Home Categories science fiction Junior Wesley

Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Enlightenment

Junior Wesley 倪匡 5131Words 2018-03-23
In that train car converted into a command post, I spent the most important moments of my life, and in the course of life, everyone has the opportunity to have such moments.To put it simply, it can be called "enlightenment" - suddenly understand, not understand everything, but understand that things can be like that! Understanding this general direction means that a road suddenly appears in front of you. Although there will be many obstacles on this road, they are not a problem. For a young man, this is really important! Before this, I only thought that the strange phenomenon that appeared on the "Ghost Bamboo" was something unpredictable and unexplainable, but now I know that it is the inevitable result of a kind of brain activity. It's not bamboo, it's an instrument, and that bamboo leaf is probably a receiving antenna, or a similar device.

My field of vision suddenly expanded countless times, and I was so excited that I couldn't control myself. Naturally, my whole body became hot, my hands were clenched into fists, and my palms were sweating. All of these are changes in my thinking, and of course it is difficult for others to notice. I only noticed Zhu Xiangxiang's eyes looking at me, which was a little strange. Could it be that she can see through the joy and excitement deep in my heart? At this time, I really wanted to tell her all my feelings immediately, but it was obviously not a good time and a good environment for young people to talk about their feelings, because there were many important problems that had not been resolved.

The most important problem, of course, is Kuang Yinghao's disappearance, and it is unknown who has fallen into it.Secondly, another "Wang Tianbing" suddenly appeared, which made General Kuang furious, and I mentioned the "Ghost Bamboo" incident again, which proved that Xiangma was the soul of my master "Wang Tianbing" The dream lover of the dream department. It seems that there are too many things to solve, and I can't express my heartfelt feelings to Zhu Xiangxiang at this time, so I just winked at her, indicating that I have many things to say to her.

Zhu Xiangxiang blinked, and glanced at her mother first, then at me, her lips moved slightly, but she didn't make a sound, but I could already see that what she said was: "You have caused trouble." Moreover, from her previous wink It seems that what she said was that what I said about Master and her mother got into trouble. I turned my head away, showing a disapproving expression, which is the manifestation of my stubborn character: I don't care whether I cause trouble or not, it is a fact, and what should be said, I still have to say it. It seems that the focus of exploration of the adults present is not how to find Kuang Yinghao, but is more interested in my master Wang Tianbing.

After the senior officer expressed his views on "Ghost Bamboo", most of the people in the carriage, except himself, were the same as me, with only a vague impression.His words, for a young man like me, have a great enlightenment effect, but it is unknown what effect it will have on adults.He probably understood this too, so when the general asked him who had this invention and this kind of power, he had no choice but to agree with me: "Heavenly Soldiers and Generals!" Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals is a traditional saying, and his words inspired me a lot, reminding me that it is a magical power from the sky!

(The influence of that senior military officer on me was more than that. He can be said to be the first person I came into contact with modern viewpoints. When I was describing the past, I couldn’t help but want to write his name several times, but For various reasons, I still can't write. Naturally, I can make up a name, but since he is the person I respect most, I don't want to do that, so I have always had to refer to him as "the senior officer.") General Kuang was obviously not very satisfied with what the senior officer said, and looked directly at him with sharp eyes.The senior officer thought for a while before explaining: "Western countries are researching, and there are signs and some evidence that show that there are extraterrestrial creatures that are descending on the earth, or have already descended on the earth──"

When he said this, he looked at me: "The heavenly soldiers and generals this kid mentioned, I believe, refers to this phenomenon." I made eye contact with him and felt how much he valued me, and naturally, I felt extremely respectful towards him. General Kuang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into a "haha" laugh, and pointed at the senior officer—although he was laughing, his outstretched hand trembled unavoidably. It is even more shocking for such a situation to happen to a general who is holding a military talisman and is on the bloody battlefield, because it proves that the general is also afraid deep in his heart!Indeed, how strange and unpredictable the alien higher creatures are, this is enough to scare people, even the general is no exception!

General Kuang's voice tried to be calm: "Even if there is such a thing, what does it have to do with Yinghao? Could it be that Yinghao... was taken away by advanced alien creatures...?" General Kuang's questioning was very severe, and the senior officer pointed at me again, and said calmly: "I believe that everything the kid said, the preliminary analysis, and only that kind of conclusion. I will provide all the information Give it to my friends who are engaged in research in the United States, but that kind of research is just the beginning, I'm afraid no one can draw a definite conclusion!"

General Kuang paced back and forth, his steps were so heavy that the entire carriage shook.He stopped suddenly, and pointed to my uncle again: "That ghost...how did you get it?" The "ghost thing" he mentioned naturally refers to the "ghost bamboo" that can appear as a human figure.My cousin raised his eyebrows: "I know that Master Wang has someone in his heart—he told me after drinking, and he heard the legend of the magical ghost bamboo in Xiangxi. It happened that someone came to sell it in the mountains, but no one believed it. Go out, meet me, and get it for Master Wang."

Uncle Tang paused for a while when he said this: "Master Wang is a strange person, and I invited him here, but I only know his surname is Wang, and I don't know where he came from, let alone that he was in Jianghu. What kind of grievances do you have? His martial arts attainments are so high, it's unbelievable. Before, I only knew about such a strange person in the legend!" When my cousin was talking, I saw Xiang Ma's lips quivering several times, she hesitated to speak, obviously she wanted to ask something but didn't ask.This made me believe that there must be some kind of entanglement between Xiang Ma and Master Wang, but I don't understand what it has to do with General Kuang.

General Kuang looked gloomy, and looked at the senior officer again.The senior officer insisted on his opinion: "That thing... can't be made by human beings. Human beings can record a person with photography and present them in front of their eyes. It is absolutely impossible to make a person's image, Appear in front of your eyes!" General Kuang said: "But, those things are sold by people from the mountains!" The senior officer thought about it for a while, but he didn't answer. Under his influence, I became enlightened, and I had various thoughts, so I immediately said: "That's not surprising, foreigner Star creatures intentionally or unintentionally left this thing in the mountains, and the people in the mountains discovered it, and accidentally discovered that it has a wonderful imaging effect! I believe this thing must not be the same, otherwise, it will not form a legend!" Ladies and gentlemen, as soon as these words were spoken, Wesley officially stepped into the realm of unrestrained and boundless fantasy, and stepped into the palace of a rich and incomparably adventurous life. All kinds of adventures after a lifetime start from this step! General Kuang looked at me in astonishment: "This kid has a rich imagination and is good at dreaming." I was wondering whether the general's words were a compliment or a sarcasm, when the senior officer interjected: "If Edison, the great inventor, hadn't dreamed of having a lamp that doesn't need to be ignited, there would be no such thing as an electric lamp!" I was further encouraged, and my whole body seemed to be full of energy, and I was extremely excited. Suddenly, I remembered the situation when I saw Kuang Yinghao being interrogated after he was "captured". After a while, I yelled loudly first, and then, amid everyone's astonishment, I waved my hand and shouted, "They caught the wrong person!" This sentence is called out, Hugh said that it is difficult for others to understand, even myself, I just yelled it out of a sudden thought, with only a vague idea. So, after yelling, I kept waving my hands, quickly evolving the vague and original idea into a concept, and then I repeated: "They caught the wrong person!" Everyone stared at me, waiting for my further explanation of this inexplicable statement. After I yelled "They caught the wrong person" twice, I paused for a while, panting involuntarily, and waved my hands—don't look at this meaningless movement, at the moment when the tide of thoughts is surging and out of control, It can play the role of check and balance, so that all kinds of thoughts like wild horses run away more regularly, so that they will not be too ridiculous. Therefore, this waving action later became a habitual action when I was thinking, or when I suddenly thought of something──If you are familiar with Wesley’s subsequent adventure stories, you can definitely find that in those accounts, Wesley often "Wave your hand", "Waved your hand". But at that time, I had quickly organized what I thought, and I called out "they caught the wrong person" again, and then immediately said: "They are the masters of the 'Ghost Bamboo', they are They know that this thing has fallen into the hands of Wang Tianbing, and Wang Tianbing's whereabouts are unknown, so they have to find someone close to Wang Tianbing to question, and that person is me, because Yinghao and I are together. At the same time, they arrested Yinghao for questioning, they arrested the wrong person!" I've done my best to organize everything I can think of into a story.Naturally, it was the first time that I used my own imagination, based on very little data, and used reasoning methods to form an idea of ​​something, which was very rough and immature.But I have full confidence that my speculation is reasonable! The senior officer nodded first: "The 'they' you mentioned are the unknown forces I mentioned?" I couldn't be happier to hear that, so I nodded emphatically to show that I meant it. The others frowned and said nothing. At that time, I blamed them for not accepting my idea, but later, when I thought about the situation at that time carefully, even I couldn't help frowning, because there were too many unexplained things in my hypothesis, which were organized based on a momentary inspiration A thought that arises, there are too many problems. Naturally, "they" can be said to be aliens, and the "ghost bamboo" can also be said to be an important instrument of aliens. They want to get it back, but how do aliens know that this instrument has fallen into the hands of Master Wang?And how do you know the relationship between Master Wang and me?Knowing that, how could he find me, and how could he catch the wrong person when he shot? But at the time, I didn't think about this, I just said excitedly: "I understand that they arrested the wrong person, and the matter will be easier!" Maybe it was infected by my confident demeanor, maybe Zhu Xiangxiang understood me to a certain extent, she was the first to respond: "What should I do? Do you have a solution?" I said: "Yes, what he wants is me, I'll go and exchange Yinghao back!" The uncle was shocked: "Where are you going to find them?" As soon as I was inspired, I couldn't stop it, and the answers were fluent: "Where did they take Kuang Yinghao away, I will find them there!" The senior officer looked at me with extremely strange eyes. At that time, I didn't know what his eyes meant, but when I had the opportunity to ask him later, his answer was: "You are the only person I have ever met, the first Hearing advanced alien creatures, there is no doubt that people who accept their existence!" Until I became an adult, after several years, he and I met by chance and had a long talk all night. He repeated those few words and added: "After so many years, you are still the only one People who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial creatures should know that it happened many years ago, and until now, I don’t know how many people think that advanced alien creatures don’t exist, they were just invented by people!” He respected me very much, which could be seen at that time, he said in a deep voice, "Okay, I'll go with you!" I considered his proposal quite seriously, and the result of my consideration was to refuse: "No, it's better to let me go alone, one by one, and there is no need to make extra troubles and gossip!" General Kuang sighed: "I really like that Yinghao made you a friend, but I don't think your actions are useful." I replied loudly: "At most, I can't exchange them, at most I can't get in touch with them, and there will be no loss, right?" Everyone thought for a while, then nodded, Zhu Xiangxiang came over, stood in front of me for a while, and I asked: "Please give me a motorcycle, and I will go down to the foot of the ancient city wall." Five minutes later, I was already braving the cold wind, riding on a motorcycle and heading towards the place where the accident happened not long ago. When I came to the side of the gully, the sky was already bright, and there was thick frost everywhere. On the stones, withered grass, and branches of bushes, there were white flowers of frost, and I felt a chill when I looked at it. In addition to the sound of the wind, there was the feeble crowing of chickens in the distance.I rushed there in one go, but where are "they"? With my back against the wind, I took a deep breath and thought of a very important point: since their instruments can receive the energy released by human brain activities, it means that they have the ability to know what people are thinking. It doesn't matter if you regard them as heavenly soldiers and generals, or as gods, being able to detect what people are thinking is exactly their ability! So I found a big rock, sat down against the wind, and concentrated on thinking: "You have found the wrong person, it should be me, not Kuang Yinghao, only I have had contact with Wang Tianbing, and I have seen that instrument!" I kept thinking about it. At the beginning, my thoughts were very messy, but Master Wang taught me the method of practicing Qigong (Neijia Qigong is an important content of Chinese martial arts, and the term "Qigong" has been abused recently), Baoyuan Shouyi , I know the basic skills of getting rid of distracting thoughts. Gradually, I reached the state where I didn't think about anything but this thought. Suddenly, I heard a voice asking: "Where is Wang Tianbing, tell me!" I opened my eyes, but I couldn’t see anything around me, my whole body seemed to be wrapped in a thick fog, and voices came from all directions——Later, after many similar experiences, I realized that this situation is directly powerful As a result of stimulating the auditory nerve, there is no process in which sound waves vibrate the eardrum and then induce the auditory nerve.I took a breath and imagined that my current situation must be the same as when I saw Kuang Yinghao "captured". I really had contact with them! This made me extremely excited, and I hurriedly said: "You release the people who were taken away earlier, and I will tell you everything I know-please believe that I have deduced that you came from the sky. Heavenly Soldiers and Generals!" After I said this, there was a period of silence. Then I heard the voice again: "Okay, do as you say!" I breathed a sigh of relief, and talked about what I knew about the "Ghost Bamboo", as well as the senior officer and my assumptions in the carriage.During the period, they stopped several times, waiting for their reaction, but they never made a sound. When I finished speaking, the voice expressed dissatisfaction: "If you said it, you didn't say it! We need to get... that thing back. Where is Wang Tianbing?" There are several syllables that I can't understand before the "that thing", probably the name of the instrument. I said truthfully: "I don't know, you come from the sky, and it is said that you have great supernatural powers, so you must be able to find him!" The voice was a little helpless: "It's too difficult, you all seem to be the same!" I couldn't help but be amazed, indeed, if they are creatures with completely different forms, people will be the same to them, just like ants are only the same to people, it is absolutely difficult to find a special one among hundreds of millions of ants Come. I also have doubts: "But you found me, why did you find me?" Voice Ridge: "The signal received by that thing is similar to the signal you sent... You won't understand, can you find him for us?" My heart was beating wildly, and my heart was full of happiness: "Yes, but I found him, how can I contact you?" The voice was silent for a moment, and it answered me with one word: "I want to!" I hastily agreed again, and asked a lot of questions in one breath, but suddenly, the cold wind spread all over the body, there was no thick fog around, and the winter sun, its color red, had already risen slowly!
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