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Chapter 41 postscript

Hello everyone, I am Honobu Yonezawa.This time I present to you the fourth work in the series, in the form of a collection of short stories. Looking back on my student days, although I didn't feel that student life was so comfortable at all, I was still terrified of the fact that "student life has a time limit".I had believed that the cycle of "semester 3 and term 1" would repeat itself endlessly.There will be such thoughts, maybe it is to escape the facts.In other words, I'm probably not good at timing. Even when writing stories, I'm not good at making the time that was once fixed flow again, and the relationship between the characters that was once structured regenerates and changes.I once hoped that Tang Seng could wander on the road full of demons forever, and I also hoped that Yaji Kita's silly and funny journey would never end.I don't want them to reach Tianzhu or Ise.

However, it is time to sit on the throne of the protagonist of this book.Excluding the time when the characters on the stage have just met or are not familiar, this book describes the stories of the first semester, summer vacation, second semester, winter vacation, third semester, spring vacation, etc.As for why I suddenly changed my mind, the reason is really a long story.If I really want to elaborate, I guess this should not be called "postscript" but "author's commentary".Simply put, I have "reconciled" with time.The characters on the stage have walked together for a year, and the distance between them cannot be unchanged.Because of this, I had the idea of ​​describing this change.

Speaking of which, the distance between them did not change drastically.Because the change is relatively gentle, this book got the name of "Ruyuan's Hina Doll". Also, since this is a collection of short stories, I set up various scenarios, and thanks to that, I also tried many forms of reasoning.Readers who are familiar with this series and reasoning works may be able to see that the "handmade chocolate incident" may use flashback reasoning techniques. If this book can pique your interest in speculative works, then I hope "someone who knows" can bring you to Harry?Comeman's "Nine Kilometers Walk", "Happy New Year's Eve" can lead you to read Jack?"Escape from Cell 13" by Futcher.

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