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Chapter 21 Chapter 21

The longest, most destructive party of all time is now in its fourth generation, and no one wants to leave.Someone looked at the watch though—that was eleven years ago, and no one has looked at it since. It was such a catastrophe that it would be unbelievable if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.But if you don't really want to believe it, don't go.Really uncomfortable. Occasionally, there would be rumbling sounds and flashes of light in the clouds.Some say it was a war between several competing carpet-cleaning companies that usually hover in the sky.Of course, you can't trust what you say at a party; especially what you say at this party.

There is a growing phenomenon: everyone at the party is either the son, grandchild or great-grandchild of the first-generation attendees.Given the reasons for selective breeding and genetic degradation, it's reasonable to believe that the people at the party are now either hardcore partygoers, bombastic idiots, or—increasingly likely—both. In a word, this means: In general, each generation wants to leave here less than the last. Then other problems ensued.For example, the wine is almost finished. So, some things, just because they sound like a good idea (a big problem with a never-ending party: Ideas that sound good at the party, are forever considered bad ideas when they get here. Nice idea), which obscures something more important.

For example, here's an idea that sounds pretty good: parties should fly—not "fly as happy" as they usually say, but actually fly. Among the first generation of participants was a bunch of drunk interstellar engineers.One night many years ago, they staggered around outside the building, digging here, knocking there, and attaching parts to the building.At sunrise the next morning, the sun was amazed to find itself shining on a building floating in the air - a building full of happy drunk people - and it flew up like a bird Like a bird spreading its wings on top of a tree. And that's not enough, the flying party is armed with powerful weapons again.If there is any small trouble with the wine merchant, they need to have the strength to speak.

It's easy to go from a full-time cocktail party to an occasional robbery party.What's more, everyone is in desperate need of some new excitement and new fun-over the years, the band has played all the songs they can play countless times. They plundered, they robbed, they blackmailed cities for more cheese crackers, avocado juice, pork ribs, wine and strong liquor.These were later packed in floating containers and piped into the building. After all, the problem of running out of wine will be faced one day. The planet below them was no longer the planet it had been. It's in very bad shape.

The party attacked and plundered it many times, but it was unable to fight back effectively—the party was in the sky, elusive and elusive. That was definitely a horrible party. It is definitely a terrible thing to be hit by it in the lower back.
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