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Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty Eight

You want to rule people, the main question -- one of the main questions, because there are several main questions -- one of the main questions is who you want to rule.In other words, what kind of people can you find who are willing to be ruled by you. Summary: It is a well-known fact that the man who most wants to rule is the one least fit to rule, and the reason is that he wants to rule.Summary of summary: If Youzhun wants to be president very much, then, under no circumstances should the job be given to him.Summary of summary summary: People are really troublesome. That's why it happens that for years, galactic presidents have been so focused on enjoying the pleasures of power and the adulation of others that they rarely notice that they don't actually have any real power in their hands.

Power Hidden: Somewhere in the shadows behind presidents. If anyone who wishes to rule is incapable, how can they shoulder the burden of ruling others?
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