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Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Six

"Yes, very instructive," said Arthur, when Slartibartfast had told him the most important part of the story, "but I don't see what it has to do with the earth and the mice?" "This is only the first half of the story, Earthlings," said the old man, "if you would like to know what happened 7.5 million years later, on that great day when the answer was found. Allow me to invite you to my Go to the study. There. Through our mind tape recording, you can experience what happened at that time-unless you want to walk around the surface of the new earth first. This project is only half completed at present, I'm afraid- We haven't finished burying artificial dinosaur fossils in the Earth's crust, so we have to abandon the Tertiary and Quaternary periods of the Cenozoic Era, and..."

"No, thank you," said Arthur, "it won't be exactly like the real Earth." "Yes," Slartibartfast said, "no." He spun the airspeeder around and flew back toward the mind-numbing wall.
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