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Chapter 6 Chapter Four

At the other end of the distant spiral arm of the galaxy, half a million light-years away from the star called the Sun, Zaphod Beeblebrox, President of the Galactic Empire Government, is speeding through Damon Grant's ocean, his ion Driving the Delta Clipper gleamed in the Damon Grant sun. Damon Grant is too hot; Damon Grant is too far; Damon Grant is almost never heard of. Damon Glenn, the secret stronghold of the Heart of Gold. And today was the pinnacle of planning, the great day of revelation, the day when the Heart of Gold was finally revealed to a stunned galaxy, and it was also the great day of Zaphod Beeblebrox's personal culmination.Because, it was on this day that year that he decided to run for president for the first time, a decision that caused an uproar throughout the Galactic Empire.Zaphod Beeblebrox?president?Not Zaphod Beeblebrox?Not the president?Many took this decision as smoking gun evidence that the entire known universe had finally gone mad.

Thinking of this, Zaphod grinned, and increased the speed of the speedboat by another gear. Zaphod Beeblebrox, opportunist, one-time hippie, punctual man, (con? Likely), deranged personal propagandist, extremely bad relationship, always thinking about going out to lunch. president? No one is crazy, at least not on this one. There are only six people in the entire galaxy who understand the principles by which the galaxy is run, and they know that once Zaphod Beeblebrox announces he's running for president, it's pretty much a fait accompli: he's an absolutely ideal president. What they couldn't understand at all was why Zaphod would do this.

He was driving the speedboat to slam the sea surface, stirring up a wild curtain of water in the direction of Damon Grant's sun. Today was the time; today they would know Zaphod's full plan.Today is where Zaphod Beeblebrox's entire presidency has been aimed.Today is also his 200th birthday, but that's just a meaningless coincidence. He smiled to himself as he sailed the speedboat across Damon Glenn's seas, what a wonderful and exciting day it was going to be.He relaxed, propping his arms lazily on the back of the seat.He steered with his other hand, which he had recently fitted, just below his right hand, to improve his ability to do ski boxing.

A group of greeters stood on the top of the island's cliff. They consisted mostly of the engineers and researchers who built the Heart of Gold—mostly human, but here and there some amphibian-like creatures, two or three slender green creatures, one or two eight-legged creatures, and a Tibetan Cyan creatures (Navy is a super chroma blue).With the exception of the navy-blue creatures, all of them were dressed in colorful overalls, which looked gorgeous and dazzling. A feeling of ecstasy thrilled them.Working together, they reached and surpassed the furthest limits of the laws of physics, rearranging the fundamental structures of matter, straining, twisting, and breaking the laws of possibility (probability) and impossibility (non-probability).Most exciting of all, though, is the prospect of meeting a man with an orange sash around his neck (the orange sash is a traditional symbol of galactic presidents).They won't know how pitiful the power the president of the galaxy actually has: zero.Only 6 people in the entire galaxy know that the role of the president is not to hold power, but to draw attention away from it.

Zaphod Beeblebrox has done a very good job of that. When the president sailed into the bay, the crowd held their breath. They were dazzled by the sun and even more stunned by his driving skills.The speedboat gleamed and glides on the sea as if on a broad pulley. In fact, the speedboat does not touch the water at all, since it is supported by a cushion of ionized atoms, and the fins that appear to protrude into the water are only installed for attention.As they sailed across the bay, these fins whipped water hissing into the air, cutting deep into the surface and leaving great clouds of foam in the trail of the stern.

Zaphod likes to stand out: that's what he does best. He slammed the rudder, and the speedboat made an arc and stopped at the bottom of the cliff, heaving in the wind and waves. Seconds later, he was on deck, waving and smiling to three billion people.The three billion people weren't really there, but they could clearly see his every move through the lens of a remote-controlled 3D camera hovering obsequiously in the nearby sky.The president's erratic moves are the most popular 3-D images: 3-D cameras are made to record them. He smiled again.These 3 billion and 6 people don't know that today there will be even greater weirdness that they can't even expect.

The remote-controlled camera flew even closer and focused on his well-loved twin heads, and he started waving again.His appearance is completely human, save for an extra head and a third hand.His blond hair was blown out in a mess, there was something completely indistinguishable in his blue eyes, and his chin was barely shaved. To thunderous applause, Zaphod Beeblebrox stepped out of the speedboat, his orange sash gleaming in the sun. The President of the Galaxy is here! After the applause stopped, he raised his hand to greet the people. "Hi," he said. Everyone was smiling at him, or, at least, almost everyone.He recognized Trillian from the crowd.This girl was recently chosen by Zaphod from a planet he visited, just for fun.She was slender, brunette, humanoid, with long black wavy hair, full lips, a slightly protruding nose, and ridiculous brown eyes.She wore a red turban, knotted in a peculiar way, and a gown of brown silk, which gave her a somewhat Arab look.Of course, no one here has heard of the Arabs, after all, this race is half a million light-years away from Damon Glenn.Trillian was nothing special, or so Zaphod claimed.

"Hi, baby." He greeted her. She smiled at him, then looked away.After a while, she looked over again, smiling more enthusiastically this time—but by this time Zaphod's attention had shifted to the others. "Hi," he said to the reporters around him, who stood around him, hoping to hear him stop saying "hi" and drop some punchlines.Zaphod made a point of smiling at them, because he knew he'd surprise them before long. His words meant nothing to this group.An official then flusteredly decided that the President was clearly not in the mood to read out the speech he had carefully prepared for him today, so he flipped a switch on the remote control in his pocket.In front of them, a huge white dome piercing skyward snapped open in the middle, folded and lowered slowly towards the ground.Everyone held their breath at this point, although they knew exactly what was coming, because that's what they built.

Under the dome, a huge spaceship is exposed, which is 150 meters long and looks like a smooth running shoe. It is pure white and very beautiful.Right at the heart of this ship, out of sight, lies a small golden box containing the greatest contraption that the mind can conceive, and it is this contraption that makes this ship unique in the history of the galaxy The spaceship, the name of the spaceship is taken according to the name of this device - the heart of gold. "Wow!" Zaphod Beeblebrox exclaimed at the Heart of Gold.He really couldn't find any other words to express his feelings at the moment.

He repeated it because he knew it would annoy the reporters. "Wow." People turned to look at Zaphod expectantly.He winked at Trillian, who was looking at him with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.She knew what he was going to say, she knew what a showman he was. "It's amazing," he said. "Absolutely stunning! This thing is so insane, I even want to steal it." This is a real presidential quote, and one that deserves a lot of quoting.Appreciative applause erupted from the crowd, and the journalists tapped the buttons of the sub-ethernet news machines one by one with joyful faces.The president grinned.

Just as he was laughing, his heart screamed unbearably. He quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed the small paralytic bomb lying quietly inside. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, he threw his head upward, let out a feral cry in a high-pitched major third, dropped the bomb at the same time, and dashed forward through the suddenly frozen sea of ​​smiling faces.
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