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Chapter 35 Chapter Thirty-Three

But the ending never came, at least not this time. Suddenly, the tilting of the ammunition stopped, and the ensuing silence was broken by two muffled sounds that seemed to be strangled by the throat. The four looked at each other. "What's the matter?" Arthur asked. "They stopped," said Zaphod with a shrug. "why." "How do I know? Are you going to go and ask them?" "No." So they waited. "Is anyone there?" Ford called. no answer. "It's really strange." "It might be a trap." "I don't think they're that smart."

"What are those two muffled noises?" "have no idea." So they waited a few more seconds. "Well," said Ford, "I'm going to go and see." He looks at the others. "Is no one going to say, 'No, you can't go, let me go'?" They shook their heads simultaneously. "Oh, all right," he said, and stood up. After a while, nothing happened. Then, a few more seconds later, still nothing, Ford struggled to look through the smoke billowing from the burning computer. He began to walk out cautiously. Still nothing happened.

Twenty yards away, he could vaguely see through the smoke a policeman in a spacesuit.He is lying on the ground.In the other direction, also 20 yards away, lay a second one.Other than that, no one else can be seen. The sight took Ford by surprise. With anxiety, he walked slowly towards the first policeman.When he walked in, the guy was lying motionless.When he stepped forward and stepped on the attack energy gun in his still warm fingers, the guy was still lying motionless.He bent down and picked up the gun without any resistance. The cop is apparently dead. After a quick check, it turned out that the cops were apparently from the Bragulen Kappa planet—a methane-breathing life form that had to rely on space suits to survive in the thin-oxygen environment of Magrath.

It can be seen that the tiny life support system computer in his backpack unexpectedly exploded. Ford poked the thing back and forth in amazement.These miniature suit computers are usually supported by the main computer on the rear ship, and they are directly connected through the sub-ether.Such a system is self-protecting and safe in any environment, except in the event of a complete feedback failure, which has never been heard of. He soon came to another lying fellow, and found that the seemingly impossible situation had happened to him as well, and it seemed to have happened at the same time.

So he called other people out to study together.They came out, as surprised as he was, but without his curiosity. "Let's see a reason to get out of this place with a gun," said Zaphod, "if there's anything else I'm looking for here, isn't it okay if I don't fucking want to now?" He fucked the second Take the assault energy gun, blast out a completely innocent poor computer, and rush down the hallway, followed by the others.He'd almost written off the skycar parked a few yards away waiting for them, too.The flying car was empty, but Arthur recognized it as Slartibartfast's car.

A note he left taped to the speeder's sparse instrument panel showed an arrow pointing to one of the controls. The note reads: "Probably the best button to press."
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