Home Categories science fiction Junior Wesley

Chapter 8 Chapter Seven Captives

Junior Wesley 倪匡 4956Words 2018-03-23
Just in line with the sentence "If you don't fight, you can't know each other", and Kuang Yinghao, the son of a general, and I became friends from a "text comparison".Although this person, in his actions and words, always gives people a sense of "domineering" and arrogance, but he is not a bad person, but a young man who grew up in such an environment where he is surrounded by others. habits.As long as more people are not overwhelmed by his aura, it won't take long for him to know that his habit is not welcome, and he will change it naturally.The bad thing is that some people only know how to flatter and flatter him and fuel his arrogance, that would be bad.

That night, he used loud applause to express his admiration for my courage and my big-eyed marksmanship. Amid the applause, I wiped the egg whites and egg yolks on my face and head indiscriminately.Although he spoke to General Kuang in a pompous manner and won a burst of applause, he was pulled away from the hall step by step by his big eyes.After leaving the hall, the two of them ran at the same time, until they were out of breath and their chests were so painful that they were about to explode. They still refused to stop until they both fell to the ground. Our whole body is sweating, and the cold wind blows up, and the sweat evaporates, making the body more threatened by the cold.So the upper and lower rows of teeth knocked together, the sound of "de" was endless, and we held each other's hands tightly. Only then did I feel afraid—everyone has a heart of fear. Thinking of the scene at that time, I realized how dangerous it was!

I struggled to thank the big eyes, but the words I said were intermittent and vague.His big eyes knew what I wanted to say, and he also panted: "Don't ask me again...I won't... dare again!" I put my hands on the ground, stood up, and said proudly, "Don't be afraid, do it ten times, and you can do it!" His big eyes widened. Although he looked terrified, his eyes were piercing. It was because of my encouragement that he became confident! We shook hands tightly again, and he suddenly pointed at my face, gasping for breath and laughing at the same time, I knew that my head and face were covered with egg whites and egg yolks, looking funny, and the cold wind blowing up was also extremely uncomfortable.

I reached out and wiped my face a few more times. At this moment, there was a sound of a motorcycle, and I patted the back of the big-eyed man. The two stood up straight away. Two motorcycles were speeding up. In front, Kuang Yinghao was behind, seeing us, both of them cheered, jumped out of the car, Zhu Xiangxiang took a big package from the car, came to me, unwrapped it, and inside was a pot of Steaming water and snow-white towels. Kuang Yinghao walked over, stretched out his hand to pat me on the shoulder──I didn't dodge any movement in my mind, and accepted it calmly. He patted each other and said, "I'll talk after washing my face!"

Zhu Xiangxiang was holding a basin, and I didn't have to be polite, so I washed my head and face happily, wiped it clean, Zhu Xiangxiang poured water, and stood beside Kuang Yinghao. Although I can't accept the "fact" that they are husband and wife at all, at least I can feel that there is a relationship between them that grew up together. I thanked them first, and formally introduced Big Eyes to them. Kuang Yinghao admired Big Eyes very much, but he didn't believe that he had never practiced shooting. After hearing Big Eyes' theory about aiming, he was even more admiring and wanted to speak again.

The big eyes saw through his mind: "This kind of mind aiming method, everyone can do it!" Kuang Yinghao took a breath and nodded repeatedly.I complained to Zhu Xiangxiang: "You should know that we haven't touched a gun, I thought you would stop Big Eyes at the last moment!" Zhu Xiangxiang showed a bitter expression: "Who knew he would come for real? Everyone thought that he would not dare to shoot, or just shoot at the sky casually, but who knew he—" Zhu Xiangxiang looked at the big eyes, and the big eyes raised her chest: "If I don't come for real, Wesley will kill me!"

I became anxious: "How can I be so fierce, but a ruthless blow will definitely change my life from now on, it's true!" A setback in adolescence may be insignificant in retrospect when you are an adult, but at that time, you will definitely be hit hard, and it is very likely that it will affect your life! At that time, when I said this, the atmosphere among the four young people became very serious. For a while, no one made a sound. I believe that during the few minutes of silence, everyone thought about it. Quite a few questions. The first thing to break the silence was the big eyes. This guy just now, under the eyes of everyone, in the bright lights, went forward bravely, without hesitation, and took risks for his friends—if he shot me to death, it’s hard to imagine what will happen to him in the future. Pass!But when he opened his mouth at this time, his voice was very timid: "I'm home late! My parents will scold me!"

Kuang Yinghao and I wanted to make fun of him, but Zhu Xiangxiang rushed to say: "Okay, I'll take you back!" As she said that, she pulled Big Eyes to the front of a motorcycle, first pointing Big Eyes to sit in the back seat, and she also stepped up, waved to me and Kuang Yinghao, and drove away. Both Kuang Yinghao and I were stunned by her action. Kuang Yinghao expressed his anger more clearly, rushed forward a few steps, kicked the washbasin, and made a "clang" sound, and the washbasin flew up It fell to the sky, fell again, and made another sound. I walked towards him and said in a very sincere voice: "It's not allowed to do things like marriage with your fingertips?"

Kuang Yinghao turned around and stared at me for a while. At first, his aura was fierce, but later, he became very helpless: "I... like her. I liked her when I was ignorant!" He said this to show that he is "very sensible" now. I just smiled lightly. He walked towards the motorcycle and made a gesture with me, indicating that he could let me drive. Kuang Yinghao raised his eyebrows: "It's nothing difficult. It's just that beginners need a little arm strength to balance. You can do it." I took a breath, walked over to the motorcycle, stepped on it, and he sat on the back of me and told me the basics of what to do.

This is the first time I drove a motorcycle, which had a great influence on me. Later, I was not afraid of any new things, and I dared to try everything I didn’t know, all because of this experience──It seems The unfathomable, in a matter of minutes, becomes the tame vehicle that can carry me down the road. The cold wind hits the face, although it hurts, but the kind of joyful pride is an unforgettable experience in a lifetime. While driving, I saw a ditch in front of me, blocking my way, and Kuang Yinghao shouted behind me: "Pull the front wheel hard and jump over!" The width of the ditch was more than two meters. Before I had time to think about it, I had to do what Kuang Yinghao said. As soon as the wheel was pulled ahead, the car bounced up and flew across the ditch like flying through the clouds.

After all, it was my first time driving a motorcycle. When the car flew past and landed, I didn't know how to control it. As a result, the car just landed, rebounded and turned sideways. Kuang Yinghao yelled, "Let go, roll!" Even if he doesn't bark, I will do the same, let go, get out of the way, and see Yinghao Kuang also rolling out in the same direction as me, the car is still roaring and spinning on the ground. Kuang Yinghao and I stood up, and immediately found that the other was not injured. Both of us laughed "haha" at the same time. At that time, I was inexplicably excited, and was about to go over to pick up the car, when all of a sudden, my eyes suddenly went dark, and I couldn't see anything! This change was really sudden, and the first thing I thought of was: Could it be that I suffered a serious internal injury, died of serious injuries, and went to the underworld, that's why this happened? Because of this thought, when I heard Kuang Yinghao's voice asking: "Wesley, what happened", I thought he was the same as me: dead! Due to the different depths of life experience, the reactions to sudden changes are also different. Some people remain calm while others panic.Like me at that time, all of a sudden, there was darkness in front of my eyes, and I couldn’t see anything. Based on my life experience at that time, I couldn’t judge what happened. The first thing I thought was: I’m dead! Then, I heard Kuang Yinghao asking questions, his voice was eager, and I thought he was dead too. At that time, I didn't know much about the changes of life and death, and I got some concepts from reading books and listening to various legends told by adults.The strange thing is that at that time I really believed that I and Kuang Yinghao were dead, but I didn't feel any fear, pain, sadness or sorrow at all. On the contrary, my heart was still unprecedentedly peaceful, and I thought: Ah, I died here , This way of dying is too short-lived, even underage, but it doesn't matter, everyone will die.This is a lifetime. He didn't die under the gun just now, but now he died because of a car overturned! Thinking wildly, I heard Kuang Yinghao's second questioning voice, and I called in the direction of the voice: "Don't be afraid, we are already dead!" Kuang Yinghao's reaction was extremely strong, he let out a strange cry: "What? Dead? Nonsense, fart..." He scolded me seventeen or eight times, and suddenly called out several times, before saying again: "No... I don't want to die! Don't die!" Unexpectedly, his thoughts on "death" would be completely different from mine. I thought in my heart, even if your father is a general, it can't change the fact that even the emperor will die, only the gods will not die, but who has seen the gods ? Kuang Yinghao screamed more and more terribly, and he shouted again: "Why... I'm dead, I haven't lived enough, I haven't even kissed Xiangxiang's mouth, I don't want to die!" The last four words of his were howls, extremely shrill and extremely uncomfortable to hear.But what he said reminded me that I had kissed Xiangxiang before, and it was still such an inseparable, lingering kiss──Is this why I don't think death is terrible? I wanted to persuade him not to scream, but before I spoke, I waved my hand and hit my side. Not only did I make a sound, but I also felt pain! Although no one knows what happens to a person after death (the dead cannot speak and cannot tell others about the situation after death), but in many legends, there is also a kind of "convention" that everyone accepts. assumption.Most of these assumptions are specious, but at this time they are used as a standard to determine whether I am dead, but they are also very useful. What I immediately thought of was: I still have a body—without a body, there would be no sound, no pain, and if I were a ghost, I would not have a body, which means that I am not dead! As soon as I thought of this, I shouted loudly: "Hey, we are not necessarily dead. I don't know what happened. If you don't believe me, you can prove it by hitting yourself twice!" I thought Kuang Yinghao would definitely respond when I yelled, but who knew that after yelling three times in a row, my vision was pitch black, and besides, I couldn't hear anything! This time, I couldn't help being horrified, took a deep breath, and wanted to scream, when a scene suddenly appeared in front of my eyes——I saw Kuang Yinghao, or rather, I saw a portrait of Kuang Yinghao. Let me describe in more detail what I saw.Because it was the first unimaginable experience in my life, so I was particularly impressed. The first thing that caught my eyes was a pale light and shadow. At that time, it was really indescribable. Later, when I saw the TV for the first time, I pointed to the fluorescent screen and immediately thought of watching TV at that time. The scene to come. And Kuang Yinghao was in that light and shadow, only his upper body could be seen, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, his expression was terrified.It's so cold, but I can clearly see sweat dripping from his forehead, which shows that he is in extreme panic. I called him, but he didn't respond. I vaguely felt that his situation was very similar to the situation where Xiangxiang's mother's portrait appeared on the "Ghost Bamboo". It was a lifelike portrait. However, the portrait started to move! His expression became more terrified, he kept shaking his head and hands, and it was obvious that he was denying something. But I couldn't hear any voice, neither was anyone pressing him, nor was he denying anything. This situation is extremely weird, I don't think I fell into a nightmare, on the contrary, I think that after his death, he is being interrogated by the judge of Hades, tortured with a bull's head and a horse's face! There was darkness all around, could it be that he and I were already in hell, so why didn't there be any evil spirits to torture me! In the horrified situation, my thoughts were extremely disordered. I felt that he was saying the same words over and over again, and suddenly, I knew what he was talking about! The most he said was "I don't know", and as soon as I felt that way, I saw him say it three or four times! Yes, I saw him talking—to put it bluntly, it was not mysterious at all. Among the classmates, there were many kinds of games and tricks.In terms of language, in order to stand out, a few close classmates created a "secret language" of their own, and after practicing it proficiently, they used the secret language to talk loudly in front of everyone, making the audience dumbfounded, which is extremely interesting. Sometimes, I have learned the skill of reading lip language—from the changes in the shape of the other party’s lips, even though the other party has not made a sound, you can also know what he is talking about—my foundation of lip language was laid down at that time Yes, later, in the adventurous life, the basic training of youth has on many occasions saved the day. At this moment, I regained my composure, and saw Kuang Yinghao saying again: "I don't know, I don't know where this thing is! What is that? It looks like a... stick. Who is that, I don't know Yes, his name is Wang Tianbin? Haven't heard of it?" I can't see the character between the word "root" and the word "zi" very clearly. It looks like the word "pig", or it may be another homonym.And the name "Wang Tianbin" may naturally have other homonyms. This made me affirmed that he was being interrogated—someone showed him something, but he didn’t recognize what it was, and most of the people who interrogated him asked him to tell where the thing was. I can't even say it! I didn't see anyone questioning him. During this period, I also called him loudly, but he obviously couldn't hear him. I only saw him shouting again: "Are you an enemy army? Although I am not a formal soldier, I have become a prisoner, and I must be treated as a prisoner should!" He said those two sentences twice, so I can be sure that he said so. This made me terrified, and I wanted to rush towards him, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't achieve my goal. At that time, my situation was completely like being in a nightmare! I flailed my hands, kicked my feet, and yelled, trying to see what he was yelling. I saw him yelling, "I'm not going with you! I'm not going anywhere, I don't know what you're asking me, where are you taking me—" When he yelled like this, his expression was terrified. I suddenly saw him pull out his pistol and shoot it forward, but no sound could be heard. At the same time, the gray light curtain was dimming, and his image was also blurred. One of the words I saw him say until he disappeared was "I won't give in!" Then, my eyes went dark, and I couldn't see anything. At the same time, I felt extremely dizzy, and my body collapsed involuntarily. When I regained consciousness, I could only hear the voices of people, and many bright lights shone on my body.I thought to myself, it's the turn of the ghost soldiers to torture me.But amidst the noisy voices, I heard Zhu Xiangxiang's familiar voice. I suddenly opened my eyes and saw many soldiers shining with powerful flashlights. I was lying on a stretcher, and Zhu Xiangxiang was beside the stretcher. As soon as I sat up, many officers came to my side. Although they talked a lot, they all asked the same question: "Where did Kuang Yinghao go?" Kuang Yinghao is gone!He is not dead: dead, the body is still there.Now, he's gone! My throat seemed to be on fire, and with a hoarse voice, I answered their question: "He...was taken away by someone and became a prisoner?" That was the best answer I could give at the time!
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