Home Categories light novel Sculpture of the Soul · The Love Poem of the Green Sun Seeker 1

Chapter 4 Act Three in the House of the Lazy God

The clouds are overcast, and the weather has not been very good since this morning. Looking up at the sky, I can see that the rain is coming, and the spring breeze is still a bit cold.Therefore, once night falls, the capital will be shrouded in thick fog, so gloomy skies are not uncommon. Giselle Anderbourgulin and Amyra are walking together on the road in the suburbs.If you want to go from the college to the poor street, it is faster to take the small roads in the suburbs than the streets of the town.The trees on both sides and the gray sky above give a sense of loneliness and desolation.Occasionally, a merchant's carriage would pass by, but as it got closer and closer to the poor street, gradually you could see homeless people begging along the street.

Since Meltina still has to go to work in the capital, there are only Giselle and Amyra now.There was silence between the two of them along the way.The girl seems to have a reticent personality, and she can walk calmly even if she keeps silent.But for teenagers, it was a torment.After all, he was not good at communicating with women other than his younger sister, not to mention being surrounded by such a lovely girl.Her long, gorgeous black hair glistened in the sunlight that pierced through the clouds.The eyelashes are very long, the drooping eyes are shining, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the soft white skin can be broken by blows.Looking at such a beautiful girl, and then thinking about the scene where she fought fiercely with others last night, it is extremely shocking.

I finally figured out what my brother likes—— The younger sister's cold expression appeared in front of her eyes again.After all, it was easy for me to be in a daze, and with such a cute girl walking beside me, it was only natural that my consciousness would be taken away. Giselle secretly glanced at the girl's side face, and the girl seemed to have noticed the boy's gaze, so she glanced over and said. "I hope you don't misunderstand." She said coldly. "You and I only acted together because we have the same goal temporarily. I don't intend to get close to you."

The implication is, don't come to strike up a conversation with me.This restraint made my chest ache. "That, no, I, didn't mean that." Giselle quickly argued. "I just care about something. Well, it's about the group of people yesterday. Isn't there a woman who can use strange magic? No, I can't tell if it's magic or not. It seems to be..." "Envisty." The girl glanced this way, then lowered her head again. "Yes, it's her. If we meet again, it might be a little bad. Anyway, how should I put it, I haven't figured out her routine after all. To be honest, I think I have to do my best to escape..."

"Yes." Even the girl who singled out the men agreed with him. "Even I can't attack rashly. It feels like being attacked by an invisible sword. I can only dodge by instinct." It's amazing that you can deal with it just by intuition. "Who is she? Is she a mercenary hired by the 'zealot'?" "Perhaps, judging by her name, a member of 'The Guillotine'." "'guillotine'……?" "That's a killing group operating in the Seven Kingdoms based on the capital of villains." Amyra said with a glance at this side of her black eyes. "Each of them has a special nickname, I think it must be them."

"That is, something like the assassin organization?" "No, they are not assassinations, they are killings. It is said that they also have their own wanted intelligence network. Unlike adventurers like us who accept legal commissions, they specialize in accepting some illegal commissions in the society. It should be said that they themselves are composed of wanted criminals. .No matter who the other party is, no matter good or evil, as long as the head of the wanted person is cut off. That's why they are called-" "'guillotine'……" "The staff are all very strong. In addition to hunting wanted targets, they will also engage in mercenary activities based on the amount of money. Perhaps, the 'zealots' hired them as bodyguards this time."

"Are those men who look like mercenaries also 'guillotine' people?" "No, they seem to be down-and-out mercenaries hired separately from other places. If they are a group, then you may be able to find the real body of the 'zealot' just by following the clues." While the two were talking, they came to the alley where the riot happened last night.This is a back road with walls on both sides.There was still some blood on the ground, but— "There is no corpse..." "Probably, almost all of them are alive." The girl looked at the ground around her and said calmly. "After all, there was no way to make up the knife at that time."

"It's all that serious injury...?" "Almost everyone is wearing armor. My sword is also very light, and I might be able to find out some information, so I was merciful at the time. Therefore, my attacks are very shallow, and it is almost impossible to die from blood loss." With a delicate face, she was talking about terrifying things calmly. "Let's go to the abandoned church first." "Yeah... no, before that..." Giselle turned back and saw a few men in shabby clothes sitting on the side of the road, and he walked over. He took out three copper coins from his wallet and distributed one to each of them.

The unshaven men grinned, showing yellowed teeth. "What, what is this, miss, do you want to play with us?" They looked at this side speculatively, and Giselle frowned at the body odor. "Sorry, I'm not a woman." "Then, could it be that it is curved?" One of the men stretched out his long-nailed fingers and made a gesture, showing a stiff smile. "I, I don't have that kind of interest at all!" Giselle couldn't help but strengthen her tone. "I, I know too." Another man said while playing with the copper coins he received. "No, but the little girl next to you is the best. This boss, can you let that lady accompany us, hehe, if possible, let her come with us—"

"I said, you've had enough!" Giselle roared with a blushing face.He glanced back at Amyra, but she still stood there calmly. "That... I want to get some information. Yesterday, there was some disturbance in the small road over there? Can you tell me what you know?" The men looked at each other, and one man said with lingering fear. "Well, it seems to be a gang fight. I don't know very well, but there was a fight. Even the guards came this morning. Before that, the guys who were knocked down seemed to escape. Although they were all injured, it seems are alive..."

Then, when I thought that this man had no useful information—— "That, it should be 'Grey Brigade', I'm sure." another man said. "'Ash Brigade'?" "Yeah, I picked up the sword they dropped this morning. But it was taken away by the group of blue hats... Fuck, the group of guards really snatched everything." "What's the matter with the sword you mentioned?" "The end of the hilt is engraved with the coat of arms of the mercenary group 'Ashen Brigade'. I heard that they came here from the south, which is absolutely true. After all, there is no battlefield here in the Seven Kingdoms, so they are naturally unemployed. , I heard that now they are just a bunch of homeless people." "You really know." Amyra spoke quietly. The beggar man looked at Amyla heartily with his lewd eyes undisguised. "Hey...don't look at me like this, I used to be a mercenary anyway, until I got shot in the knee." After speaking, the beggar rolled up his trousers. There was nothing below his knees.The rotten and discolored section of skin flew directly into Giselle's field of vision.Looking at this scene gave one a chill, and Giselle immediately averted her gaze. "You guys are wearing sword belts too. Miss, you are also adventurers, right? Be careful not to become like me." "If you are struggling with life, then go to the church for help. It will definitely help you—" Giselle said this out of sympathy, but the beggar laughed it off. "Oh, stop joking, boss. Can you still say that after seeing this?" The beggar brushed back his long hair that fell to the ground. I saw sharp pointed ears on the inside. That is proof of the fallen. "A fallen person like me can only die as a tool for war, or die in such a remote corner. I only have this fate to choose from." The boy temporarily lost his speech. "Hey, if you really sympathize with me..." The beggar stretched out his skinny fingers and stretched out towards Amy, as if longing for Amy's hands and feet, but he couldn't touch Amy because he couldn't move at all. pull. "I, I said, let me touch it, just touching it is enough. Although I am a fallen person, I can't move at all right now... If it doesn't work, let me touch the boss." "I, I said, you give me enough." Giselle stepped forward to protect Amyra behind her. "Hey, I said the lady over there—" Another beggar also spoke. The boy threatened with a sword belt in his hand. "No, no, you made a mistake. I didn't mean to do anything to her. Miss, is your name Amyra?" Hearing this unexpected question, the girl turned her head to look.The girl's expression was still so cold, but her eyebrows were slightly furrowed in surprise. "I, I'm not wrong, I remembered. When it was almost dawn, someone came to you. She asked if she saw the black-haired girl wearing a sword belt... Please tell me, if you meet you If so, I will let you go back quickly." "who's that person?" Amyra tilted her head and asked. "I-I don't know her name. How should I put it, that... looks like a foreigner from Japan. The clothes she wears are also very strange, but she is a beautiful woman." "you recognize?" Giselle asked, and Amyra nodded with some trouble. Then, she whispered as if to vent the confusion in her heart. "why……" * This is a place abandoned by God. The stone slabs of this small church have long since decayed.At the top of the church is a holy cross of the Holy Cross, which stands solemnly under the desolate sky.The windows had long since been shattered, and vines hung on the walls.The wooden door was half open, and Giselle and the others looked through the crack, and there was a darkness that was about to move. This is a ruined shrine. However, Giselle has no faith. By the way, this is a blessing, a grace, and a punishment for a fallen god. What is the value of a god like this who even treats the objects of blessing clearly and differently? The charity that is said to have kidnapped Renalia Abbott is called Grandfather's Favorite. "Zhi Gong" probably means absolute justice.So why didn't God create a world of absolute equality and fairness?Giselle Anderbürkulin is human, and he is blessed with innate grace.This is a life that has received God's blessing.But even so, no, because of this, he couldn't believe that the principles of this world and the teachings of the gods were correct. God, why don't you fight injustice yourself? Why are you satisfied with such a world? When Giselle walked to the door of the church, she noticed that her eyes stopped. Emira was looking at him. "Don't you, hate the gods?" she asked. Giselle shrugged with a wry smile. "Really, what a coincidence." The girl lowered her eyes and said quietly. What is the meaning of this sentence-- Before Giselle had time to ask, Amyra continued to speak. "So you can almost tell me?" "That... tell you what?" "What did you do to me... Do you want to break the contract?" "Well, no, but..." "If there are 'fanatics' lurking in this abandoned church, you might be instantly killed, so you can't tell me?" "Don't be serious about joking, so I won't dare to open the door..." Giselle was peeking inside through the half-open wooden door.But it was too dark to see anything, but it seemed that there was no one inside. "I don't think you are suitable to be an adventurer." The girl said suddenly. "Hey, why..." "If you're peeping like this, you can kill you with a crossbow. And it's still directly between your eyebrows." "Hmm..." As expected of an active adventurer, it's too strict. "Next time I'll be careful." "Are you really going to take the secret to the grave?" The girl urged sarcastically, and Giselle sighed helplessly. At this time, Giselle's mind flashed the look of the girl looking at her when she begged her. "Well, how should I explain..." Giselle pushed open the door while thinking. Maybe the door has warped so it's heavy to push.The creaking door was finally pushed open, and the room was a bit dark, with only a little sunlight shining in through the broken windows. "The world is full of omnipotent elements—that is, mana, you know that?" "Of course I know this kind of thing, but I don't know magic. So I can't see Mana like a magician." Giselle walks into church.The internal layout also reveals the style of the orthodox church.There is an altar in the depths, on which the statue of the god is enshrined.There were scattered chairs and furniture all around, as well as utensils and ropes, all in all a mess.The slate was hard, and there was a touch of sand and dust from the soles of the shoes. Go to the altar and take a look—— I saw an incredible magic circle drawn in white ink on the ground. This magic circle is very strange and abnormal, and it is a kind of profane existence in itself. Obviously, this is the trace of some kind of ritual. Giselle tried to keep a distance to observe the magic circle. Magical characters are also engraved in this circle, which at first glance resembles the characters expressing constructive formulas, but in fact they are completely different things.The grammar in it is quite chaotic, obviously different from logical magic. Giselle didn't know this kind of sorcery or demonism, but she didn't understand it completely.Amyra glanced at the magic circle, and immediately looked around vigilantly.However, as if there was no ambush here, she glanced at Giselle before relaxing. Giselle paced around the magic circle and returned to the topic just now. "Mana also exists in the human body, did you know that?" Giselle watched Amyra walking clockwise around the magic circle, while Amyla walked counterclockwise on the outer side of the circle to observe the traces of the "fanatics". "yes?" Hearing this, she tilted her head and looked at Giselle in disbelief. The movement caused her black hair to fall over her shoulders, and Giselle's gaze was drawn. "Yes, but the simple 'inner mana' is more familiar to Japanese fighters or fighters than magicians. In martial arts terms, it is something like 'qi'. Do you understand this?" "Well, my companion also mentioned it." "Oriental warriors can unleash sharp attacks and perform physical movements far beyond ordinary people. This is because they can unconsciously control the mana circulating in their bodies. We magicians think so. They seem to be able to unconsciously Just put something that has the same effect as the magic of 'body strengthening' on yourself... The power that is exerted like this is called 'physical power'. Judging from the way you fought yesterday, you probably have the same effect. After all You're so skinny and outnumbered." "I think I still have muscles." The girl's words were somewhat surprising. "This also has a limit. Girls face a strong man, and there are really too many disadvantages in terms of skeleton or weight. Of course, if the opponent is a strong man who can also use physical power, then this disadvantage is not enough. Let's change." "What does this have to do with what you did to me?" "Well, my prefix is ​​a bit long..." Giselle scratched her head and explained. "For today's magicians, the mana in the body is still an unexplained area. However, we still found a characteristic, that is, the nature of the mana in the body will vary from person to person... Maybe it is the color, or something else. There is really only a slight difference, and of course some people's mana is quite different from others." "I also heard from Toyo warriors that people can be identified by the nature of 'Qi'. Is that what you said?" "Probably so, but it sounds really mysterious. And there are no warriors from Japan in the academy. If someone volunteers to be a research subject, it will definitely be very popular. By the way, where are we talking..." The boy began to think about what to say next. "In fact, the mana in the body will always leak out, of course only a small amount." Giselle raised her right hand and looked at her wrist, but of course she couldn't see anything.After all, even for a magician, it is very difficult to perceive the mana in the body. "Besides, my mana seems to have some random nature. Associate Professor Purmosa calls it 'Magic Element Disruption'..." "disturb?" "It's quite difficult to explain clearly...my mana can interfere with other people's mana. It is mainly disturbed by injecting redundant information. For example, for the development of magic, the magician needs to unfold the construction formula to Weaving magic, every magician can perceive it. If I touch it during the unfolding process, it may bring some bad effects. Simply put, it was broken by me." Giselle tried her best to choose some language that could be understood by her who is not a magician. However, the girl still tilted her head with an incredulous expression. "For example, you are a magician and you are performing a magic trick. The magician's construction usually unfolds around the caster. At this time, if I approach and stretch out my hand, it will destroy it—that is, it will disrupt the activation." "If that's the case... isn't it amazing?" "Yeah, at first you might think so..." Giselle scratched her head again, after all, it is really troublesome to explain this physique. "This is nothing more than injecting extra information, and it may not be able to be destroyed. Rather, most of the cases are indestructible. Fine and detailed magic formulas are easy to destroy, but the construction formula woven by a prudent magician will set There are a lot of defenses or emergency measures, so it is almost impossible to affect it. And it must be done at a very close range. If you really want to get close, normally, directly beating the magician himself can actually prevent the magic from launching, so there is no Advantages. Rather, only disadvantages." "But it still sounds very convenient... Is there any inconvenience?" Giselle sighed. Then he put his hands on his chest and confessed. "Because I was affected by it myself." "What's the meaning……" "My magic was also destroyed by the influence of my own mana—" * "Proclamation to Mana, the Source of All Things—" Giselle Anderbürklin raised the simple short staff as the motivating body of the magic, and began to unfold the magic construction.The structure drawn in the void began to interfere with the surrounding mana, and it could be felt that the mana was deteriorating.If you want to explain it briefly to someone who is not a magician, it will probably be like imagining words in space.In order to activate magic, it is necessary to use magic characters to describe a large and complex formula in the space in front of your eyes.In order to prevent the text from disappearing in the middle, it takes a lot of concentration to correctly imagine word by word and make it materialize.In most cases, as the drawing progresses, the characters formed at the beginning will gradually disappear.If you can't maintain your imagination, you can't fix words in space.If this cannot be done, then the activation magic cannot be performed.In order to assist this extremely complex model, the mobilizing body is needed to help build the spell.In fact, it is to summon the long text that was originally stored with a short password. Now what Giselle wants to summon from the mobilization body is a magic formula that can protect the structure, and when this magic is unfolded, the structure inside can be concealed.Someone once compared the development of magic to pottery - even if there is a slight deviation, the construction formula will produce deviations.When gathering mana from the surroundings, whether there is too much or too little, the magic will easily deviate, and eventually it will go berserk or fail.Moreover, the concentration of mana floating in the atmosphere varies depending on the location.Magicians must be able to correctly measure the concentration and gather the right amount of mana, which is a technique that every magician must master. Construct, compose, absorb, correct, hide.Fixed defense, in order to avoid the influence of deviation, constantly reconstruct the construction formula.At the same time, emergency treatment is carried out, and in case of errors, corrections are made in time.Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the structure to ensure that it can be properly disposed of when it is affected by excess mana. Of course, the most important thing about magic is to change the quality.Then there are the coordinates, the amount of light, and finally— "Gather!bright! " Aim at the determined space coordinates—— At this time, a light spot was created in the space not far from him. This messy church was illuminated by this spot of light. Giselle wiped sweat from her brow. Probably because someone was watching, so I was much more nervous than usual. "In order not to be affected by my own mana, I will continue to strengthen the defense, so it is actually very hard to do. And... it really takes a lot of effort." "Yes." Amyra's reaction was also very straightforward. "If it were a magician I know, it would be about five times faster than you performing the same magic trick." "Even so... the success rate is only about 70%. And creating magic is my favorite field, so it's not bad. But even if you are a junior in the academy, you can be three times faster than me." Giselle sighed. "In addition, my physique can affect not only the unfolding construction formula. It can even damage the magic that has been activated or the magic equipment that seals the magic." Saying that, Giselle slowly stretched out her hand towards the glowing space. The moment his hand was about to touch that spot of light—— This point of light began to fluctuate like the flame of a candle, and finally disappeared. "Could it be that the reason why you didn't get close to the circle drawn on the ground just now was because—" Hearing Amyra's guess, Giselle nodded. "If there is something similar to magic, I will probably destroy it directly when I step in. No, if it's just destruction, it's okay, if I'm unlucky, I might just run away. When I was in the historical investigation department—the main My job is to enter the ruins of the ancient century, search for and recover those valuable materials and magic tools. However, most of the magic tools of the ancient century cannot be easily damaged, but I have broken valuables at least twice..." To be honest, I am the most unsuitable person to work in the historical investigation department. After all, in the ruins of the ancient century, there are many magic dolls for defense or magical beasts raised as watchdogs that are still in operation.And people who can use swords are valuable talents in the academy, so I can stay there—— "I think I probably understand what you did to me." "To be honest, I don't know what's going on in your body, but you should be very clear, right? It seems that your body has a magic seal, or some kind of curse... In short, it's something that was originally suppressed because My mana fluctuated." "Because I was touched by you?" "I don't think it's enough just to touch it. I'm afraid it should be blood..." "Blood?" Giselle recalled the scene at that time, her face was a little hot. "Blood concentrates a person's mana. That's why night goblins and vampires need to suck blood, or some chaos magic needs to use blood as a medium." While talking, Giselle looked at the magic circle on the church floor. The "fanatics" offered sacrifices to the demons, probably planning to exchange them for something. To pray to the devil, they must have used Renalia Albert's blood. "That is to say, at that time, because I touched your blood, the restraint was lifted?" "Probably... the small amount of mana released from the body should not have any effect, but the blood contains high-purity mana, so the blood probably disturbed the seal of 'that'." "In this case, as long as I touch your blood again..." Taking a closer look, a strange flame flashed in the girl's eyes.It was a serious look that wanted to order himself.Of course, Giselle is also very clear about the true meaning behind this flame. "But... you should give up." Giselle shook her head, and Amyra stepped forward to ask unexpectedly. "why--" "It's too dangerous. As I said just now, it's very likely to go berserk. To be honest, I don't know what will happen. Especially the magic sealed in the human body may have a harmful effect on your body. It may even damage your body..." The girl stared at Giselle seriously.Seeing these bright eyes looking directly at her, Giselle almost had the urge to respond to her.However, in any case, it is impossible to put this girl in danger.The boy avoided his eyes with a look of embarrassment, while Amyra showed an expression of unwillingness to give up. "Um... can you tell me about yourself if you can? I've never seen a black flame." Hearing Giselle's question, Amyra lowered her head. "Let me think about it, this is not something that can be said casually." "That's it, um, okay. I won't force you to say..." I don't know if it was because of the darkness around her, but her expressionless face revealed a deep sadness, which made Giselle's chest tighten. Looking at her expression, it seems that even I feel sad. Sure, she's good for a smile. She should have been a rather lovable girl. However, what she wore was a cold blade, and what she experienced was bloody. She herself has become a blade. "Because I don't know the magic, so you investigate the inside. I'll go outside to see, maybe there are still footprints left." Amyra went out after finishing speaking. Giselle looked at her back and wanted to say something, but she gave up. This young girl who looks much stronger than herself, but her back looks a little lonely. * I felt a scorching flame in my body just around the corner. This is a black flame, containing resentment and hatred. This is the fire that burns all.This is a weapon that can kill everything, and it is also a curse that severely injures and destroys itself. Amyra's black hair kept flying, walking under the hazy sky. At this moment her excitement was burning like a fire. Because there is hope in this flame.However, it cannot be controlled by itself.The key to liberate the bloodline——maybe it's in the hands of that boy. In this case, you can... This time, he must be able to kill the opponent. This time it will definitely burn everything down. This time I will be able to... Emily stopped suddenly. This is the backyard of the abandoned church, which is next to a dense forest.Under the dark sky, the branches and leaves of the trees trembled restlessly with the wind.There are some people on the ground who don’t know if they are holding ceremonies in the church—the messy footprints left by the “fanatics” extend all the way into the forest.If they did escape into the forest, it would be difficult to track them down.Because the girl has not specially trained field skills.What the girl trains is the technique of how to sneak into the city to complete the work, and the tactics of completely obliterating the target person. However, these are not skills that ordinary people should possess, the girl thought so. I can only find self-worth in killing. I am just an incomplete human being. The wind is a little noisy. At this time—— "Who?" Amyra asked sharply. She felt that there seemed to be some suspicious breath in the shade. "Hey... I actually noticed it. It seems that you can't be taken lightly just because you are a little girl. You are the guy who wiped out the brigade." said a low and rude voice. I saw a thin man wrapped in a coat appearing from behind the tree, who looked somewhat similar to a cat.He stood there with his arms hanging languidly, in a way that reminded one again of an ape.Moreover, his wrinkled skin and gourd face make it easier to misunderstand.However, the age cannot be judged at all.He looks like he is in his 30s, but his body is stiff like that of an old man in his sixties.Very unusual. The distance between the two is 10 meters - this is the distance from which an offensive can be launched immediately.Emira put her hands on the double swords crossed on the sword belt. It was observed that the other party did not carry weapons or the like.This is exactly the same as Envisti who fought last night.In this case-- "Your life will be taken by me, 'thousand-armed net' Huo Duo." "'guillotine'--" Amyra faced the enemy sideways and drew out her double swords. The sun shone through the gaps in the clouds and reflected dazzling light on the two daggers that were pulled out impressively. "Hoho." The ape man snorted at the doctor. "Little girl, so you know us." "My companion has also dealt with you several times." The girl pointed her sword at the ape man, and said with a sword drawn. "I see." The other party gave a short laugh, then raised his slender arm, and pointed at the girl's sword belt with his rough fingers. "I have an impression of the coat of arms on your flying knife. Hehe, little girl, you are an adventurer from 'Green Sun Pavilion'. You always interfere with our work, and my companions complained." "Each each other." It seems that his observation skills are good, so Amyra judged. According to her experience, anyone with keen observation skills is basically a magician. In this case, the opponent's mobilizing body is—— I saw a gleaming red ring on the ape man's finger.It seems that it is the engine. Compared with the wand-type mobilization body, the ring-type mobilization body can be programmed with far fewer spells.However, he couldn't invalidate the opponent's spell by flying the mobilizing body. "Answer me." Amyra questioned the other party with the tip of her sword. "Is it 'Finger of Orkissos' who hired you?" The ape man smiled lightly. "Hehe, I have no obligation to answer you." He shook his ring-wearing finger and looked at the girl with narrowed eyes. "I can show you my earth puppet secret technique." "I am not interested." Denial is the signal to start the fight. Boom—Amila rushed up with a kick. She was going to start a hand-to-hand fight with the ape man immediately, and waited for an opportunity to cut off his arm. but-- "Varied……!" The moment the blade touched the monkey man—something grabbed the girl's foot. Because of the inertia of sprinting, Amyra's whole body fell directly. There was no time to buffer, and the girl gasped in pain because of the sharp pain in her left shoulder. The dagger in his left hand also fell to the ground.But Amyra didn't pay much attention, but turned her eyes to confirm the culprit who grabbed her feet. I saw a human arm sticking out of the soil. An astonishing sight unfolded before his eyes. It was like the dead returning from the abyss. The ground is constantly bubbling and expanding. The two arms that grew out of the ground were firmly grasping Amyra's ankles. It was as if the dead were longing for the living, as if they were about to climb out of purgatory. Sizzling, sizzling, accompanied by a strange sound, the dirt fingers continued to climb up the girl's ankle.Five ugly fingers slowly climbed up the slender calf, and then the entire smooth calf was wrapped. "Well……" The touch of the soil climbing the skin made Emira frown, and she cut off the strange arm with the dagger in her right hand and quickly stood up. "Soil, puppet...?" The touch from the severed arm is not the dead man's. These are puppets made of clay that come out of the ground.Amyra's severed arm sank into the ground, and then, as if changing, a humanoid arm crawled out of the ground with a strange sound.And there's more than one, bang, bang, huge bubbles are constantly expanding, two, three, ugly clay puppets are constantly breaking out of the ground.Four, five, and on and on— I've never seen this kind of magic before, I'm afraid it's not logical magic—— Amyla couldn't help being a little shaken. "It's dangerous, it's dangerous." The ape man laughed. "If I'm just a logical magician, I'm afraid you will cut off my hand before I can form the magic. However, this ring is just an ornament. This is the chaos magic that logical magicians often talk about. Before talking to you, I It's already ready." While the sorcerer was talking, Amyla chopped down the puppet in front of her again.The mud puppet that had been chopped off in the middle fell down—Amyla had already rushed out before the puppet fell down.She cut off the outstretched arm of the other puppet, then quickly turned over, deftly picked up the dagger that had just been dropped with her left hand, and rushed straight to the puppet without even looking at the puppet whose arm was broken just now. but-- "Hoho, it's useless." The broken-armed puppet didn't care about the slashing of the dagger at all, and turned its strange head nonchalantly and rushed over.Phew, the sword directly passed through the earthen body.And the arm that had been cut off had also recovered without a trace. At the same time, it was also discovered that the puppet, which had been cut off at the waist, had already stood up. Weapons are completely ineffective. Emira clicked her tongue in her heart, and rearranged the jet-black dagger, but—— The ground at his feet suddenly stretched out an arm. "hateful……" If you get caught again, you will definitely fall down. Emira immediately jumped back and cut off the arm that was coming from the other direction. The action of the puppet is not agile.And the action is also very blunt.It shouldn't be fatally injured, but no matter how much you cut it, it won't work, plus this amount—— When she came back to her senses, the girl was already surrounded by countless clay puppets. There are probably dozens of them. There were puppets everywhere, and the sorcerer was nowhere to be seen. In this case, it is impossible to stop these puppets by defeating the monkey man. (Oops……) Since the weapon is ineffective, he has no effective means of attack.Creatures such as the dead are also difficult to deal damage with ordinary weapons.恐怕眼前的这些傀儡也是如此,大概只能用玛纳变质过的魔力刀刃、纯银打造的武器抑或是魔剑之类的武器才能造成伤害吧。如今艾米拉手上只有钢制的武器,而且就算在王都,也很少有人会拥有贵重的纯银或者魔剑吧。这样的话就只有让魔术师支援自己,在武器里注入魔力了,不过眼前的状况根本无法奢望了—— "superior." 袭来。 面对四面八方袭来的泥土人偶的魔手,根本无路可逃。 不过,即便如此。 艾米拉还是跳了起来,想要踩着成群的泥土人偶的头从空中逃跑—— 但这终究只是无谓的抵抗。 少女的脚踝再次被抓住,然后被拽入了渴求生者的亡者地狱,她纤细的躯体转瞬间就消失在了这群人偶之中。 “可恶……!” 即便在这堆污泥中,少女还是在奋力抵抗。但是,无数的手指固定了她的四肢。其他几只泥土人偶好像火刑架一样将她束缚。少女如今已经五花大绑,手上和脚上都被污泥包裹,完全动弹不得。这些满是污泥的傀儡手指还在不断的攀爬着少女白暂的肌肤。艾米拉因为这极端的不快感全身发抖,不断扭动身子。 “嘿嘿嘿嘿……这幅惨样你也没法挥刀了,根本威胁不了我。” 猿猴妖术师来到了被吊起的少女面前。 “可恶……滚。” 少女恶狠狠地瞪着猿猴男,不过对方完全不屑一顾。 “怎么样,肌肤上满是污泥的感觉如何?能让我洗耳恭听吗?” 傀儡们的手指还在艾米拉的肌肤上游走。这些手指伴随着污秽的液体不断地玷污着少女衣服内侧的雪白肌肤,令人不快。 这反胃的触感就好像自己的裸体被侵犯一样。 “听个鬼……!” “嘿嘿嘿……我可不是跟你开玩笑哦。” 缠在腰上的傀儡突然抬起了少女的身子。 "what……?" 泥土人偶的手指抓住了裙摆旁边的大腿,并开始掰动。艾米拉感觉到有一股力量在打开自己的双腿,她挣脱的力量更强了。 “没想到我竟然有幸收拾'绿阳'的家伙。只要我能干掉你的话,也是大功一件啊。你就乖乖成为我的垫脚石吧。” 满是皱纹的猿猴脸上露出了愉快的邪笑。他从怀里抽出一把短刀,刀刃闪着寒光。他的手臂也像猿猴一样长,这个距离的话,只要他有意就能切断少女的喉咙。 但是,他好像并不打算轻易杀了少女。 艾米拉看着猿猴男的眼睛如此感觉。 “嘿嘿……我啊,最喜欢看着我的人偶群凌辱一个小姑娘了。小姑娘啊,就让我看着你的被注满污泥的样子吧。” 听到这恶趣味至极的宣告,艾米拉的抵抗更加激烈了。 但是这根本无法撼动坚固的束缚,就如同霍多的名字一般。(译注:原名“hold”。) 少女此时感到了恐惧。 “放……放开我……!” 少女被拦腰抱住,她即将被打开的双腿正抵抗地颤抖着。傀儡指尖的污泥在裙内有意识地蠢蠢欲动向上攀爬。恐怕是从衣服缝隙间侵入的吧,虽然自己看不到,不过艾米拉非常清楚自己正在受到侵犯。 “住……住手……!” 少女的挣扎反而让裙子有些翘起,这加大了大腿的露出度。直接抬起双脚的话,还能直接看到白净柔软的臀部,猿猴男愉悦地欣赏着这副美景。 “嚯嚯……本来还以为你是个冷淡的姑娘呢,没想到竟然还会露出这种表情,若非如此的话也太无趣了。没事,你就放心吧。这和被妖魔侵犯不同,不会怀上堕落者的。毕竟只是一堆烂泥嘛。我见过很多次了。” 最后这句话好像戳中了笑点,猿猴男爆笑起来。 虽然有传言说“断头台”里有很多极端分子,但是没想到会极端到这种地步—— “这样看来,无论你再强,最终也不过是个小姑娘。” 猿猴男将短刀伸向了艾米拉的大腿,刀尖探入了裙子内侧。 “咦……!” 凶器冰冷的触感使得艾米拉逐渐停止了抵抗。在猿猴男的注视下,少女开始在脑中猜想自己现在到底是什么表情。他说,自己不过是个小姑娘。is this real?普通人在这种时候会是什么反应呢?会露出什么样的表情呢?自己是不是真的像个普通人呢—— 感觉探入裙内的刀尖好像在探索着什么。 随后猿猴男的短刀直接切断了内裤。 * 吉赛尔·安德布尔库林沿着地面的魔术阵踱步。 看来魔术阵本身好像并不蕴含特殊的魔力。其中运用的文字也和吉赛尔这种魔术师运用的理论魔术语言类似。 “我看看,这个记号的意思好像是纯正血统的意思吧……不过,这里还有否定,后面的意思是污秽。难道意思是玷污的纯血……?” 吉赛尔挠着头自言自语地推论。如果手边能有一本魔术书当参考就好了,仅靠自身的知识还是非常有限的。 “狂热者”好像打算向恶魔奥尔基索斯供奉祭品。那么他们希望得到的又是什么代价呢? 突然响起了吱吱作响的声音,门被推开了。 “艾米,外面情况——” 吉赛尔原本还以为进来的是黑发少女,于是转过头去。 然后就闭嘴了。 只见那个身影钻进了大门。 “不、不是吧……” 吉赛尔呆滞地说道。 出现在眼前的是一个身高远远超过两米的巨汉。 他身上披着一件有些脏的工人服,手上拿着一把粗野的板斧。他的体型很壮,就像装满了酒的酒桶一样,话说他大概刚刚喝完吧,一脸通红。从他那满是伤痕的厚嘴唇里能窥见黄色的牙齿。巨汉的脖子也很强壮,头比起来就有些小了,他的威压感中还掺杂着一些不可思议的可爱。 走进废弃教会的巨汉轻而易举地将板斧架在了肩上。 “呵呵……小、小姐,让我好好玩玩吧。” 哈哈,巨汉笑出声来,他比例失调的脸上露出了好色的目光。 看来他错把吉赛尔当成女孩了。 “那个……你是来销毁证据的吗……” 巨汉慢慢地走了过来,吉赛尔脸上只能露出抽搐的笑容,喉咙因为紧张不停颤抖。 这也太倒霉了吧。因为这股骇人的威压感,吉赛尔的腰都吓软了。 但是如果就这样待在原地瑟瑟发抖,那就必死无疑了。 吉赛尔一边鼓舞自己一边将手伸向了剑带上的短剑—— 但是准备拔出短剑的手指摸到的只有虚空。 一脸窃笑的巨汉已经近在眼前了。 巨汉的影子已经完全覆盖了吉赛尔,吉赛尔干笑着仰头看着敌人。 吉赛尔的武器早就在昨晚的战斗中丢失了。 “稍、稍微等一下。” 少年伸手阻止了他慌忙说道。 “我、我连武器都没有,你却拿着一把斧头,太卑鄙了吧……” 巨汉歪了歪小小的脑袋,笑着把板斧扔到了地上。 伴随着地鸣和冲击,板斧砸在了地上。 “我,对女孩子可是很温柔的。” “这、这样啊,非、非常感谢……咦……” 巨汉突然伸出手臂想要抓住吉赛尔。 这是战斗开始的信号。 吉赛尔在千钧一发之际躲开了手臂,慌忙倒在地上滚离敌人。他不断在如暴风骤雨般袭来的手臂中逃跑,随手捡起地上一张破烂的椅子直接扔向了巨汉。 但是,脆弱的椅子打中巨汉的肚子直接碎了。巨汉仍旧一脸痴笑地追着吉赛尔,少年转身就跑。敏捷地越过了长椅,同时寻找能成为武器的东西。不过完全没找到合适的,就算想要用魔术反击,凭自己的构成速度恐怕也只是痴人说梦。 糟了,糟了,太糟糕了! 如此庞大的体格差距,被抓到一下就死定了—— “嘿嘿,我、我很温柔的,你就从了我吧。” “我、我不是女的啊!” 吉赛尔一边四处逃窜一边坦白,巨汉听到吉赛尔的发言大发雷霆,双手握拳毫不留情地挥舞起来。 “咦……!” 面对如落雷的重拳,吉赛尔只能狼狈躲闪。他俯身从巨汉的股间穿过冲到巨汉身后,拿起像是椅脚的棍子,踩在桌子上顺势跳了起来——他从背后瞄准巨汉的后脑勺,挥下了椅子的残骸—— “这招如何!” 随着清脆的声响和手掌传来的打击感,挥下的木材成为了碎片。 可惜的是,巨汉巍然不动,恶狠狠地转过头来。 “那个……看、看来完全,无效……?” “我……生气了!” 现在完全就是斗牛。 巨汉脑门流着血一脸愤怒地冲了过来。 如果这时候在配上乐队伴奏的话就完美了。巨汉的抡击并不算快,谨慎一点的话躲起来还是很容易的。吉赛尔后退的同时还在寻找能够成为武器的东西。闪避,捡起地上的东西,反击,再次从攻击中逃开。这简直就像斗牛士和横冲直撞的斗牛缠斗一样。不过,少年却完全没有余韵。光是不让自己陷入恐慌就已经筋疲力尽了。如果产生丝毫胆怯的话,恐怕就会被趁虚而入吧。 “神啊,别怪我哦!” 吉赛尔抓起放置在祭坛上的小神像扔了出去。虽然不知道是什么材料做成的,但非常重,原本不借助投掷工具的话应该很难打中吧,不过对方就是一头只会猛冲的牛,所以正好砸在了他的头上,可惜—— "hateful……" 巨汉总算停下来了。 但并没有倒下。 “感、感觉光用说的恐怕他也不会听……” 走为上策——吉赛尔迅速穿过巨汉身旁奔向教会入口。 推开门回头一看,巨汉正晕眩地摇晃脑袋,随后看向了门口。吉赛尔立刻拔出腰间的短刀瞄准巨汉的眼睛扔去。一瞬间巨汉周围一片黑暗。那是“真暗”制造的漆黑。短刀好像命中了巨汉,他响起了沉闷的悲鸣。不过,那种小刀打中巨汉应该也不会产生多大的效果吧。吉赛尔慌忙伸手关上了门。 “去、去哪了!” 吉赛尔不顾困在黑暗中的狼狈巨汉,不断地在门上摸索。因为材质几乎就是木头,所以能很快把握构造。这样就能趁巨汉还处于混乱的时候—— 快点,快点,快点。但是,越是着急越容易犯下失误。冷静点,冷静点——吉赛尔一边自言自语,一边取出简易杖开始施展魔术。 《向万物根源的玛纳宣告——》 配合门的材质和构造,吉赛尔召唤了构筑式,同时调整了魔术的构成—— 《永远封锁其中吧! " 变质的玛纳生效了,成功封上了门。这是一种被称为“封锁”的魔术。和名字不同——这并不是给门上锁的魔术,而是将门的材质重塑加固的魔术,从而模拟出上锁的状态。这算是“形质保持”类魔术的应用。因为同时还加强了物体的强度,所以根本不可能用蛮力把门砸开。 “这样就……” 此时,被封上的门发出了巨响。巨汉好像打算用板斧把门劈开。不过利用魔术改变形质的门是不可能被轻易破坏的。但这是很纤细的魔术,自己的体制和这种魔术可以说是八字不合。为了不影响魔术,吉赛尔后退了几步守望着门,确认魔术是否发挥着效力。 巨汉在门的对面怒吼。 这样的话就不用担心他会打破封锁的门了吧。 吉赛尔擦了擦额头的冷汗,如今他的心脏还因为恐惧剧烈跳动。 吉赛尔再次对自己的无力产生了实感。就算自己拿着剑,肯定也不可能取胜。如果自己真的成为冒险者的话,到底能从这种劫难中幸存几次呢? 少年单手按压着剧烈跳动的心脏,巨汉至今还在门的对面发狂。 少年产生了想要立刻逃到安全场所的冲动,但—— 吉赛尔喘了口气看向四周。 艾米拉现在在干什么呢? 希望她没事—— * 妖术师好色的目光正游走在耀眼的肌肤上。 束缚着少女的傀儡群的手指也在玷污着少女的身体。 “嘿嘿嘿……看吧,你这表情不是挺可爱的嘛。脸上的红潮也很美哦。” “住……住手……!” 为了夹紧被强迫掰开的大腿,艾米拉正拼命扭动身体。但傀儡的拘束非常牢固,少女的四肢就好像被锁住一样。老人小刀的刀尖就好像触手一样撩拨着艾米拉的肌肤。在身上肆无忌惮的污泥手指就像浑浊的粘液一样侵入了衣服内侧。为了从这份屈辱中逃脱,艾米拉正拼命抵抗—— “好了,就让我看看你的精神能保持到何时吧。不过,如果你能温柔地向我求饶的话,我倒是可以考虑——” “哼……才怪……!” 状况十分绝望。 不过她到最后都没松开短剑。 因为战斗是自己的救命稻草。 不过,如今却显得如此无力。 自己根本不可能成为普通人。 自己根本不可能像一个普通的女孩子生活。 因此自己才会对这群人紧追不放。因此自己才立誓要将他们斩尽杀绝。 就算这与伙伴们的期望背道而驰—— 泪水也好,耻辱也好,她都会将其化为敌意,少女瞪着猿猴男。 视线里露着杀气。 老人猛地笑了出来—— “那我就不客气了——” Just at this very moment. 老人脸色突变看向相反的方向。 “唔……!” 艾米拉听到了有些耳熟的声音。 《沉入黑暗的彼端吧……解咒! " 与此同时,具现化的玛纳剧烈摇动,连艾米拉都能直接视认,玛纳宛如青白色的闪电在少女的周围肆虐。感到束缚身体的傀儡群的手臂瞬间失去了力量。少女趁机摆脱了拘束。抱着少女的傀儡们一个个分崩离析回归了尘土。 艾米拉一着地便立刻拔剑砍断了一只幸存的傀儡。自己身边的傀儡几乎都崩毁了,但是远处的几只傀儡仍然健在。 “哼,魔术师吗……!” 赶来支援的正是银发的少年。 吉赛尔·安德布尔库林。 “解咒”——那原本是能将各种玛纳产生的作用利用魔力强行消除的魔术。不过因为是少年释放的,所以只有效果范围内的傀儡变成了泥土。 “艾米拉!没事吧!” 剩下的傀儡一齐冲向了大喊的少年。 “不过我召唤了很多哦。只要分散的话,就算'解咒'也无法全部处理。而且只要我的人偶持续干扰,你根本不可能编成构筑式。” “可恶……!” 少年机敏地从傀儡的魔掌下钻过,但在艾米拉看来他的动作非常危险。吉赛尔的剑术和体术确实比菜鸟要稍微好一点,不过完全算不上熟练。艾米拉砍倒了向自己袭来的敌人,同时将左手的短剑扔向了少年。 “吉赛尔!” "Oh!" 吉赛尔心有灵犀地接到了短剑,连头也不回直接切开了从背后迫近的傀儡。不过这种武器根本不会对敌人造成致命伤,所以效果也只是暂时的—— “可恶,这样根本没完没了……” 艾米拉也在不停地驱赶着复苏的傀儡,同时赶到吉赛尔的身边。她架起短剑守护着吉赛尔的身后说道。 “我来拖住它们,你趁机再用一次刚才的魔术——” “嘿嘿……那么这招如何?” 老人笑了笑,用短刀刺向了自己的手掌。 滴答,鲜血滴落,融入地面。 紧接着,大地沸腾了。 嘣嘣嘣嘣嘣,随着沸腾涌出的,是比刚才要大上一圈的泥土傀儡。而且这种傀儡还出现了三只。这样的话,艾米拉一个人很难争取时间。数量实在太多了。 “给我上。这次我不会手下留情了。” 霍多下令—— "Yep?" 霍多一脸讶异。 艾米拉也注意到了。 大地——周围的地面正摇曳着青白色的光芒。这团青白色火焰和刚才吉赛尔的“解咒”所产生的物质化玛纳一样,只见火苗不断地从地面喷出。这个现象好像大出猿猴男的预料—— “你小子……到底对我的魔术阵做了什么……!” 老人的脸上第一次露出狼狈的神色。 少年则一脸困惑地看着周围。 “做了什么呢……啊,原来如此。” 周围的傀儡全都痛苦地扭动起来。他们开始逐渐融化,溃不成形,最终回归了尘土—— “难道,因为受到你的体质影响?” “恩,也、也许吧……毕竟我的体质好像和混沌魔术八字不合。” 不,这种情况应该说是天赐良缘吧。 毕竟所有的傀儡好像都失去了控制,全部崩坏了。 就在少女如此认为的瞬间。 猿猴男刚刚召唤出的傀儡也抱头倒下了—— 看上去也快要崩溃了。 但这三只傀儡并没有沉入地面,而是来回匍匐,好像渴求身体一般向彼此伸出手,它们的身体不断崩溃,并逐渐化为一个整体。就像这些傀儡出现时一样,这些泥土不断生出无数亡者,紧接着再次化为了土块——这个过程正不停地在眼前轮回。 “到、到底怎么回事……完全无法进行制御……!” 猿猴男满是皱纹的脸上染上了焦躁的神情。 轰隆隆隆隆……污泥不断滴落。 变成了一个巨大团块的“那个”抬起了头。 “那是,什么……” 艾米拉紧张地满头冷汗。 “我说过的吧。”吉赛尔抬头看着“那个”,干笑着说道。“我这体质并不方便,不仅能破坏魔术——有时候,还会让魔术暴走。” “那个”是无数的泥土人偶汇聚而成的巨人。 巨人的外形基本与人类无疑。不过却很诡异,它粗大的手臂上还长出了无数细小的手臂。手、手指、手腕、腿部、腹部、头部、脚部、股间都长出了和人一样的头、手指、手臂等等等等,交错盘结,完全就是一场错位的异形盛宴。还有和耳朵、鼻子、屁股相似的东西。各种各样的拟似器官从这个巨人身体各个部位长了出来,简直就像噩梦。看上去就像是把无数人偶胡乱拼凑的噩梦,简直就是噩梦的粘土作品—— 这个身高五米的污泥巨人慢慢站了起来,俯视着吉赛尔他们。 “真没想到……我的魔术竟然还蕴藏着这种可能性……!” 老人无比喜悦地发出感叹。 boom--! 巨人对准吉赛尔他们挥下了噩梦的铁锤—— 少年和少女急忙跳起,躲开了巨大的一拳。艾米拉在闪避的同时反手砍了上去,不出意外,钢铁的刀刃果然无法造成致命伤,砍裂的部分迅速被溢出的污泥复原了。 “哈哈……果然无法制御……不过这已经是万幸的收获了。我就此告辞了。” "stop……!" 艾米拉喊道,并拔出飞刀向老人扔去。不过,拥有与体
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