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Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Three

An important and universal truth is that things are not always what they seem.For example, on that planet called Earth, humans always thought they were smarter than dolphins because they created so many things—wheels, New York, wars, etc. wandering.But on the other hand, dolphins have always considered themselves vastly smarter than humans—for pretty much the same reasons. It is very strange that the dolphins have long been aware of the impending doom of the earth, and have gone to great lengths to warn mankind of this crisis.But much of their messaging is misinterpreted by humans as amusing attempts to head a ball, or whistling for a treat.So, they eventually gave up their efforts and left Earth by their own means shortly before the Vogons arrived.

The dolphin's final message was misinterpreted as a startlingly complex attempt to cross a hoop while doing a double back somersault while whistling "The Star-Spangled Banner."In effect, the message is saying: goodbye all fish and thank you. In fact, there is only one species on this planet smarter than dolphins, and they spend a lot of time in behavioral science research laboratories conducting extremely civilized, extremely delicate experiments on humans.But human beings once again completely misinterpreted this relationship between the two parties. The reason for such a misinterpretation is actually entirely due to the careful arrangement of these creatures.

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