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Chapter 15 Chapter fifteen

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary business ventures in the entire history of the restaurant industry.It was built on broken ruins, it will be built on broken ruins, that is, in the future, when it is built, it has actually been- One of the main problems with time travel is not that you just happen to become your own father or mother.In fact, the problem of becoming your own father or mother is not difficult for an open-minded and adaptable family.Problems like changing the course of history are equally easy to solve -- the course of history does not change because it is like a jigsaw puzzle, the parts have already been put together and fit together perfectly.All the important changes have already been made, and the only things you can change are small details.In the end, the historical process will take care of itself and arrange everything properly.

The main problem is actually very simple, just a syntax problem.The main academic work in this area is "The Time Traveler's Handbook of 1001 Tenses Formation" by Dr. Strait Mensenell.Let's say something should have happened to you in the past.To get around this, you jump forward two days through time travel.So, what tense should be used to describe this matter, this book will tell you.There are many variations in the tense of this event, depending on whether you are talking about it in terms of your natural point in time, a point in the future future, or a point in the future past. point in time.If you're doing time travel while you're talking about it -- jumping from one time period to another, trying to become your own mother or father -- then it's even more complicated by the tense . .

Most readers of this scholarly monograph will get to the chapter on "Future Semi-Conditional Modifier Inverted Declension Past Subjunctive Intentional Tense" before giving up their efforts.Therefore, in the re-edition of this book, this chapter was previously blank to save printing costs. Skipping over this tangled academic abstraction lightly, he just mentioned a sentence: The term "future perfect tense" has been abandoned because it was found to be impossible to exist. Closer to home: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary business ventures in the entire history of the restaurant industry.

It is built on the ruins of an eventual doomed planet that is (will be) encased in a giant time bubble and bulges forward in time, reaching the moment at the end of the universe, also It was the moment when the restaurant at the end of the universe existed. Many will say it's impossible. In it, guests find (will have found) their seats at a table, eat (will have) a sumptuous meal, and watch (will have watched) the entire universe explode around them. Many would say that is equally impossible. You can go to (then will have been) any seat you like, without having to book in advance (before then), because you can return to your own time (you can have booked, already After being already back in your own time) book retroactively, as if you had previously booked.

Many will now conclude that this is absolutely impossible.You can meet and dine with (and will already meet and dine with) the most fascinating representatives of all human beings that exist in all time and space This, too, will now be deemed impossible, You can visit this restaurant as many times as you like (revisiting visits and so on - for further tense corrections see Dr. Don Streeter Munchennell), except that Just make sure you never run into yourself, as that usually leads to a very embarrassing situation. Skeptics will say that is clearly impossible, even if the rest of the story about the restaurant is true (which it is not).All you need to do is to create your own account.That way, when you come to the end of time, compound interest will work to mean that your huge meal bill has already been paid for.

Many have already claimed that this is not only impossible but absurd.That's why advertising executives in Bustabron Galaxy put up a tagline like this: "If you've done six impossible things this morning, why don't you go to 'End of the Sky' - the restaurant at the end of the universe - and eat How about a breakfast to sum it all up?"
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