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Chapter 8 chapter eight

"So, do we just sit here, or do we do something else?" asked Zaphod angrily. "What do those guys out there want?" "I want you - Beeblebrox," Rosta said. "They're going to take you to Frogstar—the most evil world in the galaxy." "Oh, yes?" said Zaphod, "but they've got to get on here first and get me." "They've come and caught you," Rosta said. "Look out of the window." Zaphod took one look, then stood there dumbfounded. "The ground is gone!" he gasped +''Where did they get the ground,'

"They took the building away." Rosta said +'_We are already in the air. ·, Clouds pass by the office window. Outside, in the sky, Zaphod saw dark green Frogstar battleships surrounding the uprooted tower.The powerful light beams they emitted passed through the tower, intertwined with each other, forming a tight network, firmly supporting the tower. Zaphod shook his head in bewilderment. "What have I done to suffer like this?" he said. "I walked into a building and they took the building away." "They're not worried about what you've done," Rosta said, "but what you're going to do."

"Really? But why don't I even know it myself?" "Years ago, you know. You'd better hold on to nothing. We're going to have a quick, bumpy ride." "If I ever met myself," said Zaphod, "I'd beat myself up so badly I wouldn't know what got me." Marvin staggered in from the door, stared at Zaphod with an inquiring expression on his face, then slumped into a corner, and turned off his power supply smoothly. At this moment, the bridge of the "Heart of Gold" was silent.Arthur stared at the shelf in front of him, thinking about something.Trillian shot him an inquiring look, and his gaze met hers, before returning to the shelf.

Finally, he finally saw it. He chained five from a pile of small plastic cubes and placed them on the floor in front of the rack. Each of the five small squares has a letter, E, x, O, u, and I.He placed them next to the other four letters s, I, T and E. "Exoui, exquisite," he said, "three times three, three times the division. I'm afraid the score is too high." The spaceship jolted and messed up the letters for the nth time. Trillian sighed and rearranged them again. The footsteps of Chief Ford echoed in the quiet corridor.He strides inside the spaceship!Inanimate equipment.

Why is the spaceship vibrating constantly?he thinks.Why is it wobbling, shaking, why he can't figure out where they are, the basic question: where are they, The tower on the left of the office building flies through the interstellar space. Compared with all other Ligong buildings in the entire universe, its speed is unprecedented. In a room in the middle of the tower, Zaphod Beeblebrox was stalking angrily. Rosta sat on the edge of the table, doing his daily maintenance on his towels. "Hey, where did you say the building was going?" Zaphod asked. "Frogstar," Rosta replied, "the most evil place in the universe."

"Is there anything to eat there," said Zaphod. "Eat? You're about to go to Frogstar, and you still worry about whether they have food there!" "I wouldn't go to Frogstar if I didn't have something to eat." Outside the window, they could see nothing but the flicker of powerful beams, and the distorted silhouette of a Frogstar battleship. At such high speeds, space itself was invisible and unreal. "Come on, lick this," Rosta said, handing him the towel. Zaphod stared at him, as if expecting a cuckoo to pop out of his forehead with a slight leap.

"It's been soaked in a nutrient solution," Rosta explained. "Who are you, a sleazy eater, or something else?" said Zaphod. "The yellow streaks are rich in protein, the green ones contain a blend of vitamins B and C, and the pink florets contain malt extract." Zaphod took the towel and looked at it in surprise. "Where are the brown spots," he asked. "BBQ sauce," says Rosta, "for when the malt gets sick of you." Zaphod sniffed it dubiously, More dubiously, he licked one corner, and then spit out a mouthful of saliva immediately.

"Pooh!" "Well," says Rosta, "whenever I have to lick that end, I usually lick the other end." "Why?" asked Zaphod suspiciously, "what's in that end?" "Antidepressants," Rosta said. "This kind of towel, I know, you should keep it for your own use." Zaphod said, and handed it back. Rosta took the towel back from him, jumped off the table, X walked around the table a few steps, and finally sat down on the chair, crossing his legs on the table. "Beeblebrox," he said, putting his hands behind his head, "do you have any idea of ​​what you're about to encounter on Frogstar?"

"Will they give me something to eat?" Zaphod ventured a hopeful guess. "They'll feed you," said Rosta, "the Absolute Perspective Vortex!" Zaphod had never heard of it.He's convinced that he's heard all the fun things in the galaxy, so he's decided that perspective whirlwinds are never fun.He asked Rostana what it was. "It is nothing more than," said Rosta, "the worst form of mental torture a sentient being can suffer." Zaphod nodded resignedly. "That is," he said, "nothing to eat, eh?" "Listen!" Rosta said urgently, "You can kill a person, destroy his body, and crush his spirit, but only the absolute perspective vortex can completely destroy a person's soul! This process only takes a few seconds, but But it is enough to affect the rest of the body's entire life!"

"Have you tried the Pan Galactic Gargle Blast?" asked Zaphod tartly. "This one is even scarier." "Wow!" Zaphod looked shocked. "You know why these guys want to do this to me?" he added after a moment. "What they think, they know what you're looking for." "Will they write me a note and let me know, too?" "You know it," Rosta said. "You know it, Beeblebrox. You want to meet the One who rules the universe." "Can he cook?" said Zaphod.After pondering for a moment, he added, "I doubt it. If he can cook well, he won't worry about other things in the universe. What I want to see most is actually a chef."

Rosta sighed heavily. "But what are you doing here," asked Zaphod suddenly, "what does all this have to do with you?" "I was one of the masterminds of the whole thing, with Zarniwoop, with Wilton Wanks, with your great-grandfather, and with you, Beeblebrox." "I." "Yes you. Before this, I have been told that you have changed, but I didn't realize how much this changed at the time." "But" "I'm here to get a job done. I'm going to get it done before I leave you." "What job, man! What are you talking about?" "I'm going to finish it before I leave you." After speaking, Rosta fell into an inexplicable silence. Zaphod was overjoyed.
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