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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven

The mountain is still the same mountain, but it is not what it used to be. This time, it's no longer a phantom.They are really standing on the stars.Among the trees, their vehicle was parked—the weird Italian restaurant.In this way, they came to the real version of Qiuxing. The lush grass underfoot was real, the fertile soil was real, and the intoxicating aroma of the bushes was real, too.The night is also true. version for stars. Here, perhaps the most dangerous place in the galaxy - as long as you're not begging for help.People here hate all outsiders.At the sight of an outsider, these lovely, happy, and intelligent residents immediately howl in fear, rage, and malice.

Arthur shivered. Slartibartfast shuddered. Ford even fought a cold war. It is not unusual for him to have a cold war, but the strangest thing is that he actually came.However, after sending Zaphod away, Ford suddenly regretted not running away. It shouldn't be.He murmured in his heart.No, no, no.He gripped the gun tightly in his hand.They each took one from Zaphod's armory. Trillian shivered, frowning and looking up at the sky. The sky is also not what it used to be.It is no longer empty. After 2,000 years of version-qiu wars, and 10 billion years (local time: five years) sealed in the cover, the landscape of version Qiuxing has not changed much.But the sky has become very different.

In the sky, there are faint lights and large shadows. In that version of the sky that people never look at, there is a war zone, a robot zone-there are giant warships and suspended towers.This no-man's land just floats above the idyllic sky. Trillian watched all this.Lost in thought. "Trianne," Ford whispered to her. "Huh?" she said. "what are you doing?" "Think about things." "Do you breathe so loudly when you think about things?" "I didn't notice." "It makes me nervous." "I think I know..." Trillian said.

"Shh!" Slati Bartfast hissed vigilantly, pointing to the distance behind the tree shadow with trembling hands. They saw a scene similar to the videotape.Some lights moved slowly along the mountain path, but instead of lanterns, they were flashlights—not a huge change, but they were still frightened.The songs about flowers and farms and dead dogs are gone.What they heard was a heated argument in a low voice. A beam of light streaked across the air inexplicably.Arthur's hair stood on end and he choked. Soon, another group of people appeared.They came from the other side of the dark hill.They acted quite quickly and obviously with purpose.They swept around with flashlights in hand.

Those people were obviously searching the mountain, and it was none other than Arthur and his party. Arthur vaguely heard Ford raise the gun; Slartibartfast, choked with sobs, raised the gun too.Arthur touched the cold and heavy gun in his hand, and raised it tremblingly. He fumbled off the safety catch and, like Ford, attached the super-dangerous catch.He was shaking badly.If he shoots at this time, he may brand his signature on the opponent. Only Trillian did not raise her gun.She raised her eyebrows and lowered them again.She bit her lip. "Have you..." she began.It's a pity that no one wants to talk now.

A beam of light came from behind.They turned around, and there was another group of beggars standing in front of them, all holding flashlights in their hands. Ford managed to fire two shots, but the recoil was so strong that the gun jerked out of his hand. The silence of fear.No one shoots anymore. Finally, no one fired. They were surrounded by pale beggars.All around are the beams of flashlights. The prey stares at the hunter, and the hunter watches the prey. "Hello?" a hunter said, "Excuse me, may I ask...are you aliens?"
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