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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven

"It must have been a good meal," Zarniwoop said to Zaphod and Trillian, who had just recovered from the bridge of the Heart of Gold starship, lying on the floor panting. Zaphod opened some eyes and glared at him. "You!" Zaphod spat.He stood up unsteadily, trying to find a chair to fall on.He found a handful, poured it in, "I've programmed into the computer the improbable coordinates of our journey," Zarniwoop said. "We'll be there in no time. Now, why don't you relax and plan for this meeting?" prepare something," Zaphod didn't say anything, he stood up, walked to a small cabinet, took out a bottle of Jax's old wine, and took a big gulp.

"When this is over," said Zaphod roughly, "over, right? I'll be free to go off and do what the fuck I like, lay on the beach or whatever! Right ?” "It depends on the meeting," Zarniwoop said. "Zaphod, is this Huai?" Terian asked in a trembling voice, standing up unsteadily, "What is he doing here, why is he on our spaceship?" "He's a big fool," said Zaphod, "he wants to meet the one who rules the universe" "Oh," said Trillian, snatching the bottle from Zaphod and drinking it herself, "an aspirant with an upward ambition,"

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