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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

"Okay!" Ford shouted to Arthur, "Yes, I'm a coward, but at least I'm still alive." Everyone has boarded the Mathematics Spaceship of the Italian Pavilion, Slarti Bartfast, Trillian, are all here. "Yeah, but I'm alive too, aren't I?" Arthur shot back sharply.His eyebrows were bouncing up and down, as if in a fight. "You almost died, kid!" yelled Ford. Arthur turned back to Slarti Bartfast, who was sitting in the driver's seat, staring thoughtfully at the bottom of the bottle of wine—there might be something in it.Arthur asked him:

"Tell me, did he understand what I just said?" He asked excitedly. "I don't know," Slartibartfast replied absently, "I'm not sure I heard you." He glanced at Arthur, then turned his eyes to the bottle again, more focused and serious than before, "You can explain," he said. "that is……" "But wait. Something terrible is coming." He tapped the wine bottle made of fake glass. "I'm afraid our trip to the party was pretty unsuccessful," he said. "Our only hope now is to stop the robots from using the keys. How? I don't know." He murmured, "We'll have to go .I think. Of course, I don't want to. Maybe die."

"Where's Trillian?" Arthur noticed suddenly.He was angry with Ford, because Ford complained that he should not keep pestering Thor so that everyone could escape faster.Arthur thought—and he hoped everyone would agree—that he had acted tactfully and bravely. Unfortunately, the general consensus is that his ideas are worthless.What's more hurtful is that Trillian didn't say anything, and went where she didn't know. "Where's my potato chips?" Ford asked. "Both of them," Slarti Bartfast replied without looking up, "are in the information hallucination room. I guess the lady is working on some galactic history questions. I guess the bag of potato chips is helping out. .”

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