: "Men and women are different. You should let me out."The master said: indoors and outdoors are different, but there is no difference when you go out or back.Turn around and sleep soundly.At dawn, some villagers saw it and said in horror: "there is a fox here, who has tasted the charm of the young man. When people enter the temple, they are often hit by rubble. Gonghe Yanran."Later, I talked with Yao Angong, raised his beard and smiled and said: "There is a fox who wants to flatter and live modestly, which is also a big strange thing."Yao Angong joked: "Although a fox charms all the people in the world, it can't break the king."It was a strange shape, the fox had never seen it before, and it didn't know what kind of monster it was, so it was frightened and wanted to escape its ears.It is conceivable that Mr. is a human being. ●Senior Dong Qujiang said that during the Qianlong Dingmao Township Examination, he lived in a monk temple in Jinan. In his dream, he saw a dilapidated house under an old tree.It is suspected that he entered the inner room by mistake, so he dared not enter.The woman suddenly bowed to him, tears dripping down her clothes, but she didn't say a word in the end, feeling palpitated and enlightened.The more nights passed, the dream came back, the woman became more and more discolored, knocked on the forehead more than a hundred times, and wanted to ask her, but she woke up again suddenly, doubts could not be understood, and she told the roommate, but she couldn't understand.One day when I was walking in the temple garden, I saw an old coffin under the verandah, which was about to decay. When I suddenly looked up at the tree, it seemed like I saw it in a dream.The monk of the temple who inquired said that it was a certain official's favorite concubine, so she sent it to her and made an appointment to welcome her. So far, there has been no news for decades, and she dare not move her concubine. The emperor has no plan for a long time.Qujiang suddenly realized, so he was friendly with Licheng Ling, and he was half an mu of land in Jinshi, which was reported to the official and buried.It is safe for the dead to be buried in the earth, and it is not the ghost's wish to stop. ●Zhu Qinglei said, Gao Xiyuan tasted a dream. A guest came to pay homage. The famous assassin was Sima Xiangru. He was so surprised that he didn't realize He Xiang. After a few days, he accidentally got Sima Xiangru's jade seal. Zhenkun Wu carved it with a knife, and Heng Pei didn't take it off his body, so he couldn't see it unless he was close to him.When he was in the official salt field, Lu Zhang Yayu of Dezhou was the envoy of the Huaihe River Transport. He heard that there was a seal. When Yan saw it, he occasionally asked for it. There are only two things that cannot be shared, this seal and the mountain wife.Lu Zhang smiled and said: "Whoever snatches your things, why are you crazy?"The quality of Xiyuan's paintings is extremely high. He suffered from a terminal illness at a late age, and his right arm is withered, but he uses his left arm to wave a brush. Although it is stiff and stubborn, it is very interesting.The poetic style is also free and easy. Although he was a minor official and wasted to death, among the scholar-bureaucrats in recent times, he can still catch up with the romance of his predecessors. ●Yang Tieya's poems are so beautiful that even though he is targeted by literary monsters, his name will not be damaged.But the shoe cup is obscene and obscene.Afterwards, the crazy teenagers competed to imitate each other, thinking that celebrities are romantic, which is inexplicable.Wen Yiju's house, Zhongyuan's family offering sacrifices, Fang put the wine on the table, suddenly the sound of a cup was like firecrackers, and it burst in the middle.I don't know why.It has been known for a long time that his son invited prostitutes a few days ago to imitate the story of Tieya. ●Immortal Butterfly of Taichang Temple, Ruibai of Guozijian, invites Shengzao, everyone knows it.The golden pagoda tree in the Imperial Academy, surrounded by several people, is galled like a rockery, and people may know it.People don't know all about the longevity grass of the Ministry of Rites.This grass blooms red flowers in spring, adorned like fire, and bears fruit like pearls in autumn. There is no record of its fragrance and wild recipes, and its name is unknown.Or it can be said that Tiancheng Gongdao Lao-this grass is planted on the two farms, and the boundary is used. If the plow is not enough, a stem will not grow sideways. If the plow invades a little, it will spread, and the number of intrusions will be reversed, so it gets this name.After examining it, I found that the leaves were sawtoothed and slightly similar, but the flowers were not, so I said it was not.In the north of the hall, in front of the steps of the administrative office, and in the west of the corridor, it is said that it was born in the early days of the country and gradually became a vine.Now it is divided into two branches, the branches and branches are quite old and wooden.Mr. Cao Dishan named it Changchun Grass, and when Yu Guan was a minister in the Ministry of Rites, he used it as a wooden fence to protect it.Chen Taishou, the doorman, was an official at that time, and he made a picture of it, and the cover was deep and deep, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Even though there was a grass and an insect, each of them followed their own way of life.There is also Lian Lihuai in the Ministry of Rites. Under Nanrong in the fasting place, Mr. Zou Xiaoshan, the official servant, tried to draw and inscribe poems, which are still in the storage.However, two locust trees, big and small, grow side by side, and their branches are entangled with each other.It's not true. ●Taoism talks about praying, Buddhism talks about repentance, Confucianism talks about cultivating virtue to defeat demons, Ershi treats the end, and Confucianism treats the root.The patriarch of the family, Leiyang, counted sheep, and when a sheep suddenly stood up and danced, the crowd thought it was ominous, and they wanted to kill the sheep. Lord Leiyang said: "How can sheep dance, there are people who can rely on it."Shi Yan Yu Jin, the meaning of Zuo Zhuan is clear, the disaster has been accomplished, what good is killing the sheep, the disaster has not been accomplished, and the ghosts and gods are more than policemen, and they are just cultivating virtue.Are you killing sheep?Naturally, every word and action is like a sage.Later, Yiyou Bagong in Shunzhi, Wuzizhong's vice-bang, finally passed the judgment, and there was no misfortune. ●Sancong brother Xiaodong said, Yongzheng Ding did not try to return, and saw a beggar woman with a mouth born on her neck, drinking like an ordinary person, is she a monster?Yu said: I feel a strange qi in my ears, but it is not a demon.Parallel thumb and branch fingers are also different from others, so they can be called monsters.I have seen a pig with two bodies and one head, and a cow with one leg on its back. In Wenjiamiao society, I saw a person whose right palm was as big as a skip, and his fingers were as big as a vertebra. .If those who talk about prophecy see it, they must say that this hog disaster, this cattle disaster, this person's disease, is a sign of a certain trouble.Or in response to something.However, what I have seen is different, but there is no evidence to prove it. Therefore, Yu Yu Han Confucianism least believes in Spring and Autumn Yin and Yang, Hong Fan and Five Elements, and Song Confucianism handed down to Song Confucianism most disbelieves Hetu Luoshu and Huangji Jingshi. Mr. Sun Duanren, the master of the house, his articles are full of elegance, but his nature is addicted to alcohol. What he writes after he is drunk is the same as when he was sober.When the inspector was studying in Yunnan, he drank alone under the bamboo bushes on a moonlit night, and saw a person staring at the pot as if he was eating. He knew ghosts and was not afraid.The man shrinks back and hides.Woke up and regretted saying: If you can come to hunt wine, you must not be a vulgar ghost. If you are willing to hunt wine with me, you will treat me well, but you can't live up to your intention of visiting.There are three giant bowls of fine wine in the city, and the night is small and the bamboo is in the room. The next day, the wine is the same.He sighed and said: "This man is not only elegant, but also humble. If you play with him a little bit, you won't taste it at all."The curtain guest may say: "Ghosts and gods are so fond of their spirits, how can they really drink?"The gentleman said with emotion: "Then it's better to drink alcohol when you're not a ghost, so don't be intoxicated by it in the future."Mr. Yushan, the nephew of Mr. Yushan, who was in Fujian Xuemu for Yu Shuzhi, felt that all the sages in Wei and Jin Dynasties were not far away. ●Yu Junqi in Qiantang, I forgot his character occasionally, it seems to be Youshen.At the end of Qianlong's reign, in Yu Xue's office, I occasionally saw his insomnia in the wild. The poem said: "The reeds are desolate and cold, and the field is level, and the sound of night insects chirping all around. People who have been sleeping for a long time can't sleep well, and they lean on the withered pine to see the moonlight."Yu said: Du Fu's poem said that Ba Tong never slept, and there was a boat in the middle of the night. Zhang Ji's poem said that Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, when the midnight bells came to the passenger ship, they all wrote from the opposite side, and they heard it in the middle of the night. Tongzhou, Hanshan Temple bell also.With this method, you can be said to be good at seizing fetuses. However, what Du and Zhang said were in the foreground, and you suddenly said ghosts, is it not too falsified?Yu Jun said: "It was at night that I saw a person leaning on the tree under the moon in the distance. He seemed to be a scholar. He planned to talk about it to break the silence. After more than ten steps away from each other, he disappeared slowly. That's why I said this."Zhong Xinhu play said: "Liu An passed by the chicken and dog in the clouds, and the Emperor Yang returned with the singing and singing in the moon. People in the Tang Dynasty called it a poem about seeing ghosts, but they still think it's a false pretense."Such a work is really worthy of the name. ●Huo Zhangyi wrote in the book that he heard that Zhuhai Dasinong said: There is a cemetery where the sons of aristocratic families study, and there are dozens of residents outside the garden, all of whom are grave guards of wealthy families.One day, I saw Li Nu showing half of her face in the gap in the wall. Fang wanted to watch her, but she avoided it.Over the past few days, I saw picking wild flowers outside the wall, staring at the inside of the wall from time to time, or even climbed a gap in the wall, exposing his half body, thinking that the owner was spying on Song Yu.Quite fond of dreams, but those who live here privately are all crude, and should not have such gorgeous qualities.What I saw was all thorns, and I shouldn't have this girl alone with beautiful makeup. I suspected that she was a fox ghost, so although I looked forward to it, I didn't understand the word.One night, under the independent tree, I heard two women whispering outside the wall, and one woman said: "Fang Buyue is the one you want, why don't you just go with him."A woman said: "the other side suspects me to be a fox ghost, why should I be frightened?"A woman said again: "There are fox ghosts in the blue sky and white day, and the idiot is puzzled so far."The sons of the aristocratic family were secretly delighted when they heard this, and wanted to take off their clothes, when they suddenly thought about it and said: "If you claim to be not a fox ghost, it is true that you are a fox ghost."There are no villains in the world who call themselves villains, but they don't call themselves villains, and all of them slander villains in order to prove that they are not villains. This magic also uses this technique.He flinched and returned.The next day, I visited secretly, and if there were no such two daughters, the two daughters would not come again. ●Wu Lintang said that when he was traveling in Qinlong, he heard that there were hunters at the foot of Shaohua Mountain. When he saw the two of them lying tired under a tree, he could still get up strong.Ask why you are stuck here, one of them said: We are all fox charmers. At the beginning, I lost my way when I traveled at night and stayed in a house in a mountain. She was seen by her parents, and she was very humiliated. I bowed and knelt, so as not to beat him.Then I heard his parents whispering, if there is something to discuss.The next day, he accepted me as his son-in-law, but he agreed that there was a hostess and daughter on the mountain, who had to be served again, and went straight up every five days, and returned after five days, and I was at ease.Half a year later, I fell ill, coughed at night and couldn't sleep, I was walking in the forest, I heard laughter, I went to look for it occasionally, I saw people in several houses, I hugged my wife to sit on a stone and look at the moon, I couldn't bear the anger, my strength was sick and my horns were on my side. The man also said angrily: "The rats dare to look down on my wife, and they also fought vigorously."Fortunately, he was also sick and tired, and they led each other and fell in love. The woman sat on the stone and laughed and said: Don't fight, I tell you clearly. For ear filling.Now that my affairs have been exposed, your spirit is exhausted, and you are useless, so I will go.Dying and suddenly disappeared, the two of them were lost and couldn't get out, so they were starving here. Fortunately, they met the king and waited to be rescued.One of them speaks the same language.The hunter feeds on dry arbors, and he can move a little bit, so that he can look at the place. The two of them were amazed and said: "The wall is the original soil, the beams are the old wood, the door can be opened and closed, and the window can be opened and closed. They all have a shape. It's not a phantom, why are there caves today?The ground in the courtyard is as flat as a stone, and as clean as a wiper. Now, beyond the earth cave, there is no room for ruggedness?The cave is not several feet wide, and the fox can look at himself, so why allow us two, how can our shapes be transformed by illusions?One person saw a broken magnet on the cliff on the opposite side, and said, "I held it to climb the tower, but it was broken by mistake. Now there is no way out on the cliff. How did you go up and down at that time?"Wandering around, they were all lost like a dream. The two hated the fox girl very much, so they asked hunters to go into the mountain to catch her.The hunter said: When you meet by chance, you will become a married couple. There is no such cheap thing in the world. If something is too cheap, there must be someone who is not cheap.Fish swallow hooks because they are greedy for bait, and orangutans prick blood and are addicted to alcohol. The two of you should hate yourself, so why should you hate foxes?The two stopped in silence. ●Lin Tang also said that there are young people who are fascinated by foxes and become increasingly poor, and foxes still come here from time to time.After going to bed together, I was too tired to keep my daughter, so the fox wanted to leave in his clothes, but the young man wept and asked to stay, but the fox ignored him, and angrily blamed him for being ungrateful. Ear.Your ointment has been exhausted, why can't I take it?This is like the one who pays with power, if the power loses, he will leave, and the one who pays with wealth will disperse when the wealth is exhausted.When it is perverse and flattering, it is for power and wealth, not for the person.You are in a certain house, and all of them are attached to the door and wall to the sun. How long has it been since you asked me without a voice, and I am the only one to blame?Its sound is so harsh that the sick waiters are breathless when they hear it.The young man turned his face inward, and said nothing. ●Wang Xuchu said that when he saw the shaman, his immortal called himself Zhang Ziyang, and knocked him to realize the true story. He couldn't answer it, but he was judged as the golden elixir, and he dared not pass it on lightly.There will be a servant who steals money and escapes, and the servant asks if it is still possible to catch him. The immortal judges: "In the past life, you used money to seduce people, bought their wives, and lured them to drink poker games, and still took their wealth. This person met in this life and tempted people." If your wife flees, buy the wife's report; and if you steal money, take the financial report.The number of ghosts is determined first, and it is impossible to hunt them down, so it is better to have already.Xu Chu said: "True immortals do not lie, but once this theory comes out, all traitors and thieves will be blamed for their old reasons, so don't hunt them down, don't add to the flames."The shaman could not answer, and those who had doubts said: "The shackles are mostly cunning and evil, so how do you know if someone hides the servant's wife and teaches him to say this?"Yin sent people to investigate, and in the evening, Guo went to Yiqu Lane, climbed to the ridge of the roof to wait closely, and then gathered to Hulu, and the servant Fang Yan decorated it to drink.Qianhu Luozu encircled the residence, but the head was tied up.The law bans master witches, and hides among them for traitors.Lan Daoxing tried this technique to defeat Yan Song.The commentators don't think so, because they hate Song.However, the princes of Yang and Shen, who can't fight with their bloody heads, and the one side who talks and laughs calmly, controls their lives, and their strength is also great.Fortunately, the person who was discharged was Song, so that he could discharge Qingliu. Although Han Fanfu Ouyang, can he be with Zhiwu?Therefore, in the art of ghosts and immortals, scholars and bureaucrats can play games occasionally, advocate harmony and poetry, and watch dramas, etc., then it can be done.If you borrow good and bad luck, the gentleman should be afraid of his death. ●Cong Shumei'an said: There are five vacant houses in Huai Town. They are not courtyards and are used to store sundries. Children often play and play, jumping and trampling on them. wall in.But a big book was pasted on the door, saying that the fox fairy lives in this house, and it will not get dirty, so I will scare the children.A few days later, I heard the words outside the window at night: I feel that you have seen the move, and now I have moved in, so I should stick to this courtyard for you.Since then, those who came in later were often attacked by bricks and tiles, and those who transported sundries by child slaves did not dare to go there.The fox fairy is going.This is what is called demons are created by people. ●Yu Youzhuang is in the south of Cangzhou.There used to be five couplets in the Shuiming Tower, overlooking the Weihe River below, sailing the wall to and fro under the railings, and visiting the Fan Tower with the grandfather Xuefeng Zhang's family.The great-grandmother, Mrs. Xia Yue lived in the cool air every time, and all the grandchildren followed her.One day, Yu opened the window and looked south, and saw dozens of men and women boarding a ferry boat. Drum and go.At that time, the Wei River surged, the torrents rushed down, and there was a sound of turbulence. A boat with two sails came down the current, as fast as an arrow, and the ferry smashed like a twilight. Dozens of people did not die, but this old man survived.Turning anger into joy, he put his palms together and recited the Buddha's name.Asked why it was suitable, he said: "Yesterday, I heard that a younger brother of the family got 20 gold, and the concubine's daughter-in-law is a concubine. With today's bond, the urgent land will get as much gold as the money, and I will go to redeem my ears with it."All said in unison: "This blow was made by God."Urge to change the ferry to send it off.At that time, Yu Fang was ten years old, but he heard that he was from Zhaojiazhuang, but he didn't ask his first and last name. This is a shameful incident of Yongzheng.Also, Mrs. Tai once said that people from Cangzhou were forced to marry their sisters-in-law, and those who sold their two nieces to the brothel were not fair. One day, they sold mung beans with their waists and went to Tianjin on a huge boat. At night, they moored the river to wash their feet on the side of the boat. Suddenly, a salt boat on the west bank, the cable was interrupted, swept past.The two sides cut each other, and the muscles and bones from the knees were shattered like cuts, and they screamed for several days before they died.先外祖一仆闻之,急奔告曰:某甲得如是惨祸,真大怪事。先外祖徐曰:此事不怪,若竟不如此,反是怪事。此雍正甲辰乙巳间事。 ●交河王洪绪言,高川刘某住屋七楹,自居中三楹,东厢三楹以妻殁无葬地,停柩其中。西厢二楹,幼子与其妹居之。一夕,闻儿啼甚急,而不闻妹语,疑其在灶室未归,从窗罅视已息灯否,月明之下,见黑烟一道,蜿蜒从东厢户下出,萦绕西厢窗下,久之不去。迨妹醒拊儿,黑烟乃冉冉敛入东厢去,心知妻之魂也。自后每月夜闻儿啼,潜起窥视,所见皆然。以语其妹,妹为之感泣。悲哉,父母之心,死尚不忘其子乎?人子追念其父母,能如是否乎? ●先师桂林吕公闇斋言,其乡有官邑令者,莅任之日,梦其房师某公,容色憔悴,若重有忧者,邑令蹙然迎拜曰:旅榇未归,是诸弟子之过也,然念之未敢忘,今幸托荫得一官,将拮据营窀穸矣。盖某公卒于戍所,尚浮厝僧院也。某公曰:甚善,然归我之骨,不如归我之魂,子知我骨在滇南,不知我魂羁于此也。我初为此邑令,有试垦汙莱者,吾误报升科,诉者纷纷,吾心知其词直,而恐干吏议,百计回护,使不得申,遂至今为民累,土神诉与东岳,岳神谓事由疏舛,虽无自利之心,然恐以检举妨迁擢,则其罪与自利等,牒摄吾魂,羁留于此,待此浮粮减免,然后得归。困苦饥寒,所不忍道,回思一时爵禄,所得几何,而业海茫茫,竟杳无崖岸,诚不胜泣血椎心。今幸子来官此,傥念平生知遇,为吁请蠲除,则我得重入转轮,脱离鬼趣,虽生前遗蜕,委诸蝼蚁,亦非所憾矣。邑令检视旧牍,果有此事,后为宛转请豁,又恍惚梦其来别云。 ●交河及方言曰:说鬼者多诞,然亦有理似可信者,雍正乙卯七月,泊舟静海之南,微月朦胧,散步岸上,见二人坐柳下对谈,试往就之,亦欣然延坐。谛听所说,乃皆幽冥事,疑其为鬼,瑟缩欲遁,二人止之曰:君勿讶,我等非鬼,一走无常,一视鬼者也。问何以能视鬼,曰:生而如是,莫知所以然。又问何以走无常,曰梦寝中忽被拘役,亦莫知所以然也。共话至二鼓,大抵缕陈报应。因问冥司以儒理断狱耶?以佛理断狱耶?视鬼者曰:吾能见鬼。而不能与鬼语,不知此事。走无常曰:君无须问此,只问己心,问心无愧,即阴律所谓善,问心有愧,即阴律所谓恶,公是公非,幽明一理,何分儒与佛乎?其说平易,竟不类巫觋语也。 ●里有视鬼者曰:鬼亦恒憧憧扰扰,若有所营,但不知所营何事,亦有喜怒哀乐,但不知其何由。大抵鬼与鬼竞,亦如人与人竞耳。然微阴不足敌盛阳,故莫不畏人,其不畏人者,一由人据所居,鬼刺促不安,故现变相驱之去;一由祟人求祭享,一由桀骜强魂,戾气未消,如人世无赖,横行为暴,皆遇气旺者避,遇运蹇者乃敢侵。或有冤魂厉魄,得请于神,报复以申积恨者,不在此数。若夫欲心所感,淫鬼应之,杀心所感,厉鬼应之,愤心所感,怨鬼应之,则皆由其人之自召,更不在此数矣。我尝清明上冢,见游女踏青,其妖媚弄姿者,诸鬼随之嬉笑,其幽闲贞静者,左右无一鬼。又尝见学宫有数鬼,教谕鲍先生出——先生讳梓,南宫人,官献县教谕,载县志循吏传。则瑟缩伏草间。训导某先生出,则跳掷自如,然则鬼之敢侮与否,尤视乎其人哉。 ●侍姬之母沈媪言,盐山有刘某者,患癃闭,百药不验。一夕,梦神语曰:铜头煅灰酒服之即通。问铜头何物,曰:汝辈所谓蝼蛄也。试之果愈。余谓此湿热蕴结,以湿热攻湿热,借其窜利下行之性耳。若州都之官,气不能化,则求之于本原,非此物所能导也。 ●梁铁幢副宪言,有夜行者于竹林边见一物,似人非人,蠢蠢然摸索而行,叱之不应,知为精魅,拾瓦石击之,其物化为黑烟,缩入林内,啾啾作声曰:我缘宿业堕饿鬼道中,既瞽且聋,艰苦万状,公何忍复相逼。乃委之而去。余滦阳消夏录中记王菊庄所言女鬼,以巧于谗构受哑报,此鬼受聋瞽报,其聪明过甚者乎? ●先师汪文端公言,有欲谋害异党者,苦无善计,有黠者密侦知之,阴裹药以献曰:此药入腹即死,然死时情状,与病卒无异,虽蒸骨验之,亦与病卒无异也。其人大喜,留之饮。归则以是夕卒矣。盖先以其药饵之为灭口计矣。公因太息曰:献药者杀人以媚人,而先自杀也。用其药者,先杀人以灭口,而口终不可灭也。纷纷机械何为乎?张樊川前辈时在坐,因言,有好娈童者,悦一宦家子,度无可得理,阴属所爱姬托媒妪招之,约会于别墅,将执而胁污焉,届期闻已至,疾往掩捕,突失足堕荷塘板桥下,几于灭顶,喧呼掖出,则宦家子已遁,姬已鬓乱钗横矣。盖是子美秀,甚姬亦悦之故也。后无故开阁放此姬,婢妪乃稍泄其事。阴谋者鬼神所忌,殆不虚矣。 ●卖花者顾媪,持一旧磁器求售,似笔洗而略浅,四周内外及底皆有盷色,似哥窑而无冰纹,中平如砚,独露磁骨,边线界画甚明,不出入毫发,殊非剥落,不知何器,以无用还之。后见广异志,载嵇胡见石室道士案头朱笔及杯语,乾巽子载,何让之所见天狐有朱盏笔砚语,又逸史载叶法善有持朱钵画符语。乃悟唐以前无朱砚,点勘文籍,则研朱于杯盏;大笔濡染,则贮朱于钵。杯盏略小而口哆,以便掭笔;钵稍大而口敛,以便多注浓沈也。顾媪所持,盖即朱盏,向来赏鉴家未及见耳,急呼之来,问此盏何往。曰:本以三十钱买得,云出自井中,因公斥为无用,以二十钱卖诸杂物摊上,今将及一年,不能复问所在矣。深为惋惜。世多以高价市赝物,而真古器或往往见摈。余尚非规方竹漆断纹者,而交臂失之尚如此,然则蓄宝不彰者,可胜数哉!余后又得一朱盏,制与此同,为陈望之抚军持去。乃知此物世尚多有,第人不识耳。 ●先师介公野园言,亲串中有不畏鬼者,闻有凶宅,辄往宿,或言西山某寺后阁,多见变怪,是岁值乡试,因僦住其中。奇形诡状,每夜环绕几榻间,处之恬然,然亦弗能害也。一夕月明,推窗四望,见艳女立树下,咥然曰:怖我不动,来魅我耶?尔是何怪,可近前。女亦咥然曰:尔固不识我,我尔祖姑也,殁葬此山,闻尔日日与鬼角,尔读书十余年,将徒博一不畏鬼之名耶?抑亦思奋身科目,为祖父光,为门户计耶?今夜而斗争,昼而倦卧,试期日近,举业全荒,岂尔父尔母遣尔裹粮入山之本志哉!我虽居泉壤于母家,不能无情,故正言告尔,尔试思之。言讫而隐。私念所言颇有理,乃束装归,归而详问父母,乃无是祖姑。大悔顿足曰:吾乃为黠鬼所卖,奋然欲再往,其友曰:鬼不敢以力争,而幻其形以善言解,鬼畏尔矣,尔何必追穷寇。乃止。此友可谓善解纷矣。然鬼所言者正理也,正理不能禁,而权词能禁之,可以悟销熔刚气之道也。 ●前记阁学札公祖墓巨蟒事,据总宪舒穆噜公之言也,壬子三月初十日,蒋少司农戟门邀看桃花,适与札公联坐,因叩其详,知舒穆噜公之语不诬。札公又曰:尚有一轶事,舒穆噜公未知也。守墓者之妻刘媪,恒与此蟒同寝处,蟠其榻上几满,来必饮以火酒,注巨碗中。蟒举首一嗅,酒减分许,所余已味淡如水矣。凭刘媪与人疗病,亦多有验。一旦有欲买此蟒者,给刘媪钱八千,乘其醉而舁之去。去后媪忽发狂曰:我待汝不薄,汝乃卖我,我必褫汝魄,自挝不止。媪之弟奔告札公,札公自往视,亦无如何。逾数刻竟死。夫妖物凭附女巫,事所恒有,忤妖物而致祸,亦事所恒有。惟得钱卖妖,其事颇奇,而有人出钱以买妖,尤奇之奇耳。此蟒今犹在其地,在西直门外,土人谓之红果园。 ●育婴堂、养济院是处有之。惟沧州别有一院养瞽者,而不隶于官,瞽者刘君瑞曰:昔有选人陈某过沧州,资斧匮竭,无可告贷,进退无路,将自投于河,有瞽者悯之,倾囊以助其行。选人入京,竟得官,荐至州牧,念念不能忘瞽者,自费数百金,将申漂母之报,而偏觅瞽者不可得,并其姓名无知者,乃捐金建是院,以收养瞽者。此瞽者与此选人,均可谓古之人矣。君瑞又言,众瞽者留室一楹,旦夕炷香拜陈公,余谓陈公之侧,瞽者亦宜设一坐。君瑞嗫嚅曰:瞽者安可与官坐。余曰:如以其官而祀之,则瞽者自不可坐;如以其义而祀之,则瞽者之义与官等,何不可坐耶?此事在康熙中。君瑞告余在乾隆乙亥丙子间,尚能举居是院者为某某,今已三十余年,不知其存与废矣。 ●明季兵乱,曾伯祖镇番公年甫十一,被掠至临清,遇旧客作李守敬,以独轮车送归。崎岖戎马之间,濒危者数,终不舍去也。时宋太夫人在,酬以金,先顿首谢,然后置金于案曰:故主流离,心所不忍,岂为求赏来耶?泣拜而别,自后不复再至矣。守敬性戆直,侪辈有作奸者,辄癳癳与争,故为众口所排去,而患难之际,不负其心仍如此。 ●事有先兆,莫知其然,如日将出而霞明,雨将至而础润动乎?彼则应乎此也。余自四岁至今,无一日离笔砚,壬子三月初二日,偶在直庐,戏语诸公曰:昔陶靖节自作挽歌,余亦自题一联曰:浮沉宦海如鸥鸟,生死书丛似蠹鱼,百年之后,诸公书以见挽,足矣。刘石庵参知曰:上句殊不类公,若以挽陆耳山,乃确当耳。越三日而耳山讣音至,岂非机之先见欤。 ●申苍岭先生言,有士人读书别业,墙外有废冢,莫知为谁。园丁言夜中或有吟哦声,潜听数夕,无所闻。一夕,忽闻之,急持酒往浇冢上曰:泉下苦吟,定为词客,幽明虽隔,气类不殊,肯现身一共谈乎?俄有人影冉冉出树荫中,忽掉头竟去。殷勤拜祷,至再至三,微闻树外人语曰:感君见赏,不敢以异物自疑,方拟一接清,谈破百年之岑寂,及遥观丰采,乃衣冠华美,翩翩有富贵之容,与我辈缊袍,殊非同调,士各有志,未敢相亲,惟君委曲谅之。士人怅怅而返,自是并吟哦亦不闻矣。余曰:此先生玩世之寓言耳。此语既未亲闻,又旁无闻者,岂此士人为鬼揶揄,尚肯自述耶?先生掀髯曰:鉏麂槐下之词,浑良夫梦中之噪,谁闻之欤?子乃独诘老夫也。 ●邱孝廉二田言,永春山中有废寺,皆焦土也。相传初有僧居之,僧善咒术,其徒夜或见山魈,请禁制之。僧曰:人自人,妖自妖,两无涉也,人自行于昼,妖自行于夜,两无害也。万物并生,各适其适,妖不禁人昼出,而人禁妖夜出乎?久而昼亦嬲人,僧寮无宁宇,始施咒术,而气候已成,党羽已众,竟不可禁制矣。愤而云游,求善劾治者偕之归,登坛檄将,雷火下击,妖歼而寺亦烬焉。僧拊膺曰:吾之罪也,夫吾咒术始足以胜之,而弗肯胜也,吾道力不足以胜之,而妄欲胜也,博善化之虚名,溃败决裂乃至此。养痈贻患,我之谓也夫。 ●飞车刘八,从孙树珊之御者也。其御车极鞭策之威,尽驰驱之力,遇同行者,必蓦越其前而后已。故得此名。马之强弱所不问,马之饥饱所不问,马之生死亦所不问也,历数主杀马颇多,一日,御树珊往群从家,以空车返,中路马轶,为轮所轧,仆辙中,其伤颇轻,竟昏瞀不
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