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Chapter 30 Chapter Thirty

Zaphod Beeblebrox was crawling bravely through the tunnel, as special as ever.Confused himself, he crawled on.Because he is very brave. He was confused because of what he had just seen.However, what he will hear next will definitely confuse him even more.So we'd better know his exact location. He is in the robot war zone hundreds of miles above the star. The thin air here offers no protection against any cosmic rays.Of course, cosmic rays don't bother to shine here. He parked the Heart of Gold among the crowded giant warships.There is one building that is the grandest and presumably the most important.He walked in with only a gun and painkillers on him.

He entered a long empty, dimly lit corridor, which he found suitable for hiding.So he hid, because the version of the robot may appear at any time.Although he had a fun time in the hands of the Banqiu robot, but that time was extremely painful, and he definitely didn't want to relive that time. He slipped into a room at the end of the corridor.The room was equally empty and bleak. Actually, it's a museum.There was only one exhibit - a pile of wreckage.It was badly burned beyond recognition.Zaphod Beeblebrox has now made up that ancient history lesson (the one he left off while trying to hook up the girl-next-door - and failing -), so he's got it all figured out.He also cleverly guessed that this is the spaceship that fell here from outside the dust cloud hundreds of millions of years ago.It's where it all started.

However, he was confused, something was wrong with this thing. It is indeed a wreck.It did burn.However, anyone with a little experience can easily see that it is indeed not a spaceship.It appears to be a one-to-one model - a knockoff.In other words, if you want to build a spaceship, but don't know how to do it, it's still a bit of a reference.However, it cannot fly at all by itself. He felt very strange—to be precise, before he had time to be surprised, the door opened suddenly, and two begging robots walked in.They looked sullen.Zaphod didn't want to deal with them.It is said that prudence is the pillar of courage, so timidity must be the pillar of prudence.Thinking of this, he bravely hid in the cabinet.

This cabinet is actually the top of a vent.It leads to a ventilation tunnel.So he crawls in, and that's where we see him at the beginning of the chapter. He doesn't like it here.It's cold and dark in here, very uncomfortable and scary.So, after climbing a few hundred yards, he turned in as soon as he saw a corner. This time, he broke into a smaller room that seemed to be the computer hub.The place where he came out happened to be in the gap between the computer and the wall. Soon he discovered that he was not alone here.So he was about to slip away again.At this time, the conversation between the two people in the room caught his attention.

"There's something wrong with the robots, sir," said a voice. "There's something wrong with them." "what is the problem?" These two men are officers of the Banqiu army.All the military leaders live in the air, live in the robot war zone.Those leaders couldn't see what kind of whimsy and confusion filled the hearts of the people on the earth. "Well, sir, I think it's because we're going to use that supernova bomb. After all, we've got our covers cracked, and the chances of using them are dwindling." "Get to the point."

"The robot is not happy, sir." "what?" "It seems...sir, they have lost their morale from the war. They have developed a world-weary mood, or you can say a universe-weary mood." "Ah, that's okay. They're supposed to destroy the universe." "Yeah, um...but they're having a little trouble, sir. They seem to be getting fatigued. They just can't pull themselves together. They're out of breath." "what do you want to say in the end?" "Well, I think they're kind of desperate. Sir." "For the sake of the version, what are you talking about?"

"Well, they seem to have this kind of situation: when they go into battle, they pick up their weapons and are about to fire, and suddenly they think: why bother? On a macro level, what's the point? And then they get tired and unhappy. " "and then?" "Well, they're probably going to solve some quadratic equations, sir. Do some super hard equations. Then they get depressed." "depressed?" "Yes, sir." "Who ever heard of a robot being depressed?" "I don't know, sir." "what sound?" It was the sound of Zaphod leaving bewildered.

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